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The Four Horsemen_Chaos

Page 9

by LJ Swallow

  Seth's rooted to his usual spot on the sofa, and I pause when I see a laptop open on his lap. "Don't worry, I'm not allowed the Wi-Fi password." He doesn't turn around, and I continue past him, expecting the others are in the kitchen.


  I check Joss’s study. Ewan sits at the desk, pouring over a book. “Are you reading now?”

  He places a finger on the page to mark his place and looks around. “I’m trying to find the creature that attacked Joss. Maybe there’s a reference in a book, since I haven’t found anything online. Older magic, older enemy?”


  “How did things with Mac go?”

  “Great, but not so great. Where’s Joss? We can talk about this together.”

  Ewan laughs softly. “He’s outside with Vee.”

  “Doing what?”

  “See for yourself.” He gestures towards the back of the house and returns to his book.

  Vee’s shrieking sets me on high alert, and I rush to the kitchen door with Heath.

  I am not prepared for what I witness outside.

  Joss and Vee are covered in snow, their jackets and black beanies now white. Vee's hair hangs damp around her red-cheeked face as she laughs and dodges Joss's attempt to tackle her to the ground.

  I watch for a few stunned moments as Heath walks into the fray and grabs snow from the ground. A distracted Joss yells at him as Heath deftly shoves the handful down the back of his jacket.

  Vee's laughter peels again, and I'm shocked when the sound fills me with a warmth to counteract the cold. When did I last hear Vee laugh with genuine happiness? Have I ever heard this?

  Joss now tussles with Heath, and Vee takes advantage of their distraction to land a snowball on Heath's bare head. He releases Joss, and she shrieks and runs as he strides after her.

  I cross my arms, debating whether to join in but also knowing I won't have a choice unless I walk back into the house. Grumpy Ewan's already bowed out of the fun.

  "Xander! C'mon." A snowball lands squarely in my chest, and my knee-jerk response is to return the attack.

  Something overtakes me, and I'm pulled out of a world where demons breathe down my neck and into this snowy white one evolving in front of me. Most years, snow arrives if we're in England during winter, and a snowball fight always ensues.

  Talking about Mac can wait. I want some of Vee's positive vibes, to forget and do something I rarely do—unwind and have fun.


  I tussle with Heath, gasping out protests as he rewards my attack with his own. Cold water trickles down my neck as the snow he pushed into my jacket melts and I tear myself from his arms. Backing up, I beckon him to me.

  "I can knock you to the ground if you do that again! Joss already discovered. Ask him."

  "War, Vee?" Heath laughs and bends down to scoop more snow. "I don't need to tackle you to hit you with snow."

  I side step his missile and poke my tongue out at him before grabbing my own handful. Glancing back at Joss, I halt in surprise.

  Xander. Fighting Joss, throwing snowballs as if playing a tennis game.


  Bloody hell.

  I flinch as a snowball hits me in the back and spin around. "You're mean, Heath. You're going to regret this."

  Before he has a chance to respond, I launch myself at him, and my strength knocks him backwards until he sprawls onto his arse. He laughs up at me and holds a hand out, supposedly for help pulling him to his feet.

  I cross my arms. "I'm not that stupid!"

  "Help Joss with Xander." He points at where Xander skilfully dodges Joss’s snowballs, easily hitting him. Snow hangs from Joss's jacket and sleeves. "I want to see what happens if Xander loses."

  The childish glee takes over as I stockpile snowballs in front of myself, keeping an eye on the distracted pair. Heath appears at my side and grabs my face in his freezing cold hands before planting a cold mouth on mine. I shy away from his touch, tensing in case I feel snow down my neck next.

  "Don't you dare," I warn as he releases me and takes one of my snowballs.

  "Not for you." Heath winks as he lobs the snow across the space between us and smacks his brother in the shoulder. "These are for him."

  I almost feel sorry for Xander as all three of us pelt him with snow, especially as his reaction is retaliation with a smile rather than storming back into the house. He can dodge some of our barrage, but not all.

