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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

Page 11

by Erin Osborne

  “Please, don’t go,” I say, reaching out to grab his hand as I sit up in the bed.

  “Baby, what do you need?” he asks, stopping from moving away from me.

  “Just lay with me until I fall asleep. Or you can take me home and come back,” I say, knowing that he’s not going to want to be with someone so messed up in the head now that he knows most of my story.

  “Can I ask you a question?” he asks as he climbs back in the bed and wraps his body around me. I’m instantly surrounded in his heat, comfort, and a feeling of pure safety.

  “Yeah,” I answer, rolling over so I can see him better.

  “Is that why you don’t sit down or eat before anyone around you? Especially a man. Or why you always try to make sure that I don’t have to get up for anythin’ I might need at a meal?” he asks, lacking any judgement or anger at me.

  “I guess. It was constantly drilled into us that we couldn’t eat, drink, or anything else before my dad; him and any other male in the house were always the priority. He was always the man in charge of everything that happened within the family. Even when my dad wasn’t around, there was still a right and wrong way to do things. I couldn’t ever do anything before my mom or sister. If something was needed, I had to get up and get it. Or stop doing what I was doing so that I could do something for them. In the grand scheme of things, I was always put last and never thought of. That way we would act right when we got married. Or started courting,” I tell him, watching as he laces our fingers together while wrapping his other arm around me tighter. “One example is when we went out to dinner one night, there wasn’t enough seats for my family and some of my parents’ friends. I had to stand at the table, behind my dad and they refused to let the waiters bring over another chair for me. I was allowed to eat as I stood behind him. But, I couldn’t have anything to drink because there was nowhere to set it down.”

  “That why you looked at me weird when I was cleanin’ up the kitchen again today?” he asks, knowing the answer before I nod my head in agreement. “Baby, you gotta stop doin’ that. You’re not my slave or my maid. You’re not that for any motherfucker out there.”

  “Can I ask you a question now?” I ask, suddenly wanting to know the answer to two very important questions.

  “You can ask me anythin’ anytime you want,” he says, pulling me closer to him and beginning to run his fingers through my hair.

  “The first thing I want to know is what Renegade meant before I shared my story about claiming me,” I say, my nerves getting the better of me as I almost change my thought at the last second.

  “Well, in the club, women that aren’t here to please the brothers are considered ol’ ladies. They’re the same as wives in civilian life,” he says, pausing to try to figure out what he wants to say. “The best way I can put it, is that I claim you as my property but you still have all the freedom you want. Other than you can’t know club business or disrespect me or the club. It’s for life and not somethin’ to be taken lightly. It means that anyone in the club would lay their lives down for you and you’d always have more family than you could want.”

  I lay there and consider the words that Bear just said. On one hand, my mind instantly goes to the way that I was being raised. But then I let the word ‘freedom’ stick in my mind. He said that while I’d be his, I’d still have the freedom I crave. In all honesty, it doesn’t sound that bad.

  “What’s your second question baby?” Bear asks, bringing me out of my mind.

  “Oh, well, um would you ever consider going out on a date with me?” I ask, burying myself further into Bear as I let the question hang in the air between us.

  For a minute Bear doesn’t say a single word to me. my breath catches in my chest and I can’t take a deep enough breath to get it back under control. Bear tips my head up so that I’m away from his chest and looking at him. Our faces are separated by mere inches and it wouldn’t take anything at all to lean up and kiss him. My heartrate speeds up along with my breathing as I anticipate him brushing his full lips against mine.

  “Callie, it would be my honor to go out with you. But I have another question for you,” he counters, not moving his face away from me. “Are you prepared to be with me and only me for the rest of your life? Because I think that once I get you in my life like that I’m not gonna let you go.”

  I nod my head, not entirely sure of what he’s asking of me right now. I’ve never felt whatever connection there seems to be between us and I don’t think it’s something I’ll ever find again with anyone else. So, while I am saying yes to him, I can’t help the niggle of doubt that begins to creep in. It’s not necessarily that I’ll be the one to stray from him, but that he’ll figure out I’m not what he wants. I have no experience with anything and I don’t know how to make up for what I’m lacking in areas that may disappoint him. Especially when it comes to sex.

  “I can hear you thinkin’ from here, babe,” Bear murmurs, placing a kiss against my temple. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Well, I don’t think there’s going to be an issue on my part about wanting anyone else since I haven’t ever felt this way about anyone else. But, I can’t help but wonder how long it will be before you decide that you want someone with more experience,” I tell him, burying my head back in his chest as he wraps his arms tighter around me.

  “Not an issue. You want to do somethin’, do it. As long as it doesn’t endanger you I don’t care what you do. I hate that the guys look at you, and I know Grave does it to get me to make my move on you, but that’s always gonna happen. You’re such a breath of fresh air and there’s a lightness that shines from you it’s inevitable that everyone seems to radiate toward you. So, we’ll take it a day at a time and go with the flow,” Bear says, tipping my head up to face him.

  If that’s the case than there’s something I really want to do right now. So, I lean forward and lightly brush my lips against his. They’re soft yet strong and I can tell that I shocked the hell out of him. As I pull back, I feel Bear wrap one of his hands around the back of my neck. He moves my head on an angle and leans down to brush his lips against my own. The pressure I feel is harder than the light kiss I just gave him. I gasp and open my mouth, giving Bear the opportunity he needs to push his tongue in my mouth. Instantly I feel my panties dampen while shivers run through me from my head to my toes. I try to follow his movements and tangle my tongue with his. The only time I pull back is when I hear a growl come from deep within his chest. My first thought is that I did something wrong.

