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Page 20

by Dylan Quinn

  As much as I needed to believe him, I couldn’t. Unfortunately, hope was all I had left.

  "How long have I been here?"

  "Four weeks? Give or take. Like I said, the Council doesn’t play fair. You should be dead or demon by now.”

  I’d been here, locked in this prison for nearly a month. It was what, October now? November? And nobody had rescued me?

  Well, that was it. If they hadn’t found me by now, I was as good as dead.

  No need to play nice any longer.

  “So what did I do to piss you off that keeps you coming after me?”

  "Ah." He paced in front of the bed. "You?" He pointed at me. "Nothing, except your pompous attitude. But the first Zoe, well. She and I have history. See, I made a mistake. It was many years ago. Zoe called me out on it. Back when I was an angel, she sent me before the Council, and I was stripped of my wings. And that's our history. I must say though, karma's a bitch. Ain't it, sweetheart?" He turned and stared out the window.

  He was tall, but damn. He must have been close to seven feet high.

  Super. Is this what my future with Cade would consist of? Hunted by Fallen? Demons?

  "Yes," he answered my unspoken question.

  "So you can read my mind, too? Perfect. I can’t keep anything to myself. From anyone.”

  "When I fell, I retained watered down versions of my powers. Like reading human thoughts, opening portals. I'm a resourceful Fallen. And yes, I hunt you. In retaliation, mostly. A good lesson to learn if you ever get out of this alive, which I wouldn't count on.”

  He stuck his finger deep into my shoulder.

  I swung at him with my good arm. “Ya know, that didn’t go over so well the first time.”

  "That ugly pus is eating you alive, it should hit your heart soon. Frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't gotten there yet. But again, the Council doesn't play fair. And since Lilith has this odd fascination with you, well. If I had my way, you’d be dead by now."

  The door flung open, and Lilith sauntered in. Grinning. Her porcelain skin radiated, her violet aura burning stronger today.

  "Look who’s awake. My favorite semi-human. How are you, darling? You look like death." She smirked at her joke.

  Not funny.

  "What do you want from me? Is this some kind of woman-scorned thing? Cuz if it is, get over it. It's been like millenniums. Haven't you found a better suited man by now?"

  Lilith narrowed her gaze and set back against the wall. She propped her foot up behind her, and crossed her arms over her boobs that were spilling out of her too tight black top.

  “You think this is about Cade? Ha." She shook her head, and her midnight locks swung around her waist. "No, it's certainly not about your man. Did you know when Adam turned immortal he changed? He isn't the same Adam. Newly generated body, new Cade. You, however, stayed the same. Reborn body, same appearance. Cade loved you just as you were. As Eve.”

  "That’s it? Is that your big secret? Cuz I'm dying here. Give me the short version."

  My head was dizzy, and I could hardly keep myself upright. I was seconds away from passing out.

  Or death, whichever came first.

  Lilith inched closer, and her smile faded.

  "Fine. The Adam I knew had no interest in sharing his throne or his kingdom. All I wanted was equality, but he and the Council made it clear that was never going to happen. So I left. And when you were created, I'll admit. I was— offended. How easily I was replaced, without a second thought. Things were difficult for some time, but it got easier. Angels began to fall, and I was there to catch them. We formed quite an alliance as you can see with Azriel here."

  "If this is about revenge, just get on with it. I’m exhausted. Either kill me or let me die in peace.”

  "This is not about revenge. You’re allowing them to hold power over you. When you continue to choose Cade, you become the oppressor. Until you choose yourself over him, things will never change, and frankly, I'm ready for a shift in power."

  So the truth comes out.

  "Everyone knows there's inequality, but I doubt I'm the problem."

  "Not all, but you feed the monster. You’re reborn every millennium, given a choice to live a life you desire, but out of some misinformed duty, you never choose you. Until you stop sacrificing your own happiness for him, nothing will ever change. And while I've made many attempts to convince you in the traditional manner, I, unfortunately, am not beyond sacrificing one for a greater cause. That sacrifice would be you."

  "This is stupid."

