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Billionaire Stepbrother - Addiction: The Complete Series

Page 10

by Stephanie Brother

  She became aware that the man had been stroking her breasts, gently tweaking her left nipple with his fingers. He had been moving his hand between her spread legs, gathering the moisture from her pulsating lips, and then lubricating her nipples with her pussy juice. Sarah moaned with the intense pleasure and then groaned as he pinched her nipple, pulling it slightly upwards. She wanted to fuck him, to suck his cock. She wanted to drain his balls dry of the tasty, salty semen she knew was inside of him. She rolled to allow him better access to her nether region and shoved her brown pucker at him. She wanted to suck the pussies of these women, eat their asses and get fucked by them. She felt her body start to convulse with her need. She reached over and grabbed the man’s pants, trying to pull them down, to expose his obvious, enormous erection. But, he took her hand from her and placed it between her own legs.

  “Wait? What? What’s wrong? I want to suck your dick! Please!” Sarah moaned. She was on fire, and only sex would quell the burning desire she had in her loins.

  He only smiled. He stood and motioned to the two women. The one girl was kneeling at the tuft of the other one, her moist pink tongue almost touching the girl’s clitoris. It looked like a special pink candy morsel to Sarah.

  “Lick her! Eat her clit!” she hissed at them.

  They stood up, and then left the room. The man, smiling, left as well.

  “Where are you going?” she cried. The door closed as they went through, and she was suddenly alone.

  Sarah lay there, confused, and then masturbated furiously. She came quickly, moaning and yelling, and even crying a bit.

  She rolled over onto her come-soaked hand, then, exhausted, fell asleep on the massage table. She dreamed of eating out the plump girl, and her pussy pulsated in her silent slumber.

  While she slept, four servants moved her to her own room, and gently placed her on her bed. They covered her, and made sure she was comfortable, then left.

  Another set cleaned up the spa and the massage area, making it ready to accommodate their next client.

  Across the compound, all was being made ready to service the Master, and engage the sexual engine of the Grand Ball. The party would soon begin, and all of the guests were expected to be refreshed and ready for the romp.

  It was an event that would change Sarah forever.


  Chapter Fourteen

  Sarah started from her reverie; she had dozed off as she thought of the last time her path had crossed with Walter Reighland.

  “We’re almost here, darling,” said Ted.

  He swung the Bentley around a curve, and the GPS spoke to them with a velvety smooth female voice that coolly informed them that they had, indeed, arrived.

  Sarah found she had soaked her panties through. Luckily, she had a change of clothing in her luggage. It was a learned behavior.

  Ever since marrying Ted, they had found that they were almost constantly aroused around each other. Many times, she would fellate him while he drove or masturbate him while they were stopped at a traffic light.

  Often she would wave at the other drivers around them, toying with the women especially. She got a naughty thrill that she had only experienced a few times in her life.

  Once, as they had stopped at a light, one particular old maid had shot her a seething look. Sarah had taken great pain to engulf Ted’s entire turgid pole, slowly, all while staring at the woman directly in her eyes.

  She bobbed on it, opening wide to take it all in, and then raised her head, a silver thread of saliva drooping from her lips to the tip of Ted’s cockhead. She smiled at the woman, who jack-rabbited her minivan as soon as the light had turned green. Laughing, she finished Ted off, his hot jism shooting over her foundation.

  As Ted maneuvered the Bentley into line, a magnificent black limo, its windows blacked out all around, pulled up next to them, and it was waved into an enormous garage. It descended down the ramp and disappeared around the curved walls. Sarah thought she could see the silhouettes of two people as the light ricocheted off the glass and wondered who was in such a vehicle.

  Ted pulled up and a valet opened the door. Another valet simultaneously opened Sarah’s door and held out his arm to assist her exiting the car. She graciously accepted and tied her sweater around her waist as she stood.

  “Welcome, Sir and Madam, to the Ocaba Bien Estates. This is the personal favorite resort of Mr. Walter Reighland, your host. He is most excited that you have accepted his humble invitation to this meager abode,” said the valet.

  The recitation had the sound of memorization, but the valet delivered it to them with such earnestness, that they were convinced that the entire gala event was on their behalf alone. Sarah remembered this about Reighland’s staff. They were smooth, polished and able to immediate placate and defuse any situation.

  “I need my travel bag from the boot,” she told her valet.

  “Very good, Mrs. Ghent,” he said and went to fetch it.

  Sarah was only a bit surprised at his knowing her name but knew this was standard operating procedure as far as Reighland was concerned.

  She noticed as a noiseless cart approached, that was capable of carrying four passengers. The driver pulled alongside the Bentley and took the small case from the valet, placing it in a bin at the back of the cart. Then, he escorted Sarah to the rear seats, where he assured she was comfortably seated.

  “Ma’am, may I have your cooperation? I need to personally affix the safety harness?” he said. Sarah lifted her arms, and the driver expertly secured her, making sure the belt did not cause her any discomfort.

  “Sir, if I may?” he said to Ted, who had taken the seat next to Sarah. Ted also lifted his arms, and the driver strapped him in as well.

