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WEAKENED: The Manhattan Bound Series Book One

Page 34

by Juliet Braddock

  “Ooh...!” Fuckballs. Her naked ass sat right on the kitchen counter, and the work of his hands did little to curb her escalating need for him that morning. In fact, the tickle of his fingertips as they played so dangerously close to her lower lips brought her so very dangerously close to the edge. He barely touched her, and she still hankered for more. “May, I Kind Sir? Come…please?”

  “Uh…no…” he said. “But thank you for asking for permission like a good girl…”

  “Those words…” she moaned and closed her legs tight. “Oh, those two fucking words…”

  “Yeah,” he grinned, all the way from his lips down to his rising cock. “I know. Now tonight…”

  Her breath caught in anticipation; her lips slackened. “Yes?”

  “Do you think you’re ready for a little more?”

  That, Maxine knew, was a trick question. She simply had to figure out how to answer him properly. “Does Kind Sir deem me ready?”

  He lobbed his head as if considering her question seriously, but she could already read his intentions in those piercing eyes that she was convinced could see straight through to her soul. “Perhaps…but we still have some discussion leftover from yesterday. Safewords. Negotiation. It’s all in the details, Maxine.”

  “Please just touch me, Sir?” she begged.

  “Can’t do that right now,” he said. “It’s getting later and later…and you…”

  Just her damn luck the doorbell rang. Fucking Claudio. His timing just sucked.

  “First, you have to have breakfast. And then, I do believe you have to get ready for a birthday brunch.”

  “What? You don’t think I should greet Claudio this morning?”

  “I told you, Maxine. I don’t share my toys at all—especially not one as valuable as you.”

  As Drew made his way to answer the front door, caring little for the fact that he sported a raging erection that was quite evident through his boxers, Maxine hopped off the counter, nearly bruising her bare bottom along the way. Now that she'd opened the doors to pursuing an active sex life, she'd never been so intimately frustrated in her life!

  Of course, breakfast could never be just a meal with Drew—especially not when she wasn’t wearing a single stitch of clothing. All the while, his hands continued to tease, rubbing her all over and skimming not so subtly over her hard nipples.

  And Maxine couldn’t just taste the bagel, loaded with cream cheese and fresh salmon. She had to sniff it out first, like a cat, and then slowly bring it to her lips. However, as she began to chew slowly, her nod fell in with the curve of a smile on her lips.

  “I think she likes it,” Drew observed.

  “Not…bad…” That smoky flavor blending with the richness of the cream cheese was rather delightful. “Hmmm…it's good, really…”

  “Next you’ll be eating sushi like a champ, little one.”

  “Don’t push your luck, Mack.” Mack and Max, she suddenly decided, had a lovely ring to it.

  In the daylight, though, Drew’s focus strayed from their basic lust for each other. He could count her ribs. He could feel the rather sharp bones poking out from her shoulders. Glancing at her knees, he felt his worries mounting. One fall and she could dislocate a cap so easily. His only comfort, though remote, came in the fact that she was taking her medicine and had good intentions of following up with all of her specialists. Help was on the way, but not fast enough for his liking. He wanted to rid her of nightmares once and for all, yet he knew that the residual effects would likely haunt them both for a very long time. Therapy and pills could only improve her life to a limited extent. Maxine had to learn how to love herself before she could fully recover. And that could take some coaxing.

  However, Maxine didn't pick up on his scrutiny. So lost in his touch, she reveled in her excitement.

  “So, I think that we both need a little—ahem—stress relief. Before we part ways this morning.”

  “And I think you’re so very wrong, little one. Just keep thinking about tonight.”

  “Humph,” she groaned and crossed her arms over her chest. Two could play his little game of denial.

  “This,” he took her hands and placed them on the table right beside her paper plate, “is why we use restraints. And the only thing that’s stopping me right now is the fact that you need to finish every last bite there…”

  “Well, you’d be out of luck because I don’t have anything to bind my hands!” she shot back. “Unlike you, I don’t keep a spare pair of handcuffs in the drawer.”

  “Who needs handcuffs?” he wondered out loud. “There’s the tieback from this curtain…the belt of your bathrobe…”

  “You trying to tell me that you can build an S&M dungeon anywhere?”

  “Ah, little one—don’t ever question my creativity when it comes to improvisational kink,” he warned. “I can build a dungeon out of anything…at any time…”

  “Are you…will there be pain tonight?” she looked up from her bagel.

  “Only if we’re in agreement that you can handle it,” he assured her. “Maxine, I’ve never played with a novice before. And the last thing I want to do is hurt you—or upset you. We’ll take this as slowly as necessary…”

  Oh, how she hated to even think of his ex-girlfriends…submissives…whatever he wanted to call them. “Did they…the others…already had some sort of…experience with the lifestyle?”

  “Quite a bit, actually,” he said, “but one never knows exactly what they’re getting into with a new partner. Especially in this realm of kink.”

  “Should I be afraid of you? Because I’m not…”

  “Oh, you will be…” he teased. “But I promise not to scare you too much until I have your complete trust.”

  “You know…” she said, feeling suddenly shy, “you’re not the typical Dominant—at least not from what I’ve gathered in my research so far this week.”

