Planet of Peace
Page 1
Jerry Belvo
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© 2012 by Jerry Belvo. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 07/09/2012
ISBN: 978-1-4685-5571-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4685-5572-1 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012903166
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
I am grateful to the people who encouraged, inspired, and guided me in the process of writing and producing the Planet of Darkness, Planet of Hope, and Planet of Peace. I would particularly like to thank Catherine Carroll for her psychic ability and Brandon Moore for his editorial assistance.
I want to thank all my friends and family for their friendship and love. They have touched my soul and are a part of who I am.
My thanks go to all the spirits and guides who contributed to this endeavor. Thanks for showing me how to view the Akashi Records making the vast knowledge of the universe available.
I know this is only the beginning of the journey and I invite my readers to explore it with me. Do not be afraid of the spirit world. It was part of you before you were born, while you live, and will be there when you depart. Thank you for reading my books.
In the latter part of the twentieth century the term star child came into existence. It was discussed but then became passé, or did it. Maybe there was truth behind the word. Evolution is caused by the creation of new genes, and all things do evolve. Does the mind also evolve?
What if spirits from a highly evolved planet incarnated on Earth? Would you call them star children? What if they were incapable of feeling anger and hatred? What if they lost that unique gift, and were left to suffer indignity, sickness, and human emotions?
Using their alien abilities to teleport themselves from place to place, they could heal the sick, avert disasters, and save lives. Is the planet ready for them? Could governments control them?
This story is about a star child, an alien spirit, born to earth parents, who grew up and sought the acceptance of his peers. Other forces hunt him down wanting to steal his genetic code, and use it to destroy him and others like him.
Chapter 1
Traffic was backed up on the Boulder Turnpike and Jeff was going to be late for his Dad’s lecture. He would be graduating soon, and this would be one of the last times he could introduce him as a student. Jeff, had often given the opening address, announcing him as speaker. He enjoyed assisting him with these lectures as it gave him a chance to practice speaking in public, and he also earned credits towards his grade. His Dad would start without him, but he wanted the exposure. He grew up believing in spirits and was comfortable discussing metaphysics. He also knew there were a few things that were not to be discussed in public.
When he finally entered the auditorium his Dad was half way through his lecture. He spied an empty seat next to his good friend Bobby, and sat down.
Charles Martin, a Denver native in his early sixties, paused momentarily to take a drink of water from the glass on the podium, and wiped his brow with his handkerchief. He had studied psychic phenomena for years, and was giving a talk on the use of universal knowledge and spirit communication to benefit humanity. The auditorium was a little warm this spring afternoon. Students were using computers, notepads and recorders to save the information to review later.
ATo sum up the topic of spirits, there are more spirits on this planet than people. While we communicate with voices and gestures, spirits communicate telepathically and with the movement of energy. Spirits participate in historical events in groups, and when completed they cycle off. When another major event occurs they can choose to participate or to remain in spirit. Others will move on into the light.@ The audience was quietly soaking up every word.
When you access mass consciousness you can tap into the great minds of our times and into everything that has ever been thought and invented. All the libraries on the planet hold but a fraction of that knowledge.@ He looked down at his notes, his watch, and breathed a sigh of relief. It was almost 4 PM, and he had promised his wife Betty to be home early for dinner. He had given lectures for the last few years, but it never became easier. Just standing in front of the student body wore him out. Maybe the format was wrong? With this small group the auditorium seemed overly large and empty. A more intimate atmosphere might enhance what he had to say, but this was the only place the university had available for non-credited lectures.
ANow I will take a few questions from the audience,@ he said. This part of the program he disliked, because someone might ask about star children. He wanted to save that for another time. There were always skeptics in the audience ready to confront any psychic theories. A couple hands went up, and he pointed to the young woman in the second row. AYes?@
AHow do you know when you have contacted someone like Einstein in your mind and not some impersonator?@
AGood question,” he replied. “Trust your intuition. Ask the spirit a question that you think only this genius would know. Feel the response. Einstein would never lie to you. Another might give you no response or a wrong answer which triggers a negative feeling in your body. Tell that spirit to leave. Then wait for Einstein to make himself known. If he fails to appear, another spirit may with more knowledge on that particular subject. If your interest is in quantum physics you could draw a spirit with exceptional knowledge on that subject. This spirit knows your vibrations, and will be able to assist you in your research.
