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No Escape

Page 5

by Tory Richards

  “If you think I’m satisfied, you have a lot to learn about men.” With that parting shot, Clint turned and started walking.

  Oh! What an arrogant, overbearing asshole!

  Sarah refused to lower herself to his level, quietly taking up her position behind him. Under the circumstances, it was probably best she not talk to him any more than necessary, or provoke him into touching her again. She had to get her own thoughts under control, unable to explain her unreasoning anger toward him. He’d rescued her and was taking her home, yet everything about him set her on edge.

  Maybe it was because he was so…so sexual. Like an animal on the prowl for a mate, mean and hungry because he caught the scent. Yeah, that was the word she was looking for. He threatened her peace of mind. He was crude and harsh, but he represented every woman’s secret hero. Dangerous, strong, rugged, and protective all rolled into one big, hunky male. She was sure that beneath his warrior-like facade was a man who had strong scruples about right and wrong and acted accordingly.

  She shook her head, realizing she was dwelling on him. Something Susan said to her once suddenly came back to her, about using anger against a man she was unwillingly attracted to. A survival tactic to erect an invisible wall between them, she’d said. Was her friend right?

  She slapped at a flying bug as they trekked deeper into the jungle, where vegetation grew so close together it was almost impassable in some places. Some of the bushes had long spiky thorns that tugged at her clothes and hair and scratched her bare arms. They didn’t seem to bother Clint though, as he continued to lead them into the darkness with the instincts of a night predator.

  Just when it appeared they were going to walk all night, he surprised her by stopping. Sarah watched him lift his arm and twist his wrist, positioning his watch just right beneath the light of the moon until he was able to see the time. “It’s almost two o’clock,” he remarked, squinting down at the dial. She couldn’t believe they’d been walking all those hours. “We need a few hours rest to keep up our strength, or we won’t be worth squat tomorrow.”

  Sarah knew he meant she wouldn’t be worth squat. She had the feeling Clint could keep right on going until he reached the other side of the island. He wasn’t even breathing hard, and she bet his heart wasn’t beating like hers either. Her eyes examined what was going to be their campsite for the rest of the night, afraid to ask where they were going to sleep. The thought of sleeping amongst the bugs and whatever else was slithering on the ground wasn’t very appealing.

  “I don’t suppose you know how to climb trees?” His tone was skeptical, revealing he thought he already knew the answer.

  Sarah raised her chin a notch, her tone a little on the prideful side. “As a matter of fact, I do,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Tomboy, huh?”

  She smiled in spite of herself. “No. Susan’s boys are like nephews to me, and any self-respecting aunt knows how to climb a tree.”

  “You’re just full of fucking surprises, aren’t you? Wait here.”

  Like she had some place to go. Sarah watched him jump up to the first limb of the nearest tree. He disappeared from sight, climbing further into the thick greenery that blanketed the wide branches. She waited patiently, counting to a hundred before he jumped to the ground in front of her.

  He was minus his duffel bag. “What were you doing up there?”

  “Making our bed.”

  Bed, singular. Sarah didn’t like the sound of that. But what she didn’t like even more was realizing exactly where their bed was. He couldn’t be serious. “I said I knew how to climb trees, not sleep in them.” She crossed her arms stubbornly.

  “You’re in for a treat then,” Clint teased.

  “I don’t think so. I’m not the adventurous type. Besides, I’ll probably fall out and break my neck, which is probably what you want in the first place.”

  “Not a chance, angel. I’ll be right there beside you keeping you all warm and cozy.”

  Great, Sarah thought to herself. He didn’t know, but that was going to be the hard part, falling asleep with a hunky hero lying next to her. Even if she didn’t like him, there was something about him that roused the woman in her. “That’s a comfort,” she said, yawning behind her hand. “I don’t suppose you’re hiding a king-size air mattress in your duffel bag?”

  “Sorry. You’ll have to forego any creature comforts for tonight. Now give me your foot and I’ll give you a boost up.” He moved into position before linking his hands together.

