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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

Page 46

by Harry Potter


  The next morning, Harry was pleasantly surprised to have Hermione cuddle up to him on the couch.

  “I heard what you said to... or yelled at... Gryffindor yesterday,” Hermione informed him. “I’ll glad you realized it was a mistake.”

  She showed Harry just how glad she was by kissing him passionately. He cupped her face and relished her kiss. He had missed her touch so much over the past few days that he was starving for more.

  When they broke apart, Hermione’s lips were swollen and her eyes were dark with lust. She bit her lip before saying huskily, “Let’s get out of these clothes and use that paddle I got from Courtney.”

  The two lovers dashed up to his room and Hermione quickly opened his trunk and began rooting around in it. She pulled out his Invisibility Cloak and Marauders’ Map as she asked, “You put the toys in here, right?”

  “Yeah, it’s under my robes,” he replied and began to toe off his shoes.

  In a moment, Hermione withdrew the paddle and held it high like a precious treasure.

  “My bottom is going to be so-o-o-o red!” she cheered happily.

  As Harry started to unbuckle his belt, a thought occurred to him; “Um, Hermione,” he began.

  “Yes, love?” Hermione replied while unbuttoning her blouse which appeared to be a little difficult since she was still clutching the paddle in one of her hands.

  “You said you heard me yell at Gryffindor yesterday?” Harry asked.

  “Yes, I was up in my room,” she informed him. “I took a couple of books from the Library up there to read.”

  “But later, you walked by me and shot me a nasty look,” Harry pointed out.

  “Well, yes,” she said sheepishly while loosening another button. “I thought you needed to suffer just a little bit longer.”

  “WHAT?” Harry cried out. “I was miserable! I was worried sick. I actually threw up! And you thought I needed to suffer even more?”

  “Harry, that was in the past,” Hermione said in a soft tone trying to calm Harry’s anger. “But right now, I’ve been naughty and I deserve a good spanking followed by a wicked shag, okay?”

  To prove her point, Hermione brought the paddle down on her bottom. ‘Harry, Jr.’ was more than willing to let bygones be bygones. All the organ really cared about was play time with Hermione. But Harry himself was quite upset. Hermione had let him stew in his own self-loathing even though she had forgiven him in order to make him suffer a little longer. He buckled his belt back up.

  “What are you doing?” Hermione asked.

  “I reckon that I’m going for a walk,” Harry said as he slipped on his shoes. ‘Harry, Jr.’ was protesting, the appendage wanted to play, damn it!

  “But we haven’t had sex in eight days!” Hermione argued.

  “I’m very mad right now,” Harry said slowly and turned to the door. As he walked out of the room, Hermione called out;

  “You can take your anger out on my bum!” she cried out. “There’s even a paddle for Merlin’s sake!”


  Harry normally didn’t hold a grudge, but Hermione had pushed his buttons too much. She had toyed with him and now he was paying her back. He was still angry that she had intentionally let him suffer. He ignored her much like she had done to him.

  Mind you ‘Harry, Jr.’ did not like this at all. The organ voiced its complaints by strangling its baggage until they turned a nasty blue color. But Harry ignored the organ; he wanted Hermione to feel sorry for hurting him.

  Hermione was a determined witch and she tried to sway Harry from his course. She first tried dropping hints in front of him by saying such things as “the dew is on the flower” and “I have an itch I can’t scratch.” After that failed, she resorted to less tactful hints like “Get over here, Harry, and shag me!” She even attempted to jump him while he was in the shower.

  But Harry would have none of it. And he continued to ignore Hermione.


  It was upon them; school was about to start.

  McGonagall called Harry, Hermione, Ron and Luna into her office. It was very clear to Harry that the Headmistress was taken back by his and Hermione’s appearance. Both of them had a scowl etched on their faces and bags under their eyes. It had been some time since they had last touched each other and it was showing.

  “Are you two okay?” McGonagall asked.

