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The Sheikh's Rebellious Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 3)

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by Albany, Cara

  "I need time to think this over," Tariq said.

  Zoe nodded and her shoulders softened with visible relief. "Of course. I understand," she said.

  Tariq started to walk away, but at the last moment, he turned and leaned close to Zoe. "If I do accept your proposal, then this is my message to you," he said. He dipped his head and crashed his lips down upon hers in a sudden kiss that caught her completely unawares. Tariq swept his arms around her back and crushed her against him. He felt her body spasm with instinctive resistance, but he held her even tighter against his hard body. She softened for a brief moment before raising a fist and slamming it against his shoulder. Their lips parted, and Tariq peered at Zoe, ensuring she could see the victory on his face.

  "That tasted sweeter than I remember, Zoe," he said.

  She glared at him one last time as he turned away and headed toward the stable doorway.


  What had she done!

  Zoe watched Tariq stride out through the stable entrance and gasped, leaning back against one of the stalls.

  She could hardly believe what had just happened. Had she just asked Tariq to keep a promise he had made to her, what seemed like an eternity ago?

  Maybe she hadn't any right to make such a demand of Tariq.

  The truth was, when she had first considered it as a solution to her problem, she had dismissed it as a desperate fantasy. Back in America, before leaving for Qazhar, Zoe had done everything in her power to find a way out of her predicament. She had consulted with her most trusted advisors, men who had known her father for years. But, none of them had been able to come up with a solution. The secret debts her father had accrued were just too large.

  Zoe rolled her eyes and sighed. The emotions coursing through her body weren't just a reaction to the stress caused by holding Tariq to his promise. It was much more than that.

  Zoe knew the real truth.

  Those emotions had been caused by the sheer, primal presence of Tariq. He was an unbelievable looking specimen of pure male beauty. She'd forgotten what it was like to be so close to him; to inhale his elemental aroma; to feel the heat radiated by his muscled body.

  But, one thing she hadn't wiped from her memory. The feel of his lips on her own, the forceful touch of that kiss.

  Zoe rested a hand on her heart and felt the frantic hammering. Could he still affect her like this? Why hadn't she realized that his mere presence would reawaken intense, even alarming, long-buried sensations?

  Tariq had changed in the two years since she'd last seen him. He'd matured and now looked older than his years. He was a few years older than Zoe, but he seemed to have acquired a toughness about him which she couldn't recall having seen before.

  Zoe closed her eyes, and the image of Tariq swam to the front of her mind. Zoe took a moment to guiltily savor the details of Tariq; the dark, limpid pools of his eyes that bore mercilessly into her; the dark hair that just asked for Zoe to reach across and snake her fingers through it; the soft, cruel smile; the full lips that promised so much pleasure; the firm, straight line of his nose.

  And then there was his body.

  Zoe swallowed at the memory of those wide shoulders, strengthened by the exertions of playing polo every week; the obviously taut frame beneath the red polo shirt he had been wearing.

  And then there had been the sight of his hips and thighs, encased as they were in his tight, cream-colored polo pants. There had been no mistaking the strength that lay within, the fully developed muscle of his thighs and behind. She could imagine those thighs clasped tight around a horse as Tariq raced furiously across a polo field.

  Zoe shook her head and frowned.

  What the hell was wrong with her?

  Tariq was no man to be trifling with. She'd chosen him to be her savior, the one person who could offer a way out of her difficult situation. If she was going to see this through, she was going to have to get any ideas of that kind firmly out of her mind.

  She only had to stay married to him for a year, or even less if things went well. Then, they would go their separate ways. Tariq would get what he wanted; he'd get to keep his integrity, and no doubt prove to everyone that he was ill-suited to matrimony. Then, he could safely go back to his playboy lifestyle, his passion for polo and other idle pleasures. He'd be able to avoid being tied down. For a while at least.

  Zoe recalled how Tariq had often complained about the pressure that was heaped on him to get married. It was standard practice in these parts that young men would be forced into an arranged marriage when they reached a certain age. And, Tariq was that certain age. Maybe, Zoe was doing him a big favor, after all.

