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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

Page 52

by Harry Potter

  “Hey!” Ginny said loudly. “I’m not that much of a slut!’

  Hermione countered with a “pfft” sound.

  “Ron, your sister’s a big girl now,” Harry tried to explain as Ron struggled to get up. “She can make decisions for herself.”

  “Besides, Ronald, we’ve discussed this,” Luna said in a dreamy and soothing tone. “Ginny learned from our mistake; she cannot do anything with Neville besides kissing without being forced by your mother to marry him.”

  After a moment, Ron acquiesced. “All right, fine,” he grumbled.

  Harry got off of Ron, which was a mistake. The instant Harry had released him, Ron jumped up and charged at Neville.

  “YOU TOUCHED MY SISTER!” he shouted.

  Thankfully, Harry was able to grab his friend around his shoulders. He was trying to hold Ron back, but the red haired wizard continued to struggle.

  “Ron, you’re taking this ‘over-protective brother’ thing a little too far, don’t you think?” Hermione reasoned. “Anyway, quite a number of people have touched your sister before Neville got his chance.”

  “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I am not such a loose witch!” Ginny tried to defend herself.

  Another “pfft” noise filled the air in defiance to Ginny’s remark. This time however, it was Luna who had made the sound.

  “Ginny, I love you like a sister - which technically you are, now since I am married to Ronald,” Luna said sweetly. “But Michael Corner and I are in the same House and he talked about that night in the Greenhouse.”

  Ginny gasped. “He said he wouldn’t tell!”

  “Oh, my poor Ginny, you’re so very much like the Amazonian Lake Fortainian; you’re far too trusting. And as everybody well knows, those misfortunate creatures were driven to extinction because of their trusting nature. Not only did Michael tell what you did in the Greenhouse, he wrote poems about it,” Luna added. “And you should know you’re not supposed to pull Mandrakes out of the soil that way.”

  “Hey, although I really love to hear disturbing stories about the girl I used to date,” Harry interjected as he struggled with Ron, “I need some help here.”

  “Should I stun him?” Hermione offered.

  “No, I can take care of Ronald,” Luna said and walked in front of her husband. The blonde witch tugged her robes open and exposed her massive breasts. It was quiet effective. Ron stopped struggling all together and Harry felt his friend’s breath slow and his pulse lower as the red haired wizard stared dumbly at his wife’s boobs.

  “Merlin, they’re huge,” Ginny murmured in awe as she became transfixed with her sister-in-law’s enormous mounds.

  “Come here, Ronald,” Luna said coyly. “Your wife wants to spend some special time with you.”

  Luna backed up toward the classroom Neville and Ginny had just left and Ron followed like a puppy. After the married couple disappeared in the room, Harry turned to Neville.

  “Don’t worry about him,” Harry said in a reassuring way. “He’ll come around sooner or later.”

  “Thanks Harry,” Neville began. “I appre-”

  Neville had his statement cut short because loud moaning began to emanate from the classroom.

  “They’re all ready going at it?” Ginny asked in a mixture of disbelief and horror.

  “And at it and at it and at it,” Hermione added.

  A muffled yet impassioned “Yes, right there!” filtered through the door, causing the four teenagers to feel even more uncomfortable then they already were.

  “Let’s go fetch a snack,” Harry offered to Hermione, Ginny, and Neville. The three quickly agreed with Harry and the two couples rushed as fast as they could away from the loud and various noises coming from the classroom.


  A few days later, Hermione came to the conclusion that they were ready to perform her wit-enhancing ritual. When asked about the need for the baseline as performed by a non-boosted couple, Hermione replied that the baseline could be examined later; she was ready (and randy) now. She and Harry went over the logistics of the ritual for two full hours. She drew a fairly detailed (it was an advanced form of stick figures, mind you, but that was very detailed given Hermione’s artistic abilities) drawing showing their position during the ritual. And she made sure that Harry had memorized the simple incantation he was to say when he climaxed: “Maximus Intellegentia”

  When it was time to do the act, they converted the spare Head’s room into their ritual room. Basically, they just stripped the room of all of its furnishings and drew some symbols and runes on the floor. And for their comfort, they placed a Cushioning Charm on the floor as well.

