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The Bodyguard and the Dom

Page 4

by Tl Reeve

  Katarina glanced at both drapes and frowned. How the hell did they get past a wall? It didn’t make any sense whatsoever.

  “When Mr. McKinley built the Carnivore Club, he wanted a unique BDSM resort.” Asmodeus made a wide gesture with one arm. “As you may have noticed when you came in this evening, there are mineral springs, natural lighting, and in the early evening, we have a slight breeze which blows through, cooling not only the ballroom, but the other buildings as well. Above ground, the resort is an oasis, but below ground, it is entirely something else. Devil’s Playground is a dungeon built into the side of an abandoned silver mine, forty feet underground, and within the half hour will be at your disposal. Everything needed to meet your darkest desires will be made available.”

  Her darkest desires? Katarina stared up at Thomas. Could she do it? Yes. If being able to move forward with her life with the man next to her meant leaving her past behind then she’d do it. Tonight was about the fantasy. Tomorrow would come…eventually.

  “If an issue arises, find one of the dungeon monitors. While we want you to enjoy yourselves, we expect our club rules to be followed.” He paused. “Other than that, have fun. Spank some ass and enjoy.” The deep bass of electronica music filtered out of speakers in the floor. Katarina felt the prickle of awareness sensitize her flesh, leaving goose bumps in its wake. Showtime. Butterflies fluttered in her belly while her blood sang with anticipation. “So, I guess I’ll see you in a little bit, huh?”

  “I guess so.” Thomas bent his head and kissed her lips. “Be a good girl.”

  “Never.” She winked.

  Thomas laughed. “I am going to enjoy turning that ass of yours bright red.” He made an act of adjusting himself, and her pussy creamed. Fuck. Her cheeks flushed.

  “Well, then.” Her voice took on a breathy quality. “See you soon, Master.”

  Two tall, muscular, and delectable dungeon masters sauntered over to the dainty desks and took their seats. Their bulky bodies dwarfed the delicate structure and looked completely out of place—even when the one on the left put on a pair of reading glasses.

  She giggled.

  The floor rumbled once more beneath her feet as she shifted forward. She snapped her gaze forward to where a small door open from within the wall. Holy shit. The music grew louder for a second then dimmed when the doors slid closed. The intricate design of the place blew her mind every time something new happened.

  With each step she took toward the table, she grew more anxious. She wanted inside more than she worried about failing Thomas. The DM sitting at the table typed on the tablet in front of him then glanced up at her. His genuine smile and the way his gaze caressed her body made her tingle. Straight up dangerous. “Name?”

  “Katarina Lopez,” she answered, softly.

  “Ah, the virgin.” He smirked. “I know you already signed the rules upon entering the event. But, we need you to reacquaint yourself with them and initial at the bottom of the screen.” He gave her the palm-sized tablet. “A name tag will be on a locker for you. Inside, you will find a robe. Once you’re ready, follow the path down to the club.” She read over the rules then initialed. He accepted the device, tapped a button on the screen, and the door opened. “Have fun tonight.”

  “I plan on it,” she said, taking a step over the threshold. On the other side, the music of Nine Inch Nails thrummed through her body, ratcheting up the current of lust coursing through her. The soft glow of torches lit the path, and she came upon a placard directing her to the locker room, the modern lettering in stark contrast to the natural rock walls. She moved through the doorway.

  Plush and comfortable, the space welcomed her. A few overstuffed chairs and a couple of couches gave it a lived-in feel. A section of lockers along with a mineral spring and shower stalls greeted her. The area smelled like lilacs and jasmine, which calmed some of her frayed nerves. She didn’t want to dally, but she took the opportunity to take in every inch of the place. Her heels clicked over the polished hardwood floors. Behind her, a group of giggling women entered. Their conversation became overly animated as they got closer to the lockers. Shaking her head, Katarina made a beeline for the one with her name on it. Once she opened the door, a white silk robe greeted her, but nothing else.

