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Snow Covered Moon

Page 54

by L M Adams

  I watch his face break down, I see him look at Tabari, asking if I can do this, asking Tabari to save him from me. No one wants to become a slave to a succubus.

  Finding no reprieve from Tabari he looks back at me.

  “I didn’t know I swear it, Grigori Knightley.”

  “Tabari can you put him under until we have time to come back and get him?”

  “Yes, Jaevia, gladly.” Tabari looks at me, nodding his head slowly; my sentence is fair.

  I have no love in my heart for traitors, especially ones that sell their own family out for their own agenda. Pot calling the kettle black. She is right I am doing the same to Jack, only difference? I’m Kindred. I can. There’s a reason supernaturals don’t like us, the Kindred. We live above our own law.

  Ben moves forward and falls to my feet begging me. I just turn and nod my head to Tabari. He puts the dog under.

  We get into the crossover and turn towards home.

  “We need to scout the place.” Tabari says.

  “I will go first thing in the morning; the night is the not-wolves time, they move better under the moon.” I noticed that, I’ve fought them now once in the night-time hours and once in the day time hours.

  “We should assume their senses are better under the moon as well.” I won’t even be here in the morning.

  “You should take Lucien.” He doesn’t say it but he’s thinking of the last time I went to scout and how horrible that turned out.

  “Of course. I won’t make the same mistakes, Tabari.”

  “We shouldn’t tell the wolves yet, they won’t want to wait. The other Reaper team should be here tomorrow that will be a help.” I didn’t even know he’d heard back from the Elders.

  “Who are they sending?” I ask.

  “I requested Peterus and his team; he seemed to be the best choice.”

  I nod my head quickly, Peterus went through training with us, he would be the best fit to blend our teams together, plus, he is one of the very few Reapers who accepted me.

  Of course Lucien hates him because he thinks I fucked Peterus, but Peterus is very much gay. I spent a night with him and his partner as a personal favor; they wanted to fuck with the essence of a succubus coursing through their bodies. They could have gotten someone from the House of Peitho to do it. But Peterus is still in the closet, and he would like to remain as such. Not so much because he is ashamed, but because it’s no one’s fucking business and it would damage the relationship with his Kindred mate were she to ever know.

  “So it’s decided, tomorrow night we go to war.” Actually, the war will begin tonight.

  “Tomorrow they all die.” Tabari’s voice is low and dangerous. At the core, Tabari is Kindred, he’s trained to be the Master of a magic to a Reaper team, death demands he sends it offerings, too.

  We pull in front of the house and park. “Can you fill in Lucien? I need to get back to Jack.”

  “To hurt him more?”

  “To hurt him more,” I repeat back to him. I can tell he wants to say more, but he knows he shouldn’t and that every word costs him nothing, but will cost Jack everything.

  It’s mid-afternoon, giving me a few hours at least to prepare Jack to spend a night in hell with a she-demon, or two.

  I walk into the house, Lucien stands in the doorway to the kitchen. I wave vaguely in his direction and head for the stairs.

  “Jaevia.” Lucien stops me from going up the stairs.

  “Yes Lucien?” I ask, turning back around.

  “Not that it’s my business, but why are you treating Jack like that? It’s not like you.”

  “Then obviously you don’t know me.” I turn and start back up the stairs. I open my bedroom door, the smell of fear and pain, and despair fill the room, pouring from Jack’s body, better. But not enough, no.

  His eyes are closed tightly, his body curled into the fetus position. He opens his eyes at the sound of the closing door. Fear courses through them, and it breaks my cold, dead heart, while arousing me sharply.

  I take the gag off. “Can you take more?” My question both simple and damning.

  “Do I have a choice?” He responds, devoid of emotion, past caring what I do, because it no longer matters. Praying for the misery to stop doesn’t make it stop, it just fills you with false hope.

