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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 1)

Page 9

by Kylie Parker

  “That’s great!” She chirped, as her eyes sparkled with excitement. “Where would you play?”

  “Butterfly Beach,” he was quick to answer, “At my cousin’s beach house.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” Helen laughed. “I’d love to see you guys play.”

  “You should get some sleep.” Marcus suggested, his voice coming out a little drowsy. She gazed deep into his eyes, but she would not speak. Helen chose to close her eyes and rest her head on his chest, as he caressed her hair. A feeling of security washed over her, as she drowned in his scent. Her mysterious biker had given her an incredible night; she could not be happier.

  Everything about tonight was just unbelievable. Great food, hot sex… I couldn’t have wished for anything better. And tomorrow? Well, I think that’s going to be just as great.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The moon cast its dreamy light over the calm waters of Butterfly beach. Eagerly anticipating the moment that James and Marcus would entertain them, Helen and Olivia were in a very festive mood, whereas Michelle did not share their enthusiasm. The young singer still had doubts about singing that night; with good reason. Her next concert was only two days away. Performing so close to the date of the venue could wear her voice down. Michelle was also frustrated by the fact that Helen would not discuss the night before whatsoever. Despite her constant requests to share at least some details with her, her friend kept her mouth shut. It was not a matter of trust for Helen. She considered Michelle a good friend of hers. Nevertheless, she knew very well that a detailed narrative of her night with Marcus would most likely upset her. Michelle had made it very clear to them that she wanted to focus on her career. Dating was out of the question for her. Should Helen describe her encounter with her new boyfriend, she would make her miss having a personal life even more.

  The three friends sat down on the sand, waiting for James and Marcus to bring over some bonfire wood. Gina had notified Olivia that they would be a little late, as she and Rick had been stuck in traffic.

  “Gorgeous.” Michelle remarked, as the flash on her cell phone lit up the night. “I just can’t get enough of that sky.”

  “You should hang out with James more often.” Olivia joked. “He woke up at 5:30am to catch a glimpse of the sunrise. He said it inspired him.”

  “That’s the man you married, Liv.” Helen voiced her opinion, tapping her friend on the back. “I hope he came up with something good.”

  “He did, but he took it a little further than that.” Olivia said; a hint of concern in her voice, as a light breeze blew through their hair. “He mentioned something about ‘being closer to the sea more often’. When I asked him, he said he would like to live at a coastal city, as long as I was there with him.”

  “And you don’t like that?” Michelle wondered. “I’d love to live in L.A. New York’s just too darn cold, not to mention loud.”

  “I like L.A., too, Michelle.” Olivia declared, turning her head to the left to face her. “Things move slower here. But, all my friends are in New York.”

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but, you’re his, what’s that thing called again?” Helen paused and looked up into the sky. “Oh, yeah: his muse. James is really talented, Liv. He could be stranded on the freaking moon and he’d still come up with lyrics. He doesn’t need mountains or beaches. He just needs you.”

  At that moment, two, faint, male voices drew their attention. James and Marcus were coming their way, with big piles of wood in their arms.

  “We have a rehearsal scheduled for tomorrow morning. I’ll talk to him.” Michelle stated. “By the way, I totally agree with Helen. Besides, he said he’d only do it if you followed him, right?”

  “Yeah,” Olivia said with a nod.

  “Then you have nothing to worry about.” Michelle smiled at her. “All you have to do is say ‘no’.”

  “What are you kids talking about?” James asked, easing his pile down on the sand.

  “Michelle’s next venue;” Helen interjected, as Marcus set his the other pile on top. “How are the ticket presales?”

  “Rick said the place would be packed,” James informed them, while pulling a matchbox out of his pocket, as Helen handed a bottle of oil over to Marcus. “It’s bigger than the last one: about twice as big, actually.”

  “Sounds fun:” Michelle commented, as the fire roared into life.

  “Lots of fun,” James winked at her. “We’ll be right back.”