  “Now remember Harry, when you ejaculate, shout, ‘Maximus Intellegentia’,” Hermione reiterated as they both got naked.

  Harry nodded his head distractedly. After all, the two of them were standing there quite nicely naked and his mind was focused on her lovely form.

  “Okay, let’s get started,” he announced.

  For the ritual to work properly, both Harry and Hermione had to be aroused. So they kissed and played with each other for a bit before they were able to start the actual ritual. And be certain, that when Harry ate out Hermione and she went down on him it was strictly for the ritual; neither enjoyed the activity... right, sure they didn’t.

  Once they were good and aroused, Hermione took her position. First, she lay on her back. Then she hoisted up her hips and legs until she was able to place her calves under her shoulders. This obviously meant that her back had to be bent quite a bit. Even with her natural flexibility, Hermione would have had difficulties achieving this posture without the weeks of yoga practice.

  Next, Harry took his position. His posture was very simple, especially compared to Hermione’s. All he had to do was face away from Hermione, place his feet on either side of her, and squat so that his bits were in front of Hermione’s flower. This meant that because of Hermione’s almost balled-up position, Harry’s naked bottom was very close to her face. Harry assumed that her view must not have been very appealing. But, judging by the playful bite placed on his left cheek, Hermione must’ve actually enjoyed looking at his bum.

  “Let’s get going,” commanded Hermione.

  Harry gently pushed into her and began to pump. It was a very awkward position and it took a few moments for Harry to get into the flow of it. But once he got it down, he found he rather liked it.

  The way he was positioned, the only thing he could see of his girlfriend was her wonderful round bottom. This gave him ample opportunity to spank, rub, and massage her wondrous orbs.

  And Hermione seemed to enjoy the odd position as well. She was happily shouting a “yes”, “ah”, or “oh” with every thrust. And Hermione cried out “SWEET BABY MAEVE!” twice. Harry reckoned that they would have to practice this position just for the pleasure of it, the ritual be damned.

  A few minutes after they started, Harry felt his climax approaching.

  “Maximus Intellegentia!” he shouted as he came.

  A sudden wave of energy washed over him. He felt it pass through Hermione as well.

  After they caught their breath, he helped his girlfriend to her feet and she asked “Did it work?”

  “I don’t know,” Harry said. “Ask me something I shouldn’t know?”

  “Okay, how was the Philosopher’s Stone able to prolong Flamel’s life?” she asked.

  “Well, the Stone was used to create the Elixir of Life, a highly advanced healing potion. Not only did the Elixir cure sickness, but it fought off the effects of aging as well, thereby granting a form of immortality,” Harry stated.

  “It worked!” heralded Hermione.

  The couple spent the next day scouring the library. Harry read every course book from all five years of Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, whereas Hermione devoured nearly every book in the Restricted Second. Harry then had a very interesting debate with Hermione on how the laws of physics weren’t broken when magic was used, just slightly

  But when Harry woke up the fifth day after the ritual, he noticed something odd; he felt that the mental energy that had been with him since the ritual had dissipated. He had discovered that he had lost all the information he had learned while under the effects of the ritual. He remembered that he had read and understood all those books. But he could not recall anything he had learned. It was as if the things he learned was a dream, it had drifted away.

  At first, Harry was a little perplexed by the duration of the affects of the ritual.

  “Why did it only last a few days, Hermione?” he asked his girlfriend.

  “It was just a simple ritual that was never meant to be permanent” she explained. “It is similar to the power boosting ritual you performed accidentally. If we wanted the affects to be longer lasting, we would need to make the ritual more difficult and complex.”

