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-Worlds Apart- Ruination

Page 12

by Amanda Thome

  She takes her hands off our wooden table. “In order for the citizens to rekindle their love for the leap they must believe you and Mr. Jackson refused because you’d been offered something favorable. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from Central.”

  A wicked grin pulls at the corners of her mouth. “Luckily, Central created a scenario that’ll convince the nation that you two made your decision out of patriotism. You’ll want to accept our offer… unless you want us to exile Emma to the foreigners?”

  I push to my feet crashing my chair to the floor. “Emma? You can’t send her there! She didn’t do anything wrong!” I tremble with rage.

  “Calm down Miss Hollins. Nobody wants to send her there. That’s why we’re certain you’ll cooperate.” She walks around me, tipping my chair upright and forcing me onto it. “As I was saying, you’ll go on the announcement confirming the story. We’ll tell the citizens that just prior to the banquet you were told of the ‘scout’ position we’d offer to the second place testers.”

  “Scout? I’ve never heard of that.”

  “It’s a position Central created last night to cover the damage you and Mr. Jackson caused. The citizens will be told that your job requires you to live free from the others. We’ll tell them that you and Mr. Jackson will be spies, protecting us from the foreigners.”

  Her steps sound hollow against the floor. “Of course it’s all a lie. You’ll live in the wild and provide for yourself. Nothing but the clothes on your back will be given to you. You must never have contact with another citizen or else Emma will find herself imprisoned by the foreigners.”

  My hands shake with rage. My world’s caving in around me. I’d thought the pillars of my life were crushed last night but now I realize there were still beams to be struck. Garrett’s gone and soon I’ll be without my family.

  “How can you expect me to survive alone?”

  She grins at my question, “Oh no Miss Hollins, you won’t be alone. You and Mr. Jackson will face this fate together.” My heart stops. I’d rather die than be forced to live next to him.

  “I’ll kill him.”

  “Then kill him or let the elements kill you. Either way it’s no matter to me. You’ll be at the announcement tomorrow to convince this nation of your excitement to be offered the scout position. You’ll make them believe you refused the leap for this opportunity and then you’ll disappear. Do I make myself clear?”

  The rage has reached my eyes; they’re burning with a passion. “Crystal clear,” I choke.

  “In that case, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She places a bag on the table as she turns to leave, “You’ll wear this, we insist.”

  The door creaks closed behind her as I reach for the package. Inside is my uniform, a green bodysuit with a gold zipper splitting the center. I pull out the heavy black boots that lace-up the front. My costume to play the part of ‘scout.’ I’ll do it for Emma, but I will get my revenge.

  Chapter 22

  I grab the package and storm from the house just as the hovercraft lifts towards the sky. I spend what remains of my last day at our river. The water seems to flow slower and the trees look smaller than ever before. Twice I think I hear Garrett approaching from the brush behind me. My heart jolts with excitement only to endure it crumbling with disappointment when I turn finding the woods empty. The winds are cold but I fight them and stay. I haven’t broken down today, not like yesterday. Yesterday I was weak. I let my soul feel the sharp edges of reality. Not today, I’ve had to numb myself the best I can. Today Central wins and I lose what’s left of my life.

  I slip home well past dark, watching Papa in his restless sleep as he tosses and turns, whispering my mother’s name. Maybe that will be me. Forever belonging to one person, a person that’s no longer part of this world. Mama was the love of his life, all these years later I wonder if he only feels the loss as he dreams. I wonder if his heart aches for her during the daytime or has he found a way to calm the torturing binds.

  I leave Papa and turn my attention to Emma, she sleeps peacefully with the tiny rising and falling of her chest nearly eclipsed by our heavy blanket. Who’s going to take care of her when I’m gone? She’s too delicate, too soft to be without me. Will she think I abandoned her? Of course she will. She has to believe I wanted to leave, it’s the only way to keep her safe. She will slide into bed tomorrow night and for the first time ever her heart will know loss. She will feel the pain and binds that I’ve always tried to shield her from.