  “What’s up, bitches?” All of a sudden, Rick’s cheerful voice filled the air.

  “Bitches?” Marcus squinted at James. “Who is this guy?”

  “Long story:” James gave an amused snort, as the three women burst into loud, hearty laughter. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to them.”

  “Damn it, Rick…” Michelle chuckled, burying her face into Olivia’s shoulder.

  “Only someone as crazy as you would call those two that.” Frustration was lingering in Gina’s voice, as she approached James and Marcus. “Hi. I’m Gina: the lunatic’s girlfriend; nice to meet you.” Marcus offered his hand, but she was too upset to notice it. Instead, she passed by him and headed towards her friends.

  “Evening, dear,” Olivia said, looking up at Gina over her right shoulder.

  “It would be if he was less happy.” Gina grumbled, as Michelle made room for Gina. “What am I going to do with him? I swear, sometimes he is so damn cheerful that I want to smack him over the head.”

  “Have fun with it.” Olivia advised, as Gina seated herself beside her. “James says he’s never seen him happier. You’re the reason, by the way.”

  “That’s really flattering, but…”

  “There is no ‘but’,” Olivia interrupted, her voice stiff. “I’ve seen the way you look at him. You love him, red. Ok, he may be a handful sometimes, but, he loves you, too. Hold on to him.”

  “I second that.” Helen voiced her opinion. “It’s nothing a good, long conversation couldn’t resolve.”

  “Thank you for your input.” Gina gave her a polite smile. “I’m sorry. We went out for lunch today. Do you know what he did to the waiter?”


  “He slapped his butt!” Gina said with her eyes wide open. “Why would a man do that to another man?”

  “You don’t like sports, do you?” Michelle inquired, sporting a devilish smile on her face.

  “No,” Gina responded, turning to her. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “It’s a ‘guy’ thing.” Olivia explained. “Guys do that a lot to each other. It’s like a pep talk. It’s just more physical.”

  “Hello, chicas!” Rick cheered, extending his arms as he made his way towards the fire. “Check it out. The cowboys are coming.”

  Helen averted her gaze from him and glanced at the beach house. James and Marcus were climbing down the stairs, with guitars strapped around their necks and, amazingly enough, cowboy hats on.

  “Oh, he looks so good with that guitar on!” She exclaimed, her heart fluttering, as a broad smile spread across her face.

  “I did not see that coming.” Olivia spoke in emphatic tones. “I mean the cowboy thing.”

  “Well…” Michelle smirked, rising from the sand. “Excuse me, ladies. The –former—twerking queen must take up her seat between the two studs. For the next hour or so, your boys are mine.”

  “Maybe,” James smiled down at her. “Not just yet, though. Sit back down.”

  “I thought you wanted me to sing tonight.” Michelle spoke, confusion written all over her face.

  “We do.” James assured, as Marcus sat across from Helen. “We just want to play a couple of tunes first, before you join us.”

  Helen smiled playfully up at Marcus, before leaning over Olivia’s shoulder.

  “He looks so cool and so hot at the same time.” She whispered in her ear. “I just want to jump him and do all kinds of sexy things to him.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Olivi
a nodded, casting a blissful glance at her friend.

  “Silence, please.” James requested. “Alright, Marcus: Let’s show these ladies how we used to rock, back in the day. Three, two, one…”

  At the finish of his friend’s countdown, Marcus started his performance with an upward strum. His middle and index fingers crossed the fret board quickly, before they began to play an unfamiliar, high-pitched tune. James followed, as Olivia smiled to herself. Clueless as to what they were playing, Helen turned to her.

  “Bon Jovi,” Olivia whispered: “‘Wanted Dead or Alive’.”

