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No Escape

Page 13

by Tory Richards

  Their tongues battled furiously and their hands were busy touching and exploring everywhere at once, at first softly, then roughly, as control slipped away to be replaced with raw desires. Clint covered her body with his, but he didn’t enter her. He wanted to take his time, letting his hands travel over the dips and valleys of her supple flesh. His mouth followed the path his fingers took, leaving kisses and gentle love bites on her skin. She arched into his caresses, trembling and crying out softly.

  Then it was his turn to lose his sanity. Sarah satisfied the primitive urges riding him with hands that were anything but shy. She ran her palms over his body, smoothing over his shoulders and back, tenderly touching old scars that gave evidence to the kind of life he lived. Then, as if wanting to leave her own mark, she raked her nails lightly down his back. Clint growled like a wild animal beneath her passionate attack, nearly losing control as a rolling ball of fire erupted in his gut.

  He kissed her savagely, forcing Sarah deeper into the grass while sliding his fingers into the wet heat between her thighs. His actions made her wild, and she cried out against his mouth, moving her hips in wanton abandonment.

  “Clint! Please…” She was all but begging him to continue, her tone exposing the raw depths of her hunger.

  “What do you want, angel?” He bent his head to take a nipple in his mouth, his own breath ragged and deep. He flicked his tongue back and forth over the nub before closing his mouth over her breast. “Tell me, baby.”

  In silent response, she arched her back, her hands moving to his head to hold him against her heaving breasts. She moved forward, planting little nips and kisses along his shoulders, wherever she could reach him.

  Only Clint wanted her as hot as he was. “Tell me.” When she still didn’t answer, he began thrusting against her soft thigh, letting her feel the strength and heat of his desire, teasing her with sweet promises of what was to come. He was so turned on he would come, if he let his body take control. His actions had sweet repercussions. She began to thrust against his invading fingers, twisting wildly beneath him, panting heavily.

  “I want…” She couldn’t seem to get the words out. In the end, all she had the breath to whisper was “Please…”

  "You want to come, baby?" he asked hoarsely.

  "I want your cock inside me."

  Growling deeply, Clint reversed their positions in a lightning-fast move, rolling with Sarah until she was on top. “Is this what you want, angel?” He lifted her easily, positioning her over his jutting arousal, the muscles in his arms bulging with the strength it took to keep from lowering her like he wanted to.

  Their eyes clashed. Sarah’s teeth caught her bottom lip. Clint moved her back and forth over the wet tip of his dick, gently teasing them both with little tastes of heaven and hell. His words came out hoarse. He closed his eyes realizing he was teasing himself to the point of release. “Is it?”

  “Yes!” she whispered with intense feeling.

  “And this?” Though it took great effort, Clint slowly lowered Sarah until he was buried deeply inside her welcoming body. He clenched his teeth to keep from exploding as her wet heat blanketed his aching flesh.

  “Yes!” she hissed, her body quivering and convulsing above him.

  “And this?” He lifted her up slowly, before lowering her again. Repeating the action several times, going as slow as he could, the muscles flexing in his arms.

  “Please…” Sarah’s tone indicated she couldn’t take much more. Her expression was wild, her eyes half closed, nostrils flaring delicately. Her mouth was open.

  Clint’s hands tightened against her waist as he began to guide their movements in a rapid tempo that bound them together. It was time to put an end to the teasing and give them what they both wanted. He felt it. She felt it. Feelings so exquisite they promised to consume them. He didn’t try to hold back the rush of raw sensation shooting for his loins. His hips left the ground as he rose to meet her body time and time again, in a hard and furious pace.

  He closed his eyes swallowing a low groan, crushing her to him in a savage kiss while surrendering to her body. With a cry, she accepted his rough possession, collapsing against him in convulsive tremors.

  Clint allowed them the luxury of a few extra minutes to catch their breath before they had to get moving. But before he let Sarah up, his hand tangled in her hair and he pulled her head back so he could look into her feverish bright eyes. He stared into those beguiling green depths, long and hard.

  And knew he was in trouble.


