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Legend of Mace

Page 19

by Daniel J. Williams

  Crockett’s face remained a deep shade of red as he tried to think of anything else and avoid eye contact. Kelly’s face kept popping into his head, and he couldn’t understand why he felt a profound sense of shame every time he pictured her.

  Chelsea, Maya and Kelly suddenly burst through the door. As soon as he made eye contact with Kelly, he felt himself go from fully erect to turbo. He tried to nonchalantly move the machete in front of his erection, his face growing an even deeper shade of crimson.

  “Oh God,” Kelly said at the look on his face. “Mace was right. If we left you alone in here for five more minutes, you’d be stark naked and dangling your little turtle-head in front of her.”

  Before Crockett could respond, Dawson spoke loudly from her cell. “This one’s been a complete gentleman, girls, although you’re dead wrong about the size of that turtle-head.”

  All the girls looked from Dawson to the front of Crockett’s pants, where he continued to shield himself with the machete.

  “He did his best to ignore me, but he couldn’t ignore his hormones. That’s what makes the young ones fun.”

  Crockett’s head spun from embarrassment and humiliation. He wanted to point the machete at Dawson and threaten her but didn’t want to fully expose his bulge.

  “This is just so wrong,” he said nervously. “We need to gag her or something to shut her up. She just won’t stop talking.”

  Watching him closely, Kelly felt protective of him. She'd never seen him nervous before. Noticing the bulge in his pants also made her heart flutter. She felt confused. She decided sarcasm was the best recourse.

  “It looks like we need to wrap her mouth and wrap your shorts at the same time. There are two things that just won’t stop.”

  The hurt look in Crockett’s eyes made Kelly immediately regret the joke. The girls laughter didn’t help.

  “Fuck you, Jersey,” Crockett said as he stormed towards the door. “At least I’ve got a bulge. The only bumps you see when you look down are your knees.”

  Slamming the door behind him, Crockett paused for a second as he tried to gather himself. He’d never felt so vulnerable. Or so horny.

  Inside the cell, Dawson felt a connection with Kelly and tried to work it. She’d been teased non-stop in school over her flat chest.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie,” she said. “You’ve got a nice figure. Plus, you’re young and they could still grow.”

  Kelly looked at her in disgust. “I don’t need some humongous melon boobs to make me feel better about myself. I’m not like you.”

  Looking down at her chest, Dawson smiled sadly. “It’s only one humongous melon boob now.” Looking back up at the girls, she said, “I really need to see a doctor. I’m in a lot of pain.” Staring at Kelly for a second, she added, “That kid really likes you. And I can tell you feel the same way. Quit fighting it and have some fun before time runs out, because trust me, time is running out. You're all gonna die soon.”


  “Tom,” Roger spoke into the Walkie-Talkie. “You still with us?” Cleaning himself up quickly, he needed to speak with his friend before meeting again with the others. He coughed roughly, trying to clear the remaining dirt out of his lungs. He felt an enormous amount of guilt over Tom’s predicament. Nobody wanted to deal with the obvious. They had too much to prepare for.

  Thirty seconds later the Walkie-Talkie squawked on, and Tom’s tired voice said softly, “Roger? Thank God you’re okay. Thanks for checking in.” There was a long pause before Tom continued. “I know I’m going to die here. It’s okay. I know there’s nothing you can do.”

  Roger’s eyes welled up and he swallowed hard before speaking. “Once we get this situation taken care of we’ll come for you, buddy. Just hang on.”

  Another few seconds of dead air passed before the Walkie-Talkie squawked back on. “You know that’s bullshit. I know how much concrete is piled on top of me. It’s okay, I get it.” Roger felt his heart drop as Tom briefly sobbed. “At least I’m not a fucking crazy, half-zombie whack job. I’d rather go out this way.”

  “Don’t talk like that," Roger said. "We’ll figure out a way.”

  Tom’s voice remained weak. “No, you won’t. I won’t let you. You need to concentrate on keeping the camp safe.” A few seconds passed before he spoke again. “I still have my hunting knife. I’m going to slit my wrists. I just want to talk to Lisa one more time.”