  She wasn’t stupid. She knew what he wanted. “Now wait a minute.” She was stalling for time and they both knew it. “Why do we have to sleep in a tree, anyway? It sounds dangerous.”

  Clint released a sound of frustration, straightening up. “This is a jungle,” he began, in a tone Sarah bet was usually reserved for children or someone especially thick headed. “Along with bugs, spiders and snakes, there are wild animals out there. I’m sure there’s wild boar on the island. Wouldn’t surprise me if a pack of wild dogs or—”

  “Wild dogs or what, cats?” she snorted with disbelief. “Next you’ll be telling me there are lions, tigers and bears out there.”

  “Not the fucking domestic variety,” Clint said in a strained tone. Was he about to lose his temper again? “But most importantly,” he continued, his voice now taking on a quality of steel, “we’ll be able to see anyone coming long before they get here.”

  His last statement took all the spunk out of Sarah, as it was obviously meant to do. “Oh.”

  “Oh. Now give me your foot and stop wasting time. I’m tired.”

  Without further comment, Sarah slipped her wet sneaker into his palm, placing her hand on his shoulder to brace herself for the boost up. He glanced up just as she looked down, and for a moment, his eyes were at level with her breasts. They slowly rose to meet hers.

  “On the count of three.”

  Sarah dismissed the rush of awareness heating her blood. Lord, what is wrong with me? For a moment, she’d wondered what it would be like having his mouth on her breasts. Maybe they should take their chances on the ground, where there was more room for them to move around. She was about to suggest it when Clint’s voice broke the silence.

  “Grab the first limb and haul yourself up.”

  She did as instructed, stretching until she reached the lower limb of the tree, barely, struggling with an effort to get a good grip. But that was getting her nowhere fast, except for scrapes and scratches from the rough bark. The next thing she knew Clint assisted by putting his hands on her rump and shoving her upward.

  “Thanks,” she breathed, glancing up when he joined her on the same limb. “So, where’s our bed?”


  She didn’t take the bait. “No, tired enough to appreciate a bed anywhere, even if it means sleeping with you.”

  A chuckle escaped him. “Just follow me, and for God’s sake, don’t fall. I don’t want to be stuck carrying you out of here with a broken leg.”

  “Your concern is touching,” Sarah muttered, yawning.

  They climbed until reaching a large fork in the tree, the trunk so wide you could indeed lie down on it. But it was only big enough for one person. Sarah examined the netted contraption he’d arranged. “You’ve got to be kidding.” Crazy was more like it.

  “It’s safe,” he assured her. “I’ve used this device several times.”

  She glanced back at it with a frown. “It doesn’t look very comfy.”

  Clint actually laughed, the deep, rich timbre slicing through the forest on the wind. “It’s not supposed to be comfy, angel. It’s supposed to keep you from falling while you’re sleeping.”

  Sarah’s eyes ran over it doubtfully. “I think I’d rather take my chances on the ground.”

  He stepped onto the fork, lifting a section of the net he’d placed there. “It’s simple really. Come here.”

  Surprisingly, she did as he asked, stepping closer to him. “Now what?” She wrapped an arm around
a smaller branch to control her balance.

  “Now you lay down. Our combined weight will hold down the net I’ve spread over the trunk. This half of the net,” he explained, indicating the piece he was holding in his hand, “will be pulled up and anchored on the other side of you, forming a wall against your back.”

  Sarah glanced down toward the ground but couldn’t see through the branches and because it was dark. Nevertheless, she knew they were pretty high up. She looked back at the contraption, then at Clint again.

  “You have to trust me, Sarah.”

  “Trust comes from years of knowing someone,” she pointed out. “It’s something you earn.”

  “Do you trust Susan?” he surprised her by asking.

  Of course she trusted Susan! She answered him with a nod.

  “She’s the reason I’m here,” Clint reminded her.

  He had her. After several seconds of contemplation, Sarah cautiously lowered herself until she was situated in the split the way he wanted her. Noticing his duffel bag where he’d dropped it, she pulled it beneath her head to use as a pillow, leaving half of it for him. She peered up at Clint but he was already checking to make sure it was anchored securely.