  “Fine,” both Harry and Hermione replied. Well, Harry muttered a barely audible ‘Fine’ and Hermione bitterly snapped her response.

  Pressing on, McGonagall explained, “I have created a Portkey to take the four of you to King’s Cross station.”

  “Why?” asked Ron. “We’re already here. What’s the point of traveling to King’s Cross just to take a train back?”

  “First of all, you are a Prefect and Harry and Hermione are the Head Boy and Head Girl. Therefore at least the three of you need to be present on the train,” McGonagall lectured. “Secondly, I feel that just the presence of the four of you on the train will make the other children feel comfortable. There still is a war on and if Mr. Potter is there, many people will feel safe.”

  “Will the Express be attacked, ma’am?” Luna asked.

  “I doubt it,” answered McGonagall. “The train has a number of charms and wards around it. Even with these protections, I think that Mr. Potter’s mere presence will have a calming effect on many of the students.”

  “When do we leave?” Harry asked in a pathetic way. On one hand; his balls were aching so much that he was considering giving up on his quest to make Hermione suffer. But on the other hand, Harry was an obstinate little bugger and he wanted Hermione to pay.

  “Right now,” McGonagall said and pointed to a length of rope lying on the desk in front of her.

  Harry saw Hermione look at Luna before the brunette witch requested “Can you give us fifteen minutes? Luna and I have to fetch something.”

  “We do?” Luna asked Hermione.

  “Yes we do,” Hermione said knowingly.

  “Make it quick,” McGonagall stated. Hermione grabbed Luna’s hand and dashed out of the office.

  In a few minutes, the two witches were running back into the office.

  “Are we all set now?” McGonagall asked and Hermione nodded her head. “Very well, here are the things you and Harry need to discuss with the other Prefects on the train.” The Headmistress completed this statement by handing Hermione some parchment.

  After Hermione tucked the parchment in her robes, the four teens touched the Portkey and landed at King’s Cross.

  Over the next hour, students and their families wandered in. Harry noticed that the station wasn’t nearly as full as it had been in the past. He remembered that McGonagall had anticipated that less than half the student body would be returning. By the looks of it, Harry guessed that McGonagall was overestimating a good deal.

  A minute before the train was due to depart, Molly and Ginny came scrambling out of the hidden entrance to Platform 9 3/4.

  “How is it that with only one kid, you still manage to be late?” Ron asked his mother.

  “Oh hush, Ron. Help your sister on board,” Molly retorted. The Weasley matriarch turned to Luna and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Hello Luna, how are you, dear?”

  “I’m fine, mother,” Luna replied. Molly glowed when Luna called her ‘mother’.

  “Now keep Ron in line this year and make sure he studies,” Molly told her daughter-in-law. It was clear to Harry that Molly had gotten over her anger at Ron and Luna and had finally accepted Luna.

  “I will, mother,” Luna kissed Molly on the cheek and climbed onto the train.

  “You two behave this year,” Molly told Harry and Hermione as they too boarded the train.

  Once they got on, Luna walked up to Hermione and said, “I’ll be in compartment six.”

  “Thanks Luna,” Hermione said and led Harry and Ron to the Heads’ Compartment. In a few minutes, Harry and Hermione were scheduled to begin the Prefect

  Before they reached the Heads’ Compartment though, Hermione stopped in her tracks.

  “Oh, I almost forgot something,” Hermione announced. “I’ll be right back.”

  The brunette witch turned and ran back the way they had just come from.

  “You two still fighting?” Ron asked as they continued to the Heads’ Compartment.

  “Yeah,” Harry replied.

  “Hey you two,” Ginny said after sticking her head out of her compartment. “Have you seen Neville?”

  “I think he is near the end of the train,” Harry informed her and pointed down the hall.

  “Thanks,” Ginny said with a smile and started to head in the direction Harry pointed to.

  “Wait a tic,” Ron commanded. “Why the hell do you want to know where Neville is?”

  “None of your business,” Ginny shot back.

  “The hell it is,” Ron countered. “I’m your brother.”