  She paused, unsure whether she should leave her lacy bra and panties on for Thomas. The thought of not sharing the bits of naughty material with him didn’t seem right. He was the devil after all. She pulled off the mask, folding it reverently then placed it on the upper shelf. Her shoes followed behind the lace covering, and she placed them inside. She shed her dress and felt the tepid air kiss her skin. Goose bumps broke out along her shoulders and arms. The scars on her legs contrasted with her dark flesh in the low lighting. Would there ever come a time when she didn’t worry about her appearance? She fingered a few of them. A piece of metal remained under each one, souvenirs from the exploding IED that changed her life. Each one held a part of that desert from that fateful day.

  “What the fuck is that?” one of the screeching women sputtered. “That’s disgusting!”

  Katarina looked up to see the blonde pointing at her. The horrified expression on her face said it all. She might not enjoy the marks on her skin, but she didn’t bow down, either.

  “You mean the scars I received protecting your right to be a bitch?” she snapped. “The result of an explosion that cost me almost all of my friends in one loud bang?” Tears burned her eyes. “Or is it the long jagged scar on my knee? Hmm? You need to be more specific here.” She stood her ground. “Anything else disgusting to you?” Katarina grabbed the robe from her locker and threw it on then stomped away, not waiting for their response.

  She didn’t run. Katarina kept her pace even, winding down the path until it emptied into the Devil’s Playground. Coliseum seating framed the back wall with an aisleway between the sections and a sign for aftercare. In the middle, a St. Andrew’s Cross topped a dais. Across from it, a set of manacles attached to a suspended I-beam, what Thomas said he would use with her. Off to the right stood a few spanking benches and a couple of bondage tables. Heavy blankets and silks covered the stone seating area. Not seeing any sign of Thomas, Katarina found one of the softest spaces to sit on and waited. She knew she looked a mess, but there was no way in hell she’d go back.

  Couples filed in, including the girl who’d talked shit about her. The man next to her wore a stern expression as she leaned into his embrace and spoke rapidly. He strode toward Katarina, and she stood putting more weight on her good leg. She wouldn’t allow the man to intimidate her. She wouldn’t back down. That piece of shit girl of his started it. She only submitted to one person, and this man had nothing on Thomas. Lifting her chin, she stood tall, staring down the big Dom.

  “Do you have something to say to me, girl?” He crossed his arms over his wide chest, his eyes narrowed in the dim light. The blonde clung to his arm, a smug expression on her face.

  “I don’t know, do I?” she answered, her tone saccharine sweet.

  “My sub says you were rude to her. I believe you owe her an apology.”

  Katarina snorted. She shook her head and chuckled. “No, I don’t believe I will be saying anything to her.”

  “Where is your Master?” He took a step toward her, and she fell back hard on her ass, crying out in pain. Damn her luck. Her knee had to give out at that moment. Gritting her teeth, she sucked in a breath and glanced up at the man.

  “He’s not here yet,” she hissed, reaching for her knee. Around her, people moved about, not appearing to notice her situation. “I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate what you’re doing right now. In fact, it would downright piss him off.”

  “I’m sure,” the guy snapped.

  “Is there a problem here?”

  Katarina said a silent prayer of thanks at Thomas’s gruff voice. He stepped around the man and his woman, coming to her side. “Did you touch my sub?”

  Chapter Six

  Thomas had changed, grabbed his
bag from his locker, and made his way into the Playground. Coming around the corner, he spotted a man standing over a woman in a white robe. He caught a glimpse of the scars on her calf. What the fuck. He closed the space between them in three rage-filled strides, coming up behind the Dom.

  “I believe I asked you a question.” His voice became eerily quiet.

  “Is she yours?” the man snapped.

  “As a matter of fact, she is mine. Now, move out of my way so I can tend to my girl, and you can tell me what your malfunction is.” Anger spiked in his system. Katarina clutched her rebuilt knee. Her knuckles whitened and her lips thinned.

  The big man tucked the small blonde into his side as though she had been a frightened deer. “It would seem your sub was rude to my wife while they were changing. I would like it if your girl would apologize to her.”

  Thomas bent down to Katarina and pushed her hands out of his way. He probed the area as gently as possible, trying to gauge if there had been any damage or displacement. “Oh? I have to hear this one. What did Katarina say to your wife?” Her gaze bore into Thomas’s. Her hazel-blue eyes blazed with anger and defiance. There’s my spitfire.

