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Snow Covered Moon

Page 57

by L M Adams

  I follow behind Sheba, leaving him on the cold floor bleeding and in more pain than he’s probably ever experienced. I feel my succubus stir, drawing further into my active psyche letting me become detached from those feelings, the feelings that urge me to save him, to save Jack. We all must endure.

  We leave the main building through a side door. The night air, is cool on my blood splattered skin. It’s late, has to be after midnight. We walk down a paved sidewalk, the buildings getting older as we pass each one. These are the buildings of the original insane asylum. The stone is old, weather damaged. This is where the discourse is coming from, the worst of it. I grit my teeth against it.

  The sidewalk ends. I follow Sheba to a path that cuts through the woods. I don’t even know how Sheba is walking in stilettos in this. This path is new, but well worn, many have traversed it. I hear movement, a lot of it, and see lights up ahead through the trees.

  I step out onto a plateau. Oh goddess above, there’s a clearing the better part of a mile around. Tall fences lining the huge ditch, and captured inside, not-wolves. More of them than I ever could believe existed.

  “How did you create so many?” I ask, my voice in shock, there have to be at least a thousand here. The smell is atrocious.

  “We’ve been collecting them from across the country. We don’t care about the generation of the bastards. Although the scientists believed it would be easiest to experiment with the most diluted Bâtardi at first; lately, we’ve been taking first gens as well.”

  Like Brandi Greene. How long have they been doing this? How long have they been here? Why the fuck didn’t I know? Did I have my head stuck in the fucking ground? Yes. Was I so fully focused on hiding from the Kindred that I didn’t notice the horror that was happening around me? It’s unimaginable.

  I follow Sheba and the mad scientist down into the gorge. It’s new as well. Freshly dug, by man or by magic I do not know. Bright spot lights and guard posts high up surround the fenced area.

  “The beasts are rabid dogs, really. Very hard to train. I’d kill them all, but I find they have their uses from time to time. Their misery is sweet to taste when we do not feed them.” Sheba explains to me.

  I look, really look at these abominations. They are evil. Fighting with one another, their bodies twisted and contorted. Not many have clothes on them. A shudder runs through my body at the sight of them.

  “You will begin to train them. I want them under control, Jaevia. This cannot continue, or I will have to kill them. It takes entirely too much of my power to bring them to heel. We need to go back to the tried-and-true methods: rewards of pain for obedience, worse pain for all else. And you can hurt them a lot. I guess you can imagine they don’t die, no matter what you do, except take their heads.” Her laugh is downright evil.

  “Yes Mistress,” I don’t even attempt to keep the eagerness from my voice at the thought of having so many to train. I can’t wait to get started.

  But first I have to get a message to the guys; they cannot attack this. Duty first, pleasure last, I remind myself. We need more, many more numbers on our side to attack and win. I guess I should say their side now; I am Sheba’s creature once again. After I do this, save Jack, get a message to Tabari and the others, I will let myself seep into the joy of being her creature once again. And when the Kindred send Reapers to cleanse this, at least I’ll be able to die happy.

  There’s a nice-sized building in the middle of the encampment. The building is made out of metal siding, cheaply and quickly put together. I know in my soul there will be half glass walls, with not-wolves being experimented on inside.

  Tall iron fences hold the not-wolves back from the path to it. I follow Sheba into her little mad house.

  We walk through the doors, a desk sits to the right with a lamp, a guard sits in the chair. He stands up, snapping to attention at the sight of Sheba. Goddess she has everyone trained to her whim. She doesn’t even acknowledge the young man’s existence; instead continuing through another set of double doors.

  I walk into the vision I’d seen while mind raping the not-wolf in Valentine’s basement. The building is long with rooms on both sides. Half glass walls, with Bâtardi and not-wolves chained to examination tables. Witches, warlocks, scientists working around the prone and exposed bodies of these poor creatures.

  Who knew that I would feel pity for them? We still will hurt them, we still will hurt them. We still will kill them, we still will kill them. I repeat the evil intent of my succubus, of us.

