Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2) Page 5

by Lyssa Layne

  Out of nowhere, Evan’s hand is on my thigh and he gives it a light squeeze. “Okay, but you need to calm down. If we don’t get to her safely, then we can’t get her to the hospital.” The animosity is gone from his voice and there’s a natural assuredness in it that is already relaxing me. His thumb rolls over my knee, helping my nerves as well.

  I nod and let off the gas. “Sorry, once I get her to the hospital, you can take my car and go to your truck. Just text me where you leave it and I’ll get a ride there once Tate gets back in town.”

  Evan shakes his head. “I’ll stay, I don’t mind hanging out with the kid so you can take care of Mia.”

  Luckily, we’re at a stop light because my jaw drops when I turn to him. Evan laughs and moves his hand to my chin, closing my mouth. “I like kids, I’m actually pretty good with them.”

  His hand slides and cups my cheek. With the smallest smile, he looks in my eyes. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Camila. I’m sorry about my comment last night, it was out of line.”

  Instinctively, I nuzzle my cheek into his hand and nod. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, both from Mia’s excitement and this man across from me. One minute he hates me and I’m totally turned on, ready to jump in bed with him. The next, he’s this sweet, giant teddy bear, something I’ve never wanted, but with Evan Purser, I do. I want him to protect me, to calm me, to be the man I never thought I wanted. Both of these thoughts scare the hell out of me.

  “I do like your outfit though,” he comments with a smirk. As much as I disagree with his comment about my sex appeal, I toned it down today by wearing the only pair of jeans I had with me and one of Gregg’s team’s long sleeve t-shirts. I’m swimming in the shirt, but I managed to tie it in back without showing too much skin.

  The car behind us honks and I slowly look away from Evan. I’m changing because of him. My style, my attitude, my thought process. I’m where I am professionally because of how I am—sexy, hard, independent. I can’t change, I can’t let Evan Purser ruin my career. But what about my heart?

  I pull in front of the James’ house and park, running toward their home before I have to talk to Evan again. Mia’s waiting with Toby on the porch, obviously not wanting to waste any time. Evan makes his way to Mia, holding her hand and helping her to the SUV. I stand staring at him, the gentle giant.

  Toby yanks my hand and looks up at me with big eyes. “He’s humongous!”

  I laugh and tussle Toby’s hair. “Yeah, but he’s a good guy.”

  Words I never thought I’d say.


  “Uno!” the energetic kid in front of me declares. Toby and I are both stretched out over the floor, lying on our bellies as we play our fifth hand of Uno. We’ve been sitting in this twenty by twenty space of hell called a waiting room for the last five hours, but I’m not complaining. Despite the annoying infomerical trying to sell the Magic Bullet, I’m in good company.

  “Damn,” I mutter, examining the four cards left in my hand. Toby giggles and I glance up. “Oops!” I add on, knowing I probably should have used a different word choice.

  After I take my turn, Toby lays down his card and jumps up, doing his victory dance. Chuckling, I shake my head and shuffle the cards. Toby flings himself across my back, draping his arms over my shoulders, his head next to mine.

  Quietly, the little boy asks, “Is my mom okay, Evan?”

  I glance up at Camila, who’s been pacing back and forth for the past two hours since Tate arrived. The calm, collected, confident sports agent is showing her true colors and how much she cares about her friends and it’s a total turn on. Reaching the end of the room, she turns and our eyes lock. I can see the worry in them so I give her a wink, trying to put her at ease. I swear the tiniest smile comes to her face.

  Dropping my shoulder to reach him, I pull Toby off my back and set him in my lap. “Yeah, man, your mom is good. You know, it takes awhile for babies to come, they kind of have a mind of their own.”

  Toby nods. “And they don’t like to sleep. Uncle Grant sometimes comes over and takes naps at our house because he says Liam is a night owl. Woo, woo!”

  I chuckle and ruffle his hair. “True and I’d probably not tell Colie that.” I’ve never met the Adamson family, but I can imagine a new mom wouldn’t be too pleased with that fact.

  The door swings open and Toby jumps up. “DAAAADDD!”

