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Stella: (Book #2.5, The Razer Series)

Page 5

by K A Sands

I laughed. I smelled good because I wore expensive perfume, but my pussy was cheap. I’d bet I didn’t taste half as good as he imagined. Still, the thought of a random stranger giving me some pleasure tickled at me.

  Licking his lips, he held eye contact, never wavering, his eyes almost black under those thick lashes of his. “Wanna get out of here?”

  “With you?”

  “With me,” he nodded.

  Oh, what the hell. Fuck stranger danger. I was probably more of a threat to him than he was to me. And if I ended up a statistic in a dumpster somewhere then well…he’d only be doing everyone a favour anyway.

  “Entice me,” I dared. I was going to be at least a little hard to get. It was no fun otherwise.

  That quick shift of his hips shortened my breath. “You like dirty?”

  “Dirtier the better,” I grinned at him.

  Stepping back, he took all his heat with him, the space didn’t dampen the sexual tension between us at all however. Suddenly looking shy, he tucked a hand into the pockets of his black pants and looked at the floor. “I’m just a soft man.”

  Well, that was nothing to be ashamed of now was it? But he was in for a shock if he thought that was the way I rolled. With assertion, it was my turn to push him to the opposite wall. I clutched his hard on through his trousers and applied pressure.

  “Soft is for pussies, and mine isn’t soft.”

  He snarled at me, his teeth snapping together, his lower body moving in such a tantalising way I was suddenly more than eager to leave with him.

  “My car’s outside.” The low cadence of his voice rumbled through my chest.

  “How romantic.”

  “You don’t strike me as the romantic kind, darling,” he chuckled, removing his hand from his pocket and running a finger along the neck of my camisole. His other hand wrapped around my wrist at his crotch and he ground my hand into him. “You got to earn that.”

  Jesus, this guy had a full-blown ego and a cock to back it up, the state of my soaked underwear was testament to exactly how much I liked it.

  “You keep those sexy, fuck me shoes on and you’ve earned it. Move, let’s go,” he pushed against me, “my cock likes what it fucking sees and I’m getting impatient.”

  There was an invitation I couldn’t refuse. I forgot all about the bathroom trip I’d needed, forgot all about Charlie’s daughter, forgot all about Gripp. Being a bitch was exhausting, I wanted some fun on my own terms.

  * * *

  His car was a Range Rover, a huge thing with tinted windows. Instead of opening the front passenger door like I’d thought he would, the guy reached for the back, heaving one wide after unlocking the car.

  “Hop in,” he invited with a flick of his hand.

  I did, eagerly, consequences fleeing when I saw how roomy up back was. He climbed in behind me, his long, muscled legs having plenty space to stretch.

  “Pants off.”

  There was no teasing in his voice, he meant business. I was more than happy to oblige and kicked my shoes off into the footwell. Hitching my hips, I unbuttoned my wool blend trousers and shrugged them over my arse, sliding them down my thighs. His big hands gripped at the pants leg closest to him and he yanked until the trousers were forgotten on the floor of the car.


  I whipped my head around to face him, confused. “What?”

  “My name. Tony. I wanna hear it when I make you come.”

  Whatever. Like I cared what his name was. I looked him over, he’d discarded his jacket and hung it over the front seat and was undoing the buttons on his crisp white shirt, the movement wafting his aftershave through the Range Rover.

  “Let me see those titties of yours.”

  I couldn’t get my own jacket off quick enough, my camisole feeling restrictive, my nipples hardening beneath the lacy black cups of my bra. Pulling the silky top over my head, I chucked it somewhere I didn’t care. Making a move for my bra next, he stopped me.

  “Leave it. Put your shoes back on then sit that pretty fucking arse of yours on my lap.”

  He was rolling on a condom while I slid my shoes back on. “What, no foreplay?” I teased.

  Shaking his head, he bit his lip and looked at me thoughtfully. “No. you’re gonna fuck me, make me come.” He grinned at me, tugging on his cock. And oh man, what a glorious fucking sight it was. He was thick and long, and I knew he was going to use it in all the right ways. “Then I’m gonna play, baby.” His wink was cheeky, alluring.

