Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2) Page 6

by Lyssa Layne

  His hand moves to my chin, tilting my face in his direction so we’re looking in each other’s eyes. “Camila, I understand your rule, I don’t agree with it, but I get it. Still, I want to get to know you, and before you object and say I do, I mean, I want to get to know the Camila that Blake knows. I want us to be friends, I want to know why you really smile for him, but not the rest of the world.”

  I gulp as he says this. I should deny it, I should send him on his way, and keep my distance. This is exactly how I fell for the older Purser brother the first time. Instead, I nod. “I love pancakes. There’s a hole in the wall diner on Parsons that makes the best in Los Angeles.”

  With a grin, Evan sits up and kisses my cheek. “Then it sounds like we’re having pancakes.”


  My fourth stack of flapjacks sits in front of me but I’m so stuffed, I can’t take another bite. Camila was right, Dan’s Diner’s pancakes are phenomenal, and unlimited, too. Good thing the guys on my team don’t know about this place or we’d probably put them out of business. Across from me though, Camila is killing her second stack, topped with strawberries and whipped cream.

  She looks up, a streak of berries on her lip and she stops. “So...ree,” she mumbles around a mouthful of ‘cakes.

  I laugh and hand her a napkin. “No need to be. So, you like pancakes… a lot. What else should I know about you? Family? School? Crazy exes?”

  She takes a drink of milk, washing down the remnants in her mouth. Leaning back on her side of the booth, she smoothes out the navy fitted Seawolves’ t-shirt, much more conservative than she normally wears. I’m not sure if I should be offended that she’s not dressing sexy for me or pleased that she listened to what I said back in Colorado about her clothing choices.

  “Only child. Parents died when I was in college. College, of course, at Cal U with your brother. No, crazy exes,” Camila answers matter-of-factly with a smirk on her face.

  I nod. “Alright, smartass. I’m sorry about your parents, what happened?”

  Her eyes dart back to her pancakes and she moves the flapjacks around her plate with her fork. I reach out and take her hand, encouraging her to continue.

  “Drunk driver hit them on their way home from visiting me at college. Blake was studying with me for our econ test when I got the news, I guess that kind of jump started our friendship.”

  I rub my thumb over her palm, things suddenly making perfect sense. Even though I was only fifteen when it happened, I still remember Blake calling home and telling me about Camila. He told me about this amazing woman he met in his economics class and how she’d agreed to tutor him. Blake had always been the big man on campus, dating any woman he wanted, but this was the first time he spoke about one specific girl. Then one day, he called home, telling our mom that he wouldn’t be home for Thanksgiving because his friend’s parents had died. When I got on the phone, all he did was cry. This is the first time that I put two and two together that the friend was Camila.

  I swallow before I follow up with, “Tell me about your exes if they aren’t crazy.”

  Camila looks up, a twinkle in her eye. “Why, Evan Purser? What’s got you worried about my exes?”

  I laugh nervously and squeeze her hand. “I’m just trying to understand how a gorgeous woman like yourself is single. So tell me, did someone break your heart?”

  Ever so briefly, she hesitates, but speaks before I can comment. “I choose to be single because of my job. I’m rarely home, except when a certain linebacker refuses to let me go to work. As for my heart, it’s all in one piece and the couples exes I have, I either don’t talk to because I don’t see them regularly or we’re good friends.”

  I raise my eyebrow. Good friends? Like her and Blake? I want to know so bad about their relationship, but things are going well and I don’t want to ruin it. “Well, in that case, I’m going to refuse to let you go to work still and we’re going to the beach to go surfing.”

  She tosses her head back and the sweetest sound of laughter fills the air. “In February? The water will be freezing.”

  “Wetsuits, sweetheart.” I throw some bills on the table and stand up, taking her hand. Eagerly, she links her fingers with mine and lets me lead us out to her SUV. I drive toward the beach, glancing at her sideways. “So what’s the story with you and Gregg Turner?”

  Her cheeks turn neon red and she stares straight ahead. “I told you, my job has a crazy schedule. Neither Gregg nor I want anything serious, so when we happen to be in the same place at the same time, we enjoy each other’s company.”

