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Falling for the Cowboy

Page 12

by Mary Leo

Great big tears streamed down her face.

  “I know, honey,” Maggie’s voice caught in her throat. “This is all good, sweetie. You’ll see. All good.”

  Kitty nodded and tried to smile in between tears and short puffs of breath as everyone hurried down the long hallway picking up more nurses and her doctor as they went.

  “Give us about fifteen minutes and you should be able to come in,” Cori shouted back to Maggie.

  “But I want Maggie now,” Kitty moaned.

  “Let’s get you in a bed first, then Maggie can join you. I promise,” Cori said, her voice fading into the mix of other voices.

  The entourage turned a corner and vanished, leaving Maggie in the now empty hallway with Blake, who had been on his cell phone for the past five minutes.

  Maggie turned to him for support, but he had his back to her while he whispered into his phone. She didn’t know where to go or what to do next, so she waited for Blake to disconnect.

  Five minutes later he looked over to her, an expression of concern coloring his face.

  “What’s wrong?” Maggie asked, worried about the answer.

  “It’s Tim.”

  Maggie’s stomach lurched. There just couldn’t be anything wrong with Kitty’s husband, there just couldn’t. Not now. Not when she was about to deliver their babies. “What? Tell me.”

  He took a couple steps closer to Maggie. “He’s okay. He’s been wounded, and he’s on his way home.”

  Maggie covered her face with her hands as she took in a deep breath. Emotion overwhelmed her. She needed to sit down before she fell down.

  Blake put an arm around her and escorted her outside. She took in a couple of big gulps of cool night air before she could ask the question. “How bad?”

  “We don’t know. Apparently, he decided to keep this from Kitty and his family. He didn’t want Kitty to get upset, what with her last scare and all. The good news is they released him from the hospital in Boise a few hours ago, and he’s on his way here, right now.”

  “That’s good, right? I mean, how bad can he be if the hospital released him?”

  “Well, according to Dodge, who got it from Colt, who’s flying over to Boise right now to bring him home, he checked himself out before the doctors officially released him.”

  Blake rubbed Maggie’s back as she leaned against him unable to stand on her own. She felt as if she could handle this news so long as she stayed in his arms. “I don’t understand. Is Colt a pilot?”

  “Both my brothers can fly. Dodge taught them when they were boys. We own a lot of land and it’s the easiest way to take care of it. I never had the bug. Give me four wheels any day.”

  “How long before they get back here?”

  “Couple hours, max.”

  She trembled. “I’m scared, Blake. Scared for the babies, for my sister, and for Tim.”

  He pulled her in tighter, then stroked her hair, laying down a kiss on the top of her head. “It’s going to be fine, you’ll see. Kitty’s in good hands and Tim’s a smart buck. He wouldn’t do anything he didn’t think he could handle.”

  Maggie gazed up into his eyes and found all the strength she needed to get through what promised to be a long night.

  Then he kissed her. It was a soft, reassuring kiss, and Maggie knew for this instant in time, she wanted to stay right there, wrapped up in Doc Blake’s arms.

  Chapter Ten

  “I can’t do this anymore,” Kitty moaned as Doctor Guru, a petite Indian woman with a last name that defied pronunciation—thus the Guru—encouraged her to push. The doctor stood at the end of the bed, black hair pulled back in a tight bun, clad in blue scrubs, white latex gloves and a blue mask covering her nose and mouth.

  A patient woman, waiting for another new life to take its very first breath.

  “Yes, you can,” Doctor Guru urged. “You’re a strong, determined woman. Now push!”

  The small birthing room, where a cesarean could be performed if necessary, echoed with the reassuring sound of the babies’ heartbeats.

  Nurse Cori stood next to the bed, watching, waiting. She also wore blue scrubs, but with matching blue latex gloves. “Push, honey. Push!”

  Kitty tried, but the effort wasn’t there. “Noo,” she moaned. “I can’t.”

  She had endured several hours of intense labor and now that the babies were about to emerge, her strength had vanished. Plus, the contractions had lost their intensity, which according to Doctor Guru was normal when delivering twins, making it more difficult for Kitty to feel the need to push.

  Doctor Guru had warned Maggie that she might have to take the babies with a C-section if this went on too much longer. Kitty adamantly opposed the procedure unless the babies were in distress.

  The contraction subsided and Kitty relaxed. Maggie held Kitty’s hand and gently stroked her sister’s head. “Come on, sis, next time just one big push. You’re almost there.”

  Kitty tensed with another contraction. Both the doctor and nurse urged her to push. Maggie slipped her free hand behind Kitty’s back trying to get her to lean forward, but Kitty was simply too weak.

  Maggie had so hoped that by now Tim would have arrived, despite the fog that hung over Boise. But Colt couldn’t take off when he’d planned to, so she and Blake had decided not to tell Kitty about Tim’s journey home, just in case he didn’t arrive in time.

  Still, Maggie was desperate for something to get Kitty to work harder one more time or Dr. Guru would have no choice but to do an emergency cesarean.

