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Bought by the Lone Cowboy

Page 67

by E. Walsh

  His outlook on life had changed, too, mainly due to his mother divorcing his drunken father and remarrying shortly after he graduated high school.

  It was his stepfather, a doctor, who had inspired him to change his attitude, lose weight, and get healthy.

  He must have inspired him too much, though, because Rick ended up being obsessed with fitness, hence his current occupation.

  He now owned his own gym and spent his time training clients one-on-one; mostly female clients who enjoyed the attention of the handsome trainer.

  After all, one of the few things that hadn’t changed was his preference for men, so he stayed away from them as much as he could in his line of work.

  He even avoided his fellow male trainers, never mind if they thought of him as a snob.

  It was better to put strong barriers between his professional and personal lives, better to be safe than sorry.

  As one of them, James, entered the trainers’ lounge, Rick left with just a simple nod.

  He was on his way out the gym, too, his appointments all done, but the receptionist, Hannah, called after him.

  “What’s up?” he asked, feeling concerned after seeing the look on Hannah’s face.

  “There was a call earlier,” Hannah informed. “From Pamela Bentley.”

  Rick cringed at the name. He’d known Pamela Bentley since high school, when she was the fat girl to his fat boy. Now she was toned and tanned and beautiful; and the trophy wife of a rich man who owned a ski resort in the mountains. He dropped his bag to the concrete and sighed. “What did she want?”

  “She is spending the weekend at her resort and wants you to come along so you can train her while she’s there.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so,” Rick said, shaking his head. It was hard enough avoiding Pamela at his gym. He couldn’t imagine being trapped with her at a ski lodge.

  He said, “Tell her she can come here when she gets back.”

  “Is it because of your reunion?” Hannah asked, frowning.

  Rick blinked at her. “What?”

  “I saw the invitation to your 20th reunion come in the mail. It’s being held at the resort. That’s why Pamela’s spending the weekend there. She told me all about it over the phone.”

  Rick couldn’t lie. He’d seen the invitation and immediately threw it in the trash. He had no intention of revisiting his high school years, though he doubted anyone would try to beat him up now.

  “I think you should go,” Hannah said with a devious grin. “Go kick some ass!”

  “Hannah, really, I…”

  “What are you so afraid of?” she asked. Hannah had worked for Rick for ten years and knew him like a book. She poked a stiff finger in his meaty chest. “You’re a big boy now. You should go to that reunion to show those assholes that you survived and thrived.”

  “Survived and thrived.” He couldn’t help but smile at her.

  “Pamela said she’d pay for a suite and all your expenses, plus double your regular fee.”

  He gave her the eye. “Sounds like you’ve already made the deal.”

  “Go, Rick,” she said. “For your own peace of mind. It’s time to put the past to bed. What do you have to lose?”

  “Okay,” he said, picking up his gym bag. “Tell her I’ll go.”

  As he watched Hannah skip back into the gym, he absently rubbed the scar that was tingling across the bridge of his nose.

  “What do I have to lose?” he asked. “I guess I’ll find out.”

  * * *

  Chapter Two

  Rick arrived at the resort and settled in without incident. The place was beautiful and rustic. There was a sign in the lobby announcing the high school reunion the next night.

  He looked forward to getting in some hiking time when he wasn’t working with his client. He loved nothing better than trekking alone through the woods. Maybe even get in a little time on the slopes. He found himself feeling better than he thought he would, but he hadn’t faced down any of his old classmates yet. The true test would come when he came face to face with Parker Ross.

  When he got to his room, he found a note left under the door from Pamela, asking if they could move their first her session from two o’clock to three. Then she called and moved it to four, then cancelled altogether. Rick wasn’t surprised. He knew Pamela had probably found an old boyfriend haunting the halls and was off somewhere at the moment screwing his brains out.

  He wasn’t disappointed. To the contrary, he was relieved that he wouldn’t have to deal with Pamela that day. He changed into a pair of jeans and Polo that fit his muscular form and headed downstairs. He’d have dinner in the restaurant and a drink in the bar, then make it an early night.

  * * *

  Chapter Three

  “Let me guess,” the man sitting a stool away from him at the bar, who he hadn’t even realized was there, spoke. “You lost a tennis match, the hot tub in your room broke down, or you just caught your wife flirting with the masseuse.”

  Rick glanced sideways at the man and smiled. “Are those the most common problems of the people staying here?”

  “That’s what I hear.” The man gulped down his Scotch and spoke to the bartender. “Another one please, and also for my friend here.”

  The bartender nodded.

  Friend? They had just met. Still, Rick made no protest. It wasn’t like he had any friends on the resort, after all, and right now, it seemed like he needed one.

  The man slid over to the stool right next to Rick and bumped him with his elbow.

  “So, which one is yours?” the man asked.

  “Which one what?” For a moment, Rick forgot about what they were discussing. “Oh. You mean which problem? None of those, actually. It was an appointment gone wrong.”

  “Ah.” The other man nodded. “So you’re here on business. Pity.”