  Zoe heard a noise behind her and thought, for a moment, that Tariq had returned. Perhaps he'd changed his mind and was coming to berate her for being so selfish, so presumptuous as to test him like that.

  Zoe glanced at the stable entrance and saw the figure of Saira. The young vet had returned with a colleague, a young man.

  Zoe composed herself as quickly as she could.

  "Saira. You're back. I didn't expect you so soon," Zoe said.

  Saira looked toward the stall that contained Tariq's horse. "The sheikh asked me to come and attend to the horse," she explained. "This is my assistant," she said motioning to the young man.

  "Really?" Zoe asked.

  Saira nodded and went to the stall, followed by her assistant.

  Saira paused and turned to Zoe. "And, the sheikh has said he will not be riding in the next match," she said. Zoe was sure there was an unwelcome edge to Saira's voice, as if she knew the real reason Tariq was no longer interested in a polo match.

  Saira opened the stall and began busying herself with the care of the horse. It was clear from Saira's frosty demeanor that she didn't appreciate Zoe's presence.

  Zoe walked to the stable entrance and gazed out toward the polo field and the large crowd of spectators. The tented pavilion was open on the sides. The night air was cooler now, and Zoe drew in a welcome, calming breath. She knew she would have to attend to whatever details had come up during her absence.

  She'd done what she'd come to do. Hadn't she?

  Tariq was out there somewhere. Zoe wondered what he was thinking, who he was with. Perhaps he was already with another woman. Maybe Zoe had merely provoked him so that he'd go running straight into someone's arms.

  Zoe wrapped her arms around herself.

  Now, why had that thought caused her to feel that odd sensation.

  Surely that wasn't jealousy.


  Later that evening, Tariq, Raz and Ella left the Qazhar Polo Club behind and started back to the family palace on the outskirts of the city. The drive home in Raz's car seemed unnaturally long to Tariq. Sitting in the back seat, he'd sunk into a morose silence. His mind was full of the most ridiculous thoughts. And they were all about Zoe Smith.

  From the moment he'd emerged from the stable, Tariq had been almost dumbstruck. How had that woman found the courage to try and hold Tariq to a promise he'd made so long ago? Tariq had almost forgotten making it. Even as he recalled the desperation he'd felt facing Zoe as she stood in the lift waiting for the doors to close, Tariq tried to tell himself this was all some elaborate prank; a hoax devised by his brothers to make him feel like a fool.

  But, he knew that wasn't the truth. The reality was that Zoe Smith was in trouble and that Tariq had promised on his sacred honor that if such a thing were to happen, he would move heaven and earth to keep her safe.

  Tariq glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that Raz was watching him, eyes narrowed with obvious concern. Ella leaned back against the front seat. She was a picture of marital bliss and contentment. Was that what awaited Tariq? Was he to have Zoe by his side, clinging to him, needing him, relying on him?

  The mere thought of such a commitment made Tariq draw in a deep breath and run a hand nervously through his hair. He gazed out the window at the passing city streets. It was quiet now. The polo event had gone well, and
a great deal of money had been donated to important charities. Everyone had had a good time. The foreigners liked these events. It gave them a chance to mingle with the rich families of Qazhar. The British and Americans were the principal attendees, and their pockets were deep when it came to charitable donations.

  Zoe had done a spectacular job of organizing the event. Tariq knew that she traveled the world arranging such events in far-flung places. He'd had no idea that Jack Smith had left his daughter in charge of what was, essentially, an almost bankrupt business. How could he have done such a thing, Tariq asked himself.

  He'd met Jack a few times when Tariq and Zoe had been an item. It had all started back in England when Tariq had attended a polo tournament in the leafy countryside of that green and pleasant land.

  Tariq had been overwhelmed by Zoe's natural beauty. And her spiky, sharp personality had only added a welcome edge which made it impossible to resist her. Pretty soon they had found each other in bed, enjoying earth-shattering encounters that left both of them wrecked by pleasure so intense, Tariq could hardly have believed it possible.