  "Say what you will. I've been close to getting my way many times. But as Azriel said, the Council doesn't play fair. Never has. That diseased wound should've killed you by now, but here you are, still kicking. Well, mostly sleeping. I give you a couple weeks at best. The shadows will hit your heart, turn dark, and you’ll either see things my way, or die. The Trees will be unprotected, and we'll get our due. Oh, the Council will probably step in then too, but hey. Makes a statement, doesn't it?"

  "Yeah, it says something." I smirked. "Cade is too good for you. You never deserved him. No wonder the gods created me."

  Oh crap.

  Lilith lunged forward, and her dagger scraped my throat, just short of drawing blood.

  I craned back as far as I could, the frigid blade nearly puncturing my neck.

  "You were sloppy seconds," she growled. She blew out a breath, then eased the blade's pressure.

  "I don't want to hurt you, Zoe. I never meant to hurt you, just show you—why you're wrong. Convince you that you're making a mistake by allowing him to rule your life. And you can spin it any way you like but the truth is, I’ll always have the upper hand. Just like in the garden."

  “What?” I narrowed my eyes and pushed my head as far back as I could.

  She pulled off the bed, so I relaxed against the wall, keeping my gaze glued to her.

  "You may not remember back then, but I do. You were so innocent, always pure of heart. But naive. And when I whispered the truth—that you could have everything, including the upper hand, you were so quick to break the one rule that kept you immortal. Eve craved equality, even then. So see? You and I aren’t so different. Curiosity runs as deep through your veins as mine. We can't help it, really.” She shrugged. “It's in our nature."

  “So that was you. With that apple mess?”

  She shrugged. “I had a hand in it. Then Adam fell, you were both expelled from the garden, and my plan was sprung into motion. The Tree was near empty, and my reign was on deck. Everything was in order, until Raz stepped in. And you.”

  “The Eternal Sacrifice.”

  “That, I have to admit, was a shocker.” She shook her head. “Didn’t see that coming.”

  “Lot of good it did me.” I muttered.

  “You really couldn’t help it. Your need for control is ingrained in your DNA, as much as your selflessness. It’s the push and pull. Your internal struggle. That’s what makes you human, unique in your own right. But don’t blame yourself. The whole thing was part of a plan much greater than you. It was a test to see just how far one could fall. It's too bad you took the blame, but I'm here to rectify that. And it's all up to you now. To take back what’s yours by right.” She moved close. “What’s ours.”

  “You really think after all this I would even consider taking your side? Lilith, please. You seriously underestimate my naivety. I would rather rot and die than stand with you."

  She straightened her stance and relaxed her shoulders.

  “I’d think a little longer before making that decision. You’re not really in your right mind at the moment.”

  “I may be near dead, or evil, or whatever this damn pus is doing to me, but to be honest, your plan was an epic fail. I’ll never stand with you. If I die, good luck with your endeavor, but in all of history, evil never wins. And if for some reason I do turn dark—” I leaned up. “Game on.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she held back a smirk.

  “Oh really?”
/>   “Ya know Lilith, I’ve learned enough about Zoe 2.0 to know that if you piss her off enough, she’ll set fire to you so bad you’ll regret the day you ever took her on. And whether I die in here, turn evil or escape, I can promise you this. There’ll never be an alliance between us…” I cleared my throat and stared so hard, my head began to hurt. “Because you’ve just started a war.”

  Her body got stiff and she clenched her fists and teeth, trying to keep her composure. Her poker face was failing as bad as mine had.

  "Fine.” She shook it off. “If you're so intent on maintaining your stubborn streak, fine. I’d hoped this incarnation had evolved you enough to know better, but you'll never see beyond that man. Even with all you have going for you this lifetime, you still choose him.” She threw her hands up in the air and rolled her dark eyes. “Enjoy rotting in your dungeon, Chayah. I hope Cade was worth it."

  Lilith left the room and shortly after, Azriel moved me to a more comfortable location, as Lilith put it. No idea why. She was being strangely accommodating under the circumstances.

  The new room was like a suite at the Ritz—no granite walls. Queen size bed, pillow top mattress with indulgent bedding.

