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Snow Covered Moon

Page 52

by L M Adams

  I cannot hide from him any longer, I don’t want to any longer. I tear down the wall, opening my heart and acknowledge the hatred I hold for myself and above all my desire to learn how to love again.

  I lose the threads of reality, letting him see the damage. I let him see how afraid I am. I see in turn his fears, that he will fail in protecting me, that I will love Jack and not him. Underneath it all, his pure blinding love for me, no matter what comes. I cry out as my sins lay bare for him to see and there’s nowhere left for me to hide.

  “Finally, Jaevia, finally. Now give me my words. Who do you belong to?”

  “I belong to you.” I whisper the words, and come apart in a million pieces, my entire body tries to vibrate on the frequency of his power. It is fast and heady. I’m pretty sure this isn’t allowed. I cannot find the will to care. Our powers mingle and clash and the music is both beautiful and terrifying like crystals shattering and the beautiful chime they make before they’re destroyed surrounds us.

  His Sacral opens to me, it’s very rare he opens up to me.

  “Drink Jaevia, drink your fill.” I feed upon the sun itself, swallowing down the warm shea butter, the lust and desire he’s held for me and only me for such a long time.

  Lucien’s power like honeysuckle on the tongue. There’s so much power he carries, more even than Jack when he’s not tapped directly to Vayrá. I send power down the line that connects me to Peter, feeding his wolf, healing his wounds. I push my own power into Lucien, tearing down the last barrier, getting behind his infinite control. I feel his essence run through my synapses like lava setting a wildfire to each of my chakra making me burn brightly with his power. Still there’s more. I freely feed my succubus, I feed her until even she is tired and lulled by the warmth of the sun.

  “More,” I ask.

  “Take it all my love, take it all.”

  I rip my power out of him, carrying with it the last bit of his passion emptying out deep inside of me. He yells his release as the intense unending pleasure that is me courses through his body. He moans. I feel all of him tremble.


  He half collapses on me, he takes a moment and rolls off me, his cock soft and drained slips out. I don’t even think I could get him hard again tonight.

  “I’ve missed you, Jaevia, I’ve missed us.” He says after a moment, his voice soft. I know instinctively, he’s talking about more than sex. Lucien wants my body, mind, heart, and soul. He’s always been an all-or-nothing kind of guy.

  “Me too, Luey.” I yawn. “Me too.”

  I let the warmth of him chase back my demons, at least for the night. I pass out, lulled by the safety his arms offer. I could be angry for what he’s done, or I could be understanding of his need to claim me again.

  He should not have tried to force our power frequencies to vibrate together, it actually will mix our auras together. It’s not something that should be done lightly. Yet I can’t force myself to be angry about it. I want to be angry, but how can I be? He is my Kindred mate. We shall walk the worlds together. If not this world, then in the Nightlands after our deaths. Some things surpass human interactions of relationships and love, some things are stronger than time and space itself.

  Chapter Forty-five

  Do you still love the dark things ?

  I wake up at a knock on the door. I turn to see Lucien already out of the bed to answer it, he put his boxers and undershirt back on at some point. I rise up on my elbow. The scar tissue on his back peeks out around the edges of the undershirt going all the way out on his shoulders. I really think it forms a pattern, but my sleep-addled mind can’t put it together yet.

  Everything comes rushing back as I stare at him. The hurt Lucien felt is still heavy in my heart. He hurt me, but it was from pain not hatred. I should’ve talked to him before I left the Kindred. I don’t regret much in my life, but I regret that.

  I remember him trying to tune our powers together. I have no idea where he learned that but I have a pretty good idea. Tabari, meddlesome Magi, but goddess that was wonderful. If that is to be our last time, then it was one of our best.

  I reach inside myself, my body laden with power, it feels, good. I moan and stretch I shouldn’t need to feed again for a long while.

  Plenty of power to train Jack with.

  Oh goddess, I’d forced myself to forget about that.

