Book Read Free

Bought by the Lone Cowboy

Page 78

by E. Walsh

  They were sitting so close to each other that it was probably very unlikely that Zoe hadn’t already caught her deepening blush as it was.

  Still, Phoebe knew better than to let herself lose her cool. This older woman could potentially be an important peer, and someone she should get to know.

  She might be able to help Phoebe advance her career in some way, or become a useful contact at another office.

  It was definitely not okay for Phoebe to sit there imagining what the other woman’s skin would feel like, or how her kiss might taste.

  Phoebe wanted to shake her head to try to clear those thoughts out of her mind, but that would only draw even more attention.

  It had just been too long since she had been with another woman.

  She had always loved women, and always been positive of that fact, but it had become more and more difficult to meet fellow ladies who were interested in her advances as she entered the working world.

  College had been a different story, but ever since she had graduated, she had found herself more or less alone.

  She felt a little too old for partying, and even if she had wanted to hook up with someone, her devotion to her job kept her from really ever trying.

  Now that she found herself wedged into a stopped elevator next to an older woman who smelled like a goddess, she was beginning to think that she might have made some bad choices in her past.

  She hoped that Zoe would take her silence as simply a pensive mood, and let her be alone with her thoughts for a while.

  She was happier simply thinking about the other woman, rather than trying to talk to her.

  She had been out of the loop for so long that she had no idea how to flirt appropriately anymore. Of course, she could not be too sure whether or not this other woman would even be interested in the first place, although a quick glance at her hands proved that she was not married. At the very least, she was not wearing a ring.

  Zoe, however, was much more interested in talking than Phoebe was. She nudged the younger woman with her shoulder and said, “So, tell me a little bit more about yourself?”

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” said Phoebe. She noticed how high her voice had become, and hoped that Zoe did not catch that as well.

  “Tell me about your home life? Are you on your own, or do you have a roommate? Boyfriend? Do you live with your parents?”

  Phoebe stiffened at the question. She had definitely noticed the way Zoe casually threw out the inquiry about whether or not she had a boyfriend, and she could not help but wonder if there was more to that than simple idle conversation.

  She glanced back at the older woman, who showed no sign of meaning anything by it.

  Still, it was hard to ignore a question like that, especially after they had just met.

  “I live on my own,” said Phoebe. “Just me. My parents live in the same town, but we’re still nearly an hour away from each other. I haven’t got anyone else in my life right now.”

  She steered clear of the term “boyfriend,” hoping Zoe might notice.

  Whether or not Zoe paid heed to the subtle hint, she did not show it in her face.

  She simply nodded and adjusted her position so that she could sit a little bit more comfortably.

  “I’m on my own, too,” she said. “I don’t live near any of my family, and I haven’t got anyone special in my life right now, either.”

  Phoebe could not help but wonder if the lack of the word “boyfriend” in Zoe’s response had been deliberate as well.

  She met the other woman’s gaze, and searched for some sign in her expression that would give a hint as to what her intentions were.

  Zoe had an excellent poker face, however, and Phoebe could not break through the mystery.

  “Since we’re stuck here together for a little while, I think it’s important to be completely honest with each other,” Zoe said, when Phoebe did not respond to her.

  She leaned back on her hands and smiled at the younger woman. “And I have to admit that I’ve been interested in you since I first saw you earlier today.”

  “Interested?” Phoebe could not believe what she was hearing. Was this woman actually admitting to the same feelings she herself had been fighting with all day long?

  “You know what I mean. That dress—did you think I was just telling you how cute it is? It hugs your body in all the right ways.”

  Zoe eyed Phoebe up and down quickly, as if to prove her point.

  “I’ve been interested, and I kept thinking about you periodically throughout the day. It might sound a little corny, but I feel like there’s some sort of fate pulling us together in this elevator.”

  Phoebe laughed, in spite of herself. “That does sound incredibly corny!” she said. “But it’s nice to hear. To be equally as honest, I’ve had you on my mind all day. I could barely get any work done this morning, just for thinking about you. I really wanted a chance to meet you again, so maybe you’re right. Maybe there’s some cosmic reason why we’re stuck in this elevator together.”

  The words sounded silly coming out of her mouth, but Phoebe said them anyway.

  She did not really believe in things like that, but she could not help herself. The woman she had fantasized about all morning was here, stuck with her in a small space, and telling her that she had the same feelings.

  What more could she possibly want?

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  There was a little more she wanted, to be sure, but she was not going to let herself think about that.

  Her mind was still spinning from how quickly this conversation had come about.

  She had to give herself a chance to catch up, or she was going to get completely lost in the other woman.

