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Bought by the Lone Cowboy

Page 22

by E. Walsh

  “You definitely got the job,” he whispered.

  He kissed her deeply and then he went on to show her the rest of the house. He led her down to the other side of the second floor, and opened the door, “This is the nursery.”

  “Looks simple. Where’s all the gadgets?”

  “There’s a diaper changer in the wall here,” he moved a picture on hinges. “There’s a console there as well if you need anything. I will be leaving tomorrow for Beijing, and I won’t be back for three days, but you should be able to get a hold of me if there is an emergency.”

  “Sounds fine. When do you want me to start?”

  “We’ll let you stay with the children this evening and see how you do.” He circled in back of her and his breath was on her ear like a flamethrower burning through her composure. “You can sleep here too, if you want, but don’t let Amber see you.”

  * * *

  Chapter 4

  “Oh, I’m so glad you got it.” The girls were standing in the kitchen making themselves some simple salads for dinner.

  “I wasn’t sure what to think, honestly. He’s so...domineering.”

  Amber looked up set down the knife she was using to chop cucumbers. “He’s so much more. He’s loving and loyal. He cares so much about the people that he loves. He took us in when we had no place to go. I love him, and I don’t know what I would do without him.” Amanda smiled. He did seem like a good man, and it was rare to see a daughter who cared so much about her father.

  “So, what do you think? Am I doing an OK job?”

  “Dear god, yes. You’re actually keeping an eye on them.” The boys were watching an educational program in the living room, and they could see them from across the room so the girls knew they were OK.

  “You seem tired, though.” Amanda was exhausted. “Why don’t you let me take care of them the rest of the day and you can get some rest.”


  As Amanda made her way upstairs, she checked back to see if Amber was following. She wasn’t. She took a right instead and took the elevator the top floor, which was the black and white marble temple to an animal god of sexuality. Her shoes padded against the cold floor softly and she saw the beast laying on a massive bed, twice the size of a king with his cock hanging out, hard as a steel rod and ready for her.

  “Not now.” he said.


  “Does it matter,” he asked. The way he looked at her meant keep it casual.

  “No. I guess it doesn’t.”

  There was a soft knock on the door and he ushered her over to a conveniently hidden elevator near the bed. “What’s this?”

  He smiled and pressed the button then pushed her in softly. She could hear other voices on the other side of the door. They sounded upset. “How could you do this to me,” it was Amber.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I know she’s here. You can’t lie to me. She’s my best friend.” She stormed out and Amanda pressed the button for the door to open.

  “It’s my daughter. She doesn’t like it when I bring girls home.” He was lounging in the rich, deep purple sheets with his cock in his hand.

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just weird for her. Kids get like that with single parents sometimes.”

  “Huh. So can I stay here tonight?”

  “God, I want you to. I want you to suck this so bad, but I think that we’ll have to send you home for the evening so I can deal with this first.” He got up and gave her a huge kiss on the lips then ushered her out the elevator and into a car which was waiting for her in back on the ground floor.

  * * *

  Chapter 5

  She was standing in the surreal foyer, looking around. The house was silent. Amber was gone to school, and both girls hadn’t talked to each other since the night before. Something told Amanda that she had lost a friend, but it wasn’t right. She didn’t own him and he deserved a life of his own. She wanted to be with him as much as she could; if not romantically, then casually. She didn’t want to be his girl, she just wanted to find out what he could do to her body.

  There was a night watchman assigned to the kid’s post that evening, and he was at the top of the stairs when she got in. “How are they,” she asked quietly from the bottom of the stairs.

  “They’re sleeping,” it was the pimply boy from before.

  “Alright. Well, I guess I’ll take it from here.” He left quickly. He looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept all night. He had actually stayed up to watch them. That was so sweet.

  She went up the stairs to check in Jaden’s room to see how he was doing. There was nothing cuter than a little brunette baby sleeping. She tucked the cover over him as best she could and walked out to check on Tom-Tom.

  He was the little demon. Tom-Tom would tear you apart if he could. He had this little wooden bat that he walked around with, and he would hit anything he could. The night before he ran up to their massive TV, which must’ve cost more than $2000, and he slammed the base of it. They were lucky that it didn’t fall over. The base was tiny, and if they hadn’t caught him in time, it would’ve fallen over and killed him.

  She walked in slowly to the nursery and went to check on him. He was sleeping soundly with his Power Trooper doll. He was the sweetest little boy when he was sleeping, but he could cause some serious trouble when he was awake.

  She closed the door and went down to the kitchen. The boys had to get up at 8--that was just the rule. Their father planned on teaching them to be workers. He said that that was how he got where he was, and that was what was going to maintain his empire. He was such an amazing dad. He believed in being strict, but also having fun. She would have to teach Jaden to clean his room, and work on getting Tom-Tom to do it too. The boys were to have 2 hours of education every day and then they would get to go down to the beach to run around. This wasn’t just for recreation. Their father wanted them to get exercise every day. In fact, they didn’t do much for just exercise. Nearly everything the boys did was to build their character.