  Climbing over his lap, I held myself above him while he shuffled in the seat, the cold leather on my knees and calves soon heating underneath my skin. Fingers bit onto the flesh of my arse when Tony took hold, lining me up. Closing his eyes and leaning back, he pulled me down onto him in one long movement until he was balls deep. I could feel every inch of him and I let out a sigh like a contented cat.

  God, it was so good.

  “Pussy feels soft to me, darling. Crazy wet, too.”

  I bounced up and down on his dick a few times, grinding in his lap, with Tony aiding the movement. He went long and deep, then suddenly stopped, and fumbled around next to me, producing a bag of white powder. With his other hand, he roughly yanked the cup of my bra down, his tongue snaking out and licking over the mound of flesh pushed up by the material. I threw my head back at the sensation of his teeth on my nipple.


  Coming back to my senses when I felt the dusting of what I knew was coke, across my tit, I grinned. I’d had the stuff plenty times, and I watched with rapt attention as he sprinkled a healthy dose over my exposed skin before tossing the bag off to the side absently.

  Painfully gripping my breasts, one hanging out, the other still tucked away, he started moving again, his rhythm the same as before, his thrusts just as deep.

  “Fuck me.” His tongue poked out again, licking the coke from me, the white powder making my nipple tingle. I wanted some of that coke, too. “Make me come. Then you get yours.”

  I didn’t have it in me to feel offended, rather disappointed. What had started out as a pleasurable encounter on equal footing had been soured by the fact he was holding me to ransom over a bit of coke. There was a trade. Not knowing whether to be incensed or gleeful, the thought of getting shitfaced on powder won out. For endless minutes the only sounds permeating the car were slaps, grunts and groans. When Tony tensed underneath me and let out a long moan, I clenched my pussy to hug his cock as he came.

  Snapping open his eyes, he laughed at me. “Your turn, beautiful. Switch places.”

  I wasn’t all that close to coming to be honest but with a hit of coke not far off, my enthusiasm ramped up, I’d be flying in no time. Once we’d changed positions and I was sprawled underneath him, he tucked his softening cock away and did up his pants, while I rolled my eyes.

  One hit wonder, go figure.

  “Spread your legs.” Grabbing for the druggie bag again, Tony scooped out a sizeable amount on his finger. “Open wide.”

  Opening my mouth, greedy for it, I stuck my tongue out, my pulse thrumming through me. When his finger entered my mouth, I closed my lips around the digit and sucked hard. His hand delved between my legs, his finger into my pussy, while I let go of the other with a pop.

  Tipping the bag over my exposed flesh, the powder cascaded like snow across my bare pussy, and when he rubbed it over my clit, the sensation was blinding. I bucked into his hand, begging for more.

  “Fuck it.”

  He bent back down and grasped my nipple between his teeth, biting down hard. I let out a yelp so ferocious he jarred back in surprise, the baggie spilling all over my breasts and stomach, the seats of the car.

  “Oops,” I giggled.

  “Fuck,” he growled in annoyance. His hands left me as he tried unsuccessfully to salvage the powder spilled everywhere. “Fuck. Party’s just starting, babe.” He looked out of the tinted window into the darkened car park as if searching for something, or someone, his top teeth digging into his bottom lip.
“My mate in the club has more. I’ll be back in a sec.”

  I watched him grab his jacket from the front seat before I closed my eyes and leant my head backwards. His weight shifted from between my legs, the cold breeze assaulting me when he jumped from the car. It wasn’t enough to sharpen my senses and I kept my eyes closed.

  “Keep those legs open for me, Stella.”

  I lay there, legs splayed in the back of Tony’s Range Rover, the effect of the coke taking over me finally. My fingers stroked lazy circles over my clit. I fucking loved this stuff, but it was never any fun when you had no one to play with.

  Realisation hit me like a fist to the face a moment too late and sucked the wind from me. Stella…he’d called me Stella. I hadn’t told him my name, but he knew who I was.

  Shit… shit, shit!

