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Destiny and a Bottle of Merlot

Page 17

by Bria Marche

  “Sorry. Okay… here’s what happened. When I got off the phone with you Christmas morning, I gathering the gifts to go to my folks house. The doorbell rang, and I assumed it was Jake, but it was Candy with a kid.”

  “What the hell is Candy with a kid?”

  “I mean, it was my ex-wife, Candy, with a kid… a boy… named Josh.”

  “Are you telling me what I think you are?”

  “Yes. Sasha please believe me when I say I had no idea she was coming, or that I had a son. She just showed up out of nowhere. We haven’t seen or talked to each other in almost ten years.”

  “If this child is yours, then why didn’t you know about him years ago?” Sasha poured a glass of wine for Josh too. The anxiety was getting the best of him. Sweat beaded above his upper lip and on his forehead. “What does she want? I mean, why is she here?”

  “That’s the mystery, honey. I wanted to call you on Christmas to tell you what was going on, but my phone disappeared. It’s still missing. I sent you an email, but… well, it doesn’t matter now. She’s at my house with little Josh, and she’s in no hurry to leave. She thinks it’s best if the boy gets acquainted with me. That’s her excuse anyway. She said she was married several times, but the last guy just recently picked up and moved out. I’m sure that’s why she’s here. She either wants someone to take care of the boy, at least part time, or money. I’m thinking both. I’ve already contacted my attorney. We were going to see him next week, but he wants to run a paternity test first, just to make sure I’m really Josh’s dad. Poor kid, he’s stuck in the middle of a really awkward situation.”

  Sasha reached across the table and placed her hand over Josh’s. “I’m sorry I thought the worst. I love you, Josh. I was afraid I was losing you, with no idea why. I’m in this for the long haul, whether you have a son or not.”

  “Sasha, I love you too. I would never treat you like that intentionally. I’m so sorry I couldn’t call you until I got to my office this morning. I tried twice, but you didn’t pick up.”

  “Yeah, I was outside with Kismet. I saw the number when I came in, but I didn’t recognize it. I deleted the calls.” Sasha walked around the table and sat on Josh’s lap. With her arms around his neck, she snuggled in closely, holding him tight. “You have to tell Candy about us, Josh. I don’t want her trying to dig her heels in. You’re spoken for, and there’s no way I’m going to let her get between us. If Josh is your son, we’ll figure it out. If he isn’t, she needs to disappear. Now, would you like your Christmas present?”

  “Of course, but you’re the best gift of all. I have your present at my house. Why don’t we just wait and exchange them in a more romantic, intimate evening together?”

  “I like that idea. So what’s next, as far as the Candy thing goes? You can stay here with me, and she can stay at your house until this ordeal is over with. That’s if she won’t go to a hotel.”

  “She only has next week, then as far as I know Josh has to go back to school and she has a job to go to. I’m going to tell her, better yet, let’s go together and tell her we’re a couple. I’ll stick it out for the week just because I feel bad about Josh. If he really is my son, I’d look like a jackass if I wasn’t spending time with him.”

  “You’re right, let’s go. It’s time for me to meet Josh and your ex-wife Candy.”

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Candy already made herself at home in Josh’s house. They found her lying on the couch with a bag of potato chips when they walked in. Judge Judy was playing on TV, and young Josh occupied his fingers with games on his tablet. Candy jumped up and brushed the crumbs off her chest when the door opened.

  “Josh, I didn’t hear the car pull in. Who’s this?” Candy grabbed the remote and muted the TV. She fumbled with the rubber band around her wrist, trying to take it off so she could secure her hair into a ponytail with it.

  “Candy, this is Sasha, my girlfriend. Josh, say hi to Sasha.”

  Josh looked up for a second to acknowledge Sasha, said hi, and went back to his game.

  “Nice to meet you both,” Sasha said.

  The elephant in the room created an awkward silence, lasting way too long.

  “I’ll make coffee,” Josh said.

  “I can do that.” Candy got off the couch taking the potato chip bag with her into the kitchen. She clipped the bag and threw it in the cupboard.

