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Bought by the Lone Cowboy

Page 6

by E. Walsh

  Jillian cautiously peeked at him. What have we just done, she thought. She tried to do the math. It felt sort of taboo because Jack had been something of an uncle to the twins but at the moment it was just one man and one woman steeped in their own passion. Jillian’s body was so alive with arousal that every little movement made her shiver with sweetness.


  They didn’t hold hands walking back to the tent. Jillian walked slightly ahead of him. She looked over her shoulder in a daze and wonder at the heights of their passion. She had never climbed to such heights before.

  * * *

  Chapter Eight

  By the time Jillian reached the tent, she was dry as the slight ocean breeze cooled the perspiration from her body. Still, she needed a dip in the ocean and she decided that she would take one after the dinner. She peeked in the tent to see if Jordana was there and noticed that she was taking a cat nap in her bikini. She stirred. She took one look at Jillian and she knew. Her eyes were wide.

  “What did you do?” she said.

  Before Jillian could respond, Jack was in the tent. Their energies aligned and they all had the same thought at the same time. Jordana craned upward, yearning for Jack’s attention. He knelt down and stroked her hair. All three of them were sticky from the beach.

  Jillian was possessed with need again. The sigh of Jack loving her sister was intoxicating to her. Jordana was now flat on her back, her breasts were bared, her bikini bottoms were bare. Jordana had such an exquisite body. The muscles of her thighs were developed so gracefully. Even though she and Jillian looked very similarly, both with long chestnut hair and big green eyes, Jack was taken with Jordana as though he had never encountered anyone so hot.

  Jillian felt extremely turned on and began to touch herself as she watched the two lovers go in full swing. Jack spread Jordana’s legs and entered her. Jordana’s head tilted up and her eyelids batted as he did. He rode her at a medium pace, steadily. Jordana’s breasts bobbled freely with the rigorous rhythm. The scene was so exciting that every touch Jillian gave herself was powerful and electric.

  She held off on giving herself a climax, teasing herself just enough to bring herself to the brink. The strangely forbidden nature of the passionate sexual activity heightened the threat of climax at any time.

  Jillian was a huddled mass of pure arousal, unfulfilled in the corner of the tent. Jack and she locked eyes, both of them with glazed over looks of passion. He left Jordana to attend to her. He laid her out on her belly. He drew her buttocks up against him.

  There was not particular signal that indicated what Jack intended to do, but Jillian instinctively knew what was going to happen. She had tried it once before and she liked it. She was completely innervated with ecstasy that she nearly went off with his every contact.

  Jack gently parted her cheeks. He was lubed with his recent episode. He grinded the head of his cock at her forbidden opening. Jillian relaxed to allow him to penetrate. It did not take but a few thrusts. Jack was large and it took a few tries to become completely embedded. By the time he was, she was seizing around him. It was one of the most incredible, complete, sweet orgasms that she had ever known. Her entire belly rippled with pleasure. The rush of ecstasy pushed out through the top of her head, out to the tips of her fingers and toes.

  As Jillian heavy breathing subsided, Jack withdrew. He reached for a towel for her. He existed the tent, and showered off in the outside shower. The twins followed him. The three were under the water together. They held towels around themselves bathing, kissing under the water discretely.

  They stepped into the tent and toweled off. They dressed in fresh clothing and set out at the picnic table to have their dinner. Jillian could see that Jack and Jordana felt the same way that she did. Sated, satisfied. They ate lazily. Darkness fell. Jillian was restless.

  “Let’s go down for a nighttime swim,” said Jillian.

  They were game. Every time they were just a little near one another. If their bodies grazed their chemistry heightened. It did not take much to light their chemistry on fire. As they neared the water’s edge they shed their suits and swam nude. There were very few beachgoers and they were very discrete.

  Jack would take turns holding Jordana and Jillian. It felt so amazing to relax against him and being weightless in the water. She could not remember being so content. After their swim, the three of them were still quiet, somewhat stunned by both the strange turn of events and stunned by the amazing pleasure they had given each other.