  The title appealed to her; yet the sight of his slender fingers, dancing across the fret board was far more enjoyable. And, when Marcus opened his mouth, he made her heart pound in her chest. His voice was not nasal like Jon Bon Jovi’s, but he seemed to have no problem with the pitch at all. On the contrary, he sang passionately with his old friend, glancing at him every few seconds, as melodic chords filled the night. James was savoring every second of this, just as much as Marcus. It was in those few minutes that Helen understood the bond between the two men. They had been music buddies, long before she met him. Reunited and with a bigger zest for life, they performed side by side, as the flames reflected in their eyes…

  It's all the same, only the names will change Every day, it seems we're wasting away Another place where the faces are so cold I'd drive all night just to get back home I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride I'm wanted dead or alive Wanted dead or alive Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days And the people I meet always go their separate ways Sometimes you tell the day By the bottle that you drink And times when you're alone all you do is think And I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back I play for keeps, 'cause I might not make it back I've been everywhere, and still I'm standing tall I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all 'Cause I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride I'm wanted dead or alive 'Cause I'm a cowboy, I got the night on my side I'm wanted dead or alive And I ride dead or alive I still drive, dead or alive

  James and Marcus concluded their performance with a downward strum, just before the four women and Rick burst into a long round of applause. Mesmerized, Helen locked her gaze on Marcus’s face. His bright smile reappeared, as he high-fived his joyous friend.

  “Thank you, ladies. And gentleman.” James grinned, nodding at the same time.

  “I’m impressed,” Michelle confessed. “I thought you guys wouldn’t pull it off, but ‘wow.’ That was great.”

  “Now…” James heaved a long, deep sigh. “I’d like to play a song that my friend here dedicated to me, a long time ago. I’m sure you all know it was a dark time for me. Part of me wished I had listened to him, but, if I had, I never would have met my wife. Bon Jovi’s ‘Keep the faith’.”

  Marcus smiled bitterly to himself, tapping the sixth string on his guitar. The quick rhythm drove Helen to shake her head, watching the veins on his hands, as James joined him for the second time. Just like earlier, the two of them sang with presence, as the flames swirled in front of them. The title provided Helen with a hint, but, she only comprehended what James meant, when she heard the lyrics of the powerful song. This time, despite the quickness of the rhythm, they both looked sad, as melodious lyrics exploded out of them…

  Mother mother tell your children That their time has just begun I have suffered for my anger There are wars that can't be won

  Father father please believe me I am laying down my guns I am broken like an arrow Forgive me Forgive your wayward son

  Everybody needs somebody to love (mother, mother) Everybody needs somebody to hate (please believe me) Everybody's bitching 'cause they can't get enough And it's hard to hold on When there's no one to lean on

  Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Faith: don't let your love turn to hate Right now we got to Keep the faith Keep the faith Keep the faith Lord we got to keep the faith

  Tell me baby when I hurt you Do you keep it all inside Do you tell me all's forgiven And just hide behind your pride

  Everybody needs somebody to love (mother, father) Everybody needs somebody to hate (please don't leave me) Everybody's bleeding 'cause the times are tough Well it's hard to be strong When there's no one to dream on

  Faith: you know you're gonna live through the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Now you know is not too late Oh you got to keep the faith Faith: don't let your love turn to hate Right now we got to Keep the faith Keep the faith Keep the faith Lord we got to keep the faith

  Walking in the footsteps Of society's lies I don't like what I see no more Sometimes I wish that I was blind Sometimes I wait forever

  To stand out in the rain So no one sees me crying Trying to wash away the pain Mother father

  There's things I've done I can't erase Every night we fall from grace

  It's hard with the world in your face Trying to hold on, trying to hold on

  Faith: you know you're gonna live through the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Faith: don't let your love turn to hate Right now we got to keep the faith Faith: now it's not too late Try to hold on, trying to hold on Keep the faith

  James and Marcus finished playing the old song, amid loud cheers and well-deserved applause. Helen put her hands together, realizing that the man she had only just started dating had a sensitive side. All of a sudden, she felt an uncontrollable urge to go over to him and kiss him. Before she could do so however, James addressed them once again.