  “Secured, and departing for Oscar Zulu, Ranger Five-four,” the driver intoned, seemingly talking to himself.

  A voice answered, as if from nowhere, that Ted nor Sarah could discern.

  “Affirmative, Five-four. Proceed to Oscar Zulu. Luggage and sundries will be there upon your arrival. Control out,” said the disembodied voice.

  “Please keep your arms and legs inside, Mr. and Mrs. Ghent. We shall arrive at our destination shortly,” said the driver. With that, he operated some levers and foot pedals, and the cart zoomed towards the lagoon.

  The windscreen cut off most of the turbulence, but Ted and Sarah felt the exhilarating rush of speed as it tore across the manicured lawn, heading straight towards the water. Ted was alarmed to see the driver had no indication of stopping, but Sarah put her arm on his, holding him back from any impetuous action. She smiled at him.

  “Sit back and enjoy the ride, dear,” she said.

  The cart crossed the shore to the lagoon and then floated above the waters as it journeyed to its destination on the other side. Ted was flabbergasted. It was almost magic.

  There was no noise, save the wind, as the vehicle, suspended a good foot above the waves, traveled speedily over the lagoon. As it reached the other shore, the driver swung it about towards cut between two cliffs. As he passed by them, they dropped down an inclined ramp that suddenly veered out over the ocean far below.

  As the vehicle spun back to face the cut, they could see that, below the cliff, reaching down to the ocean shore, was something that appeared to be a crystal tower embedded within the cliff face. People were situated at various levels, taking in the magnificent views. It was as if a skyscraper had been melted into the rock wall.

  The cliff rose five hundred feet off the ocean, and the side of it was a series of balconies and escarpments that hung breathtakingly out from the rock. It was apparent that a party was in full swing.

  “Mr. Reighland would like you to enjoy the Sixth Level if you would be so kind,” said the driver.


  Chapter Fifteen

  Brett and Kady had managed to get presentable during the rest of the drive to the ocean house.

  The limousine pulled into the long, cobblestone drive…the sound of the tires cla
ttering along the stones made Kady and Brett laugh. They had seen this very thing in their youth, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Many of the streets were maintained to present to the inhabitants of that city the unending appearance of antiquity.

  They were surprised by the sheer number of exotic cars, luxurious vehicles, enormous and ostentatious recreational vehicles and even the occasional aircraft. As their incredible transport pulled alongside the entrance, they also noticed boats and yachts anchored in the quay around the lagoon which was the primary focal point of the venue.

  The limo paused, waiting in line for to be admitted to the sacrosanct grounds of Reighland’s exquisite compound. Kady and Brett, both now refreshed by their escapades in the hot tub, and having taken advantage of the fresh clothing, were fascinated by all the various celebrities and mover and shakers that they were spying.

  “Look!” exclaimed Kady. “Isn’t that …”

  “Yep. That is certainly Iron Man’s girlfriend!” said Brett.

  He marveled at the number of easily identified movie stars, and other famous people who were exiting their limousines and personal transports.

  “I wonder what is bringing them all here?” he said aloud.


  Chapter Sixteen

  Sarah and Ted were dropped off in front of the huge arch at the base of the cliff, and stood looking up at the incredible architecture. Sarah’s professional appraisal of the amount of money it would have taken to construct such an edifice staggered her. Ted stared, unable to conceive of how such a project could have been undertaken, and not talked about in the trade journals and other media that discussed construction. It was impossible that such a thing could exist, and not be celebrated, photographed and the center of attention across the entire Industry. It was as if “Citizen Kane” had been filmed in IMAX, yet no one had seen any advertisements, it never got an Oscar nomination, and no one even knew about how or when it was filmed.

  As understanding slowly dawned upon them both, they realized that they were traveling in an entirely different circle, a rarefied level of human existence hidden not only from the masses, but also intensely secretive and protective of its members. The things they were seeing were in the realm of science fiction. Yet, they were real.

  They could see tubes inside the structure, like at a water park. The tubes allowed the guests to travel effortlessly from level to level, just by walking into one. Somehow, the person stepping off the platform four stories above didn’t fall screaming to their deaths in front of the Ghents. Instead, they were gently lowered, exiting the tube and smiling as they passed by.

  Ted and Sarah were stunned. This technology was years, even decades ahead of any modern elevator systems. The passengers merely waited while their descent or ascent took place, and then went on about their fun.

  All around them, beautiful people were drinking, eating and talking. The food was unusual in appearance, and strange, wonderful smells accosted their senses. It was astonishing in its epicurean complexity.

  A servant walked up to them, handing them goblets of a golden bubbly brew.

  “Compliments of Mr. Reighland,” he said. He left, stepping into a tube that flew him up out of their sight.

  Nervously glancing at each other, Ted and Sarah sniffed and then sipped their drinks. A delightfully flowery, yet potent flavor hit their taste buds.

  “I wonder if it’s alcoholic?” mused Ted.

  “It’s definitely something mind-altering,” said Sarah. She remembered her previous encounter with Reighland. A slight frown crossed her face. She knew what to expect, and wasn’t all too sure of herself. Last time she had encountered Reighland, she had been immature, and unsure of what she wanted from her life.