  Leaning against his chair, Drew braced himself. The backrest was rather unsteady. After he bought her a new toaster—and a fire extinguisher—some kitchen chairs were an obvious necessity. “And what exactly is a typical Dominant, Maxine?”

  She had to think—to choose her words carefully—as she didn’t want to offend him. This was simply a new lifestyle that she had agreed to sample, and she wanted to understand the mindset as best she could.

  “Angry. Forceful to the point where the decisions made for a submissive aren’t always the smartest. Having a final call on everything from when I call my father to what I’m wearing…”

  “Well, you’re wearing nothing right now, and it’s quite lovely, but I have no problem with your wardrobe choices. You’re quite feminine and always elegant, and I like that,” he said. “And why should I be angry all the time? We’ve both got issues, but why take them out on someone else? That gets you nowhere but into stupid arguments that probably shouldn’t have started to begin with. Further, given that you’ve already threatened me with your father’s gun collection, I think he’s the last person I want to piss off. What else?”

  At that, she had to giggle, and she wondered if they'd reach a point in their relationship where he'd meet her dad. However, Maxine remained hopeful. “Quite honestly, you're not the typical haughty, overbearing, ego-maniacal, douchebag stalker that I've been reading about…”

  As the words fell from her lips, Drew nearly doubled over in his own uproarious laughter. After he’d composed himself, he winked. “You wait until rehearsals begin, little one, and you’ll see my ego in full swing.”

  Somehow, though, Maxine doubted that. From everything she’d always heard about him, even from Jillian, he actually had one of the best reputations in the theatrical community. Always the gentleman, he treated everyone—from his often petulant co-stars to the ticket-takers at the front of the house—with the same respect. People liked him.

  “And you know…your care and concern for me far surpass your sexual needs,” she continued. “You're…well…you're quite romantic!”

; Drew loved her like this—so exposed to his gaze. He could see the evidence of her chagrin, deep red blotches fanning over her face and down her neck and filtering over her breasts. Relationships were new to her, and he adored hearing those utterances of freshly awakened joy brim from her words. Drew wasn't anywhere near finished with the courting of Maxine Kirk. However, he could find some relief in the fact that he was doing his job to the best of his ability, illustrating how romance could indeed be both sweet and sour at the same time and leaving her with a need for more.

  “One can’t be romantic and Dominant?” he pondered. “Our reputation is far worse than I imagined on that thing you kids call the Internet. Believe it or not, some of us do actually like to include the rose with the thorns.”

  “Yeah, and I like you a little prickly,” she said and reached up to touch his stubbly chin. Now that they’d made love, she couldn’t stop touching him, and for the first time in her life, she enjoyed being touched. Even just the brush of his fingers over her palm thrilled her. Admittedly, she had it bad for Drew, but everything with him and about him just seemed so very right—even the rough edges to his seemingly perfect persona.

  “If I do my job right—and I do it well—you’ll not only embrace my control, but you’ll seek it out.”

  Drew watched her as she decided to take one more bite out of the second half of her bagel, and then washed it down with a swig of coffee. At least she didn't wrinkle her little nose that time.

  Coffee was growing on her. She was now swearing like a sailor. And she’d earned her first punishment. While he hadn’t intended for her to make so many changes, both big and small, Maxine seemed to be evolving into a new woman—one who accepted change.

  This sweet little lady who had tripped over her own feet to find him left him reeling for more…

  “Alright, little one,” he said, rising from his wobbly chair, “I hate to do this, but we must part for a few hours.”

  “Gonna head out of here just like that, Mack?” she teased with a nod toward his shorts. Maxine didn’t dare pull at them again. He already had plans to punish her from her earlier incident with his boxers.

  “What the hell? Maybe that asshole photographer from the Post is waiting outside. Give him a show.”

  While he pulled her close, he offered her just a snuggle. No kisses. She’d have to wait.

  “We're seeing each other later?” she questioned him once more.

  But he hugged her tighter. “The only reason I’m leaving now is because you’ll never get out the door if I stay. And Ben is much too important in your life to disappoint him.”

  She’d never bail on Ben. Not even for Drew.

  “And little one?”


  “You were truly mind-blowing last evening,” he said. “Just being inside you…watching you as you came with me…you are truly exquisite…”

  “Oh, Drew…” She pressed closer and slithered up his chest as far as she could, then rested her hands on his shoulders. “Just one more time? Please…?”

  “Not now, little one. You need to reserve your energies—for later…”

  “I’ll be exhausted by my own needs by then,” she said.

  “Horny little one, aren't we?” he smiled and took her hand as he made his way back to the bedroom to pick up his clothes and to dress. “Oh, Maxine…I feel guilty, shaking you up like this when you have to face Ben's parents this afternoon.”

  She eyed the small box of condoms on her nightstand, then turned to Drew with a wicked grin as he slipped those perfectly fitted trousers over his long legs.

  “Quickie?” she giggled.

  “Awfully bold of you to beg,” he said as he pulled his shirt around him and began to button up.