  It’s Jack at the door, letting us know breakfast is ready and reminding us our appointment is in a couple hours, his voice is pinched. Lucien closes the door and turns to look at me, stopping still.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Jaevia.”

  I smile at his praise, and the uncertainty in Lucien’s voice, he doesn’t know how I’ll react to what he did to me last night. My body tightens at the memory. Nothing like a man that takes his vengeance and lays his claim with his dick. I smile in response.

  “I’d like to spend every other night with you. I was serious about giving us a chance again,” I finally say. I hope I’ll be able to, because if my plan goes right, maybe we can have that chance.

  I’ll be in the bitch’s lair soon enough, and then who knows. But if this is the end of me, of us, then he should know I’d opened my heart to him before my death.

  He looks at me in shock, he only nods his head once, he’s always been a man of few words. He dresses quickly and crosses the room kissing me, it’s a deep kiss, arousing me. I want him again, but just for sex.

  “Come back to bed,” I tell him.

  “Oh no, Jaevia, we have work to do; you have fed plenty.”

  “I thought you wanted me to want you just as a man. Not as food.” I say smiling, pushing the covers down to my waist.

  His breath hitches as he looks at my breasts, peaked in desire. He actually licks his lips as if he can taste the flavor of my skin still.

  “I do, doesn’t mean I have to fulfill your wonton needs, wench. I like the thought of you hot and wet missing me, and that it is only me that can reach those places deep inside that need attention.” He laughs pulling away. He’s such a beast. I lay back in the bed as he leaves.

  Today is going to be rough, are you really not looking forward to it? Of course I am, and that’s what bothers me so much about it. I have to pace it right, mix the power with pain, give him time adjust and increase the torment at regular intervals throughout the day. We are the best at this. Not quite sure if slave training is an admirable quality. I think it is. Don’t I already know it? It will be ok, now we both know that’s not true, he will hate me. It’s worth the risk. My succubus and I are in complete agreement.

  “Jack!” I yell not raising my head from the pillow, calling the object of my evil intent to me.

  I feel him run to me, the urgency of his steps. The prayer that his punishment will end now; it’s only just begun. I wouldn’t have to be so harsh if we had time, but I have to find her today. I have to find her before she finds me. The only reason she hasn’t found me is that my name is still registered as Janice Smith, a name she does not know. Tabari’s spelled diamonds keeps her from using magic to find me. But she is drawing closer to me, I feel it. I need Jack to be ready and so this will be bad.

  He comes through the door smelling of citrus, my power coiled inside of him like a vicious snake striking without warning, burning him up, making him unable to think of anything but his engorged cock. Making his mind putty ready to be molded. The torment is written plainly on his face. He’s had no rest.

  “Mistress,” He comes to the side of the bed and bends to one knee. He has on black jogging pants and a white undershirt. Maybe he tried to exercise the lust away? I smile at the thought.

  “I need a shower and I want you to blow dry my hair straight.”

  “Of course, Mistress.” He responds quickly and obediently as a well-trained slave should be.

  I reach out flooding him with more lust to build upon what I already have coursing through his body. Just like I did when we first met at the Secret, the thing he asked me never to

  “Why, Mistress, why? Did I do something to displease you? Tell me what I can do to make amends,” he asks, his teeth clenched tightly, as he tries to adjust to the increased sensation, the desire clawing at his insides.

  “Make sure everyone is fed and bring me coffee after you collect yourself.” I stand up and grab my robe, leaving him kneeling beside the bed shaking in painful desire.

  “Why?!” he cries out as I close the door.

  I shower quickly washing my hair out again. I step out the shower and dry myself down. I make it back to my bedroom. It’s empty but there’s a piping hot cup of coffee on the nightstand, I take my first sip, it’s delicious.

  I pull out a pair of black leggings a purple tank top, bra and panties. I get dressed and strap on my knives and tablet.

  Jack comes back into the room, he’s moving slow, almost folded in on himself. I sit down in the chair still in front of the bureau.

  “I want you to do dry my hair while you’re naked.”

