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The Sheikh's Rebellious Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 3)

Page 11

by Albany, Cara

  By the light of one small candle on the low table by the divan, she could see Tariq, lying on his side, a blanket pulled up over himself. His breathing was quiet and steady, his shoulders rising and falling with a barely visible movement. She saw the exposed skin of his muscular arms and guessed he must be partially naked beneath the blanket. As quickly as she could, she drove that thought out of her mind.

  Zoe stepped tentatively out of the sleeping area. The urge to walk on tiptoes made her feel like a terrified child trying to avoid waking a sleeping panther.

  Here, in the living space, the silence was even more pronounced. Curiosity still burning, Zoe padded across the rug to the tent entrance. She twisted loose the ties that bound the flap closed and pulled the heavy fabric aside.

  Zoe stepped outside, feeling the cool sand beneath her feet. There was no-one around. The only light came from the remnants of a small campfire which glowed away to her left. Zoe took in a deep breath. The silence was profound and welcoming. She had no idea when the storm had finally passed through, but she was glad that it had.

  Zoe took a few more steps and gazed around the encampment. None of the tents had been damaged. She folded her arms and drew in a deep breath, feeling the night air settling in her lungs.

  Then, she looked up and gasped. Stars! Millions of stars. She had never seen a sky like that before. The glorious display covered the entire sky. It filled Zoe with a child-like wonder she hadn't felt since she'd been young. She softened her gaze trying to take in the wondrous sight, feeling a profound peace spreading within herself.

  Then she noticed a sound. Glancing back at the entrance to the tent she saw Tariq. He stood there, gazing toward Zoe, his dark features clouded with uncertainty. But what made her gasp was the sight of Tariq's bare chest. It was broader than she remembered. She saw his chest expand as he drew in a deep breath of night air.

  Tariq took a step forward, planting his bare feet in the sand, his long legs enclosed in loose pants.

  Zoe froze on the spot as Tariq started to walk slowly toward her. His eyes were like bright, burning coals, fixed upon Zoe, unmoving. She felt her skin tingle, his gaze so intense her nipples hardened beneath her loose robe.

  Dark hair traced a wild path across Tariq's broad chest and down to the waistband of his pants. The muscles bulking out his shoulders were lean cords, fashioned through years of riding horses and competing in polo matches. His abdomen was a sculpted wonder of rippling muscle.

  Zoe swallowed and tried to smile at Tariq, but her muscles refused to co-operate with that game, a strategy designed to keep Tariq at bay. Judging by the look on Tariq's face there wasn't much chance of repelling his advances.

  When he was at last mere feet away from her, Zoe found her voice. "Tariq. Did I wake you?" she asked in dry, cracked tones.

  Tariq shook his head and crossed the last few feet. His jaw was a tight line of determination, and his brows were furrowed. He looked like a wild cat stalking a mesmerized prey. Zoe raised a hand to her chest, aware that it was a defensive gesture. But, Tariq paid no heed. She saw his gaze drop to her mouth and beyond, taking in her figure all the way down to her bare feet.

  He paused, and she could hear his breathing, slow and measured. His fists clenched, and he looked quizzically at her.

  Zoe raised her head and looked up at the star-filled sky. "Isn't it beautiful?" she said softly, not knowing whether he was even following her gaze. She glanced at him and saw that he was looking skyward. There was the slight crease of a smile at the corner of his mouth, and she felt a momentary relief.

  Then he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Zoe, drawing her hard against him. She felt her breasts crushed against his hard chest, sensed the pressure of his hands on her back gathering her into his space, his scent, his warmth. His gaze burned into her, seeking permission. Her pulse hammering, her heart pounding, Zoe could only gasp and feign a smile. That was all he needed.

  Tariq's lips crashed down upon Zoe's, his kiss a desperate retribution for the interminable wait. He seemed to consume her, his ravenous hunger setting every nerve in her body on fire with an exquisite agony. He tightened his hold around her, and she felt his hardness pressing her soft flesh, insistent and unyielding. His breath was hot and sweet, almost as honeyed as his intoxicating scent.

