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Hired Gun (Serial Novel Book 1)

Page 3

by A. J. Bennett

  “You think?”

  “Nah. You did good. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “Not just yet.” Thorne started tossing the room, making it look like the burglars were looking for something, or anything for that matter. Once done, he turned to Benny. “I think that’ll do. You ready to blow this pop stand? I could use a drink.”

  “What about the jewels and the cash?”

  “Grab it. Maybe Ragner can return it to some of the old ladies that were conned.”

  Benny nodded before making his way to the safe. He dropped to a knee and tossed the loot into the bag.

  As they turned to leave, they were caught by surprise by a fluffy calico cat sitting in the doorway, watching them.

  “How long has that thing been in here?” Thorne asked, narrowing his eyes at the animal.

  Benny shrugged. “First I seen of it.”

  “Whatever. We gotta get out of here before someone shows up.” Thorne stepped over the mess and made his way out the door with Benny close on his heels.

  The cat led the way.


  Just as they were about to exit the house, the cat rubbed up against Thorne’s legs, its green eyes pleading. He nudged his leg, trying to dislodge the damn thing, but it kept rubbing up against him, purring. What the hell? Animals never liked him.

  Benny scratched the top of his head. “Ah, Gods. We gotta take the cat.”

  “What? Why the hell would we take the cat?” Thorne asked, looking at Benny like he’d lost his ever-loving mind.

  “Look at it. We can’t leave her in here by herself. You don’t want to know what cats do to dead bodies.”

  “No, I don’t, and I don’t care. I’m not taking the cat.”

  “I’m telling you – it’s bad juju if we leave it.”

  Thorne rolled his eyes. Benny held onto some strange superstitions from their old life. “Well then, you take the cat home. I don’t want anything to do with an animal. They stink, leave hair all around the house and then they die. Can’t we just leave it outside of the house? I’m sure someone will take it in.”

  “Yeah, I guess we can do that.” Benny reached down to pick up the cat and started walking towards the door. The cat hissed and squirmed out of his hands, returning to Thorne.

  “He’s obviously picked his owner.”

  What the fuck! As if he didn’t already have enough on his plate. The last thing he needed was a scruffy fur ball. Thorne reached down and picked up the animal. It immediately rubbed its face against Thorne’s chin. He scratched the cat behind the ears. “What’s the matter with you? Don’t you realize I just blew your owners brains out?”

  The cat crawled up more and laid its head on Thorne’s shoulder. Maybe the cat hadn’t liked the man either.

  “I’m not keeping it,” Thorne said, glaring at Benny.

  As soon as they walked out the door and down the steps, Thorne dropped the cat. It meowed and then ran to catch up with them.

  “Maybe it’s your familiar,” Benny said with a laugh.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Thorne said, annoyed. Once they reached the car, he glared down at the cat. “Sorry, buddy. I’m not taking you home. I can’t even keep a plant alive, let alone an animal. Trust me. This is in your best interest.”

  The cat howled as if it had understood and Thorne’s words had wounded it. He opened the car door and slammed it shut. The cat jumped on the roof, and Benny laughed.

  “Drive. It will jump off,” Thorne said between gritted teeth. In all his time on earth, he never allowed himself the luxury of having a pet. It would just be another loss he would have to face.

  Benny started the electric car, which made no noise to alert the cat. Slowly he backed out of the parking spot. The cat placed its paws on the windshield as if it was begging for Thorne to help it.

  “Fuck it!”

  Grinning, Benny hit the brakes. Thorne slung his long legs out the door. Before he was able to stand up, the cat had leapt from the top of the car and was sitting on his lap. He closed the door and stared down at the feline. “I’m not keeping you. This is just temporary until we find you another home.”

  The cat settled into his lap and fell asleep.

  Absently, Thorne found himself running his hand down its soft fur. Still not keeping it.

  “What are you going to name her?” Benny asked.

  “I told you. I’m not keeping it.”