  “More complex, eh?” Harry said with a wry grin. He was intrigued by the notion of using various poses and positions for the ritual. Perhaps they would start out by having Hermione lean against a wall and he would take her from behind, then the couple would move to the couch where she would ride him like a hippogriff, finally they would finish with some position where they were both twisted around each other like some erotic pretzel.

  “Not more complex in a fun way, Harry,” Hermione corrected. “To make it permanent, we would have to integrate some form of sacrifice, usually blood from one of us. That’s why my power boost was permanent; we used the blood from my broken hymen as a sacrifice.”

  After breakfast, Hermione came to the conclusion that they would need to have Ron and Luna perform the ritual to make sure that their results weren’t something of a fluke.

  The two couples spent the next half hour going over the ritual in great detail. Hermione drew them a picture and answered all of Ron and Luna’s questions. Satisfied that they understood the ritual, the married couple got up and went into the spare room, leaving Harry and Hermione in the outer chamber.

  A very short while later, a shout of “Maximus Intellegentia!” came from the spare bedroom.

  “That was quick,” commented Hermione.

  “You’re surprised?” Harry asked rhetorically with pride at his own stamina in comparison with Ron’s.

  A few moments later, Ron and Luna came waltzing out of the room and sat on the couch across from Harry and Hermione.

  “Okay Ron, Luna, how do you feel?” Harry asked. He was anxious to see if the ritual had worked.

  “Much more smarter,” Ron answered. Harry became a little concerned by his friend's answer. It wasn’t unusual for Ron to use improper English, but the ritual should’ve stopped him from doing so. Hermione shared a look with Harry that told him she was just as worried.

  “What's the square root of two?” Hermione asked Ron. This would prove to Harry if the ritual was a success or not. He was positive that Ron had no previous knowledge what a square root was. If the ritual worked, Ron should give the correct answer.

  “A top hat!” Ron declared triumphantly. Luna gave her husband a congratulatory pat on the back for such a good answer.

  “Um, I don't think the ritual worked,” speculated Hermione.

  “Luna, what's your favorite color?” Harry asked the blonde witch.

  “Eighty-five!” Luna answered happily.

  “I think the ritual didn't work,” Harry repeated Hermione’s conclusion.

  “That's my wife,” Ron announced. “The most smartest witch in the world!”

  “It really didn't work,” added Harry. “Is it because we had performed power boosting rituals and they didn’t?”

  “No, I think they must’ve done the ritual incorrectly,” Hermione answered Harry as Ron and Luna watched them with glazed looks in their eyes. “And it actually lowered their intelligence instead of raising it. Maybe they did the act backwards, I mean physically backwards, not in backwards order.”

  “How could they do it backwards?” asked Harry. “We drew them a picture.”

  “Harry, we’re talking about a couple who ‘accidentally’ had anal sex their first date,” Hermione pointed out. “That’s not something regular people do unintentionally.”

  “Wait a minute,” Harry interrupted. Hermione’s comment gave him an idea as to how the married coupleperformed the ritual. “Um, when you guys did the ritual, did you do anything unusual?”

  “Yes,” Luna said with a stupid smile. “Ronald missed and did me in the dirty place. Tee hee.”

  Luna didn’t end her statement with a light giggle, she had actually said the phrase “Tee hee”.

  “First of all; ow! Second: ew!” Hermione said. “And third; this is actually helpful.”

  “It is?” Harry asked, desperately trying to block the image of Ron accidentally sodomizing Luna... again.

  “Yes, we can conclude that when the couple performs the ritual anally, it actually lowers the participants’ intelligence. Therefore, it’s possible that they could return to their normal intelligence if they performed the ritual correctly. It would counterbalance.”

  “You want us to do it again?” Luna asked.

  “Yes,” Hermione answered.

  “Great!” Ron exclaimed. He immediately jumped off the couch and landed on his back with a thud. Before Harry and Hermione could stop him, Ron hoisted up his legs and grabbed his ankles and levered his bottom into the air. Luna than sprang into action. She leapt off of the couch and grabbed her husband’s hips and began to thrust her hips into his bottom. Thankfully for Harry and Hermione’s sanity, both Ron and Luna were still fully clothed.

