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Snow Covered Moon

Page 44

by L M Adams

  Tabari is warning them about getting blood on the car, Peter told him to go fuck himself. Lucien finally sets Peter down on his feet.

  Jack walks over to me; he looks paler than he did earlier. I reach up and grab him by the collar around his neck. His eyes widen. I pull him towards me.

  “You will go eat and rest. I will be fine.” I look into his eyes daring him to challenge me.

  He sighs and cuts his eyes to the side with attitude. I yank his collar again.

  “Yes, Jae.”

  I kiss him quickly and push him away from me. Hard headed, horny Blood Lord vampire. Can’t the man see I’m trying to look out for him? No, everyone has to give Jae attitude today.

  Lucien slides behind the driver’s wheel of the crossover, I hop in the front seat. Peter is stretched out on the back seat with his hurt leg propped. He looks angry, but not close to death like the last time I had to take him to Big Mike’s with a gunshot wound.

  We make good time to Big Mike’s. The gravel parking lot is pretty full. Most of the wolves in his pack will be here tonight, even ones traveling from Pennsylvania, Delaware and Virginia. Everyone seems to be inside. Yeah, the man has a huge pack. He’s got major mojo to be able to hold it together. Most packs this size split off into smaller groups. But not Big Mike. He’s a good Amarok and it shows.

  This time I’m thinking it’s better to get Big Mike and bring him out. It won’t do to make a spectacle… again. I am the Grigori now, plus I want to take my ass whooping in private, thank you very much.

  “Wait in the car, I’ll go get him,” I sigh and open the door.

  I walk up onto the wooden wraparound porch. Yeah, there’s a nice crowd inside. I can see through one of the windows beside the door. I open the screen door and walk in. Every seat is pretty much filled, everyone is talking or drinking beers; I feel the pack magic moving in the room and the smell of wolf, real wolf. Not the not-wolf shit my nose has been full of lately. Knots seem to loosen in my gut. My boots make a heavy sound as I walk across the wooden floor. No one really pays me any mind; they’re all used to me coming here.

  Big Mike is behind the bar, with a… what do you know?…, a blue flannel shirt on today. Huh, the man has multiple colors of the same horrific shirt. I think to make a crack about it, but that might not be the best idea right now.

  “Um, hey Big Mike, can I talk to you outside for a second?” I say, forcing a smile.

  He sighs like I’m disturbing him while he’s in the middle of the most important thing in the world. But he makes his way around to this side of the bar, pausing to kiss his wife Annette.

  I wave at her, I’ve always liked Annette. She smiles back at me, a warm, welcoming smile. God but the two of them don’t seem to match. I guess opposites do attract. I turn and lead Big Mike out into the afternoon sun.

  I clear my throat as we reach the gravel parking lot. “So, Peter got shot again…”. Big Mike growls. “He’s fine though.” I rush to add.

  Big Mike stops in his tracks. I stop a little in front of him and turn around looking up to him. He just stares down at me until I shrink into myself. His eyes have gone all wolfy.

  They are very pretty eyes, a golden color with specks of green. I’d tell him if he didn’t look like he wanted to rip my throat out. He takes a step forward, I take one back. Coward? Me? Nooo. Then I hear Lucien get out of the car.

  I close my eyes, not a good idea bringing Lucien maybe? But Jack needed to feed and rest, I couldn’t bring him. He’s done more than his fair share.

  “I didn’t shoot him.” I say hoping that’ll make it a little better. I open my eyes peeking at him.

  Lucien walks up and stands beside me. Lucien is a bit bigger than Big Mike but Big Mike is Amarok. Lucien is a very powerful daemon, sure, but I still don’t know who would win. All I know is, if they fought, I would lose.

  I hand it to Big Mike he’s really bringing in his temper with a force of will. I feel the push of pack power roll back inside of him.

  The car door opens, its Peter.

  “I’m fine, Uncle Mike!”

  Uncle Mike? Since when is Peter calling him Uncle Mike?

  Big Mike brushes past me and Lucien, grunting in Lucien’s direction, and goes to Peter. I walk up behind him, Lucien follows my movements. Peter dangles his leg out the door, showing his ‘mortal wound’.