  “Tell him, Tabitha,” the Dom said. “The woman can’t hurt you down here. I won’t permit it.”

  “She yelled at me. Said all kinds of horrible stuff about me.” It became clear to Thomas the woman wouldn’t tell him even a fraction of the truth. “She, she exposed herself…her scars to all of us. They’re horrible.” Big, fat crocodile tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Sweetling, what happened?” Embarrassment colored Kata’s cheeks. She ducked her head, but not before he saw tears falling from the corner of her eyes.

  “Not any more or less than what she said,” she answered, not looking at him. “Only she started it by pointing out my scars.” Kata lifted her chin then turned her mutinous gaze toward the other man. “My name is Specialist Katarina Lopez, and I served three tours in Iraq. On my last trip out before coming home, our convoy got taken out by an IED. What you observe is the aftereffects. I’m sorry it’s so disgusting for your wife to see it, but I will not hide myself anymore.”

  Damn. He couldn’t be any more proud of her.

  The man paled as she spoke, taking a step backward. Raw anger flashed in his eyes. “Please accept my apology for being so rude,” he growled, fixing his attention on the blonde. “Tabitha, you will apologize to Specialist Lopez then you will gather your clothes and meet me at our room. We’re leaving.”

  Tabitha squeaked. Her eyes went wide, and she sputtered at her husband before turning to Katarina. “Sorry,” she snapped and fled toward the locker area.

  “Here, allow me,” the man said, holding out his hand to her. Thomas did the same, so she could balance. When she stood up, he apologized once more before walking away, radiating power and tension. The wife would get what she deserved.

  “I can’t leave you anywhere, Lopez,” he teased. She threw him her most intimidating look, and he smirked. “How’s the knee, Specialist?”

  “Hurts like a bitch. But, the pain reminds you, you’re alive,” she answered. “A part of me really enjoyed that scene. I hope he paddles her ass till she can’t sit for a year.”

  “You and me both, girl.” His fingers brushed the hem of the white robe she wore. “So….” He didn’t say anything else. After everything she’d been through, he wanted her to dictate what they would do—up to a point, anyway.

  “So,” she answered, wrapping her arms around his middle. Her sweet body pressed to his drove him insane. His dick still hadn’t gone down from all the dancing earlier.

  “Goddamn girl. You got me here. What the hell are we going to do? Stand here hugging all night?” Her light tinkling laughter made him smile.

  “Impatient much?”

  “Where you’re concerned, always.” His dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers. The taste of peaches lingered on her mouth. The sweet nectar exploded on his tongue as their tongues tangled together in a sensual dance. “I’m keeping you stocked in that lip gloss.”

  “Putting the cart before the horse, aren’t we?” She quirked a brow. “I mean, I know I work for you and all, but, honestly, boss, I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Coyness don’t work with me, sweetling.” His hands drifted down her body to cup her ass. He gave it a squeeze then pushed the silk material out of the way. “What’s this?” he growled tracing a scrap of lace.

  “A surprise, Master Thomas. I thought you’d enjoy unwrapping your present tonight.” She stepped out of his embrace. Her fingers gripped the sash of her robe, and she pulled, letting the material part then fall from her shoulders.

  His cock throbbed in his leathers. His gut clenched. Perfection. Her taut, lush body was covered by two scraps of white lace. Her bra pushed her breasts upward in invitation while her panties covered her most intimate treasure. He watched in fascination as a wet spot formed on the front of her panties. Thomas’s mouth watered. “Mine.” He took a step forward, kneeling in front of her. “Brace yourself. Place your hands on my shoulders.”

  “Yes, Master,” she whimpered.

  He continued. “Since you love edging, we’ll start now.” He grinned. “Let’s see how much you enjoy my brand of pain.” His fingers toyed with her panties, her silky flesh trembling under his touch. Oh yes, he definitely would have fun with her. He ripped the flimsy barrier from her then whistled low. “Such a pretty little pussy all glistening and wet for me. Spread your legs and present my cunt to me.”