  “What’s wrong?” Sarah asked weakly, as the silence continued. However, all Clint did was continue to stare at her. Then a muscle twitched in his lean jaw and she knew he was clenching his teeth.

  Worried she was crushing him, she attempted to move, but he wrapped a muscular arm across the small of her back and held her in place. Just when she thought he was about to say something, he slanted his mouth over hers, catching her unaware in a kiss so tender and sweet it almost brought tears to her eyes. It was over before it began.

  “I like your weight on me when you’re not falling from a window,” he said.

  His remark brought a smile to her face. She relaxed, enjoying the feel of his strong body beneath hers. There was nothing soft about Clint, but she liked the different textures she felt against her breasts, belly and thighs. The scars she’d felt when caressing him had at first shocked her, then saddened her. Still, in the end, they’d made him that much more appealing, and sexy.

  Just when she began to think they were going to spend the afternoon like this, his voice interrupted the silence surrounding them.

  “That was a long ten minutes,” he said. “We need to make up some time.”

  Sarah scrambled off him, nervously reaching for his discarded pants when it occurred to her she didn’t know where her clothes were. She brought them over her body, suddenly shy when Clint got to his feet and stood above her. Being naked in front of him in broad daylight didn’t compare to the dimness of a cave. She couldn’t meet his eyes.

  “My clothes…”

  “Shy, angel? You shouldn’t be. You have a sexy body. I’ll get your clothes.”

  Thank God Clint didn’t have any inhibitions about walking around nude. Sarah watched him saunter away, admiring his tight buns and solid, Viking thighs. Looking everywhere but at him when he made the return trip. He dropped her clothes in her lap.

  “Can I have my pants now?”

  She refused to look at him, hearing the amusement in his voice. Handing him his pants, she quickly slipped into her own clothes. They’d been intimate more than once and that astounded her. She wasn’t into casual sex, nor did she sleep around. She glanced at Clint wondering what made him so different. Maybe it was the circumstances they were in. The three days they’d known each other seemed like forever. They’d been through more together in that short time than some people experienced in a lifetime. It wasn’t over yet, but Sarah knew it was just a matter of time. She wondered if he would ever think about her once they parted ways.

  She wasn’t aware he was watching her until he asked, “What are you thinking about, angel?”

  She jumped to her feet, taking a steadying breath and trying for nonchalance. “I was just thinking that it’s almost over.”

  His teeth showed white in his suntanned face. “Going to miss me?” As soon as the words were out, Clint’s eyes hardened, and it was obvious he regretted asking.

  Sarah recognized walls being erected when she saw them. Lord knows she’d done enough of that in her lifetime. She thought about his question, realizing it was hypothetical, yet to her surprise she decided she was going to miss him. He invigorated her, even while he aggravated her.

  “About as much as I’m going to miss Raul Rodriguez.” She tried to keep her tone light.

  “I’m going to miss you, too,” he said in return. “Even though you make me fucking crazy. Let’s head out. We’re just going to make it.”

  No further wo
rds seemed necessary, and she fell in behind Clint when he turned and started walking. A half an hour later, the jungle gradually began to open up and become less like a tropical rainforest and more like a grassy meadow. Sarah couldn’t help feeling exposed, glancing around nervously in the open space, expecting to hear gunfire at any moment. God, they’d be sitting ducks if Raul’s men found them now.

  They walked until they came to the edge of a rocky cliff side and could go no further. “Is this it?” It wasn’t a very long patch of ground. “Are you sure it’s going to work as a runway?”

  “Yes.” Clint shielded his eyes from the glare of the sun, looking off into the distance. “We have about five minutes before Stan is due to arrive, and knowing him he’ll be punctual.”

  Sarah’s eyes followed him when he moved to a hole between some rocks along the edge of the cliff. Her eyes widened when he pulled out a parachute he’d apparently stashed there. “So, you parachuted in, which means you don’t know for certain this is big enough to land a plane.”

  “Relax, angel. Stan’s the best pilot I know. If anyone can land here, he can.”

  “Just how many pilots do you know?” She frowned, willing to bet it wasn’t many.