  The boys ate impeccable meals. It wasn’t gourmet food; it was health food, and they never deviated from their diets. So far as she knew, neither child had ever seen a candy bar in their entire lives, and they didn’t have either salt or sugar in the house.

  Tuesdays were a quarter cup of grains and berries with almonds. They weren’t allowed to eat peanuts until they were older, just in case they got an allergic reaction. She got out some millet and set it to boil then ran upstairs to wake the boys up.

  Jaden was first. He was the easiest, or so she’d heard. She opened the door softy and walked right on top of a stegosaurus spine. “OW!” Jaden’s screams shook the house. He was not to be held if he cried. His father said he was too old for that, so she simply walked out as his father instructed.

  Tom-Tom wasn’t making a single sound. He must be a hard sleeper, which meant trouble for Amanda. When she walked in, she didn’t hear a thing. She went over to the tiny computer console behind the picture and turned the volume down as low as possible so she could play his ABC song. His father wanted him to wake up every single day to fun learning, and so far as she could tell it was working. He was smart enough to tear the place apart already.

  When Mr. Jingle’s down syndrome voice started over the speakers, she expected him to wake up immediately. They were already at ‘d’ and he was still sleeping. She walked up to look at him, and he was completely. “Wake up little guy,” she said sweetly.

  There was no response. She put his hand on his back and started rubbing. He was hard and still--unusually slow. She moved the blanket and fell back screaming. He wasn’t breathing and his eyes were wide open. He was choking. “Oh God!” She didn’t know how to take care of this. She’d never seen it before.

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  “What’s wrong?” Amber and Kirsty were sitting at a bench outside the Dairy Cream pretending to eat an ice cream cone. Amber suggested it, wh
ich was a sure sign that she was depressed.

  “I just don’t like Amanda watching the boys. I feel like I should be there.”

  Kirsty put her hand on her shoulder. “They’re not yours. You’ve gotta live your life.”

  Amber was practically balling. She turned her head so that her friend couldn’t see, but it didn’t work. Kirsty just held her tighter. “She left us and we had nowhere to go. I’m there mother. They didn’t even know her. I feel like a mother.”

  “You’re not their mother.”

  “You’re young, Kirsty. I’m not, at least not like you. You don’t know that protective instinct--what it means to have a child constantly on your mind and worry about them every single second. I know how mothers feel.”

  Kirsty flipped her black hair out of her eyes. She’d seen it. It was crazy. It wasn’t normal, or at least it wasn’t right. “I’ve seen it, and I see it in you.”

  Amber got up and started pacing manically. She saw her hurting them, treating badly and ignoring them. Nobody understands the effect that would have on them. Little things damage them for the rest of their lives, because they take everything in. This is precious time, and just a day without them could hurt them for the rest of their lives. They needed somebody to be with them who knew how to act, and if Amanda was bad enough to be with her dad, then she wasn’t the right person to be around those kids.

  “I’ll be back. I need to make a phone call.” She picked up her phone and ran behind the building. Nobody could hear what she had to day. She didn’t want to do this, but it was the only way.

  “Hey,” he answered. Bruce didn’t sound like he wanted to talk to her, but she didn’t particularly care how he felt.

  “Hey, I can’t have her with the kids, not if that’s going to happen.”

  “Listen, I--

  “I’ll end this for once and for all. I promise you I will. She can’t get in the middle.”

  “Fine.” She didn’t know what that answer meant, and she didn’t have time to find out, which bothered her immensely. He hung up, and she was left standing there wondering where her life was going. She had put everything into that household, and Amanda, who was her best friend, was about to tear it all apart.

  * * *

  Chapter 7

  “911, what is your emergency?” She didn’t know what to do. Would this get her into trouble?

  “I’m babysitting and the baby’s choking.”

  “Is this medical police or fire.”


  “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to calm down. Now, is it medica—?”

  “YES!” The operator on the other end hung up the phone and she let out a roar that could send the house crashing into the water. She picked up the phone and dialed again while she rushed over to how the baby was doing.

  “911, what is your emergency?” He only had a few minutes to live.

  “I have a baby that’s choking.”

  “Is it medical, police or fire?” It was the most asinine questions she’d ever been asked in her entire life, and it was probably the most damaging.


  “One moment.” There was a click on the other line, a prudish sounding woman picked up.

  “Police, what is your emergency?”

  “I have a baby here who is choking. I asked for medics.”

  “I’ll send somebody right out. What is your address.” She gave her the address. The child was getting bluer and his time was growing short. He was going to die.

  “I need help. He’s gonna die right now.’

  “I need you to calm down.”

  “I need instructions for CPR.”

  “It will have to be done by the medics. They should be there within 15 minutes.” Choking took less time than that. She had to save him.

  “That’s too much time.” She hung up and ran to the console computer. There had to be something. The dad would have to be notified after. She typed in CPR baby and looked at what she had to do.