  This is my last night to see them. Central announced that a mandatory meeting of all citizens would be held at noon tomorrow. Each sector was instructed to meet in their pavilions where they’ll watch Tyler and I accept our role on the projectors. Emma and Papa will be standing amongst the other citizens and fed a lie that I must make them believe.

  First light has just broken when I hear Emma rising from our bed, pattering down the narrow hall. She rubs the sleep from her eyes. “Nessa, did you hear about the meeting today?”

  “Yeah, I heard.”

  “We should all go together, don’t you think?”

  My voice falters for a moment but I regain my composure. “You two go without me. You’ll see me there, I promise.”

  Emma has to believe this is something I want if I’m going to protect her. Papa joins us with a grunt.

  “I was just telling Emma that you two should go without me, I’ll come on my own.” Papa’s treaded lightly since the banquet, he wouldn’t dare question me now.

  “Suit yourself,” he says as I push myself from my chair.

  “I have a few errands to run before noon,” I say letting my eyes take a final sweep around our small home.

  Years of life flash before me. I try absorbing all the love and warmth this place holds. I’m being robbed of so many things today but I can’t let them see that. I hold onto one of the paper creations Garrett made for me. I took it from my dresser last night and turned it over again and again in my hands. It felt so flimsy, so small in my palm but somehow it gave me strength and courage. It gives me something to hold onto. I reach the door and at the last moment I stop. I’d planned on leaving without a goodbye but I’m not strong enough.

  “Emma, you be good.” She looks at me intently as I turn to Papa. “Papa, thank you for making me strong.” I turn, pulling our creaking door wide as I exit. My heart breaks as the door closes behind me. Tears threaten my eyes as I round the corner but I refuse to let them fall. I stride boldly to our hillside to retrieve my uniform from the branches where I left it yesterday.

  I undress, tossing my green uniform aside. I no longer need that uniform, it’s a part of the old me. I stand in the chilled air a moment before pulling the new uniform over my pale and shaking skin. It fits tightly, sealing the cold from my body. I fasten my boots and twist my hair into a braided knot.

  I must have read the note affixed to the package a hundred times since Natalie left it with me yesterday. It’s burnt into my mind. I take one last inhale and look at our river as I picture Garrett bathing in the waters only to see him fade away.

  My boots feel heavy on my legs and my breath’s hot against my lips as I walk to the shuttle. I board, riding alone toward the banquet hall. When the shuttle arrives I don’t stumble like I did nights ago, now I stride to the front door with my head held high. I won’t let them see me broken.

  I reach the wooden doors surrounded by the towering marble pillars. I tear them open. The room’s hollow and barren, all except Natalie, Tyler, and a regulator. I can’t tell which of them makes my blood boil more. I hate Natalie with a fierceness only Tyler can compete with. I want to run on stage and attack them both. The only thing stopping me is knowing Emma will be exiled to the foreigners if I do. Natalie steps to me, flashing her cold smile.

  “Miss Hollins it’s a pleasure to see you. I trust you know what’s expected of you?” My eyes glance to the projection screen that amplified the banquet-masters beady eyes nights ago. This time I see my face reflected with raging eyes.

  “I’m fully aware,” I snarl at Natalie. Tyler’s voice startles me, stirring an ardent revulsion.

  “Try to look excited,” he says looking at me. I immediately turn away. “Neither of us wants this, but we don’t have a say. I’m sure they threatened you like they did me.” He glances down at his feet, letting the pain reach his eyes. “We have to snuff our anger, make the nation believe. Tryin’ isn’t good enough either. We have to convince em all.”

  I want to lunge at his throat but he’s right. The animosity in my eyes will give away our charade. His eyes travel back to mine.

  “Whatever they’re using against you, picture it safe. You can do that, you just gotta make em believe.” I see Emma smiling on our bed as I braid her hair. My eyes soften just as the clock strikes twelve.

  Natalie interrupts, “Stand near me at the podium and remember what’s at stake here.” We fall in line beside her. The spotlight powers on and the cameras buzz to life. Natalie clears her throat and the show begins.