  Clint gave her a wink, ignoring her question. “Might as well sit for a few minutes.”

  Sarah looked over the edge of the cliff at the water below. It appeared deep and rough, the waves beating against the huge boulders along the rock face. Seagulls and other birds screeched in the sky above them, some of them flying to nests located on the various rocky ledges jutting out on the side of the cliff.

  She tested a large rock for stability before sitting on it. Clint was watching her, his eyes filling with amusement. She shrugged. “I haven’t come this far to fall off a cliff and drown.”

  He peered over her shoulder. “Angel, those rocks will fucking kill you before you hit the water.”

  His eyes returned to her, moving over her face, which Sarah knew, was probably sunburned by now. An ocean breeze was wreaking havoc with her tangled hair, and he reached forward, catching a long strand between his fingers. “Just like silk,” he murmured beneath his breath, not breaking eye contact.

  Sarah caught her breath as something churned in her belly. Something other than awareness for a man she had no business being attracted to. A strong emotion she couldn’t put a name to, only knowing that it frightened her.

  “We’ve come a long way.”

  Clint must have felt something, too.

  “Yes.” It came out in a choked whisper, catching Sarah unaware. She hadn’t realized she was becoming emotional. “Thank you…for everything.” Damn! Her eyes were burning and she bit down hard on her bottom lip to keep the tears from flowing.

  “For everything, angel?”

  She swallowed hard. “Yes.” As their eyes clung, Sarah could sense the turmoil running through Clint. He was a big, macho male, yet the man staring into her eyes now was a hero to her. And in spite of his rugged, dominant personality, he’d shown her his human side that could be caring. Especially when passion ruled his actions.

  Without warning, his face tightened and his eyes turned dark and stormy. “I don’t have fucking time for anyone in my life…”

  A knife twisted in Sarah’s heart. “I didn’t ask you.” Is that my quiet, composed voice?

  “We don’t even like each other,” he snapped.

  “Not at all.” Sarah agreed, aware her voice was shaky with emotion.

  “Oh, hell!”

  All at once, Sarah felt his hands drop to her shoulders as he pulled her against him. He kissed her long and hard. It was a kiss filled with passion and a kind of sadness for things coming to an end, of things that couldn’t be. It was a kiss of farewell. It had to be because there was no room in his life for anyone. Hadn’t he just said so? When he ended the kiss, he turned and walked away.

  As soon as he was out of ear shot, Sarah released a sob, her eyes remaining on Clint as he looked into the distant sky. She wiped at her eyes, praying she was under control before facing him again, confused at the emotions churning through her. Only the woman in her understood them all too well.

  She heard Stan’s plane long before seeing it.

  “He’s here.”

  She followed Clint’s gaze but still didn’t see anything. Pushing herself away from the boulder, she stepped next to him, just barely able to make out a tiny speck in the sky. After a few seconds, the plane broke through the clouds and came into view. As it moved closer, she realized it wasn’t as small as she thought it would be.

  “Stand back.”

  She backed up to lean against the rock she’d been sitting on, holding her breath. Her eyes were glued to the plane’s wheels as they just missed hitting the jutting edge of the cliff, before Stan set it down safely on the ground and continued past them. Sarah had a brief glimpse of the man behind the wheel and watched the aircraft run down the small field before finally coming to a stop. She released a sigh of relief.

  Clint was already moving forward. “Come on, Stan’s turning around. We’ll board…”

  She pushed away from the boulder. “Ouch!”

  His head snapped in her direction, his eyes narrowing. “What’s wrong?”

  She glanced down at her hand with a mild frown between her eyes. “I think something just bit me.”

  “What?” He moved to her side instantly, frowning. His eyes scanned the area where she’d been sitting.

  She shrugged. “It was just a spider, I think.” She’d seen several crawling about.

  Clint’s gaze followed hers to the rocks, his eyes turning hard. “What did it look like?”

  “I don’t know; it was just a spider. Brown with lots of legs.”

  “Let me see where it bit you.” He reached for her hand, his eyes narrowing on the tiny red spot between her pinky and ring finger. It didn’t look like much.