  The world seemed to spin beneath her feet. She was sure she would crash to the sandy floor any moment. Her entire being had been seized by the sheikh who was her husband. The temptation to abandon herself entirely to him overwhelmed her, took hold of her with every fresh probe of his tongue, every caress of his firm lips.

  Zoe wrapped her arms around him and raked her nails across his back. That only seemed to inflame his desire. She heard his breath quicken, felt the heat of his mouth against her own. His tongue delved deeper into her, seeking and inviting all at the same time.

  She thrust her fingers into his hair, savoring the feel of it. She couldn't restrain the urge to fist his hair, and he reacted as if he'd received an electric shock.

  Suddenly, he leaned his head back, and she felt the loss of his touch as keenly as anything she had ever known. His gaze burrowed deep into her, and she knew in an instant what was going to happen between them, what they both wanted. It was what she had tried to deny, but she knew there was no point in depriving herself of the truth any longer.

  Then Tariq reached down and lifted Zoe off her feet. For a brief moment, she thought she was going to giggle, but the need and urgency in his gaze persuaded her of his earnestness. He supported her in his arms, and she felt as light as a feather.

  Zoe wrapped her arms around Tariq's shoulders and leaned her head close to his. He claimed her lips once again with a deep, ravenous kiss that sent her spiraling into ecstasy. Their lips parted, and he turned and started to walk back toward the tent.

  She gazed into Tariq's eyes. He was like a man possessed. His eyes burned with determination and adoration. Tariq held her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. He'd waited for her, burned for her, and now he was about to claim her.

  Tariq kicked aside the flap of the entrance and strode into the tent. She felt his strength with every step he took across the rug-covered floor. Zoe's legs danced in the air, her bare feet bumping together.

  She glanced at the bed and then looked into Tariq's eyes. He carried her to the bed and, bending slowly down, placed her gently on the mattress. Zoe sank back into the softness of the bed and gazed up at Tariq.

  By the light of the small bedside lamp, she saw him tower above her, gazing at Zoe with longing in his eyes. His breathing was quick and his nostrils flared with a primal, elemental need. The muscles of his abdomen, chest and arms seemed even more sculpted and chiseled by the soft light. He looked like a perfect specimen of untamed, wild maleness.

  This was a different Tariq from the man responsive to her every need and her defiant demands. This was a man who knew what he wanted, and what he needed was Zoe.

  Zoe slid back along the bed, all the while watching Tariq as he came down onto the bed, resting on all fours like an animal stalking a nervous prey. Tariq hesitated, his eyes reflecting the light of the small lamp. She heard his breathing, noticed that it was harder and firmer than before.

  Zoe froze on the bed, and then Tariq sank down upon her, his bare chest crushing her breasts, his scent overwhelming her, the heaviness of his body a delicious pressure that forced her deeper into the softness of the mattress.

  She could never have guessed at the pent up strength in his muscles, the tightness of his torso, the sheer heft of him that almost crushed the breath from her body.

  And then his lips came crashing down on hers, taking ownership, declaring a forceful possession. Zoe gasped and grasped at his hair, tugging with a ferocity that shocked her.

  Every nerve in her body fired into sudden life. She felt the thrust of his legs teasing her thighs apart. His firmness pressed against her, sparking heat into incandescent life.

  Tariq's tongue probed and quest
ioned her being, seeking permission, driving her even higher. She tried to resist, the voice that called her back to reason shrieking loud at her, but she paid it no heed.

  Tariq shifted, his hand tugging her robe away, seeking the treasure of her breasts. In a moment, she was exposed, but she felt no vulnerability, as his fingers teased her hardened nipples. She groaned, and he took encouragement from her primal acceptance.

  He wrenched his lips from her mouth, and she glared at him, shocked that he had done that. But, before she could object, he had dipped his mouth onto her nipples, and he was suckling them. Zoe arched her back, moaning with the intensity of sensations racing through her body.