  We walk into a room, there are no windows here. Big Mike lies on his side, still in wolf form. I see the Wolf Mother, gold sprinkled pelt, standing over him; guarding him. Her muzzle wrinkled in warning.

  She is a beautiful monster, living in a world of the between. Between life and death. Between the spiritual and material realms.

  Why can’t she free him? Her magic does not work here.

  Sheba walks over to a metal table and picks up a cattle prod. It must be her new favorite thing.

  “We shall try again… you will change on command from wolf to human from human to wolf. Otherwise you will be hurt.” She pauses, waiting.

  I look at the Wolf Mother standing over Big Mike, the air begins to shimmer around her. She is keeping him as wolf. It’s the only way she can resist them.

  Another male in white robes, a warlock then, holds a gem identical to the one we’d taken from Jesse last night. He uses a word of incantation the diamond side of the molded gem glows. Sheba looks at him, he shakes his head no.

  Sheba shoves the prod into Big Mike’s side, his body jerks, he howls out in pain. I watch as she walks around the cage, striking again and again each time the diamond side of the gem glows and Big Mike doesn’t change. She’s killing him. She stops, looking at me.

  “See what I mean? A difficult beast. You get him to change to human and I will reward you. I will take you to my bed tonight,” she promises.

  It’s the chance I need, the chance to get her alone, with her guard down. That’s the reason I will help her. Not because I want her, not because I love her, because I want to kill her. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

  I look at the Wolf Mother trying to project my thoughts towards her.

  I can kill her, if she takes me to her bed… I can kill her.

  I do not believe you, you are her creature, you stink of it.

  I will be able to kill her, it is his only chance. Please trust me.

  The pack will come.

  And they will die! It must be me. You know that.

  I plead with my eyes, I can’t stand here forever seemingly looking into nothing. I need her to trust me and I need her to do it now!

  Sheba drives the cattle prod into Big Mike’s side again.


  If he dies, everyone you hold dear dies as well. Starting with your precious Peter.

  I nod my head. I gamble with everyone’s life with that small nod. I pray that I will be strong enough, that I can prevail.

  I step forward and kneel beside the cage. I let Big Mike sniff my hand. His wolf eyes roll up to me. Asking me, why am I here, why am I here with her? Have I betrayed him like so many others have?

  “If you do not change, I will have to hurt you. I will have to capture Annette, I will have to make her my slave. I will use her in front of you. You deny an order, it is her body and her mind I will make pay. I will let the not-wolves rape her, Big Mike, and I’ll make you feel pleasure at the sight of it. I will make you crave the sight of those monsters tearing into your wife. You know it is within my power to do it. There are many things I can do. No one wants that, you have the power to keep it from happening. Do as you’re told to save your mate, if not yourself.”

  My voice is cold and hard, devoid of emotion. I see my reflection in his glassy wolf eyes. I see the monster I am reflected back. I turn my head and nod to the warlock with the gem, the diamond on the melded gem glows again.

  Big Mike’s body begins to slowly change in fro
nt of my eyes, not as smoothly as normal, but still, it shows his power. From paw to hand, from snout to nose.

  Now that he’s in human form, I can easily see the damage from the cattle prod; he’s covered in angry blue and black bruises, blood trickles form the corner of his mouth. Internal damage.

  “Not Annette, not Annette. I’ll do anything,” he breaths out, beaten.

  “Oh Jaevia, you really are wonderful. Why didn’t I think of his mate?”

  Because you don’t realize how powerful of a connection between two people can be. Because you don’t understand love. You don’t understand how someone would sacrifice themselves for another. You think everyone puts themselves first as you do.

  But instead I say, “Your servants should have thought of it, you cannot be bothered with such petty details.” I play to her vanity; of course it’s not her fault. Sheba is never wrong.

  “I’ve told you how useless they are to me, you will punish them for their error.”

  “Of course, Mistress,” I say, standing up. Everyone in the room is filled with fear.