  “It was just a spider, for goodness sake.” She pulled her hand away and started walking. “Come on, or we’re going to miss our flight.”

  In the next instant, gunfire erupted around them. Stunned, Sarah jerked to a halt and turned in the direction it had come from. She barely had time to take in the small army of men running toward them before Clint took hold of her arm and began dragging her with him.


  Sarah didn’t need to be told twice. Especially when more shots whizzed past them to ricochet off the rocks at the cliff’s edge. They were almost at the plane when she stumbled, unable to keep up with Clint. Swearing, he jerked her to her feet and pushed her ahead of him. Sarah glanced behind her once to see that one of Raul’s men was too close for comfort. Wide eyed, she screamed, “Clint!”

  “Keep going!” He turned around.

  Sarah raced toward the plane, which Stan had managed to turn around. Just as she reached it, a side door opened and Stan dropped a set of stairs to the ground. At the same time he reached down and nearly yanked Sarah up and into the plane.

  Sarah had a brief glimpse of brown eyes, craggy features, and a welcoming smile before she was sent flying behind him from the force of his assistance.

  “Hey old buddy, you gonna keep showing off or are you gonna board this plane?” His comment had been meant for Clint. Sarah was surprised to see he was right behind her. A glance outside the plane showed her a man lying motionless on the ground. While others were closing in and firing recklessly at them. Clint pulled the steps up and swung the door closed in one swift movement. Stan turned and hurriedly headed for the cockpit.

  “How was that for a landing?” He was talking around a stubby, unlit cigar, which was clamped tightly between his teeth.

  “I’ll reserve my comments until after we get this fucking bird off the island. And you better make it quick.” He turned after securing the door. “Thanks for coming to the rescue.”

  “Looks like I got here in the nick of time, too!” Stan pointed out, looking back at Sarah and shooting her a wink.

  She attempted to smile, listeni
ng to their brief exchange, but their voices seemed to be coming from far away. Light-headed and dizzy all of a sudden, she found her breathing was becoming difficult too. Her throat felt like it was closing up on her, her mouth so dry it felt like someone had stuffed cotton in it. Just the same she held out her hand.

  “Sarah Reynolds.” She released a strangled cry when Stan took her hand in his, squeezing it gently. She swayed, sinking to her knees before either man could catch her.

  “Sarah!” Clint reached for her as she fell to the floor.

  God, what is happening to me? She shook her head to clear it of the fuzziness.

  “I…feel funny, Clint, so funny.” Things were starting to spin wildly out of control. “Clint…” Her voice trailed off as she succumbed to the black void closing over her.


  “What’s wrong with her?”

  Clint knew she’d either been bitten by a poisonous spider or was having an allergic reaction to the bite. Fear raced through him and he shot Stan a warning glance. “Spider bite. Stan, get this fucking plane in the air now!”

  Because it was a cargo plane, there weren’t any seats. Clint carried Sarah to the makeshift cot Stan used when he had to stop to rest on long flights. He laid her down gently, picking up her hand to examine it. It was swelling at an alarming rate around the bite area, a bad sign.

  “Clint…what?” She was beginning to come around. "Can't…breathe…"

  “Save your strength, angel.”

  He opened his duffel bag, digging through it for some alcohol, antiseptic and the auto- injector of epinephrine he kept on hand for emergencies. His job often took him to far off jungles in third world countries where medical care was not available.

  Without hesitation, he injected Sarah in the muscle in her thigh. Next, he unsheathed his knife and doused the blade with the alcohol, wiping it on his army blanket and then dousing it again. Picking up her hand, he tightened his jaw knowing he was going to cause her pain. She instinctively tried to pull away, but he held on tight, knowing that it had to be done.

  Before he could change his mind, he lanced the sac that was already forming around the bite. She screamed, struggling to pull away, cursing him. He turned deaf ears to her verbal abuse, steeling himself from the pain he was causing her. He squeezed out the venom from the wound and didn’t stop until he saw the fresh flow of blood, and then doused it with antiseptic.


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