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I Burned Down His House (Love at First Crime Book 3)

Page 22

by Jessica Frances

  “You make me laugh, too. I didn’t realize that was missing from my life until you came crashing into it.”

  He shakes his head, his smile still firmly in place. “I’m fairly certain you crashed into my life when you burned my house to the ground.”

  “Actually, as unfortunate as that accident was, I think you crashed into mine when you brought Karma into my life, as well as Sasha, Ava, and Cynthia, who kidnapped me and made me an accessory to car theft the first time meeting them. And let’s not forget the daily photos you send me, making me laugh and becoming something I’m addicted to. I never used to check my phone more than once a day. Now I check it constantly.”

  “First up, you love Karma, and she was already part of your life. She just didn’t leave as much dog hair around your house and take up sleeping in your laundry room. Secondly, I am not responsible for those crazy women. They are nuts. That’s on you if you allow them to keep charging into your life. And thirdly, I’m just as addicted to your text messages as you are to mine, so that one is a draw.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  “I’d much rather you beg for something else.” His grin turns coy.

  “Oh, yeah, like what?”

  “How about you beg for my lips on yours?”

  Yep, the heating in this car is totally being turned up. Why the hell did I think I needed so many layers on top?

  “Would I even need to beg?”

  “Fuck no, but I’m pretty sure it would turn me on to hear you saying those words.”

  “Then please, please kiss me. I need you,” I plead, loving watching his eyes flash with desire.

  He reaches out, grabs ahold of me, and kisses me passionately. Our positions are awkward, with me leaning across the center console and my knee digging into the emergency brake, but I don’t feel anything except Joey’s lips on mine and my body’s hot response for him.

  We are in a trance, our lips mesmerizing each other’s. I’m addicted to Joey’s taste, his lips on me. I can’t get enough.

  I push forward, not thinking about how this will work, before something hits the steering wheel and the horn blasts off.

  We both jolt away from each other, the shock of the noise enough to disorientate us, before the silly kind of laughter hits us.

  My nerves vanish. I want Joey now, right this second.

  “Joey, will you take me?”

  “Take you where?” he asks me with a chuckle still in his voice.

  “You know what I’m asking you. This is a date, you said so yourself. You said you wanted to have a date with me, seduce me, and then you would sleep with me.”

  His laughter dies, his gaze turning serious. “We’re in a car, on a stakeout.”

  “You and I both know Hart is snoring his head off right now. He’s not leaving that room anytime soon.”

  “Okay,” he reluctantly agrees. “But we’re still in a car.”

  “I’m fairly certain car sex is possible.”

  “Not for our first time. I want my time with you. I want you panting and desperate for me.”

  “Newsflash, I’m already desperate for it. I bet you could get me panting within seconds, and why do you get to decide when and where our first time is?”

  He shakes his head. “Teags, there is no reason to rush this.”

  “I get that, but I want you. And at home, there’s Grayson. I know he won’t be living with us forever, but it could be a while. Are you willing to wait that much longer just to have me in a bed?”

  He seems to internally debate my words. I hope he comes to the conclusion I want, but he doesn’t.

  “Then we’ll rent a room. There is a freaking hotel across the street.” He points at the same hotel he’s supposed to be keeping watch over.

  “Okay … or you can give in and have fantastic car sex.”

  He snorts. “Have you ever had car sex? It’s rarely fantastic.”

  Well, okay, I haven’t had car sex. And wasn’t I just freaking out earlier and every minute before then about my first time with Joey? Do I want this because I want this, or because I know, if it doesn’t live up to our own hype, we can blame it on the car?

  “I hear a challenge in your words.”

  He sits up straighter, the tent in his pants obvious and teasing. “Let me get this straight. You, Teagan Bevon, want to have sex with me, in my car, in public, at close to three in the morning?”

  His words should discourage me, or at least force me to think this through and freak out. Instead, they excite me.

  “Yes,” I reply breathily.