  “Madame,” the mad scientist objects.

  “Mistakes are best learned from when there are consequences,” she says simply.

  “Mistress, if I may have a moment with Jack to give him more of my essence. I forgot to increase his dosage before we left him. I wish to have him perfectly trained for your use.” I say simply.

  “You are so irresponsible sometimes, Jaevia. How many times must I tell you, if you do not push their limits, you are failing them? Peace means weakness. Weak slaves are useless. Go, I have more work here.”

  “Guard!” she yells and one of the men positioned by the door steps forward. “Take her to her slave and then show her to my room. I will see you in exactly two hours, Jaevia.”

  “Mistress.” I bow and turn away. The stupid bitch is letting me out of her sight. One guard is much easier to kill alone.

  Things are falling into place.

  I guess I carry that large amount of luck with me tonight.

  Chapter Fifty

  A Blood Lord’s vengeance

  I follow the guard back up the steep hill and through the forest path. I need to fix Jack, and now. He’s the only one that can get Big Mike out of here in one piece. I will have to stay behind and cover their tracks. It all hinges on you killing her first. I nod my head. I can’t attack her with weapons. She would scream and the jig would be up. She never has her guards too far away from her.

  I rack my brain trying to think of ways to kill her. Maybe you do not want to kill her. The sorry truth of it, I don’t, not really, I’ve never killed anyone I loved. If you do not kill her, the Wolf Mother kills everyone. This continues, you fail everyone. I know I know. Going into dangerous situations with half assed plans it really is my go to strategy. I am a shitty Reaper.

  I’ve been following behind the guard blindly, caught in my own thoughts. We are back in the main building where Jack and I were first shown.

  He takes me down stairs to the same level as the cafeteria-turned-torture arena. He keeps going down the stairs to the subbasement; it’s the lowest floor of the building, deep underground.

  I follow the guard down the darken hallways, the smell of fear and desire, of dead things, is heavy and deep here. I want to cover my nose. The stench is so strong. Metal doors with small windows everywhere, tortured souls behind each one. Goddess above, what did I damn Jack to? What if I can’t fix him? Is this where he will spend the rest of his life?

  The guard stops in front of a heavy gray metal door. He unclips the keys from his belt and unlocks the door. The door squeals horribly as he opens it.

  I step in, and goddess help me. The room is small, dirty, grimy dark stone walls. A dirty little cot along the left wall.

  Jack is chained to the far wall, forced to stand up, legs spread wide, those old iron manacles around his ankles and wrists. His body crumpled like a rag doll. The chains the only thing holding him up, like a fucking puppet.

  “Please don’t, I only need more time, please don’t take it!” Jack screams.

  There is a female head suckling his cock; she doesn’t even turn to see who has entered. Burnette haired, simple black cotton dress.

  “She’s going to cut his cock off in the morning if he can’t make it go soft. They never make it go down. Horny bastards.” The guard laughs.

  I swear it will be his first and last words to me. How dare he find enjoyment in what is happening here?

  Hot thick rage fills me, I reach for Jack, deep inside of him, I pull the power from him, the power that I’ve stored in him, the power that I have snuck past these dumb fuckers.

  The power my essence has created in his Chakras for my use. My eyes glow, the small room floods with the smell of citrus. So much I drink from him, filling my Chakras, my Chi, and then the bottomless pit Sheba carved out inside of me, the place where my succubus lives. So powerful he is. He has given me much, keeping none for himself. Jack screams as I rip the power out of his body. Calling it home.

  I don’t even touch the guard. I just dump my essence into him. His screams blend perfectly with the horror of this place. I make him a thrall, burning out his synapses without even trying. He falls to the floor.

  “You will not make a sound, ever again,” I order him. His eyes glowing purple, filled with my power stare up at me. I turn back to Jack.

  “Girl, you stop now or you die,” I order her, my voice laced with power.

  She stops suckling Jack, releasing his cock from his mouth.