  Once he seemed satisfied with the results, he grinned down at her. “Comfy now, angel?” He dropped a blanket over her.

  “Oh, yes,” Sarah yawned loudly, curling on her side. “Just make sure you don’t hog the blanket when you come to bed, darling.”

  Sarah thought he hadn’t heard her until his voice drifted down to her. “You know angel, sooner or later your sassy mouth is going to land you in hot water.”

  Sarah felt him drop down next to her, laying his head on the other half of his duffel bag but leaving the blanket alone. Good.

  The last thing she needed was to be curled up beneath a hot blanket with a hot man.


  Sarah had no way of knowing how long she’d been asleep when she scooted back against the hard, unyielding warmth at her backside. Then an arm came over her and a hand fell upon her breast. Warm air caressed the back of her neck and something hard poked persistently against her ass. Too numb with exhaustion to question it or where she was, she pressed back with a soft moan.

  When was the last time she’d awakened in the middle of the night to the feel of a hard-on against her? Too long, it seemed. Somehow they must have fallen asleep on the floor because whatever they were lying on was uncomfortably hard. Perhaps while watching TV. She felt a nose nuzzle the hair away from her neck and then a mouth on her, kissing its way up to the lobe of her ear. He took the lobe between his teeth and tugged on it gently.

  The hand on her breast squeezed, fingers tweaked her taut nipple, drawing another sigh of pleasure from her. The liveliness of his hard cock was driving her wild. Sarah began to squirm with hunger against him, straining with a need too complex to name. Her hand moved up to cover his, drawing his down her body to the fire building between her legs.

  A low groan revealed his reaction to her move. A hand clutched over Sarah’s mound and applied pressure. She began to tremble and arched against the pleasure of being touched. Eyes closed, her hips began to undulate into the intimate caress. Wet pleasure flooded her loins and fueled her longing.

  “There’s no way I’m going to fuck you in this tree and risk us falling out and breaking something.” He sank his teeth into her neck then kissed away the brief pain. Sarah didn’t care what he did. She just wanted to feel. She pushed her ass against his throbbing cock and was rewarded by his violent shudder.

  She was slightly awake now, recalling where she was and with whom. She didn't care. “I want to come,” she whispered into the darkness. “I need to come.” She shivered. “It’s been so long…” her voice faded away as she drifted in and out of sleep.

  The hand caressing her crotch moved. She opened her mouth to protest when she realized it had just moved to the top of her pants. Then, with lazy slowness, the snap was undone, zipper pulled down, and the material was nudged away as a hand slipped beneath her panties. It slowly inched its way to her pulsing pussy. A long sigh of pleasure escaped Sarah when a finger parted her pussy lips, slipped over her throbbing clit, and slid in deep. She began to rock her hips.

  “That’s it, baby.” Sarah barely acknowledged the husky voice encouraging her to move. “I’m going to finger fuck you until you come.” Lips, teeth and tongue began to explore the exposed flesh above her T-shirt. “Damn you’re wet and hot down there.”

  Sarah was too weak to comment, focused on moving her hips against his invading finger. He added another one. What he was doing felt so damn good and she felt a building orgasm race from all directions in her body toward her womb and the fingers pleasuring her. Her breathing escalated, and as a third finger entered her, he picked up speed. She noticed something else, too. He was grinding his cock against her ass, and groaning low.

  “Jesus I want to fuck you right now…”

  “Oh god…oh god…oh god…” Sarah lost all control when she climaxed. It was a powerful release that left her breathless and quivering wildly against Clint. The last thing she remembered, before the numbness of sleep claimed her, was his hand slowly withdrawing from her pants.

  Chapter Five

  “Rise and shine, angel.”

  “Go away!” She moaned in obvious protest, and tried to yank the blanket over her head but it was caught beneath him. Clint grinned.

  “It can’t possibly be time to get up, we just went to bed. It isn’t even light out, for goodness sake,” she mumbled in protest. “Can’t you see that?” She thrust her buttocks against him as if trying to move him.