  “Ladies and gentleman, it’s been years since an announcement such as this has been made. I can assure you Central would not have brought you together if it weren’t for reasons of utmost significance.” She smiles, “Three years ago we came together on a day much like today, standing in the very places you stand now. Each of you learned that the foreigners had managed to find a weakness in our walls and successfully laid an attack to the Inner sector. Lives were lost that day.” She skillfully pauses, letting the listeners absorb her message.

  “I’m here on behalf of Central, not to break news of horrors such as those, but to bring word that new measures are about to be placed that will ensure the foreigners never have the chance to breech our walls. Never rob another citizen of breath!” She pauses and I imagine cheers rising from the pavilions nationwide.

  “Since that attack, Central’s been devising a new line of defense to thwart future attempts. Central’s proud to announce the first lines of defense will be held by the highest ranking citizens in the Inner sector! Let me introduce you to your new protectors,” she waves and Tyler and I to step into view. The cameras scan to us, we’re frozen on stage.

  “Miss Vanessa Hollins and Mr. Tyler Jackson! They proved themselves worthy of making the leap, however deferred their placement to pursue the role of scout.” Natalie pauses. I envision the hordes of people muttering in the pavilions, trying to understand what she’s saying.

  “Two nights ago the top contestants were told that the second place boy and girl would take the distinguished and most important new role of scout. It was for this reason that these two brave and honorable citizens stayed. They made the ultimate sacrifice to forgo a life in Central in pursuit of providing protection for all the Inner citizens.” We nod our heads in agreement, just like the note told us to.

  “They’ll serve as an elite task force like shadows in the night. They won’t live among you; instead they’ll patrol the walls, providing valuable information about the strengths and weaknesses of the Inner and those of the rebel foreigners. They’re prepared to sacrifice everything so we’ll continue to be safe!”

  Tyler grabs my hand and I instinctually try wrenching it free. He holds strong and raises our arms in a triumphant pose. His smile isn’t like the one I saw that night by Grove Street. It’s forced but still convincing. He squeezes my hand, reminding me to follow suit. I force the best smile I can manage. The humming of the cameras cease and the spotlight dulls, the show’s over. Natalie steps from the stage, leaving us standing with our arms raised.

  “Let’s hope that was enough for both of your sakes.”

  I retract my hand from his warm grasp. I’m about to ask what’s next when the hum of a hovercraft breaks my thoughts. I exit the stage running to the sound. I don’t know why I’m running, why I’m in a hurry to begin my death sentence. As soon as I fling the doors open the wind from the craft nearly knocks me off my feet. Tyler steadies me and I instantly recoil. I glare at him.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  “Sorry, I was just tryin’ to help.”

  “That’s the thing, I don’t want your help. The sooner you get that the better. Got it?”

  “Yeah. Got it.” He looks wounded. For a minute I almost feel bad for him but then I think of Garrett being dragged off stage. I hear him yelling my name as Central took him from me. My hate’s re-kindled.

  The wind from the craft calms as it maintains its position fifteen-feet off the ground. Blades of grass bend from the wind pressure. The base of the silver craft expels a steep ramp that glides to the ground. Without hesitation I square my shoulders and enter. I want to look back for one final glance at the place I call home but my pride won’t let me. I climb aboard with my eyes fixed forward. I hold my head straight and steady.

  I’ve never been on a hovercraft before. As I seat myself across from Tyler I’m suddenly jolted upward. My head hits the bar above me, bursting my vision with patches of light. I recognize he didn’t jolt when the craft took off. My eyes narrow and I see he’s fastened a belt around his waist. My hands sweep my sides finding the straps, I secure them around my stomach.

  I’m not sure how long we’ve been flying; it’s hard to tell time without a window to watch the sun. All I know is my mind’s been wandering as I picture Emma and Papa sitting together tonight, all alone. I didn’t have a proper goodbye. I can’t help wishing I could go back and hug them more, kiss them more, and tell them how much I love them. Looking back I see all the wasted moments in my life. Moments with them and Garrett.