  Sasha and Josh followed her and sat next to each other at the table.

  “I wish you would’ve told me you were bringing a guest over, Josh. I could have cleaned up a bit.”

  Oh, no way in hell are you going to pull this shit on me, Sasha thought. “Excuse me, Candy, but I’m not a guest. I come and go as I please, and it’s the same for Josh at my house. If anyone is a guest, it’s you, and where I come from, guests know their place. You’re only staying the week, right?”

  “For now,” Candy responded, with a definite snarl.

  “Good. I’d suggest the next time you visit us, to get a hotel. I hear there’s several nice ones at the far edge of town. Coffee anyone?”

  Josh squeezed her hand under the table and gave her a wink. Sasha casually stood up, got three cups out of the cabinet and set one in front of each of them. With the grace of a gazelle, she carried the carafe and three saucers with spoons to the table, followed by the cream and sugar bowl.

  “So we’re clear?”

  Candy glared at Sasha, knowing she wasn’t going to win this battle. “Yes, we’re clear.”

  Sasha glared back at Candy while she stirred her coffee. “Wonderful.”


  Nothing would be settled between Christmas and New Year’s. Most government offices were half staffed at best during the holidays. The results of the paternity test would take weeks to come back. The only thing decided between Josh and Candy was the visitation arrangement. That would only come into play if little Josh was actually Josh’s biological son. Candy returned to Omaha the Saturday before New Year’s Day, feeling completely defeated.

  “We’ll be back as soon as the paternity results are in. See you soon, Josh.” She kissed Josh on the cheek and loaded the trunk with their suitcases. Josh watched from the porch as Candy and little Josh waved goodbye. She left for LaGuardia to return the rental car, and board the outbound flight to Omaha.

  Thank God that’s over for now, he thought, as he went back inside the house. Josh was fond of the boy, but until he knew for sure what the test results were, he wasn’t going to dwell on it.

  Josh drove to his office to get some much needed paperwork done. His mind was far too preoccupied during Candy’s stay to think clearly. Thankfully, the week between Christmas and New Year’s was quiet anyway. The light flashed on his office phone. I hope there wasn’t too many calls last week. Jake was doing most of the work during Josh’s absence. Josh listened to the messages, one being from his mom. She found the missing cell phone under the couch cushion while she was cleaning the living room. With his phone again, things fell back into the normal side of daily life for Josh. I’ve got to call Sasha to let her know Candy’s gone and I have my phone.

  “Josh, you found your phone.”

  “Hi, hon. Yeah, my mom found it under her couch cushion. I just picked it up. Of course it was completely dead so I’m talking to you with it on the charger. Do you want to celebrate Christmas tonight?”

  “That sounds wonderful. What about Candy?”

  “They left this morning. I’m so relieved, even if it is temporary. I’ll pick you up for dinner, say at six? We’ll go somewhere nice. Then we can go back to your house afterward, exchange gifts and have our own celebration. Does that sound okay?”

  “It sounds perfect. See you at six. Bye, Josh.”

  “Bye, sweetheart.”

  Josh planned to take Sasha to The Riverview Inn at Croton-On-Hudson. The inn was a beautiful, upscale dining establishment that had been there since the mid 1800’s. Originally, it was a general store and a location where trappers sold their furs. The qu
aint, antique furnished interior would surprise and please Sasha, and that was just what Josh wanted to do.

  Sasha thought out her wardrobe for the evening. She didn’t know where they were going, but Josh said it would be somewhere nice. That meant dressy in her mind. She chose a fitted, red velvet dress. It was sexy and festive, but not over the top. Red, being a holiday color, was the perfect choice. Sasha showered, sprayed perfume in her most intimate places and slipped the dress over her lacy black bra and panties. Jimmy Choo stiletto heels and a matching clutch finished off the look, accented by a diamond necklace and diamond stud earrings. The reflection in the full length antique mirror startled her. It brought back memories of the way she used to dress regularly when she was with Jack. That person was long gone, and a better person took her place. I have substance and character now. I’m not the old Sasha who was immature and petty. I’m Martha Destiny, and I like myself. The way I’m dressed tonight is for fun and to excite Josh. He’s the only person I’ll dress like this for, ever again. Sasha accepted the look, even though these days she was far happier in jeans and a sweatshirt. She touched up her makeup and finger spiked her hair. There… done and perfect for Josh. The timing was dead on. She glided down the staircase just as the door knocker banged against the door. Sasha pulled the heavy wooden door open.