  I hurriedly sat up and brought my legs together, searching for the panties I’d kicked off earlier, finding them stuffed down the side of the seat. I scrambled furiously to get them back on then looked around for the rest of my clothes.

  What the fuck?

  My trousers weren’t in the footwell, there was no sign of my camisole or my jacket for that matter. How the fuck had I missed that? Tucking my tit back into my bra, I searched around for a blanket, for anything to cover up. There was nothing and I knew with certainty, Tony, the fucking bastard, was gone and wasn’t coming back. What the hell was this? Anger climbed, and I kicked out at the seats in front of me with such a force my heel punctured the leather.

  My purse!

  Again, I couldn’t find it, no matter where I looked. Panic seeped in, without my purse I had no phone, no one to call. I was in my goddamned underwear and fucking stiletto heels, covered in bloody coke, smelling like sex. Jesus. How stupid could I have been? People rarely got the better of me, if ever, but this guy had - and then some.

  Stupid, Stella. Real stupid.

  I laughed caustically. The prick had gotten off as well. Oh, good one, high five material that. Then I almost hit my head on the roof of the car when someone rapped on the glass of the window. I knew before even turning my head it was going to be bad. Very bad. And it was. So, so bad.

  The mortification of being hauled from the backseat of a car with barely any clothes on, the sex smell obvious, the coke even more so, was not the highlight of my life. Metal cuffs bit into my wrists as one of the policemen read me my rights and I hung my head in shame.

  I needed to phone my lawyer.


  Our two-day trip to visit with Laura’s dad was cut short. We came home the same day we’d left, albeit several hours later and under the cover of darkness.

  “Listen,” I rubbed my fingers down the side of my face, stress kicking in. “I don’t want you going anywhere yourself. Always, always with someone. If I’m not at home, then you’re with Taylor all right?” Laura held an air of apprehension about her, understandably so. I was feeling it too.

  Our long weekend was cut short. Stella was back, just like we’d suspected. Laura had been right, I was just catching up, the thought of her confronting Ayden in his own home made me furious. My son needed answers I should have given him years ago.

  Ryder had placated Ayden long enough. It wasn’t up to him to tell my son things he should already know. That was all on me and it was time now. Stella’s appearance meant nothing good and the fact she’d been at Charlie’s too spoke volumes.

  She was plotting.

  I didn’t want to go another ten rounds with my ex-wife. Laura and I were on the cusp of getting married and Stella was a complication nobody needed. Nothing was going to spoil our happy day, certainly not a vengeful ex who didn’t know when to quit.

  Laura’s hand clasped my thigh as I parked up the Cayenne outside the Loft. We sat there for a minute before I cringed at the way it had sounded like I’d lain down the law, whether she liked it or not. She was strong willed and stubborn but there was no doubt Stella was going to come after us, try to get at me, my girlfriend would be on that list.

  Staring through the windshield, Laura sighed, hopefully having taken my comment as concern and not control.

  “The things I need to tell Ayden? Some you know, some you don’t.”

  “You don’t need to tell me anything you don’t want to, Lucca.”

  “I know, but I think it’s best.”

  “I trust your judgement, okay. Let’s just deal with Ayden first then we can do us, okay? Poor boy will be so confused.”

  “Yeah. I knew this would happen. Bloody knew it.” I smacked my hand against the steering wheel. “She just turned up at his door, that’s not good. I tried so hard to hide that fucking flat from everywhere. Christ, how’d she even get the bloody address?”

  “I don’t know. But we’re all aware she’s back now. For whatever reason, so we need to figure it out.” She thought for a moment. “You’re just about to break his heart, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, yeah.” I shook my head sadly. “And it’s gonna fucking kill me, Laura.”

  “Together. We’re all together, don’t forget it. Be sure to remind him, too.”

  * * *

  Ryder was in the living room when I trudged my weary body into the Loft. He was standing with his back to the door, looking out across the city, stance rigid, arms across his chest. Ayden was sitting a few feet away, leaning against the glass of the big windows, Shaun between his legs, back to his chest. I could feel the awkward tension from all the way over by the door where I was standing.