  This has to work, she thought to herself. This was going to get her killed, and if not, it was a felony. She picked up Tom-Tom, trying not to scream when she felt the way stiff body lay. He must be dead. She was too late, but she had to help him. She had to try no matter what. This baby was not going to die under her care. She thought of the family that wanted to protect him and how much she cared about them both. She wanted to be there for her new lover and her best friend regardless of the drama that has happened, and she knew how Amber loved these little guys. She turned him over her knee and slammed against his back. Nothing happened. He was dead. She did it again and nothing happened. She was going to be thrown over the cliff.

  She opened his mouth and checked, just in case to see if anything came. “Oh, god.” It was the hand from his doll he was chewing on earlier. He’d swallowed it and the hand was sticking out.

  She pulled it out and started breathing a bit of air into his lungs to jump start them. She could see the chest starting to rise and fall again. That was probably the most terrifying moment of her entire life. Both of their lives were resting on whether or not he survived. He opened his eyes and looked at her. He was alright, and she’d never been happier to see that in her entire life.

  “You doing OK?”

  He nodded his head up and down and she let him get back to sleep. She wasn’t going to deprive him of his rest for that day. She walked out slowly to check on Jaden who was playing in his room with his remote control truck.

  “WHERE IS HE!? IS HE ALRIGHT!?” Amber came booming up the stairs to confront Amanda who ran out to see her.

  “He’s OK. He was choking on his doll arm when I got here.”

  Amber looked like she was going to try to kill Amanda with her eyes. “You’re fired!”

  “No she’s not. I saw the whole thing.” Amber turned around to see Bruce standing in the doorway. I took an early flight back last night. I needed to see that the kids were OK, and she did exactly what was needed and you need to recognize that that girl saved your brother’s life.”

  Amber ran up and gave Amanda a hug. “I’m sorry.”

  Bruce walked up the stairs and looked at both girls. “It’s not your motherly instinct that’s getting to you Amber. It’s your jealousy, but I think I have a way to remedy that.” He walked to the elevator and both girls followed. “Are you OK with something a little less conventional, Amanda?”

  Then she finally got it. Amber hadn’t just taken the place of the kid’s mother; she had taken the place of Bruce’s wife. They had their hands on each other’s shoulders with doe-eyed expressions on their faces. Bruce pulled her in and she got into the elevator. She wanted Bruce so badly. He was already nursing his fat cock underneath his black and white pinstriped pants, and when they got out he undid his pants right away to show off his Adonis butt. Amber slapped it and looked back at Amanda who slammed onto the bed and looked up at both of them.

  Bruce turned to Amber and slowly unbuttoned the girl’s white blouse as he took in every inch of skin with his eyes, Amanda loved to see him ready to cum, breaking past the point of desire and into action. He thrust his hands down his pants and started slipping his hand up and down his shaft as Amanda reached out and unzipped his pants. To reveal his thick cock with the mushroom head sticking straight up.

  Bruce reached out and slowly unhooked Amber’s bra, leaving her completely exposed. When he reached out and pinched her nipples she let out a yelp then he rammed his head down and started licking around the edges, watching her careful as she tossed back her head and let out soft moans of passion.

  Amanda was enchanted by the way his cock was jumping up and down hungrily, aching to be sucked, with her skirt pulled up and her panties down to her ankles, she slowly began to pull up the foreskin and watched the way it folded just a bit over the ridge and then pulled back to reveal the majestic piece of beef. He let out a growl and Amber watched as she stuck out her tongue and licked the head just enough to make him hard as a roc
k before she slowly took it in, inch by inch ready to give it the love that it needed. The thick meat slammed back and forth inside of her, taking her fully and ravaging every single inch. She wanted more. She wanted to swallow it and let the cock hit the back of her throat, and as he watched his with his massive smile, Amber knelt down to help her do the job. She grabbed his balls by the hand and let Amanda suck on it as she pursed her lips and met Bruce’s eyes. His pleasure was increasing with every second, and when he pulled out and thrust his cock down Amber’s throat Amanda heard him cry out, “Oh god!” He slammed her head down as hard as he could and held it there then Amber tilted her head around and around as her lips encased it fully, letting it slip in and out of her mouth.

  She passed it back over to Amanda and they locked lips allowing the cock to pass between them. His thrusts got faster and faster and both girls looked up to see their king explode all over their chests. They smiled and took turns licking him clean.

  Amanda got up and walked out the French doors to the balcony. She'd never seen this before, and she didn't know what to think, but it seemed so natural. She'd known amber for years, so it wasn't like she was completely put off by this. The girl was sensible, very balanced and she would never do something like this if it was being taken to a dark place. Perhaps that made it OK in a way, or perhaps it was the one thing allowing her to justify it.

  There were soft voices coming from the bedroom, where the two sitting on the bed quietly. It didn't sound tense, but it did sound like they didn't want her to hear what they were saying so she quietly put her ears to the door.

  “I just don't want her to do it unless she's with me, too.”

  “You're gonna sit her down, and you're gonna have to explain this to her. You know that, don't you?” That was Bruce talking.

  “I will.” Amber got up walked to the French doors, which opened automatically.

  “I guess I do want to know,” Amanda said softly as they looked out at the seemingly infinite water. They were going to ask her to make a huge decision.


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