  Camila and I both turn our attention to Tate James who has a shit-eating grin on his face. Toby runs into his arms and Tate scoops him up. I look over and Camila’s standing next to me, biting her bottom lip. I have to swallow and look away quickly.

  “Well, buddy, you’re officially a big brother!” Tate announces and Toby squeals, hugging his dad around the neck. Tate’s grin gets even bigger when he says, “Mia and baby boy, Barrett, are both doing great.”

  Camila’s hand is on mine and she gives it a squeeze. I’m pretty sure it’s not intentional, I am just the closest thing she could grab. Toby yells even louder about the gender announcement, even though they’d found out awhile back.

  Tate walks over to Camila and gives her a one-armed hug. “Thank you, Cam. I don’t know what we would’ve done without you.” He gives her a kiss on the forehead and pulls away. Camila’s eyes are full of tears and I rub my thumb over the back of her hand.

  Toby takes his father’s face in both his hands, turning his head to look at him. “Dad, this is Evan. He’s awesome!” Toby rattles off all the games we played and I am secretly praying he doesn’t repeat any words I let slip out.

  Tate’s nodding his head with Toby’s hands still on his cheeks and laughing. When Toby takes a breath, Tate looks my way, extending his hand. “Evan Purser, right?”

  I nod, briefly pulling my hand away from Camila’s to shake his. When we finish, I move my hand to Camila’s waist, pulling her closer to me without objection. “Yeah, nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Tate acknowledges. “Thanks for helping my family out today. We really appreciate it.”

  “Anytime,” I say, rubbing my fingers up and down Camila’s hip. I can feel her body start to relax against me and I smile.

  “Yeah, Evan, can you come over sometime? I have a pool and Dad’s teaching me how to do a swan dive. It’s awesome and I could show you,” Toby rambles.

  The adults all laugh and I tousle his hair. “Sure thing, buddy, but I’m more of a cannon ball kind of guy.”

  Toby throws his head back, giggling hysterically and Tate shakes his head. “Come on, Tob, let’s go meet your brother. Cam, give us a few minutes and then you guys can come back.”

  In a trance, Camila nods as the James boys leave the waiting room. I turn to her, rubbing my hands up and down both her arms. “You okay, Cami?”

  In response, she throws her arms around me and buries her face in my chest. Her tears are muffled as she sniffles into my shirt. Holding her close, I try to console her. “Sshh, baby, it’s okay.” Where this is even coming from, I have no idea. As much as I wanted to break down Camila’s bold demeanor, I’m not a fan of crying women, especially not this one.



  I pull Camila’s SUV into her three-car garage and put it in park. In one of the other bays is a sleek black Jaguar and the other houses Blake’s custom neon blue Harley Davidson. For two people who aren’t dating, they sure are very close, but I know today’s not the time to bring up that conversation again.

  After Camila got out a good cry in the waiting room, Tate took us back to Mia’s room to meet the new baby. When Camila was in the room with the James family, she was the calm, collected Camila I’m used to, but she hasn’t spoken since we left the hospital. Camila clears her throat and I turn my attention to her.

  “Sorry about today…breaking down, keeping you in L.A.—”

  I cut her off. “It’s fine, Camila. I like the James’, maybe we can hang out with them again.”

  Tears well up in her eyes, but she nods quickly and opens
the car door. I sigh, watching her walk inside then I get out and follow her. The Dave Matthews Band plays through the speakers and I can hear Camila in the kitchen. When I walk into the room, I smile as she hands me a glass filled with clear liquid. Taking it, I mumble my appreciation and watch as she pours herself a glass of red wine.

  She’s shed her heels and that oversized shirt she was wearing earlier. Now, she just dons her jeans and a white camisole, showing off her pink and black bra straps. I lick my lips at the sight of her perky breasts almost busting out of the tank top. Camila takes a long drink of her wine and tops it off before walking across the room and opening a cabinet. She pulls out a box of Twinkies, taking one out and holding it up.

  “Want one?” she asks, tearing open the wrapper and taking a bite.