  “What the fuck happened? And what is that god awful smell?” Big Mike asks Peter.

  I think I’m going to let Peter take point on this one. I turn to walk off.

  “Don’t you dare leave, girl.” Big Mike’s voice stops me dead in my tracks. I sigh.

  “You are supposed to be taking care of him, yet you’ve brought him to my place shot, twice in the span of three days?!” Big Mike’s voice is booming, so I guess everyone has to know what’s going on.

  “In my defense, his friend shot him the first time, and I didn’t shoot him this time, either. A not-wolf did.” Ok so my defense is a little weak, but it’s what I’ve got.

  “What in the Great Wolf Mother’s name is a not-wolf?!” He takes a step towards me. Lucien shoves Big Mike back and stands in front of me. I move to the side. Big Mike straightens up again with a push of magic so thick I feel as if I’m rolling around in wolf pelt, musty and wild.

  “Lucien! Stop it!” I half order, half beg.

  Heat comes off of him so heavily, breathing it in might burn my lungs. I rush to stand in front of Lucien, he tries to push me behind him.

  “Enough!” Peter yells with a voice so loud I know it had a magical push.

  I turn to see a huge wolf head superimposed over Peter’s face, that shit is freaky. I turn to Big Mike. He has his head cocked to the side looking at Peter very strangely.

  “I’m sitting here bleeding in a fucking car. While the three of you argue over what? Nothing! Will someone take these goddamn bullets out so I can heal?!”

  Peter’s eyes have gone all wolf now. I feel power rolling around him too; it’s different from Big Mike’s but still there. Peter is going to be an Alpha someday, hot shit. Maybe even an Amarok.

  “Annette!” Big Mike yells. She comes through the door quickly which lets me know everyone is probably watching from the windows. They’d felt their Amarok pull power.

  So much for this being private. I don’t even know why I tried.

  Annette walks right over to Peter clicking her tongue, like the gunshot wounds are ‘boo-boos.’

  I’ve always liked Annette. The testosterone in the air lessens immediately with her near. Why don’t I have that calming effect on men? I either make them mad or horny, never any middle ground.

  “Can you walk, Peter?” comes her soft, musical voice.

  He cuts his eye to Lucien, who actually smiles back.

  “Yes, thank you, I can walk just fine.”

  Lucien and I stand to the side quietly as Peter painfully and slowly hobbles to the building. Big Mike walks beside him, ready to catch Peter if he stumbles. Annette is already in the building issuing orders.

  Big Mike turns to me as they are about to go through the door, finally.

  “Don’t go far, girl, we need to talk and you will need to feed him!” He looks to Lucien for a moment and goes in behind Peter.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  The truth hurts

  I let out a breath and look to Lucien.

  “Were you really going to fight Big Mike?”

  He shrugs his shoulder looking at the building.

  “He wasn’t going to touch you, I know that much.”

  “He was upset, Big Mike would never hurt me,” I say, placating him.

  “He’s a wolf, the day of a full moon. Who knows what he’s about to do?” Lucien says.

  “He’s my friend, Lucien,” I say in a chiding voice.

  “Why am I always the bad guy for wanting to protect you, Jae?” he says turning to look at me.

  I shrug my shoulder at him. See I can do the unfeeling, irritating barbarian thing too. I don’t want prot

  But then you blame him for not saving us from Sheba.

  I know.

  I sigh trying to work it out in my mind.

  “You don’t give me a chance to protect myself,” I say out loud.

  Doesn’t really make sense, but it does in some ways. If Lucien had his way, I’d be barefoot and in the kitchen in no time. Good thing for me I can’t even get pregnant for another fifty years or so. Jack lets me be what I am. He’s at my side if I need him but doesn’t try to change my mind or tell me it’s too dangerous. As long as I don’t try to seduce the seven with a not-wolf, I remind myself.

  “Maybe I don’t. You’re an independent woman. I have a hard time letting you go off on your own,” Lucien says.

  “I know and I understand, it’s not like I haven’t given you plenty of reason to be concerned. I hope we can make this work, all of us; you, me, and Jack.”

  “So, I’m stuck with dealing with the bloodsucker?” Lucien says all gruffy like.

