An Englishman at War
Page 54
as sportsman 100, 108, 146, 295
and Sergeant Thompson 320
in Tobruk 132, 143, 164, 168, 178, 192, 198
and transporters 328
in Tripoli 313, 313–314, 315
as troop leader 15
at Wadi Zem Zem 303–305
Laycock, Peter
as adjutant 42
as battery commander 48
at Benghazi 142, 144, 148, 153, 154
in charge of squadron 45, 80
as Etonian 165
and Anne Feversham 81–82, 84
in France 21
‘Flash’ Kellett and 205–206, 207, 213, 246
leaves for Alexandria 179
in Palestine 51, 71
as second in command to squadron 15, 16, 19, 39
Stanley on 19, 81–82
in Tobruk 164, 168, 171, 175–176
Layforce 184, 192, 205, 206
Le Bois de Buissard 411
Le Bois de Buron 414
Le Bois du Homme 413
Le Grand, Major Henri 261, 316, 318, 400–401, 407–408
Le Hamel 380, 382
Le Parc de Boislonde 399, 400
Le Plessis Grimoult 415
Leadbetter, Arthur 355
Lebanon 39, 185
Lee, Corporal, later Sergeant 104
Leese, General Oliver 334
‘Left Hook’ plan 328, 329, 331, 334, 337, 361
Lehmann, Rosamond, Invitation to the Waltz 256
Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler 163
Leicestershire Yeomanry 46
Leigh, Robin (‘the Baron’) 425, 426, 428, 460, 461, 473, 476, 481, 486, 488
Leinster, Sergeant Terry 239, 242, 336, 399, 460, 471, 472, 500, 502
Lend Lease Bill 146–147
Leningrad 212, 216
Les Cèdres 240
les Thaillers 432
Leslie, Brigadier 418–419
Leslie, General 64
Levy, Corporal 303, 344, 345
Lewis (gunner) 268
Lewisham, Bill 261
Libya 39, 77, 114, 115, 116, 119, 158, 226 see also Tobruk
Libyans 66
Liège 476
Light Aid Detachment (LAD) 285, 287, 307, 311, 427, 432, 457
Lille 434
Lind 482
Lingen 498
Lloyd, Brigadier 219
Locken 482
Lockers Park primary school 15
London 91, 99, 100, 101, 368–369
Buckingham Palace 77
Lowndes Court 77, 78
Lowndes Square 82
St Paul’s 77
Stockwell 513
Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) 329
Long Range Desert Patrol 247, 306
Long, Trooper 272
Longstop Hill 294
Lord Magnus (yacht) 170
Lothian and Border Horse 467
Louisendorf 486–487
Louvain 461
Lovett, Jim 131, 207, 218
Luck, Freddie 61
Luck, George 46, 91, 93
Lydda 56, 90, 107, 113, 118
Lyder area 31
Lyttelton, Oliver 197, 206, 213, 246
Maas, river 451
McCann, Sergeant 168, 169, 170, 266, 324, 351
McConnell, Diana 252
McCraith, Captain Patrick
at Alamein 271
in command of B Squadron 230
in Egypt 246, 247, 248
falls out of Jeep 357
in hospital 291
in Marseilles 22
in Normandy 392, 399
in North Africa 300, 344–345, 347–348, 350–351, 352, 399
in Palestine 250
and Recce Troop 319
second in command of squadron 342
wounded 393, 399
MacDonald, Alasdair 53, 68
McDonald, Corporal 475, 500–501
McDowall, Dr 122
McGowan, Bill 188, 192, 193–194, 196, 206, 269, 276, 277, 304, 336–337, 338
McGregor, Corporal 500
Machiefa 258
McKay, Captain Ian 309, 310, 335, 342, 351–352, 399, 440, 452, 488, 489, 504
MacMichael, Araminta 33, 209, 252
MacMichael, Sir Harold and Lady 33, 209
McWilliam, Jimmy 448
Magan, Delmar 250
Magdeburg 509–510
Makins, Geoffrey 408, 411
Malaya 228, 244, 251
Maleme 174, 178
Malta 141, 178, 180, 262
Malton, Yorkshire 14, 27, 89, 96
Manila 238
Mann, Captain John 446, 448, 449
Maori (28th) Battalion 334, 335, 352, 353–354, 362
Maoriz attack 408
Maquis 436–437, 442–443
Marble Arch (Libya) 294