  Tariq had traveled to other tournaments in America and Europe and he and Zoe had continued a whirlwind affair that spanned the globe. Every time they had picked up where they had left off, and pretty soon the conversations between them had shifted to long term plans.

  And that was when things had gone wrong.

  Badly wrong.

  Because, it hadn't taken long for Tariq to realize that Zoe resisted the idea of a long-term relationship. Tariq had wanted to make their involvement more serious, but something had scared Zoe away. It was as if the thought of commitment terrified her.

  Then, one night Zoe had admitted that the loss of her mother at an early age had shown her just how painful it could be to lose someone you love. Zoe's father had become a shadow of his former self, and he'd come to rely on Zoe for help in virtually every aspect of his life.

  For Zoe, commitment meant pain. It was that simple.

  So, on the fateful evening when they had made love for the last time, Tariq had made the foolish mistake of suggesting one last time that he and Zoe move their relationship to the next level

  Tariq had invited her to Qazhar, and Zoe had bolted, like a startled animal.

  "You okay, Tariq?" Raz asked, dragging Tariq away from his recollections.

  Tariq nodded. "I'm fine, Raz."

  Ella had dozed off and was breathing softly, no doubt dreaming of deserts and polo fields, Tariq thought.

  "You seem preoccupied," Raz said.

  Tariq's gaze met his brother's in the rearview mirror.

  "It's nothing," Tariq said.

  "I was surprised you didn't play in that last match," Raz said.

  "My horse was injured," Tariq explained. "I didn't feel like taking a chance on another mount."

  Raz's eyes narrowed. He was obviously unconvinced by Tariq's explanation. Earlier, when Raz had asked Tariq where he had gotten to, Tariq hadn't wanted to even try to describe to Raz what had happened in the stables. The Polo Club was hardly a place for such a conversation. But, the emotions were burning Tariq up, and he knew that sooner or later he'd have to tell someone. Especially since he'd already agreed to Zoe's remarkable proposal.

  There was a long silence during which Tariq weighed up the options. He leaned forward and checked that Ella was, indeed, fast asleep.

  Raz saw Tariq looking at Ella. "Don't worry. It'll take more than us talking to wake Ella up," Raz said. He smiled. "She's a heavy sleeper."

  Tariq shook his head. "I'm not going to even comment on that," he said forcing a grin.

  Raz's eyes met Tariq. "So, what's up. You know I can tell when something's wrong. I can see it in your eyes."

  Tariq leaned his arm against the rear of Raz's seat. "You remember Zoe Smith?"

  Raz's brows furrowed. "Of course I do. A couple of years ago she was all you talked about."

  "Well, she's the one who arranged tonight's event. At least, it was her company that flies in all those well-heeled dignitaries who ended up being so generous," Tariq explained.

  Raz's brows rose. "Really? That was Zoe's doing?"

  "I wouldn't expect you to pay attention to such things, Raz," Tariq said. He glanced at Ella. "You've had other things on your mind recently."

  Raz smiled and nodded.

  Tariq continued. "I met Zoe tonight," he said bluntly.

  Raz's face remained blank. "Okay," he said slowly, as if he were expecting something now. Maybe his brother was beginning to understand why Tariq had been so thoughtful since he'd gone to the stables. But, Raz could not possibly guess the real reason for Tariq's pensive behavior.

  "We talked. Picked up where we left off two years ago," Tariq said.

  "I assume that's a good thing," Raz said lifting a brow.

  Tariq nodded, but he knew his gesture probably didn't look too convincing.

  "So, how is she?" Raz asked.

  Tariq smiled wanly. "As beautiful as ever," he replied.

  "So, what's the problem? Are you going to see her again?" Raz asked.

  "You could say that, Raz," Tariq answered.

  Raz frowned. "What's with the mystery, Tariq?"

  Tariq sighed and stared ahead at the dark road, lit only by the headlights of Raz's car. They'd be back at their family palace soon. He had to tell Raz.

  "It's complicated, Raz," Tariq said. He wasn't sure he could tell Raz, but he knew he had to say something or else he was going to burst.

