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Page 16

by Daniels, Suzannah

  “Dammit, Dad. How many times have I told you? I did go over the numbers.”

  “I know it’s going to be close, but if you’ll give me a little more time, I know I can make it work.”

  “I know I told you that I was passing, and I still flunked out. Who the hell knows that better than me? This is different.”

  He held the phone away from his ear and hung it up. “I don’t have to listen to this shit,” he grumbled to himself.

  I pushed the door open a little wider. “Hey.”

  He glared at me over his shoulder, his lips pursed, his jaw clenched. “Do you always eavesdrop on people like that?”

  “Not always, but you sounded a little stressed. I thought maybe I could do something to help.”

  “I don’t need any help,” he snapped, the anger and frustration still evident in his voice.

  “Why don’t you just tell him why it means so much to you?” I asked softly.

  “I said I don’t need any help,” he ground out between his clenched teeth, his jaw ticking as he worked the muscle in it.

  My heart ached for him. I wanted to help him, but I knew it was impossible to help someone who didn’t want help. “I actually came by to tell you some news, but I guess it can wait until another time.” I slowly began closing the door.

  “Dara, wait.”

  I paused, peering at him through a wide crack in the door. He motioned for me to join him with his fingertips. I opened the door wider and walked to him, allowing the door to close softly behind me. I stopped about a foot from him, and he watched me silently, his facial expression matching his mood. My heart beat rapidly as it did every time he was near. I wanted to end the awkward silence, but my words were jumbled in my brain. I stood mutely, instead.

  Stone’s clenched jaw relaxed, and he looked perfectly comfortable as he gazed at me, which was difficult to comprehend as my own heart continued to pick up speed. I thought it might explode.

  Despite his anger, his fingers were gentle as he traced the curve of my neck, stopping to feel my pulse. He took a step closer, and I knew that he’d be able to tell that my pulse had just increased yet again.

  He leaned in and whispered, “You don’t know what it does to me to know that you respond to my every touch.” His fingers slid down further, tracing the rounded collar of my shirt, sending excruciating heat blossoming through my chest.

  Every instinct told me that I should go, but my body was held in place by a force emanating from him, by a magnetism so powerful that my own will was insignificant in comparison.

  His soft lips found the column of my throat as he leaned me against the rough, red brick on the back of the building. I heard my own sharp inhalation, and I stopped breathing as my mind concentrated on the feel of his lips as they gently caressed the tender flesh of my neck. Not realizing that I had ever made the move to touch him, I found my fingers entwined in his hair as I clung to him for support.

  He pulled back and straightened to his full height. “What did you come to tell me?” he asked, his voice low with a rough quality to it.

  “I…I….” My thoughts were shattered into a million pieces, and I tried desperately to focus on his question, on why I had come here in the first place.

  He chuckled, clearly amused by my befuddled state.

  I swallowed. He made me nervous, and he knew it. Stone’s reputation with the ladies was well-known, and I had no intention of becoming his next conquest, a fact that I had struggled to remember when we were together. My reaction to him was the very reason that he was so incredibly dangerous. All the things I thought I knew, all the rules I would have sworn that I would follow were nothing more than a vague memory when I was in his presence. All my senses honed in on him, and the voice of reason was nothing more than a nagging irritant.

  He traced my collarbone, and I stared at his chiseled jawline, my eyes flickering to his mouth as I imagined his lips once again teasing their way along the curve of my neck.

  Why had I come?

  Slowly, I funneled my thoughts away from his treacherous touch to the reason for my visit. “Um…I was just going to tell you that Granny and Mr. Milton are getting married.”

  He flashed a crooked grin. “The old man’s got game, huh?”

  “Granny definitely thinks so.” I smiled. “Scarlet and Crimson are going to help me give Granny a bridal shower next week. They’re letting me use their salon.”

  “This isn’t where you ask me to go with you, is it? Because I do not do bridal showers.”