  Azriel came in and out with food. Occasionally he carried on stupid conversations. I mostly stared at the ceiling. Or slept, Waiting to die.

  Days—maybe even a week after being moved, Azriel flung open the door.

  “Wake up, princess.” He opened a window to let the beams of light and red smoke filter in. The funky colored daylight from outside burned my eyes. I squinted.

  Lilith bounced in the door. “You ready to get out of here?”

  “Are you finally going to kill me?”

  Lilith let out a snarky laugh. "You don't really want to die, do you? From what my spies tell me, you have a promising music career ahead of you.”

  "Yeah, well that’s not going to happen." I laid my head back and stared at the ceiling, mourning my imminent death.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure.” She stepped beside my bed, her spiky boots planted into the coal beneath her feet.

  “A deal has been struck.”

  I leaned up. "What kind of deal?"

  "Oh no, I've been sworn to secrecy. Oh, what the hell. Let's just say your man is willing to sacrifice on your behalf.” Arrogance lingered in her tone, and she threw her hands up like a giddy girl. "I win."

  I didn't even blink when the door flung open, and Julian, Nate and Remie stormed in.

  Julian lunged for the bed and gathered me into his arms.

  Remie and Nate aimed daggers at Azriel and Lilith.

  "Now boys, no need to fight. This is an equal trade, yes?"

  Trade? Please, no.

  "Nice to see you again, Julian. Nate. Who's this—Newborn?" She scanned Remie up and down, and her tongue brushed over her lips.


  "Always a pleasure, demon. Now if you'll excuse us," Julian sneered.

  "I assume all is in place, Azriel? See to it this is done correctly."

  "What trade?" I stared at Julian.

  The corners of his mouth turned down, and he stared straight ahead, refusing to look me in the eye.

  "I would make the most of this Get out of jail free card." Azriel scoffed. "Had it been my decision, I would've killed your light by now." Azriel nodded to Lilith and took off out the door.

  Remie and Nate didn't take their eyes off Lilith.

  "Before you go, I must speak to Zoe. One last time," Lilith snarled.

  "You've had her long enough, demon." Julian's words rattled from his throat, bordering on rage.

  "Either we speak, or it's no deal," Lilith hissed through her teeth.

  "No deal. No trade. Let Cade go," I squeaked out, my throat dry. "Please, Julian. Don't let him do this."

  Julian mouthed, "I'm sorry," then nodded at Lilith. He set me down on the bed and sat beside me. His arm held me steady.

  Lilith kneeled before me. "Love is fleeting, Zoe. But life—this life can be Eternal. You deserve a life of your own. One not centered around Cade or some cause. Think of yourself for a change. You have so much ahead of you. Don’t blow it. Make me proud.” She winked then stood, gesturing toward the door for Julian to take me.

  “No.” A tear slid down my icy cheek. I never even gave Cade a chance. “Julian. Please. We can’t leave him here.”

  “Sorry, Zo.” Julian scooped me up and hit the door.

  Cade, however, was headed to his death. Where was he? Would he be all right?

  I heard the stories. How Eve and Zoe’s of the past had sacrificed for Cade. And while I had a hard time understanding why before, it all made perfect sense now.

  When Cade and I first met, I asked him what love meant. What he had sacrificed for it. Up until now, I’d been so selfish, only thinking of myself. Whining over what I would lose if I chose Cade.

  But I never considered what I’d lose if I didn’t.

  As Julian sprinted off down the corridor, I got a glimpse of Cade standing beside Raz. Azriel tugged at Cade’s hands and dragged him away.

  My gaze locked onto his and tears spilled down my cheeks as his voice echoed in my head.

  “Stay strong, love.”

  ~Chapter Thirty-Two~


  Birds sang outside an open window. A subtle scent of the sea breezed across my forehead. My lids were too heavy to pry open, but my ears worked just fine.

  Whispers scattered through the room, drawing my attention.

  "She’s beginning to heal. A Fallen dagger should have been lethal.”

  "So you think she'll come out of this?"

  "I am hopeful, but—"

  "You have doubts."