  Then he does something that shocks me. Xander straightens, lifts his arms upwards, and palms out in a gesture of surrender. The snow in my hand sticks to my glove instead of heading in his direction as he walks toward me. Eyes trained on mine, we meet in our usual challenge, silently weighing each other up. Like Heath, Xander has no gloves on, and his ice-cold fingers curl around my wrist.

  "Are you surrendering, Xander?" I whisper. My breath mists around my face and mingles with the same around him.

  "I never surrender to you." His mouth tips upwards at one corner

  "Yes, you do."

  My heart rate picks up further as he moves his face closer. "Not this time."

  Before I can catch up to what he's doing, he seizes the snow from my hand and smears it into my hair.

  "Omigod!" I shove at him with the force that would destabilise the others but barely touches him.

  Xander laughs and picks at the snow in my hair, while I pout. "You're going to regret that, Pony Boy."

  The ground moves as somebody takes hold of me, and I find myself slung over Joss's shoulder, my hair hanging downwards. He has a strong hold around my waist and I grip his jacket as he charges away from Xander.

  "Joss! Put me down."

  "Huh, I'm rescuing you from Xander."

  "I do not need rescuing," I retort and wriggle against him.

  I’m dizzy as Joss swings in another direction and calls Ewan's name. I move my head and see Ewan standing in the doorway, holding a beer, and sharing the others' amusement.

  "You're playing with fire there," he calls. "Don't upset Vee or she’ll bury you in the snow.”

  "Listen to him," I reply and attempt to loosen Joss's fingers.

  "Do you want to land on your head?" he asks.

  "Do you want to be in trouble with me?"

  "Yes, please." Joss laughs and smacks my backside. "I'll look forward to it."

  He sets me upright again, and I stagger, woozy from the blood running from my head. Joss's mouth twitches into a smile, and he leans forward to whisper, "You won't win against me either."

  I wrap my arms around his neck. "We'll see about that." My lips touch his as I speak, and I step back with a smirk. "Are you coming outside, Ewan?" I ask.

  "Looks like you four are ready for a break." He lifts up his bottle. "Maybe later."

  "Boring sod," calls out Heath and rewards Ewan with a snowball to the chest. "Can't have you missing out."

  Ewan gives him the middle finger and turns back into the house. "Don't stress, he normally needs a few more beers before he's any fun. You'd think Xander would be the fun police, but nope."

  I screw my face up. "He's right though, I'm getting cold now."

  Joss's face switches to concern. "Sorry."

  "Don't be, I got you all too."

  Leaving behind the others and their snowy fun, I walk after Ewan and catch up to him in the kitchen, where he's setting beers on the table next to a pack of playing cards. We've not spoken much recently, and I always feel the tension when we're alone. He shakes his fringe from his face and for the first time in a while smiles at me.

  "You're a mess, Vee."

  I shiver despite the warmth I stepped into. "Why didn't you join us?"

  "I was about to, but think I was too late." He approaches and pulls my damp glove off, before surrounding my icy fingers with his warm ones. "Bloody hell, you are cold."

  I almost joke to Ewan that he could warm me up, but I sense his wariness and decide not to make things awkward. "I'm okay, I’m about to change."

s good to see you relaxed." Ewan pushes a strand of damp hair from face. "I'm happy to see you smile.”

  “Why didn’t you join in?”

  He wrinkles his nose. "I don't like the snow. Pisses me off because I can't ride my bike if the roads freeze over. I kinda need that escape right now."

  Ewan’s look grows wary. Is this a Ewan-style attempt to open up about the other night?

  “I think it’s important to have your own space.”

  He pulls off my other glove and watches as he rubs my red hand. “I’m sorry I pushed you away, Vee. I shouldn’t have said those things to you.”

  “No, I needed to hear them.” I dip my head. “Look at me, Ewan.”

  His grip tightens as his eyes meet mine. “Joss said you’ve changed your mind.”

  “You opened my eyes to what I was asking, Ewan. I wouldn’t only destroy myself in the process, I’d destroy us too.” My heart hurts again, as he falls silent and I ache for him to understand and believe my words.