  I try to hide my laughter as I shake my head and take a sip of the drink she handed me. Tasting the alcoholic beverage, I lick my lips. “Gin and tonic?”

  She nods and picks up her glass of wine to drink with her Twinkie. Of course it’s gin and tonic, that’s Blake’s drink. I take a quick swig and set it down then lean against the counter. “So, want to talk about today?”

  Camila looks at me surprised, her cheeks filled with Twinkie and I grin. Closing the space between us, I wipe my finger across her lip, swiping away some cream that didn’t make it in her mouth. She watches me closely and as easily as I could turn this situation sexual, I wipe the cream on a towel. Reaching behind her, I grab another Twinkie and her glass of wine. Both of them in one hand, my free hand takes hers and I lead us to the living room, taking a seat on the couch.

  Camila drops to the cushion, pulling her knees to her chest. I hand her the wine and Twinkie. Taking another bite to stall, she washes it down with the red wine then looks at me. “Mia and Tate have been really great friends to me. Tate’s been my client for awhile and when I moved to L.A., Mia was my realtor. We immediately connected, friends from day one, before the two of them were even together.” She takes another drink and then continues. “After Tate and Mia started dating, Mia’s ex almost killed her…”

  Camila shuts her eyes tightly and I take her hand, rubbing it softly. When she begins to talk again, I don’t let go of her. “She survived the attack, but then she had to face the bastard in court and it damn near broke her. Her father passed away last fall too so I just wanted everything to be perfect for her today and seeing Tate beam like that, I…”

  Camila hides her face in her legs and I reach over, pulling her into my lap. She doesn’t hold back as she burrows her head in my chest and lets me hold her, rubbing her back and consoling her. I don’t mind the tears anymore, all I want is to hold her until she feels better. For a good five minutes, we don’t move, just stay in this exact position. I’m surrounded by the ticking of the grandfather clock and the sniffles of the woman in my arms.

  I brush a loose hair behind her ear and Camila lifts her head until our eyes meet. “I’m really sorry, I know you need to get back to San Diego.”

  “Cami, don’t apologize again. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  She wipes her fingers underneath her eyes and stands up. Reluctantly, I let go of her and she stands between my legs. My fingers graze the back of her legs, but she doesn’t pull away.

  “You’re welcome to stay here tonight since it’s so late,” Camila says softly, almost biting her bottom lip and I feel my cock twitch.

  Slowly, I stand up and nod. “Definitely. I’m not leaving you like this.” The last time I was in her house, I wanted nothing more than to get her naked, but now it’s more than that. She’s shown me her vulnerable side and I’m not going to let that go unnoticed.

  I lean down and brush my lips across her cheek. Instantly, Camila tenses and backs away, bumping into the coffee table and rambling. After giving me instructions on where the guest towels are, she disappears upstairs. I fall back on the couch and drag my hand over my bald noggin. With my eyes closed, all I can see is the beautiful woman in my arms.

  I polish off her glass of wine while my mind races. What the hell is Camila Lemos doing to me? I only had one girlfriend in high school before I joined the NFL. Since I’ve become a professional athlete, all I’ve wanted is easy lays… until Camila Lemos. Now, I want her, but I want her so much more than the other women I’ve been with. I already know she’s strong, independent, compassionate, but I want to know more. I close my eyes and shake my head because more than anything, I just want her. To be her friend, her protector, her lover. Baby steps, Evan, baby steps...


  Alone in my bathroom, I stare at myself in the mirror. What the hell was wrong with me today? I don’t break down like that. Sure for Mia, Colie, or any of their families, I do, but not in front of Evan Purser. I let him see how easily I can be hurt, how much I care for my friends, and shockingly, he didn’t flinch. He stood by my side all day long, held my hand, consoling me while I cried like a little girl.

  Shaking my head, I undress down to nothing except my panties and pull on a pink nightshirt. I slowly button it up as it hangs mid-thigh. I gather my hair in one hand and wrap a ponytail holder in it, letting it rest high on my head. So many thoughts are racing through my mind, but I’m too tired to even focus on one. I should call Blake, rehash the day so I can analyze every moment, but I’m so exhausted and besides, I will never talk to him about the effects his brother has on me.