  “Yes Mistress.”

  He strips out of his clothes, his cock springs free, the tip oozing clear liquid. I should feel regret at the things I’m doing to him, will do to him. But that feeling part has turned off again, I need it to stay off if I’m to be successful.

  “Does it hurt yet?” I ask casually.

  “Very much, Mistress.” Jack holds his head high but the corner of his eyes are pinched.

  “You may begin.”

  I sit in pleasure watching how he shakes in desire. He dries my hair until it’s straight and bouncy like I like it. He really is quite good at this. I use every excuse to brush against his engorged member. He actually falls down to his knees the last time. He’s still kneeling there, his flesh pebbled in goose-bumps. I didn’t know vampires could get goose-bumps.

  I stand up and go to the corner with the kinky bag that’s now a part of my life, beside his baby arsenal of weapons. I get a pair of handcuffs; the kink bag also has the crop and whip I’d used on Valentine as well as a few other items I didn’t know I had at my disposal. Jack must’ve brought them with him from his room at The Secret.

  I handcuff Jack’s arms behind his back. The cuffs have enough silver in them to slowly burn his skin. I’m not sure he even notices the slight pain. Either because of my essence coursing through his synapses is blinding him to all else or because he’s a pain slut. Probably a little of both.

  “Lay down on your back.”

  “Mistress.” He lays down his arms trapped behind him, his cock sticking straight up.

  I kneel down beside him, and without warning take him into my mouth. his screams are deafening as I torture him with my mouth, with pleasure, he sits straight up and then drops back to the floor, his head banging against the floor harshly. He can’t find his release, his body jerks, he hisses through his teeth.

  “Please stop, goddess please, Jaevia, stop,” he cries out.

  I release him from my mouth. I look down at his tortured form.

  “So I am Jaevia? Is that the proper way to address me?”

  “Mistress, you are my Mistress, I am your slave, please stop Mistress, please have mercy.”

  “You just called me by my given my name. You honestly believe you don’t deserve to be punished for such an offense?” I ask, my voice sweet. “You probably never made that mistake with Valentine? Do you disrespect me because you think I’m soft, not as strong as Valentine?”

  “I swear to you I meant no disrespect, Mistress, I swear.”

  “Now you are lying to me?”

  “Mistress, please don’t punish me. I swear it was only a mistake.”

  “We learn best from our mistakes if there are consequences. You know in your heart you deserve to be punished, don’t you?” I ask, shocked that he would really believe he deserves a pass.

  He looks at me, confused. Not understanding, not knowing what to say, wondering why.

  “Yes Mistress, I deserve to be punished,” his voice barely above a whisper, filled with terror. He closes his eyes.

  I take him within my mouth, my lips slowly moving up and down along his shaft, drawing out every second of our skin mingling and with every stroke I pour more power into him, his screams become hollowed out.

  I release him from my mouth with a moan and lay down beside him.

  “That was for calling me by my given name. Now you are going to pay for trying to lie to me about your blatant disrespect. I’m sorry but that’s going to be twice as long and twice as much essence you will have to accept.”

  “I can’t Mistress, I can’t. The power of Vayrá calls me, with so much inside of me, I just can’t.”

  “You will do it, because I wish it so. If I even think you are about to tap the conduit, things will become very bad for you, there are much worse things I could be doing to you right now. Tell me when you’re ready to start.”

  He turns his head away from me. Well I’m not just going to sit here, I turn his face back towards me and reach down with one hand. I grab him tightly and begin stroking him. I cover his mouth with my own drinking down his screams of pain. It’s not pleasure he feels at this point, my power is running hot and painful under his skin, carving out a home in each of his Chakra, he’s becoming nothing more but a vessel for my power. I stop, giving him time to calm. His body is trembling in pain.

  “Are you ready to start now?” He looks at me in shock. “Oh, that wasn’t your punishment, that was just for fun.”

  “Just tell me why, what has changed, why are you doing these things to me, so I can understand, Mistress. I want to make sure I don’t displease you again in such a manner. I want to learn my lesson.”