  “How can anyone possibly exert that much control over his sexual needs?” she asked, then dove down toward the bed and spread herself out for his amused perusal. “You know you wanna hit this…”

  “Literally and figuratively.”

  Hips bouncing with impatience, she wailed, “But this is torture…”

  “Bondage…discipline…sado…masochism…” he clucked. “You’re enjoying every second, and you know damn well how much you’re going to appreciate this deprivation later.”

  Any sane person would just ignore him with the intention to masturbate the second he left; however, Maxine fully intended to immerse herself in her new role as a submissive, if for no other reason to prove to herself that she was indeed capable of self-control.

  “Five o’clock?” she asked him, sighing with resignation. She had six long and miserable hours to go. Perhaps that old trick of a rather chilly shower might alleviate some of the tension between her legs.

  “Five o’clock, little one,” he said then paused for a moment to examine her bed linens. “Just a couple of little spots. See—I told you that you didn’t bleed much. I’ll take this to the dry cleaners on my way…”

  He truly left no stone unturned, she thought to herself as he just swooped that big old blanket up into his arms.

  “Hey, wait…!” she called out and grabbed for her robe as she tore off to follow him down the hallway. “I need that thing tonight…”

  Drew turned his head to face her over his shoulder. “No, you don’t. I think my bed has one that will keep you quite warm…”

  Clue, Maxine. Get one! “So I should pack an overnight bag?”

  “Probably a good idea.”

  When at last they’d reached the front door, she hopped up and down on her feet to try to reach him for a quick stolen kiss, but between his height and the blanket bulging in his arms, she knew she had engaged in another epic fail.

  “Tonight, little one,” he repeated and bent down to place one tiny peck upon her quivering lips. “Until then…”

  The door clicked to a close, leaving Maxine completely alone. Eyes closing, she allowed this feeling of exuberance overwhelm her. Glee held her in its delightful grip and wouldn’t let her go, and for the first time in a very long time, she permitted herself to enjoy this moment.

  In her grief, she so often felt guilty when she uncovered a bit of happiness, fearing that her joy detracted from her remembrance of her mother. That morning, though, she realized that she could make peace with her sorrows. Judy wanted nothing in life but to see her daughter smile. Good grades mattered, but she never faulted her daughter if she brought home an occasional C in Geometry. Instead, she was the first to celebrate when Maxine was named the youngest editor to her campus’ award-winning literary magazine. She didn’t care if Maxine was the most popular girl in school, but hearing her giggle uproariously with the one true best friend she’d made in Ben made Judy’s heart sing.

  Now Maxine knew for certain that her mother would want to share her bliss as she embarked upon this relationship with Drew. She would still continue to grieve her mother each and every day, but Judy wouldn’t want the cloud of her own passing hanging over Maxine’s head every moment, preventing her from appreciating all that was truly good in her life. Judy loved nothing more than a celebration, and for her mother’s sake, Maxine had to deal with her grief alongside the wonderful moments that life brought her way, too.

  Looking up toward the ceiling, Maxine realized that for the first time in the fifteen months since her mother died, she didn’t cry when she thought of her as she did at that moment. Instead, she chose to find the strength in their bond that would never leave her—and strength in herself to carry on Judy’s legacy.

  “I love you, Mom. And I miss you. And I thank you every day for being you…” she whispered.

  Just as she had the morning her mother died, she felt a warmth tighten around her like a strong bear hug. That day, she knew her mother had returned to embrace her once more from beyond, and she found such great comfort as she wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her mother’s essence back.

  And as quickly as she felt the presence of her mother’s arms around her…they were gone. However, rather than leaving her with the feeling of tot
al void in her life—a blackened shadow hovering over her soul—she discovered that the glass just might be half-full this time around.

  Slowly, she padded her bare feet along the rough flooring and headed back to her bedroom to get ready for her very long day. Ben would get this. He would understand. She couldn’t wait to tell him.

  Flicking on her phone for the first time in hours, she settled back into her bed, sans comforter, and shot him a quick text, conjuring their old inside joke that always alerted Maxine when Ben ended a particularly dry spell in his own sexual adventures.

  The Eagle Has Landed

  Within seconds, Ben returned her message with a huge smiley face. He’d been waiting hours for her report.

  FUCKBALLS! Beam me up, Drewie!!!

  About the Author

  Amazon bestselling author Juliet Braddock loves eighties music, wine, food, theater and all things French. When she’s not exploring the big cities of the world—most notably Paris—she lives and writes in Manhattan, and is the proud cat mom to a very spoiled Russian Blue rescue.



  Find Juliet on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and at

  Keep flipping…there’s an excerpt from the next book!

  An Excerpt from WRAPPED,

  Book Two in the

  Manhattan Bound Series


  “Almost perfect here…now…off with the bra,” he commanded. “And just the bra…”


  “Come on, Maxine. Time is wasting. Do that woman thing where you pull it out of your sleeve. Every woman knows how to work it.”

  “Oh, Drew…”


  “Oh, Sir…”

  Reaching around, she unclasped her bra at her back through her blouse, slid one strap down over her right arm, then attended to the left before pulling it out through the tiny capped sleeve of her little polka-dotted blouse.


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