  “I’m glad.” My pulse kicks up a notch as I look back into his green eyes, sensing the barrier still there.

  Pulling my hands from his, I place them both on his cheeks. "I want to get close to you, Ewan. Please don’t hold back from me."

  He smiles and wipes a hand along my cool cheek, before tipping my face upwards. “I doubt I’d be able to, even if I tried.”

  His words surge a happiness through me to match how I felt outside, and I break into a smile as he searches my face with his fingers. “You really are bloody cold though. You’re shivering, and I’m sure that’s not just because of me.”

  I poke my tongue out at his joke.

  “We’ll talk later.” He kisses my lips briefly. “We’ll figure this out. Go change.”

  “Sorry you can’t ride your bike,” I say with a smile. “I’d like to join you sometime.”

  He chuckles. “You hated my bike.”

  “I just need more practice.”

  “Okay, some time when it’s safer.” He points at the table. "Downtime, a few drinks, and maybe wiping the floor with Xander at poker might help."

  "I don't play poker."

  "I'll teach you, but I’m not playing with Seth." He picks up the cards and taps the box against his chin. "Seth's poker face is too good."

  I hang my fluffy white towel on the door and look between the bath and shower as I peel off my damp top. The large tub looks more inviting; I deserve a soak in the bath today, if we're pausing in our crazy crusade for a few hours. I begin to fill the bath and soon water steams into the room, joined by the aroma from the vanilla bath gel I locate in the cupboard. I pull off the rest of my wet clothes and dump them on the floor.

  As I swish the water, I decide if this is ‘me’ time while the guys play poker, I’ll need a book to read too. Grabbing a towel from the chair in the corner, I wrap it around myself and head back to Joss’s room. He has a few stacked on his dresser, but I’ll avoid the ones he uses for research. I don’t want supernatural stories joining my peaceful bath.

  As I pass the top of the stairs, Seth appears and halts eyes widening. I grip the towel knot at my chest, aware it doesn't go past my knees. Fleetingly, I wonder how often Seth sees girls naked—or semi-naked—as he looks at a point behind my head instead, cheeks pink.

  "Sorry, Vee."

  "No, you're okay, I'm the one wandering round half-naked. I didn't think." Often I'll walk between the bathroom and a bedroom in just my underwear, never uncomfortable around the men I live with. I thank the stars I chose a towel today and avoided embarrassment.

  "I was going to take a shower while you were all busy. I didn't want to get in the way. I thought you were just changing." He stammers out an excuse, and continues to look past me.

  "All good. I can take a bath later if you want to use the shower?"

  "It's fine. I’ll come back.” Seth finally looks at me and fails to stop himself flicking a gaze the length of me; at least his look doesn't linger anywhere but my face.

  "Well. Yeah." He turns away to walk back down the stairs and my heart goes out to the lonely guy, excluded by the guys again.

  "Seth. If you could be more open with the others about yourself, I think it would help."

  He looks back over his shoulder. "There's not much to know I haven't shared. Surely they don't want to hear my childhood stories, and I can't see them wanting to take part in a bonding session."

  I laugh, despite the sadness in his voice. "No. You're probably right."

  "I know I keep saying this, but be careful of them, Vee."

  "I don't need to be." I tug my towel tighter. "I'm fine, honestly."

  "I know they don't tell me everything, so I don’t have all the facts. But what I do see is they’re struggling. I don't think this chaos we’re all fighting will end anytime soon." He pulls off his glasses and examines the lenses, before replacing them and looking back at me. "I think it's here to stay."



  I'm unsure how many strings Portia needed to pull to allow all six of us to the fundraising weekend at Alasdair's Scottish country estate. Ewan explained the Horsemen's finances allow them to buy into situations. If there's one thing a charity likes, it's promises of large sums of money, so that helped Portia persuade the Foundation to allow six delegates. Joss jokes that siphoning corrupt organisations' bank accounts is starving them, so his powers are being used in the right way.