  I cover his mouth with my own and begin the hand job from hell again, I grind my body against him. He tries to get away pulling, turning, thrashing. I just hold his dick tighter and stuff my tongue in his mouth further. This is happening Jack, nothing you can do about it.

  He begs me to start the punishment, his words muffled as I steal the tormented breath from his body. I don’t say anything I just break the kiss and move down his body I take him into my mouth again smoothly, I flood him with more power than ever before.

  Still isn’t enough.

  I know, I know.

  I take my time teasing him with my mouth; if he’d been able, he would’ve come a dozen times by now.

  I sit back on my knees, spittle is running down his chin, blood tinged tears run from his left eye.

  “Is it over, Mistress?” His voice filled with hope that it will stop here. It gives me so much pleasure to destroy that hope.

  “No Jack, now we need to discuss you trying to get out of the punishment you know you deserve.”

  I have to stop in the middle of my torture to gag him, his screaming becomes entirely too loud. I wish I had more privacy for this.

  But he doesn’t beg me not to gag him, he in fact begs me to punish him more. That he realizes how wrong he was that I’m being too kind and that’s why he’s so bad. Even after I gag him he tries to explain how he needs the pain, all muffled by the gag. Most of it nonsense, he’s babbling anything that he thinks might make me happy, make me stop. All lies, I nod my head.

  When he’s holding half my essence inside his body I let him rest. He’s still babbling and moaning nonsense five minutes later.

  “Shush now.”

  I pet him gently, giving him soothing words. I take the gag off him when he finally quiets down.

  “I feel you everywhere,” he whispers.

  “We are halfway there, baby. You’re doing so well.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.”

  “You will remain in the room while I go visit Brandi Greene’s fiancé. When I come back, if I’m in a good mood I will allow you to beg me for a release, I would spend the time thinking over every word you want to say perfectly. Now I’ll give you the choice since you’ve done such a good job. I can have Lucien bring you some food in a little while, and let your arms go so you can stretch, or I will allow you to remain in privat
e, bound and gagged until I return.”

  “I’ll stay bound.” He turns his body away from me. I knew he’d choose to suffer in private rather than have Lucien see him in such a state.

  I gag him again. My essence will course throughout his body in waves, push and pull, intensify and ebb, he will scream when the pull of it reaches its highest pitch vibrating his chakra painfully, he won’t be able not to scream.

  He’s used to physical torture, I could beat him until the sun set and he would love it, but this is driving him mad, and so, we love it.

  I get up and put on my boots and leather jacket. I open the door and look back at Jack’s form curled in on himself, lying vulnerable on my floor.

  “Do you still love the dark things, Jack?” I ask and close the door behind me with a click.

  Chapter Forty-six

  The boogeyman

  I bring Tabari with me to meet Brandi Greene’s fiancé. Lucien is going to keep an eye on Peter who is still knocked out, exhausted from his ordeal. Minx isn’t back yet and I’m glad to leave Lucien there to explain what happened to Peter. Afraid of her? Yup, and not ashamed to admit it.

  I told Lucien to not go into my room today. Everyone heard Jack’s screams, but no one asks.

  The place we are to meet the young man in is a book and coffee shop; we pull up in front of the quaint place. It’s right in the middle of the Fringe shopping district, middle of the day on a Saturday, business is booming, people are everywhere. Yeah, he wants this public. Can’t get much more public than this.

  The bookshop, The Reading Nook, has large bay windows, with a deep blue awning. It even has a little bell that jingles as we open the door. There’s a small area with a coffee bar, fresh pastries and all the fixings, even that fancy flavored cream. I go to get a coffee. I need the extra bump right now. Vodka would be better, but coffee will do.

  We move over to the seating area with our coffee. I choose the sofa; we have a great view of the store and the front door. Tactical advantage, I’d made sure we’d gotten here early.

  “How are we supposed to recognize him?” Tabari asks.


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