  Katarina tilted her hips forward, while Thomas braced her by cupping her ass. He ran his tongue over her supple flesh, nuzzling her mound with his nose. The scent of her arousal clung to his senses, tightening his groin even more. He sipped from her, teasing her while drawing out the sweetest cream he ever tasted. Feminine and all, Katarina. He wiggled his tongue over her clit and was gifted with more of her juices. Thomas kneaded the tight globes of her ass, adding to the sensations he plied her with. He knew the anticipation would kill her, by the way her fingernails bit into his shoulders and her hips lifted more in silent invitation. “We’ll get there, girl.”

  “Soon I hope,” she muttered when he nipped her thigh.

  “Define soon,” he chuckled. “I plan to spend the whole night between your legs. Settle in, sweetling.” Thomas wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her up while he spread her folds and delved between them. His tongue fucked her in deep penetrating strokes, and she trembled in his arms.

  “Mmm, Master, please,” she whimpered.

  “So responsive and we’ve just begun. I’m going to love watching you squirm, girl.” He redoubled his efforts, taking her close to the edge before bringing her back down. Her nails dug into his skin, yanking every so often, which added to the sensations. She rolled her hips in silent plea, begging him for more. Thomas hissed in pleasure and nipped her inner thigh. “Are you attempting to top from the bottom, Katarina? I thought I made it perfectly clear, I am in charge.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she shook her head. “N-no it feels so good, Master Thomas. I-I wanted more.”

  “Indeed.” He let go of her and stood up. “We should get rid of this, too.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his pocketknife, and opened it. Her nostrils flared. Her gaze locked with his while a slight shiver worked through her. Thomas watched her while cupping her sex. Her silky cream coated his fingers. “You like the idea of my blade touching your flesh.” A statement, not a question. She turned her head, averting her gaze as a pink blush crept into her cheeks. “Oh, girl, what I have in store for you.”

  Thomas dragged the blunt edge over her skin, eliciting a shudder from her body. Katarina bit her lip, never uttering a word of protest. With a flick of his wrist, he cut through the lace. Her breasts bounced free, and he licked his lips. Her luscious tits made his mouth water. Her dark-berry-colored nipples begged for his attention. Thomas pulled out two wooden clothespins from another pocket. Without a word, his head dipped toward her n
ipple, drawing the tight bead into his mouth. He sucked and nibbled on the peak, lavishing it with attention. When he pulled back, he clamped it.

  Katarina screamed and pulled back, trying to get out of his reach, but he held her fast, laving the other nipple. When her body relaxed against his, he placed the second clothespin and flicked it. “Thomas,” she screeched, while trying to cover her tender breasts from his view.

  “All you’re doing is waving a red flag in my face, Katarina. Feed me your pain. Give over to me and let me guide you through our journey tonight. You won’t be sorry, girl. Now, breathe through the pain for me. Accept it. Revel in it. Embrace it, because before the end of the night, I will make you scream and, when you do, you’ll enjoy every minute of it, girl. I can promise you that.” Thomas gathered her in his arms and carried her down the stone steps over to where the manacles waited for him.

  “Wait…what if I can’t stand up the whole time?” Katarina licked her lips and gazed up at him with pleading eyes.

  “Say yellow. We’ll stop. If I have to take you to the table, I will. But, I hope to make you float so high, worrying about your knee will be the last thing you do.” Thomas set her down and positioned her under the cuffs attached by two thick ropes of chain link. “Your safe word is red. Say it and we stop. Got it, girl?” He attached each cuff as he talked to her and checked to make sure they weren’t too tight.

  “I understand, Master.”

  “Good girl, let’s begin.” Bending to her, he placed a kiss on her lips then kneeled and placed one on her knee.

  Chapter Seven

  Everything happened too fast, but no matter how many times Katarina wanted to tell him to slow down, however, she allowed him to push her barriers. Thomas flicked the clips attached to her nipples again, and fire raced through her body. Her body blazed to life. Her clit throbbed through the pain while morphing into something delicious. An ache so penetrating, she’d covet it for the rest of her life. With a touch here and there, her Master commanded her body, demanded she give him everything, making her addicted to him. Wasn’t that what she wanted though?


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