  “And the pitching coach just happened to be at the NFL Combine?” I ask, trying to hide my sarcasm unsuccessfully.

  “A girl has needs, Evan. Sometimes we put a little effort into meeting up,” she says, her cheeks burning even brighter. It’s more than charming and a total turn-on.

  I reach over and take her hand, giving it a light squeeze. “Don’t be embarrassed, I understand. Some of us just fulfill our needs in other ways.”

  Her laughter fills the car again. “Yeah, not all of us bang anyone that’ll follow us into the bathroom.”

  “Ouch,” I say with a laugh, but I can’t be too offended because it’s true.

  “So, what about you? I’m sure you have some crazy exes,” Camila asks, her body turned toward mine now and I can see impetuosity all over her face with her raised eyebrows and pursed lips.

  Now it’s my turn to blush. “I, uh, don’t have any exes.”

  I see her lips drop into a frown. “What do you mean? I’ve seen you with two different women in just the last couple weeks.”

  I shrug, trying to play it off. “Yeah, random hook-ups. No numbers exchanged, just wham-bam-thank you ma’am…unless someone interrupts us.”

  She giggles and her fingers walk over the back of my hand. “Sorry about that, but seriously? You’ve never had a girlfriend?”

  Pulling into the parking lot at the local beach, I put the car in park and turn to her. “Just a girl in high school, nothing serious. I’ve never fucked a girl more than once.”

  Her eyebrows arch even higher and I can tell she’s trying to hide her shock. “Wh-what about in high school? College?”

  I shake my head. “No one wants to date a six-foot-six giant who’s hung like a horse when they’re that age. I was awkward and had bigger problems to worry about than having a girlfriend. I had my own shit to deal with, I didn’t need anyone else’s.”

  “Your mother?” Camila asks in a whisper.

  I grip my fingers tightly around the steering wheel and my knuckles turn white. “Yeah,” I mutter and memories of her stumbling up the front steps in a drunken stupor flood my mind.

  Camila flips my hand over, letting her fingers caress my callous skin and relaxing my body that’s on edge from my thoughts. “Blake’s told me about her—”

  “Blake doesn’t know shit!” I yell and Camila’s other hand moves to my thigh and grasps it tightly, reminding me not to take it out of her. I take a deep breath before I go on. “When he left for college, she wasn’t that bad, but when he stopped coming home, it got worse. She’d be drinking when I went to bed and still be drinking when I got up. I almost lost my football scholarship because I had to skip school to make sure she didn’t suffocate in her own puke.”

  Camila slides her hand up and down my thigh. “That’s my fault, I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  I turn to her and shake my head. “No, it’s not. I never told Blake how bad it was. The one time I mentioned it, he suggested I move out to California with him, but I couldn’t leave our mom behind. I was the man of the house and I had to take care of her which is why I went to state college. She got sober before I left for the NFL, only because I told her I wouldn’t accept any contract if she didn’t.”

  Camila lifts my hand to her lips and kisses my knuckles. “You’re a good man, Evan.”

  “Blake had you to take care of, we were both where we needed to be,” I say, looking into her eyes. And now, I’m
taking over for him. In this moment, I know I will do whatever it takes to take care of Camila Lemos.



  Icy Hot, stinky feet, and sweaty men taint the room. With my job, some days are better than others, but on days like these when I’m walking through the spring training locker room of the New York Aces, I have to bite the inside of my cheek when I see one hot baseball player’s ass after another. I lean against the locker of Benny Martinez, the Aces top closing pitcher and my long-time client.

  “How’s the arm, Benny?” I am desperately trying to avert my eyes from the backside of an outfielder directly behind him.

  Rotating his arm in a circle, he nods. “It feels great, I really think this is the year. Wish we still had Adamson on the team, but we can win another World Series without him.”

  I laugh at his comment. “I’ll be sure to pass that on to him.” Grant Adamson is a former teammate of Benny’s and also Colie’s husband. Benny and Grant have been long time best friends and even on opposite coasts, that hasn’t changed.