  I flip off the bathroom light and step into my bedroom, staring at the bed. After a day like today, I wish Blake or Gregg were here to hold me while I fall into a deep sleep. One of the benefits of not having a serious boyfriend is that either will do and neither will care. An empty bed is also one of the downfalls of not having one either. A loud knock comes from the door and I jump, startled by the noise, almost forgetting that anyone else was even in the house.

  I glide across the room and when I open the door, Evan stands before me in his boxers and a tight, white undershirt. Suddenly, I feel naked in my nightshirt. My skin peeks through where the fabric hangs open at my chest and I gather the material in my hands.

  A smile spreads across Evan’s face and he reaches out, touching my cheek. “I thought maybe you wouldn’t want to be alone tonight.”

  My cheek burns in his hand and I stammer, “I… I’m fine, thanks, but—”

  He takes a step toward me, pushing me back and entering my bedroom. “I’m staying with you tonight,” Evan states and walks around me. He gets to my orange and gray comforter and pulls it back before looking in my direction again.

  “Evan, I don’t—”

  “Screw your clients, I know. But tonight you’re going to sleep with one,” he says and holds his hand out to me with a gentle smile on his face.

  Blushing, I look down and giggle. Seriously, how does he do this? I walk over to him and he pulls me into a bear hug, pulling my hair out of the ponytail and whispering, “You need a friend tonight and I’m here for you.”

  I look up into his eyes, really looking at him and what’s beyond the mask that he wears. Inside this big bad linebacker is a guy with a big heart and someone who genuinely cares…about me.

  “Thanks,” I mumble and crawl across my bed. Evan lies beside me and holds out his arm. Without hesitating, I snuggle against him, resting my head on his chest. He reaches out and turns off the light and then his fingers run through my hair. Evan softly begins singing Crash by Dave Matthews Band under his breath. His voice is low and his chest vibrates against my cheek, my eyelids get heavier and heavier. His lips brush across my forehead and I wrap my arms around him tighter. Why does this feel so right?



  My eyes flutter open after the most fantastic night of sleep. Glancing at the clock, it’s almost nine in the morning, the latest I’ve slept since college. My mind begins to race with the phone calls I need to make, the meetings I need to set up, along with the five-hundred other tasks I need to accomplish. When I try to sit up, a muscular arm tightens around my waist, forcing me to con
tinue lying against the sculpted chest beneath me.

  Turning my head, I look up at Evan Purser, watching him sleep. I smile as he looks so peaceful and innocent, which he’s far from. I’m enjoying this man in the moment, letting my mind run free about who he could be. My finger swirls in circles across his chest as I allow myself to daydream, thinking thoughts that I should push far, far away.

  Completely lost in my thoughts, Evan spooks me when he lets out a low moan. “Mmm… you sleep alright, Cami?”

  I roll my eyes at his pet name, but he doesn’t see as his eyes are still shut. “Not too bad, but I need to get up so I can start working.”

  I begin to rise again, but his grip tightens. Opening his eyes, he looks at me with a frown. “You’re not working today.”

  I scoff and Evan lets me up, but doesn’t release his hands now on my waist. “I didn’t do anything yesterday so I have to play catch up.”

  His hand is on my bare thigh now, lightly rubbing his palm against me and making me damp between my legs. Shaking his head, he says, “Cam, you supported your friend while she brought a baby into the world. If you ask me, it was worth the day off.”

  I have to force myself to stop staring at his hand and look at his face. “Of course it was worth it, but now I need to regroup. We’ll grab breakfast and then I can take you to your truck so you can head home.”

  Evan’s bottom lip protrudes and I want nothing more than to lean forward and suck on it. “Trying to get rid of me?”

  I laugh and shake my head, throwing my leg over him to climb out of bed. As my leg touches the mattress on the other side of him, Evan grabs my hips so that I’m firmly in his grip and straddling him. My nightshirt slips up my thighs and his hands slide around to my back and down my quads. My heart races as I wait for his next move.


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