  "Yes, Remie. We’re nearly out of time. Cade's light has faded quickly without her. I’m not certain he’ll survive this."

  "I'm sorry, Raz. I know how close you two are. What does it mean for us? For humanity?"

  I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. My body betrayed me, and I fell back into darkness…

  The next time I woke, I had no idea where I was.

  Phoebe sat in a chair beside my bed with her feet kicked out. Her head was tilted back against the wall behind her, and she was asleep.

  I let out a sigh of relief. Phoebe was all right. Guess that Fallen told the truth after all. Shocker.

  I scanned the unfamiliar bedroom. A window to the side was propped open and sunlight filtered through, streaking the white walls.

  Where am I?

  My limbs balked at any attempt to move, although nothing hurt. Just stiff. I rolled my neck around to loosen it and pulled myself up to a sitting position, despite my sore shoulder.

  Cade. He wasn’t here. I was hollow without him. He’d been here every time I woke from Lilith’s wrath, but this time he wasn’t. I was alone.

  I inspected my shoulder. It was covered with a bandage, but the skin surrounding it was no longer grey. And it didn’t hurt.

  My heart though, ached for Cade. For what he’d done for me, and what Lilith and Azriel were probably doing to him now.

  All this time, I’d been so selfish to even consider that some stupid career was more important than what my soul had deemed worthy so long ago. Time had clearly corrupted me.

  I recalled the conversation with Lilith. Her motives were always selfish. And there was never any love for Adam.

  But Zoe 1.0—she had lifetimes with Cade. They must have truly loved each other for him to sacrifice his life and soul for her.

  For me.

  I turned to Phoebe and tried calling to her, but my throat was so dry, I could hardly say her name.

  "Phoebe, wake up," I squeaked out, leaned over and tugged at her elbow.

  Her eyes drifted open, and her expression grew wide. She stumbled up and ran to the door, yelling.

  "Zoe's awake. Come quick." She returned to me and kissed my forehead. Tears gushed down her cheeks. "I was afraid we'd lost you.” She tilted her head to the ceiling and closed her eyes, blowing out a re
lieved breath.

  Raz came in carrying a glass of water.

  I practically ripped it from his hand and sucked down the drink. It felt amazing drizzling down my throat. Who knows how long it had been since I ate or drank anything.

  "Ah, you've healed." Raz lowered himself to the bed. He pulled off the bandages, and sure enough, the wounds had healed. Only faint pink scars remained.

  He placed his hand on my shoulder, one over the other, and closed his eyes.

  My skin glowed white, but his hands were a bluish-black color. My eyes widened as his hands changed from blue to coal, then returned to porcelain white.

  "Your light is no longer shadowed," he said. "You’re pure once more. You may now return to Aravot. Should you so choose."

  "How's Cade?"

  Raz was tight-lipped, the corners of his mouth turned down. "I’m sorry Zoe, he's not..."

  "Is he—dead?" My heart fell into my stomach. “No. We have until December. It’s not December, it can’t be. I couldn't have been gone that long.”

  "No, no, Zoe." Raz braced my shoulder. "But he's not well."

  "How long do I have?"

  "A little over a week."

  I slumped back against the wall and closed my eyes.


  She did this, she had to pay. When I told her she’d started a war, I was serious. She had.

  I had to rescue my Gemini. I raised my arm and inspected the mark on my wrist. Cade said she had never been his Gemini. Only Zoe. I had to make this right, I just didn’t know how.

  All the Firstborns filed into the room.

  Julian ran over and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you, boss lady. Glad you're better. You look like you're ready to kick some Fallen arse."

  Everyone stared at me, waiting.

  Cade risked everything for me. Sacrificed for me. Was willing to die for me. Every ounce of my being felt a part of me missing, and I knew we belonged together. Cade and I were the original soul mates, Twin Souls.

  “I’m in love with him,” I blurted out, staring at the wall.

  At my epiphany, the Gemini mark on my wrist fired to life, only this time, it wasn't a subtle tingle, but a rush of adrenaline that jolted my heart. Voices filled my head, and the room went dark…


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