  “No baby, you don’t.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  He closes his eyes again and I trickle more of my power into him. He begins to sweat and then scream as it burns his skin. I taper off and go find the key for the handcuffs. I unlock him, I know his arms have to ache badly by now, he moans in pain as he brings his arms in front of him.

  “Thank you Mistress, thank you so much.” Pure gratitude fills his voice.

  I wouldn’t be able to break anyone so quickly and completely if they didn’t believe they deserved it somewhere deep down. It’s easier to break something when it’s already half broken. Can evil love? No, it only uses. At least I’ve answered that question for myself.

  “Get a shower, wear the outfit I first saw you in, with my collar.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” He begins to stand up.

  “No Jack, you haven’t earned the right to walk upright yet. Crawl on all fours. Show me you’ve learned your lesson, that you can be a good boy.”

  He looks up at me in pure shock, so I’ve hit another limit for him. No crawling.

  “Very well, hands back behind your back.”

  “Mistress I will do it, I will crawl!”

  “Shut up and do as you’re told. Your immediate obedience is required, no thinking about it, no decision to make. I make your decisions for you.”

  I handcuff and gag him again, and again, I pour the power of a succubus into him. I hear him begging me to let him crawl, he’ll crawl wherever I want him to.

  “Please... please… please.” He swears he’ll be obedient.

  “We will try again in an hour.” I leave him on the floor thrashing and screaming, closing the door softly behind me.

  When I make it back down the stairs, Lucien is where I left him, looking at me with contempt.

  “Really Lucien, it’s none of your business.” He grabs my arm and drags me through the kitchen and out the back door.

  “Release me!” I order him, yanking away from him.

  “Or what? You’ll drive me mad as well? That man is ready to break under your cruelty. He doesn’t even know why! None of us do. We know you need to hurt things, Jae, we all understand that. But this isn’t right and you know it! It is not honorable to use him in such a manner.” When did Lucien become Jack’s champion?

  “I will tell you like I told Tabari, I do not have to explain myself to you, or anyone. He is my slave.”

  “Then I will not share your bed, Jaevia. You are not the woman I love.” He turns his back on me, going back into the house, leaving me. It’s for the best. I nod my head.

  I stay outside, in the warmth of the sun. I can hear Jack whimpering easily. He keeps saying I’m sorry, again and again. I do my best not to enjoy it. Bare minimum, I won’t admit to enjoying it.

  I breathe in deeply, no time like the present.

  I sit in the grass, lotus position, I envision the prison I hold inside me. The only thing that holds her back. She sits in her black chair that’s more like a throne, the room is black, not pure white. Subdued lighting coming from somewhere, another change. She wears tight leather pants and boots that come up to her thighs, the heel is high and tipped in silver. A deep purple, almost black, corset clenches her waist and pushes her breasts up. Her hair is in a high ponytail. She looks good, her eyes glow out at me filled with my power.

  Our power.

  I nod my head.

  “I have to let you out don’t I?”

  She nods her head slowly, your aura must read the same as the day you left her, it must read succubus.

  “How do I know that you won’t take over forever? How do I know you will go back to your prison when our work is done?”

>   You don’t, but you do not have a choice.

  Isn’t that the crux of it all? No choice, never any fucking choice. I cannot return to Sheba with my aura reading anything other than succubus.

  “I hate my life.” I walk forward and unlock the collar and chain I keep her bound here with. She rolls her neck her first taste of freedom in a year.

  Finally. She looks up at me, and now I will see, I will see if she can be trusted.

  Our psyches blend, tuning to one another, we actually have separate power frequencies, my succubus and I. They are close, only slightly out of step. My stomach bottoms out as the frequencies blend with one another.


  I rise out of my mental projection. I rise out of the prison as a full succubus.

  I open my eyes. I’m still in the yard. Everything around me has a purple tint, I settle my eyes, quieting my power, our power. Her voice is loud in my mind, I moan at the feeling of my complete power being available to me. Of being in control, I guess, she can be trusted.