  “I... un... think... oh... it’s... ah... working!” Luna grunted as she repeatedly slapped her pelvis against Ron’s bum.

  “I’m more intelligenter,” Ron cried out.

  “Maybe we should wait for it to wear off,” offered Harry.

  “Yes, good point,” Hermione concurred. “Otherwise I think they’d just end up hurting themselves.”


  The affects of Ron and Luna’s botched ritual didn’t wear off for two full days. The first day, Luna got in trouble for trying to use the sink in the boys’ lavatory as a toilet... three separate times. Ron got a week’s worth of detentions for demanding that Professor Slughorn needed to show him how to brew water (yes, water. The whole concept of the simple liquid confused and baffled Ron at that time). Of course, Ron had somehow snuck into Slughorn’s chambers and made his demand at three in the morning, hence the week-long detention.

  The night after the failed ritual had worn off, Luna was in Harry and Hermione’s chambers seeking help on some of the notes she had taken during Charms. Because of the ritual, her notes consisted exclusively of drawings of flowers and unicorns. Thankfully, Hermione had kept her notes from the previous year and was helping Luna catch up. Harry was certain that if Ron wasn’t in detention, he would’ve been copying Hermione’s notes as well.

  A soft, but urgent knocking drew the three teens’ attention to the door. Dobby, who had been folding Harry and Hermione’s clothes, opened the door and let Ginny walk in.

  The youngest Weasley had a bright and glowing smile on her face. Judging by that look, Harry guessed that Ginny was nearly as happy as Tonks had been when she had introduced her son, Sirius. But another thing about Ginny’s appearance caught Harry’s eye. He noticed that the red haired witch had a funny gait to her walk. It was as if she was trying to hold an invisible quaffle between her legs as she made her way to where Harry and his friends were sitting.

  “Are you okay Ginny?” Hermione asked with concern as the red haired witch waddled past Dobby who went back to tidying up something in the corner of the room.

  “He’s as big as my forearm!” Ginny declared joyously.

  “Excuse me?” Luna asked.

  “He’s as big as my forearm!” repeated Ginny. This time, she held up her right arm as if to prove her point.

  “Wait... you had sex with Neville?” Hermione asked. A smiling Ginny nodded her head in response. “Are
you mad? If Molly finds out, she’ll force you to marry him!”

  “No, she can’t,” Ginny said while grinning madly. “That old custom mum used to make Ron and Luna marry clearly states that at least one parent from each side must agree to the marriage. Since Neville’s parents are catatonic, they can’t agree so Neville and I can’t be forced to marry right away.”

  “She’s right,” Luna pointed out. “The custom is very specific about both parents agreeing. It looks like Ginny and Neville are safe because of that loophole.”

  “Not that I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with Neville. He’s a sweet bloke and...” Ginny paused and held her arm up for dramatic effect before continuing. “HE’S AS BIG AS MY FOREARM!”

  Luna and Hermione shared a look before the brunette witch asked: “Are you talking about length?”

  “As big as my forearm!” Ginny highlighted this statement by pointing to an area near her elbow then to a spot just below her wrist.

  “What about girth?” Luna inquired.

  Ginny responded by trying to wrap her left hand around her right wrist. She added, “I compared the two to make sure!”

  “Wow, you’re one lucky witch,” Luna congratulated lightly. It was clear to Harry that Luna was more than happy with Ron and had no intention of leaving him.

  “Maybe I should’ve gone with Neville to the Yule Ball when he asked me, huh?” Hermione said with a chuckle.

  Even though he was positive Hermione was joking, Harry had to defend his masculinity. It’s a thing men have to do; it’s buried in their genetic code. “One must prove how manly one is even if it’s only a joke.” Many wars had started over such things.

  Harry proved his manhood in a unique way. He gently took Hermione’s hand in his and placed his thumb on a very specific spot.


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