  Suddenly my stomach’s sent into a cartwheel as the craft abruptly drops before it holds steady. Sadness is instantly replaced by fear. I appreciate that this is it, I’m about to exit into territory that’s completely foreign to me, no food or shelter and wearing only the clothes on my back.

  My fingers fumble with the buckle; it reminds me of my leap-test. The way my fingers danced across the cuff right before Natalie rescued me. My mind’s brought back to the present as the hovercraft opens its floor, lowering the ramp. I push from my seat, determined to exit the craft before Tyler. I don’t want him thinking I’m scared or need anything from him.

  The first thing I notice is how dark it is outside. It’s the blackest black I’ve ever seen. I stride down the ramp, my foot sinks into calf deep mud. I want to curse but I know that’s what Central wants. They want to see me struggling one last time before they leave me to die. I bite my tongue and lift my leg from the sinking mud. It makes a sucking noise as it breaks the surface. Tyler shouts as he hits the mud.

  “Shit! Can you believe this?”

  “Yes I can, and I can handle it. If you can’t, that’s your problem.” I’m annoyed and it’s obvious. “Listen, I’m going to live out here alone. I don’t want you around so just go your own way.”

  “Vanessa, you can’t be serious? It’s too dangerous out here alone. We can look after each other. We don’t have to be friends, but we can keep each other alive.” He sounds almost desperate.

  I keep pulling myself through the mud toward the tree line. “I’d rather take my chances and die alone than be with you.”

  He groans, exasperated. “What’d I ever do to you, besides save your ass that night with the Borgs. Remember?” I freeze, I’d hoped he wouldn’t recognize me.

  “So what? You saved me from a stupid mark. Who cares about marks now? Look where we are! I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I was supposed to be with him. You ruined that, you ruined my life.” He doesn’t say anything for several minutes, then finally he talks.

  “I did what I had to. One day you’ll get it.”

  “Whatever Tyler. I’m going to those trees and I expect once I’m there I’ll never see your face again.” He gets the message because he finally stops talking and breaks his trail in the opposite direction.

  The only sounds are my heavy breathing and the sucking noise of my boots sinking into mud. My body’s trembling from exhaustion. Sweat pours across my forehead. By the time I break the
trail to the tree line my body feels weak and ragged. My muscles knot and burn as I scramble on my hands and knees, clawing my fingers into the mud-ridden grass.

  I reach the first trees, they’re weak and snap under my pull but I keep trying to grasp at their weak silhouettes. I need them to wrench myself the last few feet onto solid ground. I break the first three saplings in half but on the fourth I finally have hold, wrenching myself out of the mud onto the hardened ground.

  I need a moment to rest, a few minutes to regain my strength. My breath steadies and my burning thighs turn to a dull ache. I’ll move in a minute…

  Chapter 23

  I awake dazed and utterly confused. The first thing I’m able to focus on is the aching pain radiating throughout my entire body. I prop myself onto my forearms, listening to the loud rapping noise of a bird. I sit listening, it becomes clear: I’m at the edge of the Inner, exiled, and alone. Alone, the word’s hollow yet holds so much weight.

  I can’t dwell on that now, I need to find water. There’s got to be some around here; the mud didn’t come from no-where. Turning around, I see last night’s mud pit’s glazed with frosted tips. My fury ignites, Central did it on purpose, they probably spent an entire day melting the ground so it would be thick mud for our arrival. Just another reason I’ll get my revenge one day.

  My legs shake as I break my way through the thick masses of trees. The smallest rustling in the bushes makes me jump. My confidence and courage have left me. The woods near my home used to be a welcome retreat. I suppose knowing home was just a short walk away gave me security and strength that I don’t have here. The midday sun’s just breaking through the clouds when I see a small winding stream that’ll be my water source.

  I drop to my knees, scooping handfuls of water, sipping it slowly. It’s cold and earthy but I drink. Sitting back on my heels I see a rolling hill that looks down over the stream. It’ll suffice as my home base, its got high grounds to protect me from flooding plus I can keep watch for any incoming foreigners.


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