  For now.

  At least she’s honest, she laughs, sending a wave of pleasure through my body. I stand up slowly, Jack.

  I nod my head and go back into the house and head back to my room. I’m keenly aware of the sights and sounds, everything that surrounds me. Hyper sight, smell, hearing, I’d forgotten how it felt, I’ve been cut off for so fucking long. Still it’s not as a good as a vampire, but a lot better than before.

  It takes me time to adjust, to dampen the wave of sensations that attack my senses. It costs you much to lock me away. Don’t I know it?

  I open the door to my room.

  “We ready to try again?” Jack nods his head quickly, I uncuff him and remove the gag, he immediately begins to crawl to his duffel bag and pull out his clothing.

  “You don’t need clothes yet. Although you were very bad when I came in the first time, I’ve decided to allow you to beg me to come. You may thank me.”

  “Thank you, Mistress, you won’t regret the kindness. I swear it, Mistress, I swear it.”

  I begin getting undressed, Jack’s eyes glued to my body, his mouth salivating, nose flaring, he craves my body like a drug. I leak pheromones now, my succubus on the surface, us being one. I get on the bed and lay on my back. My movements are deliberate, seductive now.

  “You will beg me while fucking me. If you make me come a lot, if you please me, there will be a treat at the end for you.”

  I watch as he lifts himself onto the bed careful that the bottom of his feet don’t even touch the floor, he learns quickly. He begins by kissing my foot on the arch, my ankle, all the way up my leg. He buries his face in my wetness with a moan. His tongue and mouth work me with the expertise of an incubus. He laps at the wetness he creates, the sound driving me mad, I tumble over the edge easily, I let him pleasure me like this until his body shakes in desire with wanting me.

  “Come,” I order him softly, he moves up my body and enters me, his scream is ragged. I grab him, holding him to me.

  I whisper into his ear, “Fucking a succubus while this much of her power is in you… not many can stand it. Move inside me, Jack, give me your sweet pain. Beg me like a dog, you little shit, beg me to let you come.”

  Half moaning, half screaming, he pulls out and pushes back into me. “Please Mistress, let me come, just once, it’s all I ask, a little peace.” He holds still, trying to adjust.

  “You’re not moving. Begin again.”

  Every time he stops for too long I make him begin again. He never makes it past the first sentence. He finally pulls out of me completely, he lays his head on my stomach, his body still between my legs, crying quietly.

  “I can’t, Mistress, I can’t do it. Please tie me up; make me take it, let me beg you.”

  I don’t respond. I only pet his hair as his body trembles.

  “I will tell you all the things I hate, all the ways you can hurt me, just please.”

  My hand freezes in his hair.

  “Humiliation… when you call me a dog, treat me as one. I will break faster with humiliation. I am trash, spit on me… piss on me…” He gives me detailed information on how to torture him. He’s begging for the things he hates if I’ll only stop this.

  “I’ll do anything Mistress… anything. Just please…”

  “Do you deserve to come, Jack? In your heart do you believe you deserve pleasure?” I ask at the end of his babbling tirade.

  He holds me around my waist tightly holding me to him.

  “No, Mistress.”

  “So what do you deserve?”

  “Pain, Mistress.”

  “Why don’t you deserve pleasure, Jack?”

  “Because I’m not worthy, Mistress. I haven’t earned it.”

  “Now you are beginning to understand.”

  “Help me be better, Mistress, show me how to earn it.”

  “You need to be able to hold my essence, all of it.”

  “Please give it to me, pour it into me. I don’t care what happens, I’ll take it. I’ll do it. I swear to you I’ll take it. I’ll never touch Vayrá again, no matter what, I swear it to you.”