  “So, date with Mr. Turner tonight or can I have the privilege of wining and dining the hottest sports agent in the industry?” Benny asks, pulling his shirt over his taut stomach.

  “Actually, Gregg and I wanted to take you out to dinner. We’re both in town just for the evening.” Gregg, Grant, and Benny all joined the MLB pitching rosters the same season and have a solid friendship from over the years.

  Benny nods, kissing my cheek. “Sounds good to me as long as the place has some hotties.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh as I walk out with Benny. He’s a total flirt, never actually following through on any dirty intentions. He’s got a girl back home, Isabel, who is the mother of his thirteen-year-old son. To say their relationship is complicated is an understatement. I just try to stay out of it.

  In the parking lot, we agree to eat at Benny’s favorite Spanish restaurant, Diego’s. We bid our farewells and I get into my car, texting Gregg about the plan as he’s driving into Port St. Lucie right now. I start my rental car and when the bluetooth connects, my phone rings immediately.

  “Camila Lemos,” I answer without looking to see who it is.

  “Hello, Miss Lemos. This is your pain in the ass linebacker.”

  Butterflies are released in my stomach and a grin creeps over my face at the sound of Evan’s voice. Ever since our surfing lesson, I’ve let my guard down with him, slowly opening up and letting us get to know each other better. Truth be told, I look forward to the few minutes a day we share with each other, whether it be texts or phone calls. I’m treading in dangerous territory, but I can’t seem to keep myself away from Evan Purser—both physically and mentally.

  Pretending to groan, I tease him back. “Ugh, what do you need now?”

  On the other end of the line, Evan fakes a gasp. “What? Can’t even spare me five minutes?”

  Like a schoolgirl, I giggle. “I take it you’re done at the gym with nothing better to do other than pester me?”

  Evan’s chuckle comes across the phone and this feeling deep in my stomach churns. “Something like that, what are you up to?”

  “Headed to dinner with Benny at Diego’s, he swears their wood-fire lamb is to die for.”

  “Gotcha, well, I’ll let you go. Catch ya later,” Evan says, ending our phone call abruptly.

  My stomach drops and I stare at the dashboard where it says “Call ended.” I didn’t want the call to be ended. I wanted to hear Evan’s voice, find out how his workout was, roll my eyes at his endless attempts of flirting. My drive across town is filled with empty thoughts of Evan and how our conversation should have been. Putting my car in park, I sigh. I’m falling for Evan Purser faster than I can catch myself. I need to put some distance between us before this ends badly, for more than just Evan and me.

  Benny and I make our way to the table, Gregg joining us a few minutes later. The two men talk curve balls and sliders while my mind wanders to a certain linebacker. Watching Gregg talk, I think back over our relationship. It’s served its purpose over the past few years, but maybe I’m ready for something more. All this time I’m spending with Evan has made me think back to the days when I wanted a companion, not just a bed buddy. I’ll talk to Gregg tonight after dinner, maybe our days together are coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean I’ll start anything with Evan. He’s still a client and no matter how well I do in the profession, I’m constantly having to prove myself. Dating one of my athletes is the cardinal sin in my line of work.

  “Got room for one more?”

  I recognize the voice before I look up. When I do, my jaw falls open at the sight of Evan Purser standing beside our table. He looks amazingly sexy in a navy sweater, the sleeves pushed up his muscular forearms and his jeans hugging every muscle of his thick legs.

  I quickly close my mouth, hoping no one noticed. I stand and since I’m wearing a pair of flat, strappy sandals, I have to push on my tippy toes to reach his cheek where I barely brush my lips. My hand steadies my balance on his chest, but not my racing heart. Evan’s large hand grips my waist, not helping my heartbeat.

  “What are you doing here?” I whisper, glancing over my shoulder at Benny and Gregg, both looking equally as shocked as I am.

  Grinning like the Joker, he responses, “I finished my workout for the day.”

  I roll my eyes and give him a playful shove. Evan laughs and we turn to the table. My stomach churns nervously as I remember Gregg is watching us.