  With one final glance at Ella to make sure she wasn't going to hear what he had to say, Tariq met Raz's gaze in the rearview mirror.

  Tariq swallowed and firmed his resolve. "You got a firm grip on that steering wheel?" Tariq asked.

  "Yes," Raz replied gripping the wheel tighter.

  "Zoe and I are getting married," Tariq said quietly with a glance toward Ella. She was still fast asleep.

  Tariq felt the car shift suddenly, heading for the side of the road. There was a screech of brakes and then Raz's knuckles whitened. The car straightened and Tariq saw Raz's eyes widen. Raz twisted his head around, and Tariq saw the shock on his brother's face.

  "What!" Raz ejaculated.

  Tariq rested a hand on Raz's shoulder. "You just keep your eyes on the road."

  "How did that happen?" Raz demanded looking straight ahead.

  "It's a long story," Tariq replied.

  "But, you haven't seen her for two years."

  "As I said, it's complicated."

  Raz let out a sharp laugh. He twisted and grinned at Tariq. "That's amazing, brother. Congratulations. You sure kept this secret. I don't know how you managed it," Raz said. "Why don't we wake Ella up and tell her," he continued.

  Tariq shook his head firmly. "Don't do that. I'm not ready for anyone else to know."

  "When are you planning on telling mother and father?"

  Tariq frowned. "I can figure that out after I've had a good night's sleep."

  Raz leaned around and punched Tariq playfully on the shoulder. "Sometimes, I just don't know what to expect of you, Tariq."

  Tariq sighed. "You know something, Raz. Sometimes I surprise myself."

  Raz frowned. "What do you mean?"

  "Never mind. I'll explain later," Tariq said. "In the meantime, keep it to yourself, okay. I need to speak with Zoe tomorrow. And then, I'll think about breaking the news to everyone."

  In spite of everything, it had felt good to tell Raz. The weight on Tariq's shoulders had lifted. For the moment, at least.

  Tariq leaned back in the seat and tried to relax. Tomorrow wasn't going to be easy. He'd have to persuade Zoe to come with him to the palace, and they would have to break the news to his family. There was no way Tariq could tell everyone the real reason for his marriage. He had no idea how that would go down.

  But for now, it was enough that at least one of his brothers knew.

  When it came to his family, Tariq had one thought about keeping the truth from them. There was one reason w
hy he was willing to keep all the facts from them. And, it occurred to him that it was one possibility that hadn't figured in Zoe's plans.

  Maybe the marriage would last.

  Perhaps it would end up being permanent.

  In fact, it was just possible that Tariq would get what he had wanted back when he and Zoe had first been together. A long-term relationship based on love.

  Tariq couldn't believe how fickle life could be. The wisdom of his father had taught him to expect anything from life.

  But this?

  Perhaps Zoe was destined to belong to Tariq. If that was the case, then this was his last chance to claim the woman who had burned her mark on his soul.

  Tariq felt as if he'd already started on a new course in his life.

  As Raz swung the car through the palace gates, Tariq couldn't help wondering what on earth he had gotten himself into by even thinking about taking Zoe Smith as his lawful wedded wife, in name only.

  If he had anything to do with it, then it was going to be a whole lot more than a marriage of convenience.


  Zoe was nervous.

  In spite of the air conditioning inside the car, her skin felt as hot as the burning midday sun outside. That wasn't the only thing that was making her feel heat.

  Zoe sat in the back seat of the limousine. Right next to her sat Tariq, looking resplendent in his traditional white robes and headdress. He sat bolt upright, looking elegant and supreme, every bit the handsome, powerful sheikh.

  They were on their way to his family's palace, and they were about to make a very important announcement. Zoe wondered what the reaction would be to the declaration that their wedding was imminent.

  Marriages seemed to be popular in the Al Kharif family in recent months, with Tariq's two brothers tying the knot. Tariq would be the last to wed after Zayed and Raz. Zoe sighed quietly. It was a pity her marriage to Tariq wasn't going to last.

  Zoe hadn't slept all night. The reality of what she was doing had hit her like a lightning bolt, and sleep had refused to come, no matter what she did.


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