  “Don’t talk like that. You just need to hang on.” Roger felt the lump in his throat grow.

  “I’m just telling you what needs to be done. Concentrate on the camp and raise those kids to be leaders. I’ve lived long enough in this shithole world. I’m okay with it.” After another pause he made his request again. “I’d just like to talk to Lisa one more time.”

  “Okay,” Roger said as a few tears spilled over. It took him a few seconds to pull himself together. “I’ll make it happen.” He sighed deeply and said, “I’m gonna miss you, buddy.” Roger released the button on the Walkie-Talkie and let out a few long sobs.

  “Me too,” Tom whispered back. “I need to talk to her soon, though.” After a moment he added, “I’ll see you on the other side.”

  Stopping by the hospital, Roger brought his Walkie-Talkie for Lisa, explaining Tom’s last request. Lisa was barely coherent. Racked with fever, she looked worse than before. He couldn’t help but notice the worried expression on Melissa’s face as Melissa changed her bandages. Her wounds were already infected.

  “Is she going to make it?” Roger asked quietly as he stared at the raw, inflamed puncture wounds in her wrists.

  “You better fucking believe it,” Lisa answered as she perspired heavily and squirmed around in discomfort. “I’m going to dig Tom out myself. He just needs to hold on for another couple of hours," she said woozily. "Help me talk to him.”

  Roger turned on the Walkie-Talkie and placed it next to Lisa's mouth. “Tom,” Lisa said hoarsely. “You just hold on. I’ll be there soon.” Lisa’s breath was fast and shallow. “Once I dig you out, we aren’t leaving the bedroom for a month.” She tried to laugh, but it brought on a wave of pain. Her face turned pale and her eyes briefly lolled in the back of her head.

  Tom didn’t respond right away. Ten seconds passed before his Walkie-Talkie squawked on. “I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I’m sorry we didn’t have more time.”

  “You better not pussy out on me,” Lisa said in reply, although his words made her want to cry. Turning to Roger and Melissa, she said, “Let me up. I need to go get him.”

  Roger placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Just rest for now, Lisa. We’ll get him out. You just need to rest.”

  Lisa moaned for a second from the exertion before she turned her head to the side and vomited all over the floor.

  “I need to take care of her,” Melissa said worriedly to Roger.

  Watching Lisa sadly, Roger slowly nodded his head. “Do what you can for her.” He lifted the Walkie-Talkie and said, “She said she loves you too, buddy. She’s not doing so well right now.”

  Tom didn't bother to respond. He flicked the switch on his Walkie-Talkie off for the last time. Staring into the darkness, he broke down and cried.


  “They’ve got suitcase nukes and a semi-trailer loaded with infected,” Mace said straightforward as Roger walked in on the meeting. “We need a plan. And fast.”

  “Suitcase nukes?” Roger asked as he sat down around their meeting table. “Where the hell did they get those?”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Mace responded. “We need to get them out of their hands.”

  Mace, Jade, Woody, Jim, & Yvette all sat around their war table. Jim scooted over to make room for Roger.

  “Any ideas?” Woody asked.

  “The ambulance,” Mace said. “We need to know the last place it was located and see if we can do a bait and switch. They keep the nukes in an ambulance.”

  “Sounds like they took a page out
of our book,” commented Jade.

  “That’s not the worst of it,” Mace said, turning to Jade. “They used the ambulance to capture infected. They’ve got them loaded in a trailer. It’s what Dawson thinks they’ll use on us next.”

  “I thought they died off!” remarked Jim excitedly.

  “It’s the dark,” Mace said, addressing them all. “I experienced it at the airport hanger with Angela. It’s like they go into hibernation. It keeps them fresh.”

  “Shit,” said Jade. “Although I don’t see how infected could be that much of a threat right now, especially with the fortress we have around us.”

  “Yeah, but what about an attack by infected AND bikers simultaneously on different fronts?”