  He was like a man consumed by desire, and his passion knew no limits. His expert tongue laved her flesh, devouring her with a voracious appetite. For a moment, she feared the intensity of emotions he was drawing from her, and she pushed at his head, tugging his head from her breast.

  When he looked at her, she saw a savage energy in his gaze. His eyes narrowed, a question in them, seeking assent from her. Zoe's breathing was harsh and fast now. Tariq moved, sliding up, grinding his hips against her middle. His firmness pressed against her as he slid down, settling himself at her core.

  He lifted himself, and then pulled at her robes. She helped him, and in a few moments, she was naked beneath him. With a sudden movement she saw him slip off his remaining clothing, and then he was upon her again, their shared nakedness a declaration of impending pleasure.

  She remembered the last time she'd been naked in a bed with him, and it seemed like that belonged in another world. This was where she belonged now. With this man, this savage sheikh who worshipped her and wanted to possess her entire being.

  Tariq's flesh crushed against her, his head reaching her neck. She felt his teeth nibble at her neck, and she shivered. He ran his tongue up her neck and behind her ear, finding those places that he had once known so well, so intimately.

  Zoe wrapped her legs around Tariq, her heels resting against his back, drawing him closer to her. His arms slid beneath her naked back which was now moistening with the heat of their embrace. He drew her hard against him, and she suddenly felt lost, the boundaries between their two bodies appearing to melt into nothingness.

  Zoe snaked her fingers through the thickness of his damp hair. The fragility of his hair contrasted with the feral strength in his muscles. He owned her in this moment, and he seemed to sense it. There was a decisiveness in his every movement, a purpose and yet also a tenderness.

  What more could she want than this? The here and now was all that mattered. The trivial details of their situation, the crazy world they had made for themselves, the suffering they had put each other through, all crumbled in the face of this experience, this lovemaking.

  Zoe felt his hardness press against her core. Was she ready for this? Dare she submit to this temptation?

  Tariq's head slid down, his tongue tracing a sensual line between her breasts, all the way down to her middle. He paused there, and she groaned with impatience. She felt his fast breathing against her belly and glanced down, caressing his hair.

  She felt his fingers trace a line across the contours of the inside of one of her thighs. Electric sensation shot up her spine as his hand drifted toward her core, pausing there a moment.

  Then, he caressed her, a delicious sweetness coursing throughout her being, his fingers skillfully drawing pleasure from her, wave upon wave, but always holding her from going over the edge.

  Irritation and frustration clawed at her, and she fisted the blanket at her side, groaning aloud. Her sounds seemed to galvanize him, urging him on, rousing his passion even more.

  Tariq moved, positioning himself above her. Their eyes met, and a wordless consent was exchanged. She felt her own readiness; knew that he belonged within her; sensed that her softness awaited him. Zoe was ready to abandon herself to the only man who had ever made her feel loved.

  She saw Tariq's nostrils flare, heard the sharpness of his breath, as if he was drawing in her scent, the essence of her being.

  His fullness pressed at her core, and she shifted her position. He eased downwards, his hips sinking, his arms quivering with the ecstasy, and then he was within her, and she gasped, clutching at his back.

  Her gaze locked upon his and she saw him gaze into her eyes, wonder and passion written large upon his features.

  His movements were slow and steady, each thrust easing Zoe further up toward a summit she could just about touch. She felt her head swim as if the world had shifted, and she lost all sense of balance, any feeling of stability. Tariq was driving her toward a place she had almost forgotten existed.

  Tariq's loving gaze consumed her, his eyes dark pools of tenderness. His body was a tense, fluid presence, urging her to ever higher plains of ecstasy.

  "Zoe," he gasped. His body was covered in a sheen of perspiration. She reached up and seized his shoulders, drawing him against her, seeking as much as she could from him.

  "Tariq, please," she groaned, and her voice seemed to spur him on, drive him to an even greater resolve to bring her to the peak.

  For what seemed like an eternity their movements flowed effortlessly together, an exquisite union, a tender, beautiful connection.