  So, six places are “bought.” Three delegates and three partners. The guys calmed down about the affront to their sexuality, but Seth couldn't hide his amusement at the long and complicated discussion over who would 'be' with who. Due to his need to police Seth almost at all times, Xander and Seth are paired up. Who knows how that'll work out? Not well. Joss has his wish and Heath is his partner.

  Leaving me with Ewan.

  Is this deliberate? A ploy by the others to matchmake us like we're Giant Pandas or another endangered species who need to get it on? Since our talk, Ewan has lost his wariness around me, and although we're more relaxed around each other's company, his affection remains at touches or hugs.

  I made a mistake suggesting I could lose my humanity. Each passing day, the Vee who loves the guys pushes away the strange voice that intrudes sometimes and I vow to fight this.

  Heath and Xander’s news about Logan shocked us, but Logan's demon connection calms my fears about the darkness inside. It’s obvious his actions were an attempt to cause division between us and the fae, and perhaps each other too. But we all know the darkness exists; all Logan did was point out and trigger the hidden fears.

  There was a short debate over whether we should tell Portia straightaway but reached the consensus that we find concrete proof, and not just the words of a lowlife dealer. As Xander says, she’s protected, more so since the attack, and after our investigations here, we’ll switch to following him up.

  The drive to the estate takes six hours, and we travel in every car, Ewan on his bike. I think all four vehicles is overkill, and Heath whispers to me that Xander wants to show off his car amongst the other prestige vehicles. Xander informed me it's because he wants anybody suspicious to know he's there. Personally, I think the six of us will be a big indicator to anybody demonic or otherwise that we mean business. And not the kind of business most attendees mean. There's debate whether we should stop half way for a night, but Xander rightly—although brusquely—informs us that this isn't a UK touring holiday.

  I chose to travel with Heath and Seth in his car. A winter trip on Ewan's bike doesn't appeal, and Heath's has the most room. I nod off somewhere between Yorkshire and the Scottish border, waking to the West Highland's rugged landscape. Snow covers the surrounding countryside and when we leave the motorway for smaller roads, the snow reaches the edge. I'm grateful no more falls while we drive; I don't want to face snowdrifts or accidents.

  We arrive at the estate late afternoon, driving through the tall trees along the narrow road leading further away from local villages we passed throug
h. As we approach, a helicopter flies overhead, and I watch open mouthed as it descends towards the opposite side of the property.

  Portia wasn't joking about the money involved here.

  Cars sporting personal number plates fill a parking area, the prestige models vying for top spot. An Audi TT catches my eye. Red. Convertible—not that anybody would use that in a Scottish winter. I daydream for a moment, picturing myself driving the car and smile at myself. I'm a Horseman, so why hasn't anybody offered me my steed yet?

  I climb out of the car into the frosty afternoon. Grey clouds heavy with more snow give the day a strange light. Evening arrives early in this part of the country, and the peaks surrounding us like sentinels already fade into the gloom.

  The magnificent property mixes old grey stone with a modern atrium built to enjoy the views. Two storeys high and several times bigger than the guys place, the building even sports a small turret.

  "Do you think the vampires live up there?" pipes up Seth and points. He's shot a look from Ewan and Xander, and he rolls his eyes. "Sense of humour lacking again?"

  In addition to the sudden cold from stepping out with no jacket comes an immediate discomfort as we approach the people grouped close to the house front. A young woman dressed in a smart skirt suit, long brown hair touching her shoulder, stands, tablet and stylus in her hands, as she addresses the delegates in front of her. We wait behind the two men in business suits with their wheeled suitcases.

  She indicates which direction they should walk, and they wander away, talking loudly as the girl turns her attention to us.

  Seth stays close to my right-hand side, the guys on my left. The relationship between the five of them remains shaky, but Seth's decision to stay quiet and not interfere helps, especially with Xander. I've sensed his disagreement several times, but Seth backs down as soon as Xander's temper rises along with his voice.

  The girl looks up, and I wait for the inevitable reaction. None. She's in a hurry, flustered as she glances behind us at others approaching. The woman runs a finger along the screen. "Six? You must be the Alexander Landon group?"


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