  “What if we evacuated and left the doors wide open? Let them in and then blow the whole place once they get in?” Woody’s fingers drummed against the table as he thought through their options.

  “Evacuate to where, though?” Yvette grew increasingly anxious. “Those crazy fuckers are out there and we’ve got all our food and supplies here!”

  “I’m just thinking out loud,” answered Woody, unoffended. “Anybody have any other ideas?”

  “Yeah,” said Mace. “Create a diversion. I’ve got an idea. It may buy us some time.”


  Dawson looked miserable sitting against the wall of the jail cell as Mace entered the stockade. The girls all glared at her.

  “She been good?” Mace asked Chelsea.

  Staring at Dawson, Chelsea shook her head. “She acts nice but you know she’s just looking for an angle.”

  Mace couldn’t help but be impressed by her evaluation. “Very observant,” he said, the urge for bloodshed still tickling under his skin. “What do you think we should do with her?”

  “Honestly, I think we need to execute her. She’s nothing but trouble.” The hard look on Chelsea’s face made a part of Mace feel proud.

  “I’ve got a better idea,” he said. “We’re going to use her as bait.”

  Dawson perked up at the declaration. She pushed herself up and grasped the front bars, her body twisted as her one melon boob pressed against the bars. “What are you going to do with me?” she asked.

  “I’m going to return you to the gang.”

  She stared at him for a few moments. “And why would you do that?”

  “We want to avoid any more bloodshed.” At the words, he could feel the desire for bloodshed grow stronger. “It’s a good faith measure.”

  Dawson shook her head. “You’re not that stupid. You know it won’t work.”

  Mace remained expressionless. “I need you to tell me the last place the gang was camped and the exact location of the ambulance.”

  “Oh, now I get it. You think you’ve got a plan.” She laughed out loud. “You think you and a couple of kids are going to take out Razor? You’re all going to die. You might as well get used to it.”

  "We'll see," Mace said icily. "If I were you, I wouldn't plan on a warm reunion."


  “We need to rig the ambulance to blow once the side doors are opened. Can you do it?”

  Roger nodded as he examined the inside of the ambulance. They were a mile away from the compound in the building where the ambulance was hidden. “Shouldn’t be a problem. You’ve got enough explosives and blasting caps to take out an army.” As he looked everything over, he shook his head. “Weren’t you afraid somebody might find this?”

  “No,” Mace answered. “They wouldn’t drive it two feet without the whole thing exploding. This was designed as a last resort weapon or early warning detection system. You know how well it was hidden, anyway.”

  Shaking his head in awe, Roger hopped out of the ambulance and took a brief look around. “Yeah, but if it came down to it, this is a long way off to be useful.”

  “Maybe, but I didn’t want it too close to the compound. If it went off by accident, it would take out the whole camp.”

  Staring at Mace, Roger took a deep breath. “You think we’ve got a shot?”

  “We’ve always got a shot. Help me dismantle the trip wires around this thing and let's get moving. Take the route we discussed. As soon as I get back, I’m off with Dawson.”

  “Right,” Roger said, trying not to think of their odds. He wondered if Tom was still breathing. He pushed the thought out of his mind. There was nothing he could do about it.


  Crockett fired up his dirtbike and stared out at their compound as it readied itself. He’d lost too many friends: Miles and Dolphin were gone, and Bowie was still missing. He didn’t think he’d survive this day, but if it kept the rest of his friends alive, he was okay with it. He'd volunteered for the job.

  He was about to pull away when Kelly walked up and blocked his bike. “What do you want, Double A?” He was still stinging from her remark in the jail. “I’ve got to get moving.”

  Kelly walked over to the side of his bike, a sad smile planted on her face. “I’m worried about you,” she said. “I want to make sure you come back.”

  Crockett couldn’t look at her. He needed to remain focused on his mission. “Why, so you can humiliate me some more?” He revved the bike engine and prepared to leave.