  Then again, that might not have been such a bad thing. She thought she could get lost in Zoe for days, given half a chance.

  Zoe was grinning at her still in the weird light of the backup lighting. “I was taking a pretty big chance telling you the truth, but opportunities like this one don’t present themselves very often. I took it as a sign that I was supposed to make my intentions very clear, so believe me, I’m glad you agree.”

  “I never would have imagined you would be interested in someone like me,” said Phoebe. “I’m nobody! I’m just starting out, without any kind of a title or position of importance, and I have no bearing on my company whatsoever. Wouldn’t a strong woman like you be more interested in someone with a little more power?”

  Zoe laughed again, and this time, she snaked an arm around Phoebe’s waist. Phoebe did not stop her. “I much prefer younger ladies like you. I like getting to know women who are fresh and new to the world of corporate life. They aren’t drawn and stressed yet. Women like you haven’t gotten bored with the way the world works. You still have life in your eyes, and I love that in other women.”

  Phoebe beamed at that. She had never been so highly complimented before, and especially not by someone she found so incredibly attractive.

  She liked the way Zoe had wrapped an arm around her without so much as a second thought, and she scooted in slightly closer, just hoping to encourage the older woman to continue with her actions.

  Zoe, however, was much more interested in pushing things a little further.

  When she saw that Phoebe was receptive to her advances, she reached over with her free hand and cupped Phoebe’s face, peering into her eyes.

  Phoebe gazed back at her, completely taken aback by how forward the older woman turned out to be. It was startling, but she was very into it.

  “You have really beautiful eyes,” Phoebe said.

  Zoe did not stop to respond before she crushed her lips roughly against the younger woman’s.

  Phoebe tried to cry out in surprise, but found that she could make almost no sound against Zoe’s lips.

  She told herself not to get involved so quickly, but she had spent all morning wanting to be near this mystery woman.

  Now that she had the opportunity, she wa
s not about to let common sense win out over her feelings.

  She opened her mouth slightly to allow Zoe to push her tongue inside, and the two snaked their tongues together for several minutes, before Zoe pulled back away, breathless.

  “Wow,” Phoebe whispered.

  Zoe grinned at her as she allowed her hand to trail slowly down to the younger woman’s chest.

  “Would you be interested in going a little further?” she asked. Her dark eyes glinted with a hint of mischief, and Phoebe could not imagine saying no to a face like that.

  “What did you have in mind?” she said instead, trying out her rusty flirting tactics.

  She did not have to try very hard, as Zoe had been more than prepared for this situation. She was clearly in the mood for more than just making out, and she sat up on her knees, then straddled Phoebe on the elevator floor as she looked down at the younger woman with lust in her eyes.

  “I have several things in mind,” she said. “The question is, how far are you willing to go with a stranger you’ve just met?”

  Phoebe gazed up at the powerful woman who was more or less sitting on top of her, and she wanted everything Zoe could give to her.

  Zoe’s hands were already traveling, moving behind Phoebe to unzip her dress from the back.

  The entire scene played out as if in slow-motion, and Phoebe could not believe what she was witnessing as Zoe carefully pulled down the zipper and pushed her sleeveless dress down away from her shoulders.

  She stopped before completely undressing Phoebe, taking a moment to admire her figure before roughly pulling her bra off as well.

  Phoebe sat there on the floor of the elevator, feeling exposed and a little chilly with her breasts bare in front of the other woman, and she longed to be touched.

  Zoe was taking her time removing her own shirt and bra, and as much as Phoebe wanted the two of them to be naked there together, she also yearned for Zoe to hurry up and get back to worshipping her body.

  Zoe seemed to understand pretty well how badly Phoebe wanted her, and she was happy to peel her own clothing off slowly, putting on a show for the woman who sprawled beneath her.

  This was hardly the first time Zoe had hooked up with a fresh new face at a business conference, but Phoebe was one of the most attractive younger women she had ever had the pleasure of getting naked with over a long weekend.

  She had certainly never had the chance to do something like this in an elevator. The excitement of being so naughty was almost enough to get her wet just thinking about it.

  Finally, Zoe finished the drawn-out task of undressing herself, finishing by pulling her pants off and leaving her panties on as she returned to Phoebe.

  As Zoe moved back into her position on top of her, Phoebe moaned before she could stop herself.

  The warmth of the other woman’s skin and the sweet smell of her perfume were enough to drive her crazy.

  Zoe pulled Phoebe’s dress down and off of her body, and immediately began to touch her, with only the younger woman’s thin panties keeping her from direct contact.

  “You like this?” Zoe asked. Her voice was low and heavy with repressed desire.