  Joey swallows hard while adjusting his jeans. “You know you don’t have to do this. I’m not going to lose interest or whatever if we don’t do this tonight. If the most we do is kiss, then I’m fucking ecstatic with that.”

  I force myself to give this more thought. I should be terrified I’m going to rush something and push him away, but all I find is want, need, and desire.

  I so totally want to do this.

  “Think of it as something on my sex bucket list. I want to be able to cross off car sex, and I want to cross it off with you.”

  Joey’s mouth gapes open. I love that I managed to shock him.

  “You have a sex bucket list?”

  “Yes. One I’m starting now. You want to know where the most exciting place I’ve had sex was?”

  He frowns. “I don’t know, do I?”

  “Prepare yourself. It’s going to shock you.” I give a dramatic pause. “It was”—another pause—“in a bed.” I flutter my hands around to make my grand announcement look sensational before I flop them back down to my lap. “I’ve never had sex out of the bedroom.”

  “Never?” he gapes.

  “Nope. I’m an outside the bedroom virgin. Please pop my car cherry, Joey.”

  He laughs, but it soon leaves him as he gazes over me in a contemplating way. “Sex in a car is squashy, uncomfortable, and generally only done, and occasionally done great, because it’s a little bit forbidden, but mostly completely desperate. You literally can’t wait another second to get inside a house, or wherever, to fuck. You have to have it now. And it’s often rough, it’s fast, and you’re probably going to get knocked around in some capacity, whether it’s the top of your head on the car ceiling, or your limbs bumping into shit. That sound okay to you?”

  “Yes,” I quickly reply.

  I can’t tell if Joey is trying to dissuade me, but his strict, teacher-like tone is only turning me on more. I love take-charge Joey.

  “Then get your ass in the back seat right now.”

  My eyes widen at his order. “I’m not going to straddle you here?”

  “I need more room for what I’m going to do. Get in the back.”

  I do as I’m told, listening to his quick inhalation when my ass flashes from my skirt riding up.

  “Are you fucking commando right now?”

  “Yep,” I say on a smirk. Another first for me.

  I guess tonight is full of firsts.

  Joey shakes his head dazedly. “You’ve been sitting next to me all night with no underwear on?”

  “is correct,” I reply, plonking myself down in the back and to the side, getting comfortable.

  He pushes his way through, much less gracefully than me, before situating himself in the center of the back seat.

  “Straddle me here,” he orders.

  I shiver as his tone coats over me, almost like liquid seduction.

  I glance around, finding it dark since we aren’t parked close to any lamps or lit up signs. Unless you were really looking our way, you wouldn’t even know Joey and my car are parked here. Nevertheless, it’s the chance of someone seeing us that gives me a thrill.

  I straddle his legs, grinding down when I feel his length press up against his pants.

  “You remember what we spoke about a little while ago? About multiple orgasms?”

  “Yes,” I shudder out, clenching my legs around him at just the thought.

  “We’re not l
eaving this car until you are thoroughly satisfied,” he promises.

  “Yes!” I hiss, leaning into Joey’s touch when he drags my head down so he can kiss me.

  He removes my sweater between kisses, sucking down my jaw and to my earlobe before he travels down my neck. Removing my shirt is next, and then he wastes no time taking off my bra.

  Finally exposed to him, I glance at him with dazed and lust-filled eyes as he stares at my bare chest hungrily.

  “You are so hot, Teagan. You are … everything,” he mutters, pushing me back so he can get an angle he likes. He brushes his mouth over each nipple, kissing, sucking, and licking until I’m a withering mess above him.

  I am constantly closing my eyes in pleasure, and then forcing them open so I can watch Joey work me. He is a master, and I already feel my wetness soaking his pants.

  I need him to fill me. I need him to make me his.

  I’m not sure if I say the words aloud, or if he can just read me easily, but he pulls up my skirt until it’s around my hips, and then rubs his thumb over my clit, causing me to cry out in ecstasy.

  I grind against his hand, needing more, which he delivers as he enters a finger into my channel.