Mareth Line 321, 328, 329, 337, 339, 361
Maria (Hungarian girl) 58
Maricopets Camp 261
Marke, Sergeant 481
Markham, Sergeant 505–506
Marriott, Peggy 226
Marseilles 19, 20–22, 27, 49
Dans 22
Domino 22
Hôtel Louvre et Pays 21
Marshall, Sergeant 508
Martell, General 239
Martin, Trooper 276
Mary, Queen 176
Maslin, Sergeant 481, 500–501
Mason, Bill 502
Massawa 157
Massey-Smith, George 99
Matmata Hills 328
Matratia 298
‘Matruh Stakes’ 226
Matthews, Corporal 139
Maungdaw 368
May, Bill 120
‘Mechanical and Gunnery Circus’ 463
Medenine 322, 324
Medjerda Valley 359
Mephon 250
Merchant Navy 159
Mersa 152, 182, 183, 189, 196, 198, 288
Mersa Brega 241
Mersa Matruh 259, 260, 261, 285–287
Messe, General Giovanni 360
Messina, Strait of Messina 367
Mettamour 325
Meuvaines 376
Meynell (officer) 248
Mickey, Sir Archie and Lady 143
Middelaar 454
Middle East 8–9, 39, 119, 370
Middle East Armoured Fighting Vehicle Tactical School 247
Middle East Command 34
Middlesex Yeomanry 247, 248, 250
Military Police 377
Miller, Brigadier Charles 35, 44, 45, 70
Mitchell, Captain (later Major) Stephen
acting squadron leader 42
as auctioneer 357
awarded MC 324
becomes captain 117
in Brussels 444
on camouflage course 220
in charge of C Squadron 461
D-Day 380, 393
and General Erskine 311
ill-health 90, 91, 150, 162
lecture by 56
in Normandy 395
in North Africa 299, 303, 312, 332–333, 335, 339, 342, 346, 352, 362
in Palestine 28, 29, 42, 44, 55, 68, 71–76, 81, 86–88, 102–104, 107, 113, 205, 226, 231–233, 238, 242, 243, 246, 256, 286, 292
at Player’s 15
posted home 478
return from hospital 293
returns to England 425
at St Pierre 436–437
as second-in-command to Stanley 399
sent to Egypt on course 204, 207, 210–211
as squadron leader 221
as Stanley’s close friend 516
at Tobruk 132, 141, 148, 152, 159, 164, 168, 176–177, 178, 182, 186, 192, 195
trains athletics team 55
in troop training 371
wounded 278, 286
Mitchell, Margaret, Gone With the Wind 172
Miteirya Ridge 267, 270
Monastir Gap 158
Mont Pinçon 415
Montague, Technical Quarter Master Sergeant 502
sp; Montgomery, General Bernard 262, 263, 265, 272, 280, 287, 294, 297, 300, 302, 315–316, 317, 323, 327, 342, 370, 377, 407, 410, 419, 474–475, 477, 508
Mook 455, 456, 461
Moore, Grace 210
Morgan, Corporal 499
Morgan, Stephen D. 248
Morocco 39, 265
Morris, Corporal 491
Morris, Jean 97, 116
Morris, Michael 97, 215
Morris, Mrs Sydney 94, 95
Morris, Sydney 210
Morse, Dorothy 41, 52, 77, 96, 109
Morse, Captain Sydney 29, 41, 48, 52, 56, 67, 81, 96, 109, 110, 113, 117, 118, 148, 173, 180, 181, 182, 198, 217
Mortain 420
Moscow 226, 228, 299
Moslems 34
Motorized Infantry Brigade 249, 500
Mount Carmel 67
Mount Olympus 157, 163
Mountbatten, Lord Louis 180
Mountbatten, Philip (later Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh) 151–152
Msakert 346
Munich 100
Mussolini, Benito 18, 38, 78, 81, 94–95, 105, 130, 163, 367
Myitkyina 430
Myles, ‘Scottie’ 146, 153, 159, 167, 170, 178, 179, 186, 196, 198, 207, 223, 224, 299
NAAFI 53, 127, 145, 160, 162, 173, 190, 291, 302, 357, 396, 427
Nahas Pasha 246
‘Nanny’ 75, 113
Naours 433
Narvik, battle of 58
Nathaniya, Edan Hotel 232
Nathaniya HQ 43–44
Remounts 48
Naval Commandos 182
Nazis, Nazism 237, 436, 452, 453, 468, 511
Neame, General Philip 69, 85, 112, 118, 155, 339