  “Taylor and Emily are with Sophie down the hall,” Ryder turned his head a touch, the dismissal evident but not cruel. “Thought it best we were all in the same place.”

  Laura said nothing, touched her hand to my back then left to find her sister. It was perhaps best I just did this with the four of us.

  Taking a few steps inside the room, I called out to my son. “Ayden? You’re okay? Both of you?”

  “I didn’t let her in.” His voice was flat, a tone I’d rarely heard directed at me.

  I went further into the room and sat a few inches from my son, same position, back to the glass. I couldn’t take the accusing look he was giving me anymore. It was probably easier telling him the things I needed to this way.

  “What do I need to know?” he asked roughly.

  “Two things.” There were only two major things I’d kept from him, and it was time he knew. “One is about your grandfather and grandmother and the other is about the break in last year.”

  He groaned, flopping his head on top of Shaun’s. “She’s involved in both?”

  “Indirectly with your grandmother, yes. It’s not a story I thought I’d ever need to tell you, Ayden, but I guess I was wrong.”

  Shaun moved away from Ayden, stopping when he was yanked back. “Stay.”

  “It’s not my business.”

  “I’m your business. Stay.” There was no arguing with him. Shaun sat back where he’d been without another word.

  Ryder had since sat down next to me, lending his support like he always did, albeit quietly this time.

  I ripped the band aid off, there was no easy way to say the words I was about to speak. “My father shot and killed Stella’s mother. She was fifteen years old and most likely saw him do it.”

  Ayden sucked in a breath, his fingers biting into Shaun’s arm. “You’re serious?” His laugh was disbelieving.

  “Yes,” I stated simply. “He had thought Stella was his daughter her whole life. Turned out, she wasn’t. I guess he didn’t like that very much.”

  “He’d been having an affair? Cheating on grandma?”

  “It appears so. He left a letter confessing, and she found it after he died.”

  “So, he shot her? Just like that?”

  “I believe it’s called a crime of passion.”

  “Jesus,” he whispered, nodding his head. “Wow. He killed my other grandma?”

  The question hung heavy in the air and no one spoke for a long time, the revelation clearly sinking in for the boys. I
could tell Ayden was trying to work out things in his head, the tell-tale foot tap, his subtle give away. Ryder’s fingers brushed against the denim of my jeans and I was thankful for the small touch of support he was giving me.

  “When did you find out?” Ayden asked eventually.

  “A few years ago. Ryder and I were sorting through your grandma’s stuff after she’d passed, we found it among her lace tablecloths, like it was hidden. We had Tony dig around, find the child in question. It was your mother.”

  “She came at you for revenge, didn’t she?” Shaun quickly clued up on what Stella’s deal was. Smart, smart kid. “For twenty years she made you suffer for what your dad did to her mother.”

  I’d tried to shield Ayden from that side of Stella, but I knew I’d failed somewhere and rightly so, he spoke to Shaun about the things he’d probably witnessed.

  “I think that was her idea, yes.”

  “There were no robbers, were there?”

  “No. That is a truth I should have told you straight off. I didn’t want to further hurt the tenuous link you had with her. She’s your mother, Ayden.”

  He snorted, wrapping his hands tighter around Shaun. “Why stay? Put up with all her shit. You stayed.”

  I couldn’t lay it on his shoulders, tell him it was mostly for him, it was so wrong. “I didn’t know any better.”

  Swivelling his head around, he pinned me with a look I didn’t know, like he was wiser than his years and he got it. “But you do now.”

  “I do now, son.” I smiled thinking of Laura down the hall.

  “I don’t really remember my grandfather, so I don’t feel anything for him. She, though, is a different matter.”

  She was. What was done was done. None of us could change our pasts, no matter the mistakes we’d made through the years. We simply learnt and moved on. Stella had taught me well in that regard. “She is.”

  “Well,” Ryder shifted, hand on my knee as he hoisted himself from the floor. Sitting in the recliner facing us he said, “she’s at the police station right now. Tony sent a message a little while ago.”


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