  She squeezed her sister’s hand. “Look at me, Kitty.” Kitty focused on Maggie. Her sister’s fatigue was making her appear pale and weak, causing Maggie to want to give up and let the doctor do the cesarean. But she knew Kitty was looking to her older sister for some courage.

  So Maggie couldn’t give up.

  Not yet.

  Not without one more try. “I’ve got something to tell you, sweetie.”

  Kitty’s face was covered in sweat. Her hair clung to her head in little tufts. Her nose was crimson from crying. Maggie’s heart broke just looking at her.

  “What?” Kitty whimpered.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the entire world,” Tim’s voice echoed from behind Maggie. “And I love you, babe.”

  Maggie turned to see Tim, leaning on crutches, one leg partially wrapped, a blue support shoe on his foot. Nevertheless, he looked as handsome as ever with his sandy-colored hair, sparkling blue eyes and a smile that could light up the world. At once Maggie was so full of love for her sister, for Tim, the babies and for Blake, who was guiding Tim closer to Kitty’s bed.

  Kitty squealed and lunged forward, causing the doctor and Cori to immediately respond by easing Kitty back into delivery position.

  Emotion swept over Maggie and she couldn’t hold back the tears as Tim and Kitty gently kissed and held on to each other, whispering words of love. And just as they did, another contraction rocked Kitty’s body. This time, with Tim by her side, she was able to push with every last ounce of strength she had.

  “Come on, babe,” Tim coached, “I’m right here with you.” And within seconds, their sweet baby girl slipped into the world, fussing and cooing. The room ignited with cheers and love as tiny arms reached for the sky. The doctor placed the first baby on her mama’s tummy, and Kitty stroked her head, telling her how much she loved her and how happy she was to see her.

  Then Cori and Dr. Guru made it possible for Tim to cu
t the umbilical cord, which he did, as tears stained his face.

  Cori placed the sweet baby girl in a small blanket and handed her to another nurse, who then cleaned her and tended to the severed umbilical cord.

  Within five minutes, their son was born healthy and screaming at the top of his lungs. Tim was exactly what Kitty needed to help bring their precious children into the world, and from the way Tim looked, Kitty and those glorious babies happened to be exactly what Tim needed, too.

  * * *

  MAGGIE SAT NEXT TO Blake in the cab of his truck, feeling completely drained. She didn’t know if she could move when he finally parked in front of his ranch house. Her entire body felt as if it were made of lead. If she was this tired, this emotionally whipped, she couldn’t begin to imagine what Kitty and Tim must be going through.

  Tim had been truly incredible with Kitty, even with his injuries. Blake had told her that Tim had sustained some nerve damage in his right leg, but the doctors said he’d be fine with physical treatment. It was just going to take some time, and the one thing that he and Kitty had was plenty of time.

  Maggie yawned, a big double yawn that caused her eyes to water and her mind to want to shut down for several days. She’d been awake, with the exception of a few catnaps on a hardbacked chair at the hospital, for almost twenty-four hours. The stress was definitely taking its toll.

  Still, all the emotions she had powered through only made her want Blake’s arms around her more. Especially now, when she thought of sleeping. She couldn’t think of anything more comforting than to be in his arms when she closed her eyes.

  “Let’s get you to bed,” Blake said, pulling the key out of the ignition. The old truck gave a few pings then quieted. She could hear herself breathe.

  “Excuse me?” Maggie teased, knowing exactly what he meant, but she couldn’t let the opportunity pass.

  “You know I didn’t mean it that way.”


  He adjusted his hat on his head. “You’re making this difficult.”

  “It’s fun to see you squirm.”

  They exited the truck, giving the doors a good slam shut. The sound echoed through the otherwise silent valley, causing night critters to scamper through the dry grass and leaves. Maggie marveled at all she could hear in this tranquil haven, even the rustle of the slight breeze as it rushed past her.

  Blake didn’t turn back to lock the truck, a detail Maggie truly appreciated about living in a small town.

  He sidled up next to her as they headed toward the house, each wrapping an arm around the other’s waist. “Just not tonight, darlin.’ I think we’re both spent.”

  Dawn peeked over the mountains as Maggie stumbled along. Her feet didn’t seem to want to cooperate. He held her closer, hip to hip. They walked in unison.

  “You might be right,” she said, as another yawn emerged. This time she tried to control it, but she could barely keep her eyes open. Making love to Blake was something she wanted to participate in, and participation in anything but sleep seemed doubtful.

  “We’ve got a comfortable guest room all set up. The bathroom’s right across the hall.” They continued up the porch stairs, and Blake opened the front door. No need for a key here either. “I’ll get you a pair of my pajamas. You might be more comfortable.”

  Maggie nodded, too tired to speak.

  He led her through the dark house, their boots in sync on the wooden floor, then along a short hallway to what had to be the guest room.

  Blake flipped the light switch on the wall next to the door. The lamp on the nightstand illuminated the room with a soft glow, giving off a warm ambiance. The walls were painted burnt orange and rustic wooden furniture dominated the small space. Cozy.