  “Move away from what is mine,” I order the girl. She scurries to the corner, terrified.

  His cock, it’s been hard, throbbing, and tortured for an entire day now and it shows. The girl suckling him dragged the lust coursing through him to the surface and the pleasure ring has tightened around him horribly.

  “Both of you wait in the hallway for me.”

  “Mistress,” the girl says. The guard attempts to stand, I grab the back of his head and bring my knee up to meet his face.

  “Attempt to walk on two feet again and I shall have you cut off your own fucking feet.”

  He doesn’t make a sound, he just gets onto his hands and knees crawling out of the door, he leaves a trail of blood behind him, coming from his shattered nose, he hadn’t made a sound.

  When the door closes, I walk over to Jack’s broken body.

  “Please Mistress, just a little more time, I can do it. I know I can. Please don’t take it,” he whimpers.

  “Shh, it’s over now, it’s all over.” I reach up and unclasp his arms. He falls on me, his legs unable to support his weight any longer.

  If I didn’t have so much power, there’d be no way I could hold him up. As is, I barely drag his body to the bed against the wall. The mattress is stained and dirty with goddess knows what and I hope I never find out.

  “There we go, much better. Now breathe in deep and hold it.” He does as he told, like there’s any doubt he would.

  I grab the blackened pleasure ring and pour lust into it, forcing it to become attracted to me, and turning away from Jack’s body. Only a succubus or incubus can remove one. I slip it off as it turns gold and Jack screams.

  “Thank you, Mistress, thank you so much,” he cries out. I throw the thing across the room.

  I get up from the small bed and take off my shoes and pants, this will have to be a quickie. I straddle Jack’s body. Fear courses through his eyes as he remembers how badly being with me hurt him before.

  “It’s going to be ok, this will feel good, I promise.”

  I unlock his Sacral Charka and lower myself onto him. He grabs me dragging me down to him. I don’t have to move as a day’s worth of denied orgasms and lust pours out of him and into me. His broken body shudders with release, with peace finally.

  “Thank you, Mistress. Has it been years, Mistress? Have I earned it? I’ve tried to be good, I do as everyone say. Everyone is my Master, everyone is my Mistress.” Goddess he’s lost all se
nse of time.

  “Just a day, Jack, just a day.” I answer him quietly as he holds me to him.

  “Thank you, Mistress, thank you. I’ll never forget how kind you are.” Another wave of essence hits him. His body tries to come but can’t, and the power is Sheba’s frequency, not mine, I can’t take it from Jack.

  “You have to tap the conduit now Jack, you have to tap Vayrá now.”

  “No, no, no, no, no! You said I couldn’t. You said you’d hurt me if I even tried. This is a trick, I knew it, I knew it. You’re going to put the ring back on, you’re going to use the prod, you’ll let her suck it, then you’ll take it. I knew it was a trick, I knew it. I’m sorry, Mistress, I’m sorry. I had no right to find pleasure, I deserve only pain. Punish me, please I want my favorite thing now. Please give it to me.” He full out begins to cry.

  I pull back from him, sitting up, him still deep inside of me. I slap him across the face, the sound ricochets off the stone walls around us.

  “Listen to me, Capaneus Nicholas Jackson de la Fontaine. You will pull on the conduit, you will burn that bitch’s power out of you. I am your Mistress and this is what you’ve been ordered to do.”

  He sucks in a breath and nods his head once quickly. I stand up, letting him slip from my body. He’s still hard and will remain so with Sheba’s essence riding him.

  I smell it then, on the air, the sweet blood of Vayrá. His eyes flash open burning pure molten silver.

  “Yes Jack, that’s it that’s it. Burn her out.”

  I reach down and pull on my pants, ignoring Jack’s pleasure running from between my thighs.

  The temperature of the air changes suddenly, dropping harshly. I stand up straight slowly. I can see my breath, my skin covered in goose-bumps. I walk over to the bed.

  “Are you ok?” I ask reaching down to touch his shoulder.


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