  I instantly ride him, feeling the building of sensation and pleasure that usually eludes me.

  I’m about to orgasm, whereas Joey hasn’t even removed one item of his own clothing. For some reason, that feels even hotter. And with a scream of his name, I come over his fingers. He keeps working me as a few tears escape my closed eyes.

  “Beautiful,” Joey murmurs, pulling me to him to kiss away my tears then my lips. “I need a taste now. Tell me if this is too uncomfortable.”

  I wonder what he means, or how the hell he expects me to form words. Then I hold my breath when he pushes me back until I’m almost level with the two front seats as he wedges me between them. It’s a tight fit, but it isn’t painful.

  He keeps shifting me downward until my sides are level against the seats and I’m staring up at the ceiling. Then he opens my legs wider.

  The warm air touching my sensitive skin brings my head down to knock against the emergency handbrake, my shoulders grazing the center console as I relish being completely exposed to Joey.

  I should be nervous, I should be scandalized, but I find that I’m only completely turned on.

  I cry out when he sucks over my clit, every thought ripped away.

  The seats constrict me, forcing me to stay in place, which just makes this hotter since I’m desperate to ride his face as he eats me with abandon.

  I have never had someone go down on me before. No guy has volunteered, and I was always too self-conscious to ask. Now I’m wondering why the fuck I haven’t had this done to me sooner. It feels wicked, naughty, and hot as hell.

  Joey works me like an expert. I’m withering under his ministrations, my mind splintering under my excitement and pleasure.

  I’m going to explode. I know I am, and I don’t even care. This is heaven and happiness, and I can’t hold back. I don’t want to.

  As soon as Joey spears me with his tongue, alternating between that and his fingers, I am lost. I don’t think I am even speaking English as I ramble nonsense while coming over his face. I’m not sure I even have bones; my whole body a puddle of pleasure and satisfaction.

  That is two orgasms, and Joey is still fully dressed.

  I don’t think I will ever allow Joey to leave my bedroom after this.

  Joey isn’t done with me yet, and when he carefully sits me up, un-wedging me from the front seats, I see he isn’t completely dressed anymore.

  His pants are open, his erect penis standing at attention and covered in latex.

  “Are you okay?” Joey asks carefully, settling me on his thighs while wrapping his arms around me.

  “That was incredible,” I say on a breath, still trying to glance down at Joey’s dick. I want time with that part of his anatomy. I want to worship his body the way he just worshipped mine.

  “If you want to stop now, then we stop. I don’t need more. Seeing you fall apart, tasting you on my lips, was amazing. If we stop here, then know this has still been one of the best nights of my life.”

  I finally focus on his face, seeing his sincerity and genuine affection. He truly means that.

  “Is that what you want?” I ask, marveling over the fact that, if I told him I was done, he wouldn’t make me feel bad. It’s partly for this reason I don’t want to stop.

  Joey is a good guy, and I want to pleasure him like he pleasured me. And, you know, it’s not like I won’t also be getting something amazing out of this, too. Something I want and am desperate for.

  “I want you to be happy. I want you to feel safe. And I want to give you as many orgasms as you’ll allow, for as long as we can keep doing this, because your cries while you come are the sweetest music to my ears.”

  I smile as I lift myself onto my knees on either side of him. Then I reach down and stroke his dick, wishing the searing heat I felt was skin-to-skin rather than already covered in protection.

  Still, the not waiting for him to glove up is also nice, since after a few strokes, I am able to line him up and sit down on him.

  The feeling of him entering me is so overwhelming, so overpowering that I’m trembling as I fully seat myself on him.

  “Fuck, that feels amazing,” he mumbles, his head pulled back and his body tense underneath me.

  “Joey,” I gasp, tears again escaping my eyes.

  Neither of us move, both seemingly content to stay in place. Then he lifts his head back up, cupping my face and kissing me tenderly.

  His kiss gives breath back to my lungs, gives me access to my body and the emotions inside me that are swirling and twisting until all I feel is pleasure, all I feel is excitement and the urge to move over him.