Through practice you can learn to detect wrong responses. It’s up to you to determine if the spirit has answered your question satisfactorily. In the field of scientific research, spirits who are stimulated by the subject matter will gravitate to that vibration, not only wanting to give you information but also to learn from other masters drawn by that vibration. There is always a free interchange of ideas. Sometimes it’s you who have the best solution to an equation. Does that answer your question?@
AYes, but as much as I try, I=m still scared of letting spirits into my life.@
AI understand how you feel. We all fea
r the unknown. That is where trust comes in. You have to trust that you will always be alright. Movies often portray spirits as evil, and if you harbor vibrations of evil within you, it’s possible to draw a spirit to match those vibrations. When you ask for assistance on a project you are working on, those who have something to contribute come through.
The point is to free your mind and allow ideas to flow. Use the spirit world to work with you, to explore new vistas. Just because they have no body it doesn’t mean they have no mind. Exchange ideas with them. Make them a part of your life, your personal sphere. If you ever have a problem just ask yourself this question. >Is this spirit here for my good?= If you get a negative feeling terminate the communication and try later.@
ANow I understand. Thank you,@ she responded.
AAre there any other questions?@
A middle-aged man in the fifth row stood up. Hands in his pockets and in a deep voice that could be heard by all, he spoke. AThis is all well and good if you believe in spirits, but I’m having trouble understanding the concepts you are putting forth? Can you prove that what you are telling us is true? @
ANo, and I can’t prove that it is not true. Personally, I’d rather be in a group who believes. For me and many others these concepts do work.@
AWell, I think its wishful thinking,@ he responded.
There were snickers in the audience as Charles replied. AThen why are you here if you have such doubt? Your time would be better served elsewhere.@ He paused for a moment knowing this conversation would go nowhere. This person had been here before giving him trouble. When things quieted down the man was still standing wanting an explanation.
Charles continued, AHow do you know the sky isn’t falling, or how do you know you will have air to breathe tomorrow? You don=t. You just have to trust that everything stays put. Great inventions come from inspirations. When an idea is born, where does it come from? Who knows? But, as it is formulated, others are attracted to it until it begins to take shape. A research paper is done, someone else adds their ideas to it, and finally a new invention comes into existence, like the telephone and the computer. Ideas like these come from mass consciousness all the time. You can’t see or hear them. You just have to trust in what you are doing. Are there anymore questions?@
AYes. Can you tell us anything about star children? Do they exist and what makes them so different?@ A man who Charles had seen at other lectures inquired.
AA lecture on star children will be given at a later date as the topic is too complex to discuss at this time,@ Charles responded.
AThere are many new discoveries on the horizon that will greatly impact humanity and hopefully make this a more peaceful world. Everyone can learn from the metaphysical world, and you can be a part of it in your respective fields. We have run out of time. The ushers will hand out reading material as you leave. Thank you for coming. It has been my pleasure.@
The audience clapped in appreciation. He collected his notes and followed them out the door. They gathered in small groups discussing his talk. Several students came up to him, thanked him, and asked where they could get more information. After they disbursed, his son Jeff, a strapping 6' 1" college senior and his friend Bobby joined him. Together they walked towards an older couple.
AAre you waiting to see me?@ Charles inquired. He recognized the gentlemen who had asked the star child question. His dated but well-pressed suit, needed replacing, and his well-worn, polished black loafers matched. The woman next to him was wearing a neatly pressed, pin-striped outfit with an open collar displaying a starched white blouse. She had sandy brown hair with hints of grey hidden by a stylish hat with a broach in front reminding Charles of one his Mother wore when he was young. She seemed prim and proper, but rather short, not much more than 5' 3", including her hat. They stood out as the odd couple in this group of students.
The woman stared intently at Jeff through thick glasses as the man extended his hand to Charles. AI am Traynor Jones, and this is my partner, Cora Cleaver. We enjoyed your lecture and had a few questions. Do you have a minute?@
ASure, what do you want to know?@ Charles responded.
AWhat do you know about star children?@ Jones kept glancing at Jeff making him feel uneasy.
Charles preferred not to discuss this topic especially not with this man. AI know there are those who believe that some spirits have come from a far away planet who have special gifts, and who intend to do good on this planet. I will be giving a lecture on the subject soon if you=d like to attend.@
Jones replied. AMaybe we will. We have heard this term used a lot lately, and want to know more about it.@
Charles wasn’t about to tell him what he really knew, at least not yet. He didn’t feel good about these two people, and felt they had other motives for wanting to know about star children.