  I smile, “Yeah I think so. Doesn’t mean he’s taking your place. I want both of you in my life if you can accept it. He knows you’ll be the Alpha.”

  In a rare show from Lucien, “Yeah, he’s not so bad,” he says, pulling me into his arms to stand between his legs.

  I let him pull me close, drawn to the rare bit of comfort Lucien is offering.

  “I’m afraid of what the Kindred will say.” I finally let my true fear leak out in the safety of Lucien’s arms.

  “I know. But all shall be fine, too many people are involved with whatever this is now. Letting them know is the right decision.” He’s stroking my back lightly. Lucien has always made the world seem so simple, when it’s everything but.

  “How are things back home?”

  He stiffens. He doesn’t want to tell me. Now to see if he’ll lie; I know they’ve been making his life hell over me.

  “Hard, some days, Jae. Not for me, I don’t care. But it wasn’t easy the way they were so ready to throw you away. I was afraid what I would have to do to keep you safe,” he says low.

  “If they’d sent Reapers after me…”

  He cuts me off. “I would’ve killed them all.”

  I feel happy inside at his declaration of murder. Nothing like a man willing to burn the world to the ground for you. Also maybe a little psychotic, but then bat shit crazy does have a certain sex appeal if you’re into that sort of thing. Which obviously, I am; just look at my choices in men.

  “You can’t go about killing things all the time, Lucien,” I say to his chest.

  He grunts. As in, ‘yeah ok, I’ll kill who I want and I’ll kill them twice if they ever touched you.’ I speak fluent barbarian grunt.

  I choose not to respond.

  “This is nice,” he says after a moment of silence.

  “Yeah, it is we aren’t arguing,” I laugh. He grunts again.

  “You remember the first day I saw you?” His voice is warm with emotion. I hum a little in my throat. I want him to keep talking.

  “You had your hair in a ponytail. Laughing at something Peterus was saying. I said to myself, ‘she is beautiful and fierce, a worthy mate.’ Even at twelve I knew you’d be a beautiful woman. Then you turned those eyes on me, purple and glowing bright with happiness. I thought, ‘But I will never be able to her happy. I will never make her smile like that.’”

  “Yeah, you walked over to me and said, ‘You’re a girl, not a warrior.’ and turned your back on me. I kicked you in the back.” I laugh out loud.

  He scoffs, “I couldn’t believe it. I was already almost twice your size. I meant to say ‘you’re a pretty girl.’ I guess it came out wrong.” I laugh again. “But I knew I’d love no other woman from that moment on. I say this to let you know. I’ve always wished I could be different for you, to make you happy.”

  I pull back and look up to him, “We can’t help what we are Lucien and you do make me happy.”

  He lifts me up and kisses me deeply. My heart breaks for this man, that young boy with no friends. No mother, no father. Only me. And I, I treated him like shit at every turn. But then he did deserve it most of the time.

  “If you two are done, I’d have that word with you now!” Big Mike’s voice sounds from behind me. I pull back from Lucien, looking in his eyes, smiling. They twinkle light with happiness.

  Lucien sets me to my feet and I turn looking at Big Mike. He doesn’t seem so agitated anymore. Lucien steps around me and forward.

  “I’ll apologize to you, sir. I had no right to put my hands on you.” Well isn’t Lucien full of surprises today, I think I really am taming the beast. I smile and look away.

  “It was your right. I would’ve done the same if someone behaved that way towards my Annette.” Big Mike clasps arms with Lucien, they shake.

  “Would you two walk with me?” Big Mike asks and we angle towards the woods.

  I walk hand in hand with Lucien, letting Big Mike lead us. I won’t say anything until he does. I’m figuring he wants to have privacy for this conversation. That’s not easy to do with werewolves about.

  He picks an easy trail. I watch as Big Mike’s shoulders relax in the open space.

  Amarok, it means the lone wolf. He’s responsible for a pack but he’ll always yearn for the wild, he is the wolf strong enough to not need a pack and so is the king of one. The need to be both apart and together, fighting a battle within him. I guess no one’s life is simple.