  Grabbing the bike handle with one hand, Kelly put her other hand around the back of his neck and leaned in, kissing him softly on the mouth. She pulled back a few inches and stared intently in his eyes. “I want you to come back. I want to be your girl. I think I might be falling for you.”

  Crockett’s head spun wildly as a wave of emotions overcame him. He shut the bike off as all his pent up feelings for her released. He grabbed her face and kissed her hard, his heart pounding as it opened up for the first time. She matched his intensity until he suddenly pulled back, remembering his mission. He smiled at her, sad yet jubilant, knowing he might never come back but thankful for this moment. “I’ll come back if you promise to grow some boobs,” he joked quietly.

  Kelly leaned in and kissed him gently again as she chuckled lightly. “You come back and I’ll show you what little I’ve got.”

  He could feel himself growing swiftly, the discomfort noticeable as he sat on the bike. “I think I might have feelings for you, too,” he said as he squirmed around trying to readjust his member.

  “I know you love me, you tool,” Kelly said, smiling as she watched him squirm. “Be safe and hurry back. I want to kiss you some more.” She looked at him warmly.

  Crockett couldn’t help but smile as he fired the dirt bike back up. “Later, Jersey. See you on the flip side.” He realized he didn’t even know what that meant. It made him laugh as he rolled the bike out of the compound.

  Kelly remained silent as she watched the dust kick up from his bike. She really did love him, she realized. After a second, she moved swiftly towards her assignment.


  Before leaving for the biker camp, Mace briefly checked in on Lisa. “You look like a million bucks,” he said sarcastically as he slowly inspected her. She looked pale, drawn, and weak.

  “I’m pissed,” Lisa said sluggishly. “I want in on this fight.”

  “You need to fight to get better,” Mace responded as he peeked at one of the wrist wounds under the gauze. Melissa had removed the wraps so she could change the dressing more often. He lifted his eyebrows at the sight. Lisa caught the look.

  “I need more pot,” she said weakly.

  “I’ll make sure they get you some,” he answered quietly. She didn’t look good at all. He glanced at Melissa, who nodded towards the door. Melissa’s face told him everything. “When I get back we’re gonna have a party. I expect to see you dancing a Rhumba.”

  “Will do, Captain,” she said weakly. “Now go get me some stash.”

  Outside the hospital room, Mace waited to hear the prognosis.

  “She’s really sick. I’m afraid she going into septic shock.” Melissa wrung her hands nervously. “I’m not really sur
e what to do.”

  “Just keep her comfortable,” Mace said sadly. “And get her some more weed.”

  Mace was halfway to the biker camp when he saw the dust-trail from the semi off to the side, heading towards their compound. There was nothing he could do about it now. He needed to focus on the ambulance and the rest of the gang.

  As he approached the gang, they appeared to be preparing to leave. There were still around sixty bikers in the camp. Multiple guns immediately pointed in his direction as he rode up with Dawson on the rear. A dirty white t-shirt hung from a tall thin pole attached to the rear of the bike, waving briskly as he advanced.

  Razor smiled at the sight of him and took a few steps forward.

  “What do you want to do?” one of his men asked quietly, semi-automatic rifle aimed directly at Mace’s chest.

  “Hear what he has to say. This could be entertaining.”

  Pulling the bike to a stop, Mace set the kickstand and climbed off nonchalantly. Dawson carefully hopped off behind him, self-conscious and trying to hide her damaged side from Razor and the rest of the bikers. Mace had dressed her in a long motorcycle jacket.

  Mace moved her in front of him as a shield. “I come in peace,” he said loudly. “I just want to talk.”

  Razor couldn’t help but laugh, as did most of the gang. “Talk away, asshole,” Razor yelled, “I’d love to hear what you have to say.”

  Wearing a similar jacket to Dawson for concealment purposes, Mace reached around Dawson and undid her top button, pulling the coat open a few inches to show a long coil. “She’s wired,” Mace said loudly. “We both are.” He held up his hand to show a small device in his hand with a wire climbing up the sleeve. “Anyone moves or takes a shot at us and we all go up in flames.”


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