  “No, this isn’t the part where I ask you to go with me, but I’m assuming it is the part where your conceit surfaces yet again. If I were looking for a date, what makes you think I would ask you?”

  He leaned in close, pinning me against the wall, the scent of his cologne filling my nostrils. “Because who wouldn’t want to go with me?”

  “Me, for one.” I stared at his chest, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

  He placed his palm over my heart. “Dara, you can deny it with your mouth all you want, but your body screams the undeniable truth.”

  “Which is?”

  “You want me.”

  “No, I don’t,” I said firmly, denying his claim.

  “I don’t want to hear your words,” he whispered softly in my ear. He kissed me tenderly along the curve of my cheek, and then his lips found mine. As if the July heat wasn’t enough, I was now very close to disintegrating from the flames that he ignited within my soul. My head warned me that he was dangerous. My heart begged me to savor the moment.

  My hands wrapped around him on their own accord, pulling him closer, and once again, all coherent thoughts melted into the tiny recesses of my brain while my heart won this battle.

  He pulled away, and I found myself lifting my face toward him, not wanting the kiss to end.

  He smirked. “See. You do.”

  My face burned three different shades of red. He was right, and he knew it.

  He tugged on my belt loops with his index fingers. “I need to get back in the store. What are your plans for the day?”

  “I was just on my way to get some invitations, so that I can get them in the mail today.”

  “Why don’t you take care of the invitations, and I’ll pick you up at seven? We’ll go eat at Awesome Sauce, and you can tell me all about the bridal shower. I can’t guarantee I’ll be listening, but you can tell me.”

  I slapped him playfully on the shoulder. “Just what girls want. An inattentive date.”

  “I didn’t say I’d be inattentive. I just said I might not be listening.” He watched me with his glacier-like eyes, a sparkle of mischief glinting in them.

  “Who can pass up an offer like that? I’ll see you at seven.”

  He kissed me lightly on the lips. “See you then.”

  I watched him as he entered the back door. Once the door closed behind him, I walked along the outside of the building until I reached the front parking lot and crossed the road to get to Granny’s car, which was parked in front of Crimson and Scarlet’s salon.

  I spent the rest of the afternoon working on the invitations. Most of them were for local delivery, but I had also invited Granny’s only living sibling, her older sister who lived in Nashville, Tennessee, and her daughter and granddaughter. I had seen Granny’s sister, Shirley, and her daughter, Vickie, a few months ago when they had come down for a visit, but I hadn’t seen my second cousin, Felicia, since I had stayed with them for the summer about three years ago. I called Vickie to give her a head’s up about the bridal shower, and luckily, she assured me that they could attend.

  I knew it would mean a lot to Granny for them to be there, so I was ecstatic that Vickie had already confirmed.

  While getting ready for my date with Stone, I chose a pair of white shorts, a royal blue tank top, and a pair of strappy, white sandals. I straightened my hair, carefully applied makeup, and sprayed on my favorite perfume.

  Having a few minutes to spare, I waited in the rocker on t
he front porch.

  It wasn’t long before I heard the familiar sound of his motorcycle’s engine. I watched the road as he came into view, wearing a pair of khaki shorts, a black, pullover shirt, and tennis shoes.

  When he removed his helmet, I marveled at just how handsome he was. As he approached the porch, I noticed that his brilliant blue eyes contrasted with his dark hair, making them seem even more vibrant. I stood on the top step of the porch, and he came to a stop on the step directly below me, lining our faces up perfectly. Unable to help myself, I reached out and traced his jawline. I wanted to tell him that I found him beautiful, but I knew he had heard those words from many girls before me. I remained silent.

  He said nothing, just watched me as my fingers caressed his skin. When they reached his full lips, I thought I heard him suck in his breath, but I couldn’t be sure. I leaned in closer.

  In one quick move, his long fingers captured my wrists, and he turned my palm up and gently kissed the center of it. “Your touch is driving me mad,” he whispered breathlessly as he looked upon my face. “If we don’t leave now, Granny will be out here momentarily with a shotgun.”