  “Thanks.” He croaked. “Now, I’d like to invite my good friend, my right-hand girl, protégée extraordinaire, Ms. Michelle Adams.”

  “Thank you for the kind words, Mr. Farrell.” Michelle said in a sweet voice as she rose from the sand. “What do you guys want to play next?”

  James’s words passed Helen, unheard by her. Whatever they decided to play next did not matter. For her, the only focus that held all her attention was Marcus, stealing glances at her, as he entertained her and her friends. Her feelings for him had changed into something much deeper than a mere crush. In her eyes, Marcus embodied everything she had been looking for in a man: sensitivity, rugged looks and a calm nature.

  The night went on with more and more, older and newer songs. In spite of Michelle’s initial objections, they didn’t have to try hard to convince her to sing for them. Very soon, the young brunette was having so much fun that she would not stop. Finally, more than two hours later, the seven of them left Butterfly beach, promising to each other to repeat this, sometime in the near future. Helen’s head might have been buzzing, yet her heart was filled with content. She would ride off with her biker, in the hope that her presence would help him heal his broken heart.

  Bon Jovi, Deep Purple, Whitesnake… God, I wish I knew all those band names sooner. But, it’s ok. My Marcus will educate me. My Marcus… It sure feels good to call him that. I’d better talk to Liv tomorrow about Rick’s nephew. It’s a long shot, but I need to know if he’s had any luck hacking into the Pentagon’s database.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Helen might have been curious about Peter’s efforts, but she knew that a somewhat crowded hotel balcony was not an ideal place to have that – potentially long – conversation. The studio where James and Michelle rehearsed was very close to their hotel. Usually, their sessions lasted hours, but, after singing for hours the night before, Michelle would not want to strain her voice. More than likely, they would not be long. Helen didn’t wish to discuss the matter in front of James and she also didn’t need to handle her friend’s questions about the night she had spent with Marcus, yet again. Therefore, she convinced Olivia to visit a beachside café in Santa Monica.

  “Alright…” Olivia started, gazing out at the ocean, as she lifted her glass to her lips. “I’d really love to know what’s going on in that little head of yours. You’ve barely said a word all morning. What’s the big emergency, Helen?”

  “First of all…” Helen drew in a sharp breath. “I think I’m in love.”

p; “Well…” Olivia snorted in amusement, facing her. “You finally realized it. Better late than never, I guess.”

  “What, you knew?” Helen’s voice became high-pitched, her brows popping up as she leaned towards her. “How?”

  “From the moment I saw you crying on that balcony.” Olivia replied, easing her glass down on the table. “I mean, why else would you cry for someone? Plus, the guy’s your type. He’s handsome, he doesn’t talk much and he’s a musician.”

  “If you’re saying he’s a lot like James, trust me, he’s not.” Helen remarked, shaking her head sideways. “Sure, he’s not so talkative, but, he doesn’t have a temper. The other night, I tried to get out of bed. I accidentally kneed him in the crotch. He cried out in pain, but then, he just smiled at me and said something like: ‘Try to be more careful next time’.”

  “Yeah,” Olivia gave a short laugh. “James wouldn’t do that. What are you planning to do?”

  “What can I do?” Helen answered her friend’s question with a question, holding her hands out. “Try to enjoy it? How could I do that, knowing I’ll be leaving soon?”

  “You’re already doing something …” Olivia raised an eyebrow, “… something that could change his life. Who knows? If things go well, your biker may not have to live in the shadows for much longer.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.” Helen stated, leaning her elbows on the table. “What’s Peter been up to?”

  “Well, he can’t hack into the Pentagon.” Olivia informed, dropping her gaze from her friend’s stare. “He said ‘without a supercomputer, it’s pretty much impenetrable’. But, he’s been digging in the dark web. He’s come up with some very controversial reports on the incident, but there’s a problem.”

  “What kind of problem?” Helen waited for her answer with bated breath.


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