  Rick nodded. “I don’t see how working in such a wonderful place should inspire pity. I mean, at least, I get to stay here for free.”

  The man looked at him. “Well then, you should be the one buying me a drink.”

  Rick looked at the bartender as he placed their drinks in front of them. “Put these on my tab.”

  “Yes, sir,” the bartender answered.

  The other man raised his glass. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers.” Rick lifted his glass as well then took a sip.

  “The name’s Puck by the way.”


  The man shrugged. “I played hockey in college. The coach called me that. It kind of stuck.”

  “Rick,” he said, offering his hand. “So, what brings you here, Puck?”

  “Just taking a break from my shitty life.”

  Rick took another sip of his Scotch.

  “And celebrating the fact that my divorce is finally final,” Puck added.

  Rick looked sideways at him. “You were married?”

  “Unfortunately so.”


  “Fortunately, no.”

  “Well, congratulations on your freedom.”

  “Thanks,” Puck said, clicking his glass against Rick’s. “Are you married?”

  Rick shook his head. “That’s something I don’t think I’ll ever do.”

  “Too busy?”

  “Too independent,” Rick lied. “Women have expectations. I’d only disappoint them.”

  Puck chuckled. “You sound like you’re the one who just got divorced. But you’re right. They want to be in the center of your world. They rely on you to make them happy and then they want their happiness to be yours, like you exist just to please them.”

  Rick frowned at the man’s anger. “That right?”

  “Damn right.”

  “I suppose they can be,” Rick agreed. “Though there are some that are nice. I mean, I have some really nice client who are women.”

  “Of course, there are. I just happened to marry one of the not nicer ones. Then again, she was nice before we got married so maybe it was that house we
bought. Maybe it’s cursed. I never did like it.”

  Rick said nothing.

  “Or maybe it was that stupid dog. Mind you, she let it sleep between us.”

  “She did?”

  “I’m sure she’s still sleeping with him. Well, what can I say? That mutt can probably eat her up better than I can, if you know what I mean. Too bad he doesn’t brush his teeth.”

  Rick chuckled then gulped down the rest of his Scotch. Puck did, too.

  “Another round?” Puck asked.

  Rick thought about it for a moment, then shrugged and said, “Sure, why not.”

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  They had a few more rounds, after which Puck looked like he was ready to pass out on the bar. Rick welcomed the quiet. He figured the man had been drinking long before he arrived.

  Rick paid for the drinks, then helped Puck to his room.

  He found Puck’s keycard in his back pocket. He opened the door and dragged Puck to the bed and helped his stretch out on his back.

  Puck was passed out before his head hit the pillow.

  Rick took off Puck’s shoes and was about to leave when something struck him as familiar about Puck’s face. He found himself staring, mesmerized by his handsome features.

  Thick brow and eyelids.

  A slender, slightly upturned nose.

  Thin lips.

  A strong, square chin covered with a day’s growth of hair.

  Suddenly, Rick’s brows furrowed.

  Had they met before?

  Maybe it was because of that familiarity or maybe because he was drunk, but Rick was starting to feel flushed.

  He had a strong urge to stroke Puck’s cheek and kiss him, in fact, and he was about to when Puck spoke.

  At first, Rick couldn’t hear the words, but then Puck spoke again, louder.


  Rick’s heart sank, his desire vanishing as quickly as the smoke from an extinguished flame.

  A woman’s name.

  His ex-wife probably.

  For all the bad things Puck had said about his former wife, he probably still loved her.

  And for some reason, it hurt Rick.

  He quickly set aside the pain, though. There was no reason why he should feel it.

  He and Puck had just gotten drunk together.

  They had just met. It wasn’t like they were in a serious relationship.

  In fact, Rick doubted that was possible. Puck seemed straight. There was no way he would fall for Rick.

  And so Rick should not fall for him.

  That thought firmly planted in mind, Rick left the room, locking the door behind him before heading to his own room.

  There, he lay on his bed, at first staring blankly at the ceiling.

  Then Puck’s face appeared in his mind and Rick’s hand started moving on its own, stroking his cock.

  Quickly, it grew rock hard and within moments, he came, having the sense to do so in a bath towel.

  Afterwards, he hurried to the bathroom and took a shower.

  What the hell just happened? He didn’t know. He only knew one thing.

  He should never see Puck again.

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  Puck, however, came looking for him the next day.

  “Hey there,” Puck greeted with a smile as he entered the gym. “You can’t imagine how long I was searching for you. This place is huge and I was beginning to think you’d left. I wanted to ask the receptionist but I didn’t know your last name and Rick’s a pretty common first name.”

  Rick didn’t answer nor did he return the smile.

  “It is Rick, isn’t it?” Puck went on. “I mean I know I was dead drunk last night and my memory’s a bit fuzzy but I think that’s your name, isn’t it?”

  Rick remained silent, doing his best to push what happened last night out of his mind as he went faster on the treadmill.

  “Hey.” Puck stood in front of him, wrenching his earphones away. “What’s the deal? Are you mad at me? Is it because I let you pick up the tab? I can pay you back, you know. Or is it because I got drunk? What happened after? Did you carry me back to my room?”