  “Woman, you’re going to put me in an early grave,” Josh said, as he looked her up and down. He handed her a large box wrapped with gold flecked paper. “This is for later.”

  Sasha giggled and blushed. “Do you really like how I’m dressed?”

  “I love the way you’re dressed. The question is, can you walk in those heels?”

  “Of course I can. I’ve had lots of practice.”

  Josh helped her with her coat and held her hand as they walked to the car. He wasn’t about to let her slip on the driveway in those mankiller heels.

  Sasha oohed and aahed at the wonderful ambiance at The Riverview Inn. She loved everything about it. The stone fireplace they were seated next to in the main dining room was massive. A large beam ran across the top as a mantle. Soft music played in the background. The room had a cozy intimate feeling that warmed Sasha’s skin.

  “Josh, I’ve never been here. It’s so beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like it, honey. Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are with the fireplace glowing against your face? Sasha, you’re stunning, and every man in this restaurant wishes they were me right now.”

  “Josh, you’re making me blush. Nobody is looking at me… are they?”

  “Are you kidding me? They can’t even eat their food because their mouths are gaping open.”

  “Stop it!” Sasha whispered, with a laugh. “I only have eyes for you anyway. Nobody else matters.”

  Josh ordered a bottle of their finest champagne. “It’s been a tough week filled with tension and misunderstandings. Let’s enjoy tonight and celebrate us.”

  “I like that idea. I can’t wait to celebrate Christmas when we get home too.”

  They had a fabulous dinner and ordered dessert and coffee afterward. Back at Sasha’s house, Josh took Kismet out for her last potty walk of the night. Sasha opened a bottle of Merlot and set it on the coffee table to breathe. Two wine glasses waited next to it. A crystal candy dish filled with chocolates sat nearby. Sasha stoked the dwindling fire with the poker and tossed another log on it. It erupted into a warm, crackling blaze that added a nice glow to the room. Josh returned with Kismet and dried her snow coated feet. She was done for the night and curled up near the fireplace, dozing off within seconds. Josh sat on the couch next to Sasha and poured each of them a glass of wine.

  “I’d like to make a toast to us. We’ve both come a long way in the last few months. We’re different now, better, and a lot happier than before. I owe my changes to you, Sasha, and I want to thank you for opening my eyes. To us.”

  They clinked their glasses together and sipped the wine. Josh leaned in and kissed Sasha softly. She set her glass down and responded, kissing him deeply.

  “Let’s open our gifts before we forget to. You have a way of distracting me.”

  “Okay, I’ll get yours,” Sasha reached down under the Christmas tree. A solitary gift remained there, as if it were waiting patiently to be claimed. She handed the box to him. “I can finally give this to you. I was afraid I’d end up donating it to Aaron or Max,” she teased.

  “Don’t you dare. You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.” Josh opened the box and separated the tissue to find a beautiful, tan cashmere sweater from Barney’s. “Wow. This is gorgeous, Sasha. May I?” Josh stood and put the sweater on over his dress shirt. “It fits perfectly. Thank you, honey. It’s wonderful. Now, my turn.” Josh retrieved the box from the dining room table he brought in earlier. A wide grin spread across his face as he handed it to Sasha. “I hope you like it.”

  She gingerly unwrapped the box and lifted the lid. Inside was a smaller box and an envelope. “Oh, I get it. You were trying to fool me with the big box, right? I’m on to you, mister,” she said, laughing. She opened the velvet smaller box to find a string of Tahitian black cultured pearls. Sasha gasped at their beauty. “Oh my God, Josh, they’re absolutely beautiful. I can’t believe you bought these for me. Please, take the necklace off I’m wearing and put this one on me.”