  They crawled into the tent after such a full day, and slept in each other’s arms.


  Early in the morning, they woke and went for a lovely hike and a swim. Jillian had gotten a little too much sun the day before so they went into the little town of Carpinteria for brunch. But not before Jack made sure each twin was properly protected by sunscreen.

  He had each twin stay put as he spilled lotion into his palm and rubbed it over their body very thoroughly. His palms glided over the full flesh of their huge breasts. Jillian and Jordana had been blessed with very amply curvaceous bodies on tiny frames.

  Jillian was pretty sure that she was not going to get burned where he applied lotion but she liked the care and attention. So did Jordana.

  During brunch, they let Jack order for them. Despite knowing that she was a vegan, he wanted to order eggs for her.

  “They’re good for you,” he argued.

  “Yes but I don’t like to endorse the exploitation of animals,” said Jillian.

  “But the eggs are already laid,” said Jack. “They would go to waste and besides it’s for your own good.”

  Jillian relented only because there were few alternatives and a waiter went by with a plate of bacon and it smelled amazing.

  “Okay,” she said. “But just this once.”

  When the food arrived, even though they believed they were drawing attention, they let Jack feed them.

  “I think we’re drawing looks,” remarked Jordana.

  “You guys are frickin’ gorgeous. A man spoon-feeding two beautiful women? We not only attracting attention, we stirring up envy. There isn’t a man in this joint who wouldn’t trade places with me,” Jack said with a smirk.

  * * *

  Chapter Nine

  The rest of the day was unremarkable. The three of them in any combination did not have sex again while they camped, though they were loving and touching, openly. They packed up and departed the beach on the third morning. Jack drove. Jordana slept. Jillian was groggy. Jack dropped the twins off at their place and quietly drove on.


  For the next week or so they were so busy that they hardly said hi or bye to one another. Jillian’s mind could not seem to leave what happened at the beach behind her. It was like a presence that followed her throughout her days to come. Her mind was filled with the moments she shared with Jack in the woods. Her body was on sexual alert, never quite able to come down from being excited. She found herself taking a few more showers than she ordinarily would, lingering in bed a little more. She pleasured herself often, trying to relive the experience at the campground.

  When Friday night rolled around, Jordana and Jillian had gone for a jog, showered and decided to connect over an early dinner. They still had not connected with Barry about their trip. That was not unusual given that he and their mother were divorced and they were grown. They would get around to it sooner or later.

  The twins only occasionally dressed identically. For dinner, they dressed in similar outfits. They each wore short jean skirts and fitted tank tops. They wore stacked flip-flops. They decided the night was a good time to go to their favorite divvy restaurant. It had a pool table. Sometimes the twins wiled away the hours playing pool badly.

  Once they saw the pool table, they decided to play some pool before eating. They were shooting a game of eight ball before dinner when Jordana spoke up.

  “Are we going to talk about what happened?” she asked Jillian.

t’s there to talk about?” asked Jillian. “I don’t feel bad about what happened.”

  “Neither do I,” proclaimed Jordana.

  “You don’t?” asked Jillian with surprise and relief. “I thought maybe you would. I kept waiting for the excitement to turn. Like I should feel bad about it but I don’t.”

  A wickedness overtook Jillian as she bent down to make her next shot.

  “What was your favorite part?” she asked Jordana.

  “I can’t think of one…all of it was just amazing!” Jordana replied.

  Jillian giggled in agreement. Jordana tapped her with warning.

  “Look who,” Jordana said with surprise.

  Jillian looked around and saw their stepfather Barry and Jack enter the restaurant. It was a complete coincidence. It was as though the men were in complete synch with them. It was awkward seeing both men in light of what they had been discussing. Jack and Barry looked up and had a similar awkward look on their face.

  “Jillian, what if he told?” whispered Jordana.

  “I don’t think he would,” said Jillian. “Just act naturally.”