  Deciding it was best to ignore his friends gloating, Thorne grabbed his phone out of his jacket pocket. He punched in the numbers and waited for the familiar voice to pick up.


  “Ragner. Just wanted to let you know that present you sent me out for…”


  “Taken care of.”

  “I knew I could count on you.”

  “You need anything else from me while I’m still out shopping?” Thorne said.

  “Not at the moment, but I’m sure you’ll hear from me shortly.”

  “Works for me. Tell the wife I said hello.”

  “Fuck you, Thorne.”

  Thorne laughed loudly. “You know I’m just messing with you.”

  “Sure. Tell that to Garrison.”

  Thorne looked out the window and watched the trees blur by. Maybe he should get a place out in the suburbs. Nah. He liked the city life way too much. “Garrison’s a little punk, and if he took care of his woman the way she needed, Celeste would have never shown up on my door.”

  “You caused their divorce.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it. But hey, if you want me to find another venue ...“ Thorne’s chest tightened at his words. The last thing he wanted to do was lose his position. Especially for subpar sex. He should have turned Celeste away. He knew better, but she looked so fucking hot. And when she opened her jacket wearing nothing underneath, well … that was the nail in the coffin.

  One freaking night. He kicked her ass out like he did all of them. In a fit of anger, Celeste told her husband she’d been having sex with him. Needless to say, things had been tense around the workplace since then.

  Ragner sighed. “I’m not saying that. You put me in a precarious position. Garrison has been my vice president for a very long time. Just keep your head down and pants on when it comes to the people closest to me.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll do my best.” Thorne hit the end button on the phone and laid his head against the seat.

  “You have to admit that wasn’t one of your finest moments,” Benny said, glancing over at him.

  Thorne shifted in his seat. “It was stupid. I get it.”

  “You can’t go swinging your dick around everywhere you go.”

  “Really? Swinging my dick around? Is that how you see me?”

  “Hey if the shoe fits.” Benny paused. “When was the last time you didn’t have a companion?”

  Thorne rubbed his jaw and thought about it. “I sleep alone almost every single night.”

  “Yeah, sleep. That’s cause you kick their asses out as soon as you’re done with them. You’re a man whore.”

  “So? What’s wrong with that? I assure you they are all brought to the height of pleasure by honed skills.”

  “And do they leave your place happy?”

  Thorne recalled the departure of his last guest.

  After he tossed her clothes to her and told her he had to get some sleep, she’d cursed him out in several different languages. He’d just stood up, walked to the door and held it open. She clobbered him with her shoe on the way out. At least he gave her time to put her clothes on.

  Or what about the woman the night before that, she left sobbing because she thought they had something special. Whatever.

  “Yeah, I’d say for the most part they leave happy.” He’d honesty never really given it much thought until Benny asked. Thorne had always been upfront, that he was not the kind to settle down. He was definitely a love ‘em and leave ‘em type of guy. A rambling man. And he
had no remorse. It was better that way for everyone involved. If they didn’t like it, they could find some other poor slob to hitch themselves to.

  “Speaking of. After I go home and clean up I’m going to go back to Apotheca. You going?”

  Benny scratched the side of his face. “Ah, who knows? I’ll probably end up back there at some point.”

  Thorne laughed. “We’re really not much different. You just don’t want to admit it. I’m fine with the fact that I’m an asshole. You want to cling to your noble roots or some shit.”

  “We’re nothing alike.”

  “Right. And how many women have you cycled through this week?”

  Benny tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “Yeah, well, at least I give them breakfast in the morning.”

  “Only because you hate being alone.”

  “Whatever,” Benny mumbled under his breath as he pulled up next to Thorne’s bike. “I’ll catch ya later.”

  “Thanks for the ride.” Thorne was still smiling as he slammed the door. Quite the pair the two of them were. But at least they still had their bearings. Some other immortals were not so lucky. Unable to contend with the thought of living forever they’d lost their damn minds. It made Thorne sick to his stomach when he’d see someone from the old world living on the streets. Sad.