  “I’m a big witch Ron. I can do whatever I want.”

  “Well what is it that you want to do with Neville?”

  “Like I said; none of your business.”

  As the siblings argued, Harry felt something brush past him. He turned to see what it was but he saw nothing. He reckoned that it must have been just a just of wind.

  After a moment, Ron gave up and moved on to the Head Compartment.

  The Head Compartment was a set up like a meeting room. A desk was at the back of the room and a few rows of seats were placed in front of it. A tablecloth with the Hogwarts’ seal covered the desk.

  “I see you found it okay,” Hermione commented distractedly as she entered the compartment.

  Harry was taken back at Hermione’s appearance. When she had left him just a few seconds ago, she was looking haggard and worn out. But now she looked well rested and relaxed.

  “Are you okay, Hermione?” asked Harry.

  “Of course I am, Harry,” Hermione responded with a song to her tone.

  She walked to the table and was about to take the left seat when she stopped and looked at something under the table. Hermione then proceeded to abandon the left chair and took the right seat.

  “Sit here, Harry,” she said and pointed to the chair that she had almost taken.

  Harry took the seat and asked once more, “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yes I am,” Hermione responded after blinking very slowly. “It is very nice of you to be concerned.”

  In a few moments, the Prefects from all years and houses strolled into the compartment. Harry noticed that a number of Slytherin Prefects had not returned. After all the Prefects had been seated, Harry turned to Hermione. The brunette witch returned Harry’s look.

  “Yes Harry?” she asked while she stared at him with her eyes wide.

  “Um, McGonagall gave you the list of things to talk about,” Harry pointed out.

  “She did?” Hermione asked.

  Harry was taken back. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve sworn that Hermione was on drugs she was acting so strangely.

  “Yes, you put it in your robe pocket,” Harry reminded her.

  A rustling sound came from somewhere near Harry’s feet. A second later, Hermione reached under the table and withdrew the parchment. It was obvious to Harry that she did not retrieve the paper from her robes but from somewhere underneath the table. As if someone had handed it to her. But before he could inquire as to what was going on, Hermione began the meeting.

  “Very good, let’s begin,” Hermione stated in a sing-song voice. “First; as you’ve probably noticed, a number of students have decided not to return this year...”

  As Hermione talked, Harry felt something tug at his zipper. He was about to recoil away from the table and hex whatever it was that pulled on his zipper when a scrap piece of paper was placed in his hand. Harry read the note written in Hermione’s handwriting on the paper.

  “Luna is using Polyjuice to look like me.”

  Harry turned to Hermione to ask her what was going on. Before he could voice his question the brunette witch sitting next to him stopped reading and blinked very slowly before saying “Hello, Harry” as if she had just met him.

  Then it dawned on him. The note said that Luna was using Polyjuice to look like Hermione! It wasn’t Hermione sitting next to him reading McGonagall’s note; it was Luna disguised as Hermione. That would explain Hermione’s dreamy and distracted tone.

  Harry looked down at his lap and saw Hermione’s disembodied hands working on his zipper. Hermione was obviously hiding under his Invisibility Cloak and sitting under the table. In a few seconds, Hermione’s hands had freed ‘Harry, Jr.’

  “Since there aren’t as many students this year doesn’t mean we, as Prefects, have an easy job,” Luna continued to read.

  Hermione’s mouth appeared out of thin air and she engulfed Harry’s penis. The raven haired wizard gasped as Hermione worked her mouth and tongue on his flaccid organ. Mind you, it wasn’t limp for long. ‘Harry, Jr.’ got so excited to play with Hermione again after such a long time that it almost instantaneously sprang to life in her mouth.

  Harry stared with wide, terror filled eyes at the group in front of him. There were sixteen people sitting no less than ten feet away from him and Hermione was giving him a blow-job! She was giving him head in a confined and somewhat crowded public space! And Harry was terrified that they were going to be discovered.

  “How would it make it harder for us?” a fifth year Prefect from Hufflepuff asked Luna disguised as Hermione.