  She remembered the ultimate fallout, which was the exit of Bob from her life. She realized Bob had been a mistake, and the subsequent months after the Paris event led to an acrimonious divorce from his wife. He had gone on to try to marry Sarah, but her eyes had been opened by Reighland. She wanted far more than Bob could ever provide. She wasn’t nor ever had been poor or even middle-class, in her estimation, and wasn’t going to go backward. Bob was dumbfounded by the way she completely ignored him. He didn’t understand what he had done wrong, nor could he perceive that he was no longer desirable as a partner to Sarah. His ego had led him to believe he could keep a harem of his own, after the events at the Grand Ball. But, he was ill-equipped, emotionally and financially, for the toll it placed on him.

  Bob’s divorce destroyed the respect he had held in the eyes of his employees and peers. He tried desperately to keep his business afloat, but odd occurrences took their toll. Within two years, he was destitute and friendless. He never recovered from Sarah’s refusal to marry him. He eventually committed suicide, driving his car full-speed into a bridge pylon on the Interstate.

  When Sarah had found out, it was several months after the crash. She barely even registered that it had happened. Bob wasn’t in her league, and he just didn’t get the hint when she had unceremoniously dumped him. She felt pity that he was such a stupid man, even if she had enjoyed their fucking. But, she told herself, it wasn’t her fault. She had never given him any indication that she wanted him as a spouse. She did like to suck his dick, she thought with a grim smile. And, he could suck toes like no one else. But, his novelty soon became tiresome, and she had moved on.

  Her life was ahead of her, and she had to think of Kady. Bob wasn’t going to ever be the kind of father Jim had been, she knew. Too bad for poor old Bob.

  She stood, looking at the ocean, and the sky as the sun made a magnificent display in the clouds. She sipped her drink, coming to a decision.

  “Ted, we need to talk,” said Sarah.

  “Well, this is a hell of a time to ask for a divorce,” he joked. “What’s on your mind, dearest?”

  “I want you to remember that I truly love you and that you are my soul mate,” she began.

  Ted, sipping at his drink, eyed her cautiously. “That sounds ominous,” he said. “Care to tell me what’s going on?”

  “I haven’t been entirely honest with you about some things, over the years,” she said. “I don’t want you to feel hurt, or that I was trying to avoid anything.”

  “Okay, I’m listening,” said Ted. He walked over to her, and attempted to give her a hug, but she backed slightly away, turning her left side to him. She looked into his eyes, where she could see worry. That was the last thing she needed…

  “Ted, this party is not something that I think you have ever experienced,” she said. “It’s so far and above what normal people have done that I am not sure we should even stay one minute longer.”

  “What do you mean? If you think a swinger’s party is something I don’t know about…” he said.

  “This isn’t a swinger’s party, sweetie,” she interrupted. “This is bigger than you, and I. It’s about power, wholly and utterly. It’s all about Walter Reighland. And, it’s why he bought Pecker. He needs to take Ghent, International, Incorporated, and he is using Brett and me to do it.”

  “What the fuck are you saying? Are you working for him, Sarah?” cried Ted, aghast.

  He dropped his goblet, which shattered on the floor. A robotic device whooshed across the ground to collect the shards, and another one sucked up the spillage. A third one came over as the first two were leaving and polished the marble and granite floor back to its original sheen. Then, it disappeared as well. The entire mechanical ballet took less than a minute.

  Ted and Sarah watched the robots as they did their little cleaning dance.

  Ted looked at her, in horror, true comprehension dawning.

  “You’ve slept with Reighland?” he said.

  Sarah, a tear falling down her face, was silent. She tried to sip from her goblet, but her hands were shaking. The memory of Paris intruded into her thoughts, and she wondered if she had truly sold her soul that night so long ago. Poor Bob, poor stupid, stupid Bob.

  At that moment, a man walked up behin
d them. He was tall, handsome, and rugged.

  “Welcome to my home!” said Walter Reighland.

  He walked over to Ted and shook his hand.

  Then, he walked over to Sarah, kissing her full on the mouth as he hugged her tight. To Ted’s surprise, she responded in kind. The goblet fell from her hand, crashing into bits.

  Ted watched, incredulously, as his wife and his mortal enemy embraced.

  The robots emerged to clean up the carnage, but they were helpless to assuage the pain in his broken heart.


  Chapter Seventeen

  Brett and Kady stepped out of the limousine, and were met by three attendants. One was a good looking man, and the other two were stunning women. The man spoke briefly to the Driver, who smiled back at them. Then, the limo was gone.

  “Welcome, Sir and Madam, to the Ocaba Bien Estates. This is the personal favorite resort of Mr. Walter Reighland, your host. He is most excited that you have accepted his humble invitation to this meager abode,” said the man.

  The man gestured that Brett and Kady should sit in the rear seats of a sleek cart, that looked to hold four. As they were seated, the women walked over to each of them, and made sure that they were properly secured in the cart with harnesses. Then, the three attendants backed away, as the driver spoke, seemingly into the air.


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