  “Well look who,” said Barry excitedly.

  Jack’s look was slightly darker. Smoldering. He looked directly at each twin. Jillian shivered.

  “Great minds, huh?” said Barry. “Have you eaten?”

  Barry was in much too good of a mood. She remembered what Jack had said in the breakfast place. That any man would trade places with him. Could it be that Jack did in fact told their stepfather that he had sex with them?

  “No actually we haven’t,” answered Jordana nervously.

  “Great,” said Barry. “You can join us. My treat.”

  “For me too?” said Jack.

  “No buddy,” kidded Barry. “You’re on your own. You girls finish up your game there and come sit down.”

  The men took a booth just to the side of the pool table. Suddenly Jillian was self-conscious of the length of her shirt. Her stepfather and she were on the same wave length.

  “Looks like I need to front you two some money for longer skirts. What did you guys do? Buy one and cut it in two?”

  “Haha,” Jordana laughed with sarcasm. “They’re fine. Just not the best to shoot pool in.”

  Despite her wardrobe challenges, Jordana was able to sink the winning shot and thus ended the game. It was awkward that Jack and Barry sat across from each other. The twins had to sit across from one another as well. Jillian sat next to Jack.

  * * *

  Chapter Ten

  The chemistry revved between the two of them. Jillian was thrilled instantly and hardly able to contain herself. She had to keep it cool in front of her stepfather. Jack’s hand very sneakily reached over to her bare thigh and touched her. She could feel her body flow with arousal.

  The trick for her was to steady her breath so that she didn’t appear to be sexually distressed. From above the table up, she had to appear normal. Below the table, she was on fire. Jack very skillfully toyed with her.

  Jillian felt a leg cross under the table. She spied and then looked at Jordana. Jack and Jordana were playing footsies, all under Barry’s nose. The waiter visited the table and Barry ordered a pitcher and four glasses for the table. The twins had just been on a run beforehand and they hadn’t eaten prior to that. The beer went straight to Jillian’s head.

  “I think we better order appetizers,” said Barry.

  He ordered shrimp ceviche.

  “Dad,” complained Jordana. “Get something everyone can have.”

  “You have to be adventurous,” remarked Barry. “Try new things.”

  “Oh so you don’t know that Jillian is a vegan,” Jack said raising a scolding eyebrow at Jillian.

  “So I forgot to tell him,” Jillian shrank a little lower under the table.

  “When did this start?” asked Barry. “I don’t see any rabbit food on the menu.”

  “Eh, Jillian will try it, won’t you Jillian?” chided Jack.

  When the food arrived, both Jordana and Jillian turned their noses up at the ceviche.

  “Maybe we should have ordered chicken tenders for the youngsters here,” teased Jack.

  “Come on, just one bite,” said Barry.

  “I really can’t,” giggled Jillian.

  “Come on Jordie,” said Barry. “You’ll do it for me.”

  “Okay,” said Jordana.

  She opened her mouth and let Barry feed her. She liked it.

  “It’s good,” admitted Jordana.

  “Your turn,” said Barry.

  “No,” whined Jillian. “I don’t want to.”

  “Do it,” ordered Jack in a playful commanding voice.

  Jillian did not want to but she did anyway. She opened her mouth and accepted the exotic hors d’oeuvre.

  “Like it?” asked Jordana.

  Jillian shook her head no. She was trying not to laugh as she held the food in her mouth. She considered spitting it out.

  “Swallow it,” ordered Jack.

  Jillian did as she was told but not before making a face.

  “Oh goodness, Jillian,” laughed Jordana. “You’re such a wuss.”

  “Some things never change,” scolded Barry.

  “Awe,” responded Jillian. “For the record, Jack made me eat eggs on the trip and now I’ve eaten shrimp. I am officially not trying any animal products any more. Call me all the names you want.”

  “Deal,” said Barry. “How was camping? I’ve asked Jack here but I swear I am getting the brush off. Pretty boring without me or what?”