  I giggled. “Granny isn’t home.”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  “No. And maybe we should discuss that. You do realize that I’m not like the other girls you date, don’t you?”

  “You don’t find me incredibly sexy and irresistible?” he asked, a crooked grin softening the hard planes of his face.

  “Stone, I’m being serious.”

  His grin faded away. “Dara, I know you’re different. Hell, I feel different when I’m with you. I’m not saying I wouldn’t accept your invitation. I’m just saying that I’d be satisfied to do nothing more than spend a little time with you tonight. So what do you say? You want to go eat?”


  He lifted me up against his body, his arms wrapped tightly around my back. “And then later, maybe we can discuss that invitation again.”

  I slapped him on the shoulder. “Later, Granny will be home with her shotgun, so you’d better be on your best behavior.”

  “It was worth a shot,” he said, lowering me to the ground. He took my hand and led me to his motorcycle.

  Awesome Sauce was packed, as usual. I waved to a few of my friends as I followed Stone to a booth. Most of the time, it was the same crowd that was here. I didn’t see Crimson and Scarlet, but I did see Chance sitting with a few of the football players from school. Mike Waters wasn’t around either, and I wondered if he and Crimson were out on a date.

  I turned back around to survey the other side of the restaurant, and I saw Jessie staring straight at me, her dark hair hanging in curls, her red lips shining like a brand new fire engine.

  Stone spotted her, too, and he acknowledged her with a nod. She flashed him a seductive smile, and I struggled with a twinge of jealousy that gnawed in the pit of my stomach. I averted my gaze and took a deep breath, and then exhaled, expelling the unwanted emotion.

  Throughout dinner, Stone and I talked about the upcoming bridal shower and wedding. We talked about the bookstore and the fact that there were only a couple of weeks left to increase sales. We talked about the upcoming school year.

  When he finally paid our check and we left, we decided to ride to Quail Mountain Park on top of the mountain and watch the sunset.

  “Ah, hell,” Stone grumbled from behind me. “You have got to be freakin’ kidding me.”

  I noticed Jessie standing outside with a large group of teens, and I wondered if something he had seen had angered him. I turned back to look at him, and a storm brewed in his eyes. His jaw clenched. “What’s the matter?” I asked, alarmed.

  He pointed to his bike. “You see that?” he asked.

  I turned to look at his bike, searching for a flat tire or a scratch. “What?” I asked.

  He walked up beside me and pointed to the handlebars. “That,” he ground out in a low, menacing voice. A white, rolled-up piece of paper was wedged in the handlebars.

  He snatched it up and handed it to me. “Read it.”

  I took the note from him and gently unrolled it. My eyes skimmed over the words before I read them aloud.

  “What does it say?” he demanded, anger evident in his voice.

  My eyes flitted from his face back to the note. “Don’t screw with me. Leave Dara now.”

  “Where is he?” Stone asked, his eyes scanning the parking lot. “He was here a few minutes ago. Where is he now?”

  I found Chance standing in the same group as Jessie. I supposed that I hadn’t noticed him before because I had been focused on her.

  Stone saw him, too, and he immediately moved in that direction.

  I put my hand on Stone’s arm to stop him. “Wait,” I pleaded. “He said that he wasn’t leaving you these notes.”

  “If not him, then who?” Stone asked. “Do you have another boyfriend?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Chance,” he shouted across the parking lot.

  Chance immediately looked up.

  Stone held his hand out, waiting for me to hand him the note. I gave it to him and cringed as I realized everyone in the parking lot was staring at us. Crimson and Scarlet had just arrived, and from the looks on their faces, I knew they wanted to know what was going on. They sped up their pace and headed in my direction.

  Stone held the note up in the air for all to see. “Do you seriously think I’m going to leave Dara alone because you’ve taken the time to type up a sweet little note?”

  “Dude, I’ve already told you,” Chance responded, remaining amazingly calm. “I haven’t been leaving you any notes.”