  I call every scrap of power Lucien gave me last night forward, I empty myself out, only keeping enough for my body to function barely above human. Jack goes into a seizure, he begins dry retching, his body rolling off me and falling off the bed hitting the floor with a hard thud. He stares up to me from the floor, half on his side half on his back. His eyes glow purple and hold. They don’t settle back into the blue graphite. Dark circles appear under his eyes as his psyche begins to cave in on its self.

  “You are holding it all now Jack, you’ve done so good. You’ve earned the right to walk upright again.”

  “Peace.” His voice is hoarse, sounding far away, barely over a whisper.

  “Oh no. It will be years before you earn the right to find release. This is your life now, Jack. You may thank me.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.” Jack’s voice is empty of emotion.

  I lay back on the bed listening to his breathing, the occasional whimper. He’s mumbling something but I can’t quite make it out. I need him to adjust, I need him to let my essence run through his chakra, tuning every bit of his own power to my frequency. The more I pour into him, the more I can take from him. I will need unimaginable amounts of power to beat Sheba and a lot of fucking luck.

  “Tabari tried to speak up on your behalf. You must’ve asked him to.”

  “I didn’t Mistress, I didn’t.”

  “So you want to be here?” I roll to the side of the bed and look down on Jack’s tortured form.

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Well I think you should be punished for Tabari trying to save you, what do you think?’

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “I will only whip you, seeing as you admitted your faults quickly as a good slave should.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.”

  “Do I need to tie you up, or will you submit to my will, no matter how badly I hurt you?”

  “I submit Mistress, I submit.” He rolls over to his stomach, his arms stretch out above him. Palms flat to the floor giving me full access to the canvass of his body to paint with pain.

  I walk over to the bag of kink and pull the heavy flogger from its depths. I swing it in the air a few times. I start gently pacing my swings, I build the tempo and the strength of the strikes. I keep going as angry red welts appear on his back. He screams but he doesn’t move, he doesn’t beg me to stop.

  “Say thank you, Tabari,” I order him.

  “Thank you, Tabari.”

  “Louder, so he can hear.”

  “Thank you, Tabari!” He yells.

  “Again,” I order him.

  “Thank you, Tabari!”

  I feel the entire EM field come alive, I hear explosions in the back yard and Tabari screaming in anger.

  “Again!” I laugh madly.

  “Thank you, Tabari!”

  “Jae!” I hear Tabari yell my
name. “Enough! For god’s sake, enough! I’m sorry, I had no right. I had no right to challenge you or your authority. You are the Grigori, I am not. I overstepped myself. Please, for goddess’s sake forgive me.”

  I think Tabari has learned his lesson. I knew it would hurt him more this way. We really are the best. I hum in my throat, agreeing.

  “Can Tabari save you, Jack?’

  “No, Mistress.”

  “Say it.”

  “Tabari cannot save me.”


  “Tabari cannot save me!”

  “Who is your savior?”

  “You Mistress, you, only you.” I drop the flogger, Jack’s back, ass, and thighs are an angry red welted mess. I built up a sweat somewhere and wipe my forehead with my arm.

  I think he’s ready. He will have to do, the sun shall set soon.

  “Come, get in bed.”

  “Mistress,” he moves slowly climbing onto the bed. Every movement pulling at his wounds.

  I get into the bed beside him, pulling him into my arms. I hold him close to me. He doesn’t cry, he doesn’t beg, he finally accepts.

  “Things will be better now, you’ll see.”

  “Yes Mistress.”

  “What’s your name??

  “Jack, Mistress…”

  “You’re whole name.”

  “Mistress, I don’t… please, tell me?”

  Your name is usually the first thing to go when broken, you stop existing as a separate entity, instead only existing as the slave to your Master or Mistress. You are quite literally nothing without them. It’s good he can still remember his nickname at least. Sheba had to re-teach me my name after six months of torture; I honestly thought my name was slut. We were taught by the best. There’s no denying that.

  “It’s ok, Jack, you’ve done really well. Go get a shower and get dressed,” I order him.

  “Yes Mistress. Thank you.” He doesn’t move.


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