  A soft slurping sound from Hermione reached Harry’s ears. To him, it sounded so loud that it echoed off the walls and he was positive that everyone heard it. Harry was expecting one of the sixteen Prefects to ask “what’s that sound?” any second. If Harry was thinking rationally, he would have realized that the clanking sound of the train on the tracks covered Hermione’s soft slurping. But as stated previously; Harry - and men in general - do not think rationally when they are being pleasured.

  “Professor McGonagall fears that because the small number of students, some bad apples will feel the need to act up,” Luna answered.

  “Why?” Ron asked with a touch of mirth in his voice. “Fred and George left two years ago.”

  A number of the people in the room laughed at the memories of havoc that the twins wrought. Harry wasn’t one of them. He was trying desperately not to moan as Hermione continued to work his penis.

  “That is true, Ronald,” Luna offered in Hermione’s voice. “But Professor McGonagall feels that some of the students who were too shy to do such things before will blossom, if you will, with a smaller class size.”

  Even though Harry was terrified of discovery, ‘Harry, Jr.’ couldn’t care less about the other students just a few feet away. The organ hadn’t played in so long that it seized this opportunity.

  “Another issue that many people will not like is Quidditch,” Luna continued.

  “What about Quidditch?” Ron asked, his tone serious and deadly.

  Tiny beads of sweat appeared on Harry’s face. And he was quite sure that his skin was flushed and red as well. He was on the verge of a panic attack. Harry was positive that someone would somehow put two and two together, stand up and say “Hey everybody, Harry’s getting a blow-job!”

  “The Houses are very small this year,” Luna pointed out. “I doubt that there will be enough skilled flyers from each house to form a proper Quidditch team this year.”

  “What?” Ron and a few other Prefects shouted out in disbelief and immediately started arguing with Luna.

  “Harry, you’re Head Boy,” Ron shouted. “Do something!”

  Harry, who had not been paying as much attention to the proceedings as he should have, only heard two of Ron’s words. And those two words were “Harry” and “Head,” two words that Harry had feared someone would say. Our hero immediately believed that Ron had called him out and exposed the oral sex.

  “Bu-b-bu-but I-I-I” Harr
y stammered in panic.

  “Listen, it isn’t fair to us who don’t have a lot of people,” a Ravenclaw argued. “We have only one returning team member this year. The other four who were supposed to come back dropped out!”

  “So what?” one of the Gryffindors challenged.

  A full out argument erupted. Some people were contesting that it wasn’t fair to continue the games if they didn’t have full teams. While the other side argued that no one should be given special treatment just because of the small House size.

  While the Prefects argued amongst themselves, Luna leaned over and inspected Harry’s lap. Harry could see Luna examine the fellatio with Hermione’s eyes. She watched the real Hermione sucked and bobbed on ‘Harry, Jr.’ for a few seconds before turning her attention to Harry and saying, “She’s really good at that, isn’t she?”

  “Perhaps we can work out an arrangement with McGonagall,” one Hufflepuff suggested. “Maybe have some players from one House fill in for another team to even out the numbers?”

  “What are you crazy?” Ron demanded. “There’s no way in hell I’d play for Slytherin!”

  “Don’t worry, Weasel,” one of the few Slytherins countered. “We wouldn’t want you anyway!”

  With a muffled grunt, Harry came. It was like a floodgate had been opened inside of him. All the tension and stress that had built up over the past two weeks just poured out of him. That and he came a lot too. It had been building up for quite some time, you see. Thankfully, the Prefects’ augments drowned out Harry’s grunt and Hermione’s slurping.

  Panting, Harry turned to see that Luna was still watching his lap.

  “Oh, she really does swallow! You are a lucky wizard!” Luna punctuated her statement with soft but elegant clapping.


  All the Prefects except for Ron filed out of the compartment. Most of the prefects were still mumbling angrily as they left. Luna, who still looked like Hermione, sauntered over to her husband.


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