ABy the way, do you really believe in spirits? You say you can intuit information from them and hear them. How is that possible,@ Jones asked?
ASir, you don=t really want to know. You just want to discredit the work many of us have done in our efforts to understand the nature of things. Anything I tell you wouldn’t make sense to you and would soon be forgotten. Either you have a thirst for this knowledge or you don=t, and that=s okay. It’s not for everyone. Just don’t stifle others in their search. If you ever do become serious feel free to come back. I’m sorry I have to be going, good day to you both.@ He turned to leave but Jones sidestepped blocking his path. As he did so his sport coat opened revealing a shoulder holster.
AWait,@ he said in a confrontational tone. “I have more questions,@
ANo. Sir, our conversation is over.@ Turning to Cleaver he nodded, good day, and did an about face leaving the lobby by the far door, Jeff and Bobby were close behind, and when they caught up with him, Jeff’s dad said, AI can only be patronized so long. I don’t have time for it, and have learned that when faced with a negative vibration to exit as quickly as possible.@
AYou handled that very well. I am proud of you, Dad.@
ADid you like my talk?@ Charles said changing the subject.
AYes I thought it went very well, and the students I spoke to are very astute. They understood the whole concept. Sorry I was late, Dad.@
AThat’s OK Jeff. It=s not so much the information one receives from spirit, but the fact they are acknowledging their existence that pleases me. I still wish that we could find a smaller room for these talks. The auditorium holds hundreds of seats and only a small group shows up. I’m not unhappy by how many show up, but I would like a more intimate atmosphere to give my talks. I feel so uncomfortable standing on the stage looking into a large auditorium with so few seats filled. Do you think you might find another location for me?@
AI’ll check with the Dean tomorrow. However Dad, if you knew the number of spirits that attend your lectures you would think twice about the size of the room. They were all over the place, even on stage behind you,@ he said smiling. This put his Dad at ease, and gave him something to think about.
AThanks Jeff, I needed that. Are you coming home for dinner?@
AYeah, Dad, I’ll be there.”
He turned to Bobby who had been silently listening to the entire conversation, and together they left the auditorium. On the way to their cars they saw the hostile pair getting into a black Ford.
Cleaver and Jones worked at the Alien Intelligence Agency (AIA) in Denver and were assigned to investigate any unusual happenings that could be attributed to aliens. Cleaver said to Jones as they were walking towards their vehicle. “Jones, I know of your police background and your approach to people we are looking for, but these are peaceful people. You can=t get information by attacking them. I think you should change your approach.@
AIt is the way I have always done my work. I see no reason to change,@ he replied.
AWell, would you just think about it? I don�
�t want to have to use physical force against these gentle people,@ she replied.
AThey may not be so gentle. We don’t know what they are capable of,@ Jones replied.
On Charles= way home he thought about the spirits in the auditorium, but dismissed it. Spirits don’t take up room. Besides, Jeff was right. They gravitate towards things that please them. Then his thoughts shifted to the economy. With gas finally coming down in price, he still didn’t know how young people could afford to own cars. He was not any closer to retiring comfortably than he was fifteen years ago. The economy had been stagnant for so long, and contracts at his engineering firm were scarce. He couldn’t retire even if he wanted to. He took this part time job lecturing to earn extra money, thinking he could continue lecturing after he retired, but he wished the country could get out from under its massive debt. These extra taxes were causing hardships on everyone, and even with the increases they continued deficit spending.
His friend Jim Roberts lectured at the university for years before stepping down. Jim talked him into continuing his efforts to make spirit awareness known after he retired. Charles was thankful for the extra money. He liked working with students, helping them find their purpose in today=s society. Students were creative and intuitive. They could learn to use their spirit connections in research and development. His attendees were mostly the same people each lecture, and had probably grown up with spirit connections. He was glad that this Jones had not pressured him on the topic of star children. It was a topic he was not yet prepared to discuss.
Later that evening Charles and Jeff were in the study. Betty, his wife, was in the kitchen finishing the dishes. ADad, those two were eavesdropping on conversations in the lobby and looking everyone over very carefully. They sure looked me over a few times. They are up to something, but I can’t put my finger on it.@