  Rick nodded.

  “Thanks for that. Then what? Did you take advantage of me?”

  Rick tried not to blush as he shook his head.

  “Just kidding. Anyway, let me make things up to you. I…”

  “I’m a bit busy right now,” Rick cut him off.

  “So he can talk.” Puck grinned. “Don’t worry. I’ll wait until you’re done. It’s not like I have important stuff to do.”

  “Well, I do. After this, I have to meet with my client.”

  That was a lie. He wasn’t meeting with Pamela until three.

  “What about after the meeting?” Puck asked.

  “It’ll be until five.”

  “Then what’ll you do?”

  Rick frowned. Puck sure was relentless.

  “I’ll be running in the oval.”

  “Then I’ll run with you.”

  Rick threw him a puzzled look. “You run?”

  Puck chuckled. “Doesn’t everyone?”

  “I mean do you run as a…?”

  “I used to be an athlete, you know. I used to play a lot of hockey. And football. And I have joined a few marathons in the past.”

  “Really?” Rick wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not.

  Well, he did have a good body, Rick thought as his eyes wandered over Puck’s chest and stomach. Rick quickly looked away.

  “I run fast.”

  Puck gave another chuckle. “Is that a challenge?”

  Rick didn’t answer.

  “Let’s make it one then. Let’s run five laps around the oval. If you win, I’ll never bother you again. If I win, let’s go for drinks again tonight. This time, I’ll pay.”

  Rick sighed. “Fine. I’ll meet you at the oval at five.”

  He didn’t really want to spend any more time with Puck now that he was aware of how strong his attraction to the other man was but he supposed this was his only way to get rid of him. And he would. He was going to win.


  As he expected, Rick was easily winning. He was almost a lap ahead of Puck and there were only two left.

  Just a little more…

  Suddenly, though, he stopped, fear clutching at his chest as he saw Puck fall on the tracks.


  Rick ran to him, feeling even more worried as he saw Puck’s features twisted in pain, his hands gripping his right leg.

  “Don’t…worry about…me,” Puck said. “It’s just…cramps.”

  “What about your other leg?”

  Rick knelt down to touch it. Puck slapped his hand away but it was too late. Rick had already discovered his secret.

  “Your other leg…it…”

  “It’s gone,” Puck confirmed angrily. “I’m an amputee, alright? I was in a car accident last year and they had to cut my leg off.”

  Rick swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want your pity,” Puck scoffed. “Just leave me alone. You don’t want anything more to do with me, after all, right?”

  “That’s not…” Rick paused, unable to lie. “You shouldn’t have raced with me.”

  “Damn right.”

  “Why did you force yourself? You could have…”

  “Because I didn’t want you to just leave me behind, damn it,” Puck cut him off. “Everyone leaves me behind.”

  “Even Carey?” Rick asked.

  Puck gave him a look of confusion.

  “You said her name when you were drunk last night.”

  “I did?” Puck chuckled as he placed a hand on his head. “That bastard. In my dreams, he continues to play me for a fool.”

  “He?” Rick couldn’t believe what he had just heard. “Carey is a man?”

  “Yes, Carey is a man. He’s the one I was bitching about last night.”

  Rick r
emained silent, gaping.

  “And that’s why I raced you. I guess I liked you and I wanted to spend more time with you,” Puck confessed. “But clearly, that’s not going to happen. You’ve won and I’m gonna leave you alone.”

  Limping, he walked off, leaving Rick standing there, speechless.

  * * *

  Chapter Six

  Rick was still confused the next day, which was probably why he wasn’t scolding Pamela during their session, simply letting her do as she pleased.

  In his mind, endless questions rose.

  So Puck liked him?

  Since when?

  Was that why he started talking to him at the bar or was it while they were talking?

  Or maybe he was watching him even before that?

  Heaven knew since he arrived at the resort, Rick had been looking around for possible… playmates.

  What about now? Did Puck still like him? What did it even mean exactly that Puck liked him? Did Puck want to fuck? Or did he want something serious?

  The biggest question of all, though, was: What was he going to do about it? Was he just going to leave things at that?

  Rick looked for Puck all over the resort and when he couldn’t find him, he waited near his room.

  And waited. And waited.

  Finally, around eight in the evening, Puck came back. Seeing Rick, his eyes grew wide with surprise.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “Waiting for you,” Rick told him. “This resort is big, even bigger when you’re looking for someone.”

  “Why were you looking for me?”

  “Can we talk?”

  For a moment, Puck was still. Rick held his breath, heaving a sigh of relief when Puck finally opened the door to his room.

  “Sure you don’t have anywhere else you have to be?” Puck asked.

  “Sure,” Rick answered.

  He followed Puck inside the room, locking the door behind him.

  “Should I order drinks?” Puck asked.

  “No need.”


  “Maybe later, that is if you still want me to stay.”

  Puck nodded then sat on the only chair in the room. “You wanted to talk, so talk.”


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