  Benny pats the chair beside him. “Here, man, take a seat.”

  Evan shakes his hand, the two men introduce themselves as I take my place beside Gregg. I glance over at him, but Gregg just pats my shoulder, his arm resting on the back of my chair.

  Evan takes the seat directly across from me and his knee knocks mine, sending a shot of electricity directly between my legs. He gives me a sly wink before turning to the baseball players and chit chatting with them. I’m silent the rest of dinner, completely not on top of my game as I sit awkwardly between my lover and my linebacker. Evan’s not helping any since he hasn’t moved his legs and continues to rub the denim of our pants together, evoking more of a reaction than I care for.

  Finally, after an excruciating hour of Benny flirting with the waitress while Evan eggs him on and Gregg laughing at both of them, the men have decided they’re ready to call it a night. I can’t help but wonder if I wasn’t here if Evan would be in the bathroom having his way with the perky blonde server. My stomach twists at the thought and I force myself to push it away, it’s not my business who Evan Purser has sex with.

  Outside the restaurant, Benny shakes the men’s hands and kisses my cheek, whispering in my ear, “Never knew that was your type!”

  I roll my eyes and tell him good night. My cheeks burn bright and I know this thing with Evan Purser has to stop. I don’t sleep with my clients and while I may not be screwing Evan, apparently that’s the idea I’m giving which is just as bad.

  I watch Benny walk to his car, too afraid to turn around and face Gregg and Evan at the same time. Luckily, I don’t have to. A hand moves to my lower back and I feel a cheek against mine. In a low voice, Gregg says, “I’ll meet you back at the hotel.” With a quick peck on my cheek, he walks into the darkness and I’m forced to turn around and meet Evan.

  His hands are shoved in his pockets and he’s wearing a shit-eating grin, exuding nothing but cockiness. I shiver in my peach baby doll tank top, my teeth chattering when I begin to speak. It’s not that cold in Florida this time of year, but my nerves are taking over. Honestly, I haven’t felt this way since back in college.

  Evan pulls his hands out of his pocket and easily draws me against him, his hands sliding up and down my arms. “Geez, Cami, you weren’t shaking this much when we went surfing.”

  He’s right and the water temperature was in the fifties. Slowly, my confidence comes back and I shake his hands off me, taking a step back. “What the hell are you doing here, Evan? I’m
working, you can’t just show up whenever you want to.”

  “Whoa!” He holds up his hands in a surrender motion. “Fuck, Cam, I came down to visit my mom and thought I’d surprise you. You really know how to show your appreciation,” he mutters the last part and brushes past me.

  Ugh, I sigh and run after him. He stops beside a black Yukon to get his keys out and I grab his hand. He looks back at me, but doesn’t say a word. Softly, I squeeze his hand. “I’m sorry. I am happy to see you. You… you just took me by surprise.”

  Quickly, Evan spins around and with one step has me pinned against the SUV on the other side of his. “What are you so worried about? We’re friends, right? Blake pulls this kind of shit with you all the time, why can’t I?”

  I stare up into his blue eyes clouded with anger. My fingers walk up his chest as I can’t tear myself to look away from him. “Evan, you’re not Blake…”

  His eyes get darker and he takes a step back, muttering, “Of course I’m not and I never will be.”

  My fingers clench around his sweater, keeping him from moving. “Blake doesn’t show up and make me feel the way you do. When Blake’s with me, I’m not constantly worried about what everyone else thinks.” I pause, unsure where this honesty is coming from but deciding to just roll with it. “When Blake’s with me, I don’t stare at his lips, wanting to taste them so bad, but knowing they’re off limits.”

  Evan’s chest rises and falls under my hand, his eyes go from a dark midnight blue to almost a baby blue color and a smirk comes to his lips. “Who said they’re off limits?” He takes a step back to me, his body crushing me against the car behind us.

  My heart in my throat, I’m barely able to squeak out, “Me.”

  Evan doesn’t make a move, he just stares at me, a smile dancing in his eyes while his hand moves to my stomach. Goosebumps tickle my skin as his fingers walk over the chiffon fabric of my shirt.


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