  Suddenly, he realized he was still holding onto the damn cat. He dropped her onto the ground. The cat jumped up and sat on the motorcycle seat. Lovely.

  Sighing, he picked up the cat and stuffed her into his leather jacket. She moved around for a few seconds, getting comfortable. How the hell did he manage to get a freaking feline? He wanted to throttle Benny.

  Thorne peeled out of the parking lot, lost in thought on his way home. The conversation with Ragner kept playing over in his mind. Normally he had no regrets when it came to women, but he’d screwed up by fucking Celeste. Garrison was one of the few humans that knew what they were. He was the one that handled all the human hits. He did the guy a favor. Celeste didn’t give a shit about him and was just using him for his money.

  Oh well, what was done was done.

  There was no such thing as turning back the clock.


  Thorne threaded his way through the crowded bar, scanning the immediate area in search of someone to take back to his place and blow off some steam. He always loved a good fuck after a hit. For some reason, the release helped to keep some semblance of balance in his life.

  He didn’t make it very far before a petite, dark-haired woman caught his eye at the end of the bar. She must have liked what she saw, because she raised her glass and smiled coyly. Oh, yeah she would do.

  Just then Ginger tried to sneak up behind him, something she damn well knew pissed him off. He turned before she could touch him and grabbed her by the wrist. “What do you want, Ginger?”

  “Oh, I think you know what I want.” She practically purred.

  Releasing her, his eyes darted back to the woman on the bar stool. “Sorry, not happening. There’s a pretty little brunette over there calling my name.”

  “You’re such an arrogant bastard.” Ginger snarled. Her eyes shown red in the strobe lights. She raised her hand to hit him but thought better of it and placed it limply at her side. Like a good girl.

  “Yeah, yeah heard it all before. There are plenty of assholes in here that would take you home in a heartbeat. It’s just not going to be me. Not tonight.”

  The crazy bitch actually pouted. As if he would feel sorry for her. He might have to ditch Ginger, for good. She was getting way too clingy for his taste. Without another word, Thorne walked away, leaving her pissed off.

  Taking his time, he stopped and talked to a few people before he sauntered up next to the woman at the bar.

  She was even prettier close up. Wide blue eyes, delicate check bones, full lips, soft wavy dark hair that hung just below her shoulders and a body so petite it looked like he could break her like a twig. Waifish.

  “Not likely,” she said before taking a sip of her drink.

  “Huh?” Thorne asked, knowing he hadn’t said anything.

  “I’m not as fragile as I look.”

  Startled, Thorne’s gaze locked on hers. “Ah, fuck, a mind reader?”

  She shrugged her narrow shoulder. He imagined his lips trailing down the side of her neck, stopping to suck on her small, pert breast through the flimsy cotton.

  The woman laughed. “Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren’t you, Thorne?”

  Gods! Mind readers were annoying as hell. But she was so fucking hot, he might be persuaded to make an exception. “How do you know my name? I’m quite sure I wasn’t thinking it.”

  “Everyone knows your name. Hell, it’s written all over the bathroom stalls. For a good time call Thorne.”

  A lazy, arrogant smile turned up his lips. A part of him wondered if she was making up the writing on the bathroom stalls. He’d have to take a peek someday. “I’ve never seen you before. There’s no way I could forget an angelic face like yours.”

  “Oh, you’ve seen me before. I just looked different.”

  In the blink of an eye, the small dark-haired beauty morphed into a tall blonde with hazel eyes, and then into an auburn siren with big tits and a narrow waist. Either one of those versions, he’d happily take back to his place. Fuck - he’d take all three.

  He pulled back a bit, observing her with interest and suspicion. “What the fuck are you?”

  She turned back into the original version and leaned in closer. Slowly, she ran the soft pad of her thumb over his lower lip, causing his cock to harden instantly. “Whatever you want me to be. Tonight you were looking for a raven-haired beauty on the petite side.”