  Clint clenched his teeth when her ass came in contact with a part of his body that had been hard and hungry all night. Thanks to her! The memory of her reaching fulfillment and leaving him to suffer prompted him into slapping her on the behind. It was clear she was going to ignore what happened.

  “Up, now!” He repeated grumpily. “I’d like to sleep in too, but we have a lot of fucking miles to cover today.” He moved away from her.

  She slowly turned and faced him, rubbing her bottom. By then Clint was sitting with his back against the tree. He ran his hands through his short hair and grinned at the look of anger on her flushed face. For a moment, he was mesmerized by the sparkle in her eyes.

  “Just be glad this isn’t a normal bed, or you’d find yourself on the floor right now,” she warned mildly, and tried to move. “Oh, God!” she swore, falling back against the tree with an agonized groan. “There isn’t any place that isn’t stiff and sore.”

  Clint watched her with lazy interest as she gradually moved into a sitting position. His mind kept drifting back to the few hours before, remembering how eager and hot she’d been with his fingers buried inside her. She’d gone off like the Fourth of July fireworks, making him wonder when the last time was that she’d been with a man.

  Another moan escaped her parted lips and Clint shook his head to clear it. “Where do you hurt?”

  She tried several stretches in an attempt to loosen up. “Everywhere!” She admitted, rolling her head to stretch her neck. Even he heard the pop when her neck cracked. She released a small sound of pain.

  “You’re not in very good shape. You might be put together nicely, but you’re soft all over.”

  Her face turned red at his unflattering back-handed compliment, but she didn’t argue with him. “Thanks a lot. Can’t you see I’m in agony? You might do this for a living but I live in a civilized world where this kind of thing only happens in books and on TV. Why are we up so early anyway?”

  “It’ll be completely daylight in a few minutes. I want to get an early start. In case you’re under the delusion this is a vacation, we have a hellish couple of days ahead us. The only thing we have going for us is that we’re heading away from the beach, which might buy us some time.”

  “Why is that a good thing?” she asked, arching her back.

  “They’ll assume we’ll be leaving the island by bo
at, so that’s the first place they’ll look for us.” Clint paused briefly, watching the way her full tits thrust forward, and then something in her eyes flickered before she lowered her gaze. He knew she was remembering his fingers inside her. “Come here. I’ll work some of the kinks out.”

  She stared at him with distrust. Last night, she’d been exhausted and willing to trust him, but this morning she didn’t seem as eager. What was she afraid of, another mind blowing orgasm? When her eyes moved to his hands, he wondered what she was thinking.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “You didn’t mind my hands on you a few hours ago.”

  Her eyes rounded and a deep blush colored her face. She groaned. “I thought I was dreaming.” Her tone clearly said she wished she had been.

  Clint chuckled. “Not fucking hardly angel.” He brought his hand up to his nose. “I can still smell you on my fingers.”

  “Do you have to be so crude?”

  Her eyes were fire bright and Clint had the feeling she was holding back from flying at him with her nails out. Crude was the only way he knew, and she tended to bring out the beast in him, even while making him want her. Seeing her grimace in pain reminded him what they’d been talking about.

  “Come on. I don’t bite much.” He spread his legs to make room for her and patted the bark between his thighs. “I can make you feel better.”

  Sarah glanced at the space between his legs before raising her gaze to his. “Said the wolf to Little Red Riding Hood.”

  Clint shrugged his shoulders at her hesitation. “It’s your loss, angel. I can’t make you trust me. It’s no skin off my back if you want to suffer all day.” He started to get to his feet.

  “Oh, all right!” She quickly scooted over to settle in front of him. “Against my better judgment.”

  Clint grinned. She was sitting as straight as an arrow and looked as tight as a bowstring. You’d have thought he was asking to pull her teeth. Maybe she was frigid, unless she was half asleep and too numb with exhaustion to question what was being done to her. He moved the heavy fall of her tangled hair and chuckled to himself when he found mud caked around her neck.


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