  The sunlight streams through the trees. The leaves are turning colors, winter is coming. It’s a warm August day though, the walk is soothing. Even Lucien seems to relax after a bit. Birds are singing; the scatter of animals making their dens for the winter.

  Then Big Mike turns and heads down a hill. Lucien and I follow behind him, sliding on the fallen leaves a little as we go down the steep hill. Lucien and I do an ok job, but Big Mike? He moves like he’s part of the forest.

  We make it to a stream with a small stone and sand bank. A little slice of heaven really. I can tell this place is special to Big Mike.

  I sit down and enjoy the sunlight and the peace; the conversation we’re about to have is going to be unpleasant. I already know it. Lucien walks off to the side a little to give us the illusion of privacy although I know he’ll be able to hear every word. After a bit Big Mike clears his throat and I know the unpleasant is about to begin.

  “I’m getting old, girl, and tired. The world keeps changing I’m finding it harder to keep up.” Big Mike says looking across the creek into the woods.

  “The wild calls to my heart now, more than ever. But Jesse,” he shakes his head. “I’m not sure Jesse is ready yet, if he’ll ever be ready. Then Peter comes and you get the Wolf Mother to change him when I could not. Peter is an honorable man, a good man. But to make him my heir means I have to stay longer, teach him our ways, show him the path. Make sure he makes better decisions than I did,” he finishes softly.

  “You’re a great Amarok,” I say softly.

  He laughs harshly. “You think I got a pack this size and was able to stay alive this long, by being a good person? No! I did it by making all the wrong decisions. Annette is my only true accomplishment. That I could get a woman like her to love a man like me.” He shakes his head in thought.

  He takes another heavy breath, “I’ll stay around for Peter, I’ll make the announcement tonight.” He nods his head.

  “But does Peter want to be the new Amarok?” I ask after a moment.

  “He’ll get used to it,” Big Mike says.

  I don’t understand how do you ‘get used’ to something like that? But its Peter’s life, it’s up to him to decide. To be honest, I feel so disconnected from him I don’t know what he’d decide so I say nothing.

  “There’s someone tampering with werewolf genes in the Bâtardis,” I say to change the subject to an even worse subject. I’m just a ray of sunshine and happiness in people’s lives.

  Big Mike turns his head quickly to me. “And you just now deciding to tell m

  “At first it was because… well shit, Big Mike, we have a feeling Jesse has something to do with it. But we can’t prove it. You should’ve seen him when he took us to talk to the families. He was scaring them, keeping them from talking to us,” I say.

  “He may have just been displaying his dominance. We are close to the full moon,” Big Mike says but even he doesn’t believe it; the truth hurts sometimes and no one welcomes that kind of pain.

  “That’s what we said and we know it’s not our place to meddle in intraspecies policies. The Bâtardis seem to fall through the loophole. You aren’t responsible for them. We aren’t either, not really. They only asked me to look into this as a courtesy. But something doesn’t add up. You should’ve seen those things. I’ll never forget it,” I say.

  “Not-wolves?” Big Mike asks.

  I nod my head and unstrap my tablet from my arm. I pull up the pictures we’d taken after our first battle with the not-wolves and hand it to him to flip through the picture book of horror at his own pace. I watch his face as he tries to place the bits and parts together like a jigsaw puzzle in his mind. This puzzle, however, is one the mind would probably rather reject than see and it takes a few pictures before the look of total disgust and horror crosses his face.

  “Unnatural things, stinking of dead things and wolf, bodies stalled in partial change. Some bits human, some wolf. They don’t have the bulk of a true werewolf. You can hit them with silver bullets; they brush it off like it’s a pesky insect. You have to take their heads for them to die.”

  “And why do you think Jesse has something to do with this?” Big Mike asks, his voice a little hoarse.

  I shrug my shoulder. “Those families know something; about the missing Bâtardis, about Jesse; they know something. Mrs. Williams was distraught over her nephew. Jesse sat there the entire time intimidating her and her husband. If it had been you there with us I don’t think you would’ve been like that, full moon coming or not. You’re dominant, not cruel or uncaring.” I surprise myself saying it, because I’ve always thought of dominants as uncaring. It’s why I fought against being one, to keep the dark things out.


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