  Phoebe pushed her hips upward and into Zoe’s fingers, urging her to go faster. “I like it,” she breathed. “I want it. I want more.”

  Zoe grinned down at her. With her free hand, she cupped the younger woman’s breasts one at a time, pinching her nipples gently as she continued to rub her through her panties.

  Phoebe felt like she was going to go crazy. Zoe was driving her mad with her slow and steady movements. Things had heated up so quickly between the two of them that now, all she wanted was a release.

  She squirmed beneath the older woman, trying to move more quickly against her touch, and Zoe laughed.

  “You want it bad, don’t you?” she said. She slipped her hand beneath Phoebe’s panties and pressed her fingers against the younger woman’s wet slit.

  Phoebe bit her lower lip and threw her head back, almost hitting it on the elevator wall.

  She desperately wanted Zoe to touch her more and more, but every quick stroke of the older woman’s fingers was enough to leave her reeling. Having gone for so long without the touch of another woman, it took almost nothing to bring her to the brink of a climax.

  Zoe adjusted her position so as to sit up on her knees as she rubbed, and Phoebe took the opportunity to return the favor she was so happily receiving.

  Although the position was a little awkward, she pushed Zoe’s panties down just enough to slide one of her fingers slowly inside of her, and relished in the way Zoe’s eyes rolled back momentarily at the touch.

  For a few seconds, Zoe was too caught up in the sudden sensation that she forgot to keep rubbing.

  Soon, however, the two had developed a sort of rhythm in which Zoe rubbed Phoebe hard while Phoebe, in turn, thrust two fingers in and out of her. Neither could keep up the pace very long, simply because of the precarious way in which they were sitting, but it was not going to take the two women long to reach their climaxes.

  After a little while of their rhythmic thrusting and stroking, Phoebe could not stand it any longer.

  The way the older woman gasped and panted as she rocked back and forth, and the sensation of those long, slender fingers pressing on her most sensitive area were too much.

  She cried out Zoe’s name as she came, bucking her hips roughly against the other woman as she rode out her orgasm.

  All the while, she tried to focus on thrusting her fingers, forcing herself to keep up the motion despite her wild distraction.

  It was more than enough for Zoe. The attractive young woman writhing beneath her touch and screaming her name in pleasure would have likely pushed her over the edge, anyway, but Phoebe’s erratic thrusts as she came down from her orgasm were enough to finish her off quickly.

  Almost at the same time as her partner, Zoe came, too, grinding hard against Phoebe’s hand as wave after wave of pleasure raced up and down her body.

  * * *

  Chapter Six

  Completely spent and coming down from the high of semi-public sex with a near-stranger, both women leaned against the elevator wall, panting, before dissolving into laughter over the entire situation.

  For Zoe, this little escapade had been a much-needed escape from the stress of a work conference.

  On the other hand, Phoebe had never hooked up with a professional peer before, and felt some sense of personal empowerment from the rendezvous.

  Relief and giddiness washed over both women as they laughed together, naked in the elevator.

  * * *


  The two women took their time in getting dressed after their little tryst in the broken elevator.

  It was still some time before the maintenance workers were able to get it up and running again.

  In their remaining time together after dressing once again, they lounged drowsily as they enjoyed the afterglow of their romantic adventure.

  “Do you think we’ll see each other again?” Phoebe asked as she squeezed Zoe’s hand.

  Zoe shrugged. “There’s still a lot of weekend to go,” she said. “If you’re free tonight, we can see how this works in a bed instead of in an elevator.”

  Phoebe laughed, and just then, the lights popped back on and the elevator lurched into motion once again.

  When the maintenance workers met the two women on the next floor, they thought nothing of their disheveled hair and clothing.

  After all, they had been trapped in elevator for over an hour. There was nothing suspicious about their messy appearance, even though they both walked away giggling quietly.

  The End

  26. Love on the Beach

  By: Steamy Reads

  Love on the Beach

  © Steamy Reads, 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without
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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

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  * * *

  Chapter One

  Trisha Warren was long overdue for a vacation. She had been working hard for the past several years without taking a break for herself, and it was beginning to catch up to her.

  Although she had only been an active part of the working world since she had graduated from college seven years ago, she could still not remember the last time she had taken a break.

  Now, at 29 years old and on the cusp of the next decade of her life, she knew it was high time to treat herself to a little fun in the sun before she ended up going crazy from stress.

  Her job had not started out as a very difficult one, but over the years, she had worked her way up to a management position and found herself overworked and underpaid more often than not.

  While still finishing up her degree in business, she had taken a job as a barista at a local coffee shop.


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