  Sasha slipped her Jimmy Choos off so she could run to the first floor bathroom and take a look in the mirror.

  Josh heard her squeal, and chuckled to himself. I guess I did good. “Honey, come out here. You still have to open the envelope.”

  “Okay, I’m just so overwhelmed.” Sasha sat down and took a sip of wine. She tore open the envelope to see a $500 gift card inside for The Wine Barrel.

  “Josh, this is too much.”

  “Sasha, there was a thought process that went into this. Let me explain. You’ve been through a lot, changing your looks and identity. I don’t want you to forget the Sasha you were for twenty-seven years. You grew up to be a glamorous, high fashion model. That was part of you. I want you to have beautiful jewelry, and I know you have plenty of diamonds. The reason I bought the pearls was because you’re transitioning into someone else. Just like these pearls did, starting from a grain of sand. They began as a tiny piece of grit, nondescript, without substance. Over time, they changed and emerged as a perfect, delicate pearl with real beauty and depth. Plus, pearls have an understated elegance, so you can wear them more often than diamonds. The pearls are for Sasha, because Sasha likes jewelry. The gift card is for Martha, and you can buy whatever you want for your vineyard with it.”

  “Thank you, Josh. The sentiment is so sweet. I love the gifts, and you. Come with me,” she said, playfully. “Don’t forget the wine.” Sasha led Josh upstairs to her bedroom. She surprised him with the king sized bed she had delivered just a few days ago.

  “Whoa… no more twin bed? I thought you liked snuggling with me.”

  “I do, but I always felt like I was going to fall out of bed. This give us options, dear Josh. We can be much more adventurous on a larger bed.” She smirked at him, seductively unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She jumped on the bed giggling, and dove under the blankets.

  “You little tease,” he said, as he dove in after her.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Josh woke and reached for Sasha across the sprawling bed. He patted the sheets, but no one was there. It was hard to open his eyes. They weren’t ready to face the morning yet. He rubbed them, coaxing them to open. He squinted, and finally saw her. She stood like a goddess in front of the French doors leading to the balcony, unaware he was watching. The long silk robe she wore draped to the ground. She held a cup of coffee between her hands, warming them as she watched the sun rise to light the morning sky.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he whispered, mesmerized by the strong, but vulnerable woman she was. “What has you up so early?”

  She turned and smiled. “Every morning there’s an amazing production, a spectacle really, and ho
w many people actually look forward to it, or anticipate the beauty of it? The sun gives the day meaning, and it’s a free show, every day, no matter what. Would you like some coffee, Josh?”

  “Sure. It smells great. That little coffee maker and the mini-fridge are pretty convenient. We never have to get up,” he teased.

  “Yeah, but I bet Kismet would have something to say about that.”

  Kismet yawned, did a few turns to find that perfect spot again, and curled up in a ball on her bed.

  Josh patted the empty space next to him. “Come here and sit with me. We can watch the sun rise together with our coffee. I’ll admit, this is a pretty sweet bed. You did good, babe.”

  “Thanks.” Sasha gave Josh a good morning kiss and settled back in under the blankets. They had several feet of space on either side of them.

  “I dreamed about little Josh last night. Weird, huh?”

  “I don’t know. Was there a lesson to be learned in the dream?”

  “Probably. The guilt is getting to me, I guess. He’s just a kid, and can’t make decisions of his own. Whatever is thrown at him is kind of what he’s stuck with.”

  “Was having kids ever on your ‘to do’ list?”

  “Not really. I never gave it much thought one way or another. Do people really plan having kids, or is it just a natural progression after they get married?”

  “Mia’s the one you should ask. That was exactly what she thought when she married Jack. It was cruel of him to tell her after they were married that he never intended to have kids with her. It crushed her heart and soul. She wanted a family more than anything.”

  “Do you think Aaron wants kids?”

  “Of course he does. He never wanted anyone but Mia. His whole life, he only wanted Mia. Isn’t that romantic? It almost makes me cry. Those two will be the best parents in the world.”

  “What about you, honey? Do you want a family?”


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