Neave, Julius 518
Needham, Sergeant 502
Nelson, Sergeant 294, 345, 406, 474
Nelthorpe (Sutton-Nelthorpe), Major Roger
at cricket match 106
on HMS Terror 133, 135
mentioned in despatches 502
in Mersa 152
in Normandy 415
practical joke played on 107
and Prior-Palmer 464
as second in command to Stanley 221, 239, 247, 253
as squadron leader 312, 392, 395, 399, 485
in Syria 220
at Tobruk 118, 121, 125
on VE Day 515
Nervo, Jimmy, and Knox, Teddy 464
Nesling, Sergeant 448
Ness, Patrick 205
Neville, Colonel 411
New Guinea 241, 368
New Zealand Division 266
New Zealand Light Cavalry 266
New Zealanders 92, 93, 145, 173, 268, 270, 292, 293, 295, 302, 304, 316, 328–330, 333, 336, 342, 348–362
see also Maori (28th) Battalion
Newmarket 404
Newton, Corporal 462, 486
Niara 26
Nijmegen 449, 450, 451, 460, 463, 476, 483, 486
bridge 460, 465
memorial service 518
Nile, HMS 152
19th Heavy, Y Battery 65
92 Squadron 49
Ninove 443
9th Armoured Brigade 221, 266, 275, 295
9th Lancers 14, 72
No-ar-ord 26
Nofilia 295, 296, 298
Noireau, river 419, 420, 421, 423, 433
Nordhorn 498
Normandy 1, 2, 368, 375, 376, 380–422, 430, 469, 493, 503, 516
North Africa 3, 5, 7, 8–9, 39, 81, 94, 118–361, 290, 370, 380, 389, 401, 448, 516
victory proclaimed in 361
North, Assistant Quarter Master Sergeant 502
North Irish Horse 485
North Somerset Yeomanry 92, 93, 96, 247
Northumberland Hussars 111
Norway 38, 93, 126
Nottinghamshire Yeomanry 172, 178, 205, 294, 323, 459
Nuttall (servant) 63, 64
Nütterden 485
Occagnes 425
O’Connor, General Richard 133–134, 155
OCTU (Officer Cadet Training Unit) 246
Odessa 212
Odon valley 402
Oldenzall 498
Omaha Beach 386
Omdurman, Battle of 184
Ondefontaine 414, 415
101st SS Heavy Tank Battalion 398
111th Field Artillery 323
130th Brigade 499, 505
131st Infantry Brigade 307
151 Brigade 445–446
158th Brigade 492
Operation BAGRATION 368, 413
Operation BARBAROSSA 191
Operation BATTLEAXE 189, 197
Operation BLACKCOCK 481, 482
Operation BLUECOAT 413–415
Operation COBRA 410, 413
Operation COMPASS 105, 134, 155
Operation CRUSADER 224–225
Operation DRAGOON 430
Operation DUTCHMAN 476
Operation EPSOM 401–406
Operation EXPLORER 185
Operation GOODWOOD 410–411
Operation KITTEN 425
Operation MARKET GARDEN 2, 449
Operation OVERLORD 368
Operation PEPPERPOT 484, 484
Operation PLUNDER 493–494
Operation SHEARS 476
Operation SUPERCHARGE 274
Operation TORCH 265
Operation VERITABLE 483
O’Pray, Sergeant 497
Orion, HMS 52
Ospenan 482
Osterholz 505
Otherson, Sue 252
Oudenarde 435
Oxford and Bucks Infantry Regiment 489
Oxford, University of 2
Pacific Fleet 467
Paget, General Bernard 316
Palestine 2, 7, 13, 18, 22, 23–120, 128, 172, 180, 185, 196, 204–233, 246, 259, 348, 411, 477, 485, 488
White Paper on 31
Palestine Post 79–80
Palmer, Captain 172, 173, 179
Panzer Armee Afrika 241, 260, 280, 294
Panzer Group West 385
Panzer Lehr Division 389, 402, 493
Paris 407, 430–431, 476
Ritz Hotel 430
Parish, Captain Michael 14–15, 16, 19, 21, 28, 29, 33, 34, 41, 45, 46, 48, 52, 89, 148, 173, 181, 182, 198, 217, 218, 220, 221, 245, 247
Patton, General George S. 316, 322
Paulenberg 466
Payne, Sergeant 427
Pearl Harbor attack 228, 237
Pears, Seymour 64, 105, 220, 252
Pearson (gunner) 251, 253
Peg (WAAF in Haifa) 249