  “Was I? I guess I was, since you caught my attention so quickly. I have to say, I usually like women with a bit more meat on their bones.” Thorne held up his hand for a drink, trying to gain control of the situation. The bartender turned away and quickly came back with his usual drink. This woman had him a little off kilter. Something told him he should walk away, but he was intrigued. “I’ve seen it all. A fucking mind-reading chameleon.”

  With a smile, she pulled the glass to her perfect lips. He couldn’t wait to feel them wrapped around his cock.

  A blush rose up her neck. Interesting.

  “What's your true form?” Thorne asked as he reached for his drink, scotch on the rocks.

  “One you’ll never see.”

  He titled his head back, allowing the warm liquid to flow through him. “Fine by me. I like what I’m seeing right now.”

  A smile graced her beautiful face. “I know you do.”

  A sudden thought crossed his mind. “You’re not really a man are you?”

  She laughed loudly. He found he liked the sound of her laugh. It had an almost musical quality to it.

  “No, I’m definitely a woman. I can’t even change into the male form, thank goodness.”

  He glanced down at his empty glass. “Well, that’s good to know. Sorry, but I didn’t catch your name.”

  “You never asked,” she murmured, giving Thorne a seductive, sidelong glance while running her finger around the rim of her glass.

  “I’m asking.” He pushed his empty glass across the bar and signaled the bartender for another. He felt her gaze roaming over him. The sexual chemistry between the two of them was practically palatable. He wanted to touch her skin, smell her scent and bury himself deep between her thighs.

  She nibbled on her bottom lip. “Does it really matter? I know you’re not going to remember it tomorrow. I’ll just be another one of your conquests, tossed aside like that poor vampire earlier.”

  Leaning closer, he lightly skimmed his fingers down her bare arm. Her skin was silky smooth beneath his calloused hand. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know. You’ve done something not easily done—intrigued me.”

  She reached for her drink and pulled away. “Well, then, let’s keep it that way. My name is of no concern to you.”

nbsp; Thorne smiled despite himself. “My, my, my. A feisty little one, aren’t you? So do we need to play the game and go through the motions? Or do you want to leave right now, so I can throw your legs over my shoulders and fuck you till you can’t think straight?”

  She finished her drink and picked up her little black purse. “It took you long enough.”

  Thorne watched as she sashayed in front of him. Even though she was tiny, she had curves in all the right places. A miniature hourglass. Heads turned to watch the way her hips swung with each step. He couldn’t wait to get back to his place and tear her clothes off.

  If they even made it that far.

  Once they reached outside, Thorne grabbed her by the arm and spun her lithe body into his. His hand slid from her neck to her breast. His thumb slowly stroked her already taut nipple. A small gasp escaped her lips. Pushing her against the building, he used both of his hands and massaged her breast roughly, causing her to cry out. Oh, yeah, he loved the responsive ones.

  Her gaze fastened on his, and he could see the sensuality and intensity in her eyes. It was going to be a very good night.

  The little vixen wet her lips. Thorne dipped his head to catch her mouth with his. His tongue slid between her lips and into her mouth. She tasted like vodka and mint. As his tongue swirled lazily, her hands roamed under his shirt. She molded her hot little body to his. His cock was so hard, he thought he might burst long before they made it home.

  As he was kissing her thoroughly, her fingers went to his belt, but Thorne stopped her. “Not here. I want to get you back to my place so I can enjoy every inch of you. I want to watch your every expression as I bring you to the edge,” he said thickly. Damn! He wanted this woman more than he’d wanted anyone in a long time.

  He interlinked her fingers with his and walked her to his bike. Grabbing his extra helmet, he held it out to her. Unfazed, she pulled the helmet over her head and tightened the straps. He hated when chicks balked at the idea of riding on a motorcycle and was satisfied when she didn’t.


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