  “Remember what I said earlier?” he asks as he pulls back from our kiss.

  I shake my head, not sure of anything before we moved into the back seat.

  “This is going to be rough and fast. You ready for that?”

  “Yes,” I say on an exhale, wanting this so badly that my thighs tighten over him, my inner muscles spasming around him.

  “Fuck,” he gasps, resting his hands on my hips. Then he lifts me off him, almost leaving me completely, before he slams me back down. He does this slowly, driving me crazy with his controlled speed, before he falls into his desperation.

  Soon, I’m riding him hard, both of us panting and gasping as we chase the edge of the cliff.

  I’m moaning his name, grabbing his shirt, his shoulders, his hair, anywhere I can touch him as his hips propel me up. I get the feeling I do hit the top of the car, but I don’t feel it. All I feel is Joey. And when a hand leaves me to pinch my nipple, I lose it, screaming as I come, my voice hoarse from crying out.

  Listening to Joey roar my name soon after, his own orgasm taking his senses from him, is like feeling another orgasm crashing over me. Never before has sex felt this passionate, this hot, and this consuming.

  Joey talked about life-altering sex earlier. Well, I’m certain I just experienced it.

  Another first for me.

  When he holds me after we both come, kissing me intermittently and telling me how beautiful I am, I know I’m completely in love with Joey Kim.

  There is no going back now.

  I am his, and I always will be.

  Chapter 16

  At work on Monday, things progress as they always have. Some kids are a pleasure to deal with, some are not. Same goes for the guardians who drop off and pick up their kids.

  My day is broken up by text messages from Joey, either making me smile, laugh, or turning me the hell on.

  Since our car sex, things have changed between us. I’m desperate to kick my brother out of my house, but unfortunately, I can’t actually bring myself to do it. All day yesterday, I considered the possibility of Joey and I having sex together in my house and how embarrassed I would feel if Grayson overheard it.

/>   We are all adults, and Joey and I are together; why should I feel embarrassed that we are having sex and that Grayson could have the misfortune of overhearing?

  Okay, I still can’t get behind that. But I’m so desperate to have Joey again.

  He’s awoken my libido, and I am not sure it will ever disappear on me again, not while I’m with Joey.

  I groan, glancing at the time and finding this day is progressing slower than any other Monday before it. For a Monday, that’s saying something.

  Just after lunch, I get a delivery of chocolates and flowers. I’m excited … until I read the card.

  Call me when you’re ready to date a real man, not a cheating asshole.

  ~ H.

  My hands shake as I crumble the card. I assume Hart’s taking a dig at Joey since he has already insinuated he’s capable and happy to cheat and break up couples. How does he even know I’m with Joey? We haven’t even gone on a date in public, and the excuse I gave Hart himself was that I wasn’t ready to date.

  Shaking that off for the moment, I glance over the beautiful red roses and boxes of chocolate, wishing for nothing more than to hurl them all in the trash. Instead, I ignore the sick feeling they give me and hand them out to the parents when they finally begin arriving to pick up their kids, delighting many of them and bringing a couple almost to tears at the kind gesture.

  The girls are dying to ask me about the delivery, but either my closed off demeanor is enough to scare them off, or it’s the fact that I’m giving it all away that spells a story without a happy ending. Either way, I send Joey a message to let him know what happened.

  Of course he isn’t happy, telling me stay vigilant and to wait for Harvey to follow me home.

  When Harvey arrives at five on the dot, I have already sent the other two girls home and am just waiting on one mother to pick up her three-year-old daughter. Seeing Harvey try to interact with her dispels any annoyance I have that she is running late.

  Basically, Harvey just looks out of place and panicked for twenty minutes, while the young girl begs to braid his hair that goes down to his ears and isn’t long enough for much of a braid. She also wants to know what color his favorite dress is to wear. He eventually tells her it would be black, to which she insists yellow is a much better color, and if he wants, she could bring him one of her mom’s to try on.


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