  “It was nice,” said Jordana.

  “Very relaxing,” said Jillian.

  “That’s it?” asked Barry. “Two words out of each of you? You guys seem to have gotten some color. Maybe a little too much. I know you’re not seven any more but maybe Jack should have made sure you had sunscreen on,” said Barry.

  “Jack took great care of us,” said Jordana innocently.

  “Yeah Jack saved us from a wild lion,” said Jillian.

  “What?” asked Barry.

  Jack gave Jillian a look. “Yeah there was supposedly a puma or wildcat of whatever on the loose. We didn’t see him.”

  “No we were too busy relaxing and stuff,” said Jillian.

  While Jillian sipped her beer, she looked innocently up at Jack who secretly gave her a ‘I’m so going to get you’ look.

  * * *

  Chapter Eleven

  Despite that she sipped a second beer, Jillian had to drive home from dinner. She had been a little tipsy from that first beer but the food revived her. She didn’t finish the second beer Barry bought her. Jordana on the other hand, had two beers and was a complete lightweight. She announced her plan was to crawl straight into bed when they were home.

  Jillian on the other hand was stir crazy. With Jordana crashed, she sat in her apartment restless. About an hour after they had gotten home, there was a knock on the door. She checked through the door. It was Jack. He looked as antsy as she was. She cracked the door.

  “What’s up?” she whispered. “Jordana is asleep.”

  He pushed through the door and immediately he and Jillian locked in a passionate kiss.

  They did a sort of dance all the way into the living room, out the sliding glass door to the balcony. Jack closed the door. He laid Jillian down on the chaise lounge they had. Jillian’s body craved his. She parted her legs as she peeled off her shirt for him. Jack hiked up her skirt.

  She could see his intense erection in the darkness. In a single move, he was inside of her. They were joined, pumping and rocking with intense passion. Jillian could not get enough of it. She levered her leg up onto his shoulder so that she could take him into her as deeply as she could. He moaned with the pleasure of it.

  She slipped another leg up on his massive shoulder so now he was driving directly into her. He felt so amazing inside of her. She smiled at the realization that each time they had sex they were outside. The night air felt fabulous and se
nsual and heightened the experience.

  He rolled her over and lay on his back. Jillian rocked him. Her body was limp and light yet powerful enough that she could work it easily on him. The feel of his cock was amazing inside of her. She felt her blood rush through her intensely.

  “You teased me at dinner,” she said seductively.

  “I teased you?” he demanded in a strained whisper. “I should have spanked you at dinner,” he said playfully. “I should have pulled your pants down in front of everyone and taught you a lesson. Acting the way you did about food. In fact -”

  He swatted her cheeks as she thrust on him back and forth. It sent a jolt of pleasure through her body.

  “Ooh!” she squealed.

  He did it again. And again. Slow, firm swats that sent electric currents throughout her.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said. “Do you?”

  “I love it,” he said.

  “No I mean have you ever been spanked?” she asked, still riding him steadily.

  He laughed heartily. “No sweetheart. I am the giver not the receiver.”

  And with that he swatted her one more time. The swats did not cause pain just sweet surges. Her core was readied and on the brink of orgasm. Jack reached between her legs and massaged her clit. It was all that she needed to push her to the heights of orgasm.

  Even though she was on top, as she writhed with ecstasy, she was at Jack’s total mercy as he pumped into her. He took control of the pace and the rhythm. He gripped her hips and pumped her nonstop through her blissful convulsions. She clenched fiercely on his hardness as wave after wave burst through her. She was crumpled in a pool of the ultimate pleasure.

  Now it was his turn to chase his climax. As Jillian came back to earth, she had the presence of mind to rock against him in counter pulse. Her mind was set on driving him absolutely crazy. The couple tipped to the side so they were now both facing each other on the wide bed-like chaise. Jillian drew up her core purposefully, squeezing his length as tightly as she could manage. She was very pleased with herself that he whimpered with each clench.


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