  “I’ll get those pajamas,” Blake said, but Maggie didn’t hear him. Her full attention was on that comfy-looking bed.

  That big, ever-so-inviting bed.

  Blake left the room as Maggie slipped out of her boots, letting them fall where they would. Then she unfastened her belt, slid her jeans down, stepped out of each leg, threw the covers back, got in and nestled deep under the covers.

  Somewhere in the distance she heard Blake say something, but Maggie couldn’t seem to focus on anything but the image of those cute little babies.

  She felt Blake kiss her forehead and pull the covers over her shoulders. “Sleep well, sweetheart.”

  She forced her lips into a smile, and the next thing she knew, sunshine danced on her face and a phone chirped somewhere off in the distance.

  * * *

  MAGGIE ROLLED OVER on her back and slowly opened her eyes, squinting in the bright light at a beamed ceiling she didn’t recognize. In her semi-dream state, she tried to recall where she’d seen that ceiling before, but nothing came to mind.

  Completely disoriented, she shifted onto her side and focused on the view. The rolling hills in the distance were bathed in a golden orange color that reflected the sun, while the nearby trees played with the breeze. She felt completely content. It was an unusual feeling, one she hadn’t experienced often.

  Her phone chirped again, and she realized it was signaling the battery was dying. A situation she couldn’t easily remedy without leaving the warm bed.

  She decided to ignore it.

  Just then, a cowboy on a majestic chestnut-colored horse with a creamy mane trotted by. Immediately, she recognized Blake’s brother, Colt, the pilot.

  Memory of the previous night came rushing in as her dreamy state disappeared: Kitty, Tim, those beautiful tiny babies and Blake Granger. The memory of Blake caused her to quickly check to see if she was naked. To her relief, she still wore the boy-short panties, bra and long T-shirt she’d worn the night before. The only thing missing were her jeans, which she spotted at the foot of her bed.

  Not that she didn’t long to be naked with Blake, but at the moment the last thing she needed was any sort of added confusion over a sexual tryst with him. She would be leaving soon, and she didn’t want any lingering doubts when she drove off to her new job.

  She scooted down under the covers and reveled in how peaceful she felt lying in the Granger guest room, and how quiet it was.

  Blissfully quiet.

  She let out a soft moan, pulled the covers in tight and thought about how sweet it would be to doze for a few more hours. Sure, she wanted to check on Kitty and the babies, and talk to Tim, but right now all she really wanted was more blissful, uninterrupted sleep.

  Her phone chirped again just as there was a soft knock at the door.

  “Just a minute,” she called, thinking it must be Blake coming to wake her, possibly tempt her with a morning kiss.

  Without hesitation she sat up, ran a hand through her tangled hair, tried to get the makeup out of the corners of her eyes, and straightened her T-shirt, which had slipped up her back. She couldn’t wait to see him.

  Of course, she should be scolding herself. It would be easier on everyone if they didn’t pursue their attraction for one another. After all, she had an actual job offer on the table that she was absolutely planning on accepting just as soon as she charged up her phone.

  But still…

  “Come in,” Maggie said, not wanting to move from her little cocoon.

  The door burst open. Maggie’s eyes went wide as without warning Scout, the two dogs and Colt’s three boys raced into the room, jumping up on the bed in a flurry of excited glee.

  Not having time to think, Maggie
braced herself for the onslaught, wondering if there was some mistake. Perhaps they thought Blake was in this room, or some other guest who was much more fun.

  The entire crew spoke at once, even the dogs.

  “Maggie! Maggie! You’re awake!”

  “We’ve been knocking and knocking.”

  “Can you play with us?”

  As if they’d been trained, the dogs scampered and barked on cue.

  “We’ve been waiting and waiting!”

  “What do Kitty’s babies look like?”

  “Are they all wrinkly? Do you have pictures?”

  “When can we see them?”

  “Are you hungry? We had flapjacks.”

  She tried desperately to think of answers to the barrage of questions, all the while being licked by the overly affectionate dogs, but none of her efforts seemed to be working. So, instead, the only thing she could think to do was wrestle Scout down on the bed and start tickling her. Something Maggie had loved when she was a kid.

  “Noo,” Scout screamed. The boys joined in, and suddenly everybody was tickling everybody and laughing uncontrollably. The dogs kept stepping over Maggie, licking her face and arms, barking.

  Complete chaos ensued, and all that peacefulness Maggie had so enjoyed was replaced with the raucous joy of exuberant children and dogs.

  “You guys are in for it now,” Maggie announced with a flourish, as she playfully whacked little Joey with a pillow.

  “Hey, that’s my brother,” Gavin shouted.

  “So, whatcha’ gonna do about it, huh?” Maggie teased.

  “This,” Gavin warned, and bonked her with a pillow, causing her to lose her balance on the edge of the bed, and slip onto the floor with a heavy thud.

  Everyone stopped laughing. Even the dogs stopped barking. Maggie could hear soft gasps, as each of the kids realized she was on the floor.

  She wasn’t the least bit hurt, but she played into their apprehensions as she lay in a snarl of bedding, completely still, eyes closed, mouth tight.


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