Pelham, Diana 16, 75, 114, 143, 150, 251
Pepler, Peter 390
Percival, General 245
Perry, Commander 183
Perry, Lieutenant Stanley 420, 483
Persia 34
Persian Gulf 215
Petah Tikva 72
Pétain, Marshal Philippe 41, 47, 225
Peyton, Guy 112, 139, 249
Peyton, Mrs 112, 249
Phayre, Colonel Arthur 412, 475, 498–499
Phethean, David 480
Philippines 237, 238, 241
Philips, Vera 258
Picirini (cook) 35
Pick, Sergeant 475, 506
‘Pip’ (female officer in Haifa) 223
Piraeus 151
Pitman, Pete 317
Plain of Israel 48
Player, Major (later Colonel) Donny 17
acting second in command 72
in action 330, 333
at Alamein 278
auction of military kit 357
as battery commander 46, 253, 258
burial 355–356
in Cairo 248
captured by Germans and escapes 306–307
as colonel 348, 353
conferences on reorganization 312, 319, 328
on courses 38, 39, 42, 68, 211
in Egypt 52, 68, 80–82
at Enfidaville 349
and General Erskine 311
and Sam Garrett 325
goes shooting 312
grave 355
and horses 16–18, 44
killed in action 354–355, 383, 398
and Peter Laycock 213
and Montgomery 342
in Palestine 30, 31, 51, 69, 71, 73, 74, 84, 96, 99, 102–103, 110, 113, 115–116, 212–215, 222, 227, 243, 246, 296
as president of mess committee 37
second in command 83, 221
as squadron leader 15
Stanley on 15
in Syria 220
takes over command of Sherwood Rangers 322, 326–327, 329
at Tobruk 128–134, 139, 140, 172, 181, 186, 196, 198
in Tripoli 313–314
Player’s cigarette company 15
Point 102 397, 493
Point 103 2, 389–390, 392, 393, 394, 397, 400
Pola 151
Poland 38, 368, 401, 413
Poles 145, 325, 359, 510
Pollard, Brigadier General 64, 65
Port Fuad 68
Port Said 68, 111
Port Tewfik 56–59, 62–65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
French Club 57, 58, 59, 62
Misv Hotel 63, 64
Portsmouth 123
Portugal 212
Pothecary, Sergeant 481
Potts (officer) 301–302
Priday, Clive 6, 29, 49, 105, 110, 113, 162, 226
Pridham-Wippell, Vice Admiral 151
Priestley, Jimmy 502
Priestly, Robert 55
Priestly, Tony 55
Prince of Wales 177, 229
Princess Royal, HMS 184
Prior-Palmer, Brigadier Errol 411–412, 424, 458, 464, 467, 474, 475, 491–492
Proussy 418, 419
Prummern 468, 469, 470–472, 481
Putman (cook) 297
Python scheme 475
Qattara Depression 260
Quedeville 406
Queen Victoria Rifles 49
Queens Bays 205
Queen’s Own Hussars 189
Quelhorn 505
RAC (Royal Armoured Corps) 239
Raeder, Leslie 498
RAF Bomber Command 321
RAF Fighter Command 161
Rajula, SS 22–23
RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps) 78, 80
Randall, Trooper 335, 345, 357
Ranfurly, Dan (The Lord Ranfurly) 15, 30, 31, 37, 46, 48, 85, 112, 118, 155, 209, 339
Ranfurly, Hermione 37, 94, 112, 209, 252
To War with Whitaker 5
Rangoon 241, 250, 251
RAOC (Royal Army Ordnance Corps) 63
RASC (Royal Army Service Corps) 56, 79, 92, 105, 127, 204, 277, 321, 449
Rauray 401, 402–406
Read, Corporal 408
Recce (Reconnaissance) Troop 319, 326, 329, 357, 392, 393, 399, 400, 411, 419, 433, 452, 489, 491, 497
Red Army 228, 368, 413
Red Sea 82, 216
Redferne, Corporal 480
Redhill, Surrey 18
Redman, Tim 475
Reed, Lieutenant 500, 501
Reed (officer) 460
Reeves, Major 93
Regimental Welfare Fund 357
Rehovot 24, 25, 27, 82, 252
Reichwald 451, 464, 476, 484
Remagen 494
Renaix 435–436, 442–443
Render, David 479, 480, 518
Renny 39, 41