  “Who else would want me to stay away from Dara?” Stone demanded, clearly not believing Chance’s claim.

  “Maybe she wrote them herself,” Chance replied. “I don’t know what she sees in you, anyway. Not when she could have me, instead.”

  “Chance!” I yelled, aggravated that he was making the situation worse.

  Stone stormed in his direction, and Chance brushed past a few people in an effort to close the distance between them.

  I quickly tried to catch up with Stone, but it was Jessie who stood between the two of them first. I stared at her, unsure if I felt horror or relief. Her short skirt clung to her hips, and her long, slender legs ended in a pair of sexy, red heels, a perfect match to her fire engine lip gloss.

  She held her hand out to Stone, motioning for him to stop. “Stone, calm down.”

  He slowed as he glanced at her. “Jessie, this has nothing to do with you.”

  He quickened his pace as he headed for Chance.

  “Stone!” she called, moving her body in front of him. “It wasn’t Chance.”

  That got his attention.

  “Told you,” Chance mumbled.

  “Then who was it, Jess?” he demanded in a loud, deep voice. “Tell him to get his ass out here right now, and we’ll settle it.”

  “Stone, calm down,” she said, her voice loud, but pleasant.

  “Who is it, Jess?” Stone asked between clenched teeth. “Did you see who put this on my bike?”

  “It was me,” she answered, and then chewed her lower lip, her white teeth contrasting sharply with the bright red gloss. “I know it wasn’t Chance because I did it.”

  “Shit, Jess! Why would you do that?”

  I actually felt sorry for her as she faced Stone. She looked scared to death. But I had to admit, I had a burning desire to know why she would do that, too.

  “Because Stone,” she said, “I’m in love with you.”

  It was so quiet that I would have sworn that someone had just hit the mute button and we were all actors in some crazy sitcom.

  “No, no, no,” Stone said over and over. “No, Jess.”

  “I am, Stone,” she swore, as her lips began to quiver and her eyes filled with tears.

  “No, Jess, you’re not,” he assured her.

  She stood silently, nodding her head as th
e tears spilled onto her cheeks.

  “Shit!” Stone cursed, ramming his hands through his hair. “Come here,” he whispered to her, pulling her into his embrace. “Don’t cry, Jess.”

  Everyone stood staring as he soothed her. Scarlet elbowed me and said, “Told you to stick with Chance.”

  I didn’t respond. I really didn’t know what to say or what exactly was going on.

  Stone looked back at me and saw Crimson and Scarlet flanking me. “Crimson, could you take Dara home for me? Jess and I need to talk.”

  Crimson nodded.

  Stone looked at me. “We’ll talk later, Dara.”

  I didn’t respond. I turned to Crimson. “Could you take me home now?” I asked.


  I was thankful that it was a short ride home from Awesome Sauce and that Crimson and Scarlet were relatively quiet. I didn’t feel like talking.

  I had barely made it into my bedroom before the tears started falling.

  Chapter 11


  I woke up to my phone buzzing. I squinted against the bright sunshine pouring through the blinds and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. It was almost noon, and I had missed calls and text messages from Stone, Crimson, and Scarlet.

  The events of last night assaulted my mind like poison. I groaned as I realized it wasn’t a dream. My life really did suck.

  I didn’t know what I had expected. I knew Stone’s reputation before I had ever agreed to spend any time with him. He was so different than me, so different than any guy I had ever dated, not that there had been many. When I was with him, life was exciting. I had felt things that I had never felt before. That included last night. I could never remember feeling so crushed by a guy.

  I had tried to hold back the tears, tried to tell myself that it was no big deal. But it was. I was crazy about Stone, and I don’t think I realized it until everything shattered at my feet. And to make it even more memorable, I had visions of voluptuous Jessie with her pouty, red lips and mile-long legs that I could not get out of my mind. What guy wouldn’t be enticed by her?

  Heck, even now, I felt a pang of sympathy for her. It might be easier to cope with that pang if I had been the one who had actually come away from the evening with the guy.


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