  And then the maelstrom came upon her, hurling her into a storm of absolute ecstasy, casting her adrift in a whirlpool of utter pleasure, lifting her high. Zoe gasped out loud, clutching at Tariq with a feral strength. She heard Tariq roar his pleasure, his head thrusting high.

  Then they both were cast down from the apex to come crashing down, spent and grasping onto each other as if their lives depended on it.

  And, as the storm of sensations subsided, all they could do was wrap themselves in each others arms, two hearts beating as one.


  Zoe awoke to find herself alone in the bed. A knot of panic twisted in her middle. Where was Tariq? The sun must have risen, because she could see the glow of the outside light through the gaps at the lower edges of the tent. She heard noises of activity from outside. Voices.

  Zoe sat up. Why had he left her alone in bed? Where had he gone? Her cheeks flushed at the memory of the previous night and the peaks of pleasure he had taken her to. Tariq loved her. That much she knew now. She'd always known it, even if she'd done everything in her power to deny that simple fact.

  Images flashed through her mind; the ripples of sensations lingered in her body at the merest recollection of his expert, loving attentions.

  What an extraordinary man he was, she told herself. Sensitive to her every need and yet possessed of a brutal, primal energy when it came to passion. Butterflies fluttered in her middle at the memory of how he had ignited every nerve in her body.

  And he was her husband. Had last night changed anything? They had rediscovered the truth about something they had both tried to hide.

  They loved each other.

  There was no use hiding from that fact. Not anymore.

  Their union mere hours before had been different from their previous times together. They had both grown in the intervening years; both acquired a knowledge of what they both needed in this world. And, the truth was, they needed one another. They made each other complete; could heal each other if needed; had the power to bring a perfection into each other's lives that couldn't be found with anyone else.

  Zoe smiled. A new life. A second chance.

  But, why did she still feel those intrusive doubts, the uncertainties that had driven her the foolish choices of her past?

  She clutched at the blanket, wishing Tariq was by her side, so that he could assure her that everything would be alright. Why was this old fear cutting into her new-found happiness all of a sudden? She had given herself to Tariq, sensing that all would be well, that the past torments could be forgotten. And, as they had driven one another to bone-melting pleasures, she had been convinced that a new life had begun.

  But now?

  She wasn't sure. Doubt clawed at her, mad
e her twist the blanket in her fists. She gasped, realizing what was happening to her. As on so many occasions before, she was being overwhelmed with uncertainty; engulfed in the old doubts and fears that had kept her from Tariq for so many years. They were the same terrors which had flooded her mind, driving her away from him once before. She felt suddenly dazed and submerged beneath a torrent of dread.

  Zoe shook her head. The past was the past. Why couldn't she leave it behind? Why did it have to keep on invading her life, blocking all paths to happiness? Because she now knew one thing; Tariq was her only chance of joy, the only man who could bring her peace and contentment.

  Zoe suddenly wanted to find him, share her thoughts with him. She needed to know that he felt the same, that she wasn't simply deluding herself.

  Zoe got out of bed and dressed fully in her robe and flat shoes. There would be tribesmen outside; she would need to look respectable. After all, she thought with a smile, she was the sheikh's wife.

  The living space was empty. Zoe went to the tent entrance and pulled back the flap. She squinted as the bright, early morning sun hit her eyes. She stepped out onto the warm sand and gazed around. There were a few tribesmen milling about and she saw the embers of the overnight fire. A woman came up to Zoe and bowed. It was the same woman who had brought them food the previous night. She gestured in the direction of one of the tents.

  Zoe smiled.


  He was tending to their horses which had been brought around to the open space in front of the tents. He was tying the saddle of her mount, concentrating intently on his task. Just seeing him made butterflies tumble in her middle. She felt like a silly schoolgirl and chided herself for such a naive reaction to seeing Tariq.

  Then he turned and saw her. His smile was broad and bright. He started toward her, and she bowed courteously to the woman, thanking her. Zoe strode toward Tariq. His eyes were drinking her appearance in like a man who had been stranded without water in a desert. He looked so wonderful, she felt emotion rise to her throat, felt her heart begin to race at the mere sight of him.


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