  “I’m sorry,” I stammer out, trying to catch my breath as I watch Bear.

  He opens his eyes and I see what can only be described as heat and lust fill the brilliant blue eyes that are usually looking back at me. They’ve darkened and aren’t as bright as they normally are. I almost love this color of his eyes more than when they’re clear and shining.

  “Nothin’ to be sorry about baby,” he says, pulling me back against his chest. “Get some rest and then we’ll go back out with the guys before headin’ home.”

  Nodding my head in response, I curl back around the man that’s lying next to me and instantly fall into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Seven


  THE LAST MONTH AND A HALF HAS SEEMED to happen at warp speed. Between myself and the club’s construction company Jackson Construction, we got the garage built in a month. It helped that there was nothing wrong with the building that had already been started. The only reason that nothing was ever finished is because the company went bankrupt when it was discovered that the owner was embezzling money from his own company to make sure his woman was kept in her expensive ass house and all that came with that. Everything from the lifts to the tools we’d need have arrived and we spent the last two weeks installing everything. Callie has been right by our sides and done everything that she’s needed to do while setting the office up the way she wants it. It’s still got the air of being in a garage and a man’s domain, but there’s a feminin
e touch to it as well. When Grave asked her why, she told him that women are customers too and they need to be made to feel comfortable when they’re in here waiting for their car to be done. I couldn’t argue with her on that point.

  It was a few days after she had the breakdown in the clubhouse that I took her out on our first date. We went out to dinner in Callup Springs, the next town over, and then we played mini golf. That might not seem like a good date to some, but it’s what my girl wanted to do and that’s what we did. I’ve never seen her laugh so much or be so free as she was that night. She wasn’t throwing herself into the re-opening of the garage or doing something for the guys at the club. All of that was pushed to the back of her mind and she focused all of her attention on me and what we were doing. In return, she had all of my attention and I didn’t leave her side the entire night. Even the guys at the club left me alone that night because they knew how important it was for Callie. They want to see her happy and make her smile as much as I do. We’re all wrapped around her little finger. We finished the night off by taking a long ride on the bike before heading back home. I gave her a goodnight kiss before sending her to her room. When I knew she wasn’t coming back out for the night, I made my way into my room and took the world’s longest and coldest shower. Something I’ve been doing a lot lately.

  Since that night, Callie and I have spent as much of our time together as possible. She’s been busy researching colleges she can go to and trying to make sure that nothing is forgotten for the grand opening. There’s lists all over the house and I can see a trail of her going from the kitchen to the porch to the desk that her grandma would often sit at. There’s still a prospect on her house and she spends a little time with whoever is on duty every day. Her reasoning is that if they’re at the house with nothing to do but make sure no one shows up uninvited then she can spend some time with them and make sure that they’ve eaten and have plenty of drinks. I’ve been working on the shop to make sure everything is set up to perfection and prospecting for the club. There’s a run that we’re going on in a few days that I haven’t talked to Callie about yet. It’s a normal run, but Renegade wants extra bodies along in case something happens. So, even prospects are being included in church so that we all know what’s going on and what to expect. Well, not all the prospects. Chris is the newest guy here so he’s still not allowed inside the doors. I don’t get what the difference is, but I’m not going to question Renegade either. Some days it’s hit or miss if we get to spend five minutes alone, but other days we spend the entire day together doing whatever we want.

  Today, we’re getting ready to have the grand opening celebration. Callie’s put all of her energy into making sure that it’s a success. I’ve honestly never seen some of the shit that she’s got planned for a grand re-opening, but I’m not stopping her either. She’s been so happy to do this, and I won’t ever stop her from doing something she wants to do. Which is why after the party at the garage is shut down, she’s going to be going out with Silk and Foxy. They may be club girls, but they’ve been nothing but friends to Callie since the first day she stepped foot in the clubhouse. So, no one is saying a single word about their friendship. They leave me alone and don’t try to fuck me every time I walk through the door and know that if a guy walks in the club has an ol’ lady he’s off limits.

  “Bear, I’m leaving,” Callie calls out as I step out of the bedroom I’ve been staying in.

  “Want a ride?” I ask, pulling her into my body so I can kiss her before she leaves.

  “No. I have the car loaded with the rest of the stuff that I need to bring with me,” she answers, after I break the kiss and she catches her breath. “Can you help me load the last of the desserts though?”

  “Yeah babe,” I answer, following her into the kitchen to see the island loaded down. “Thought Corrinth was caterin’ today?”

  “She is. I was just going to make a few things and then couldn’t stop,” she answers laughing at her own craziness. “Besides, I may have had a request or two for certain things.”

  I let out the growl that builds as I know the guys love her cooking and baking. They always ask her for things for lunch and whatnot whenever she’s around. I’ll never tell her to stop doing it, but they need to back the fuck off too. I guess I’ll have to make sure that Grave and Smokey know that shit because they’re the main two that ask her for things. Does that make me a greedy son of a bitch? Yep. Do I give a shit? Nope.

  Callie and I finish loading everything in her car before I kiss her breathless one more time. There’s nothing else for me to do at the house so I follow her over to the garage. Most of the guys are already there setting up when we pull in and park on the side of the building. Chris and Bentley meet us at the car and begin to take the desserts from the car to the tables that were set up in the area that Corrinth has already started setting her stuff up. Callie walks toward the office so that she can take some of the balloons she picked up this morning in there until she’s ready to set them up. I follow her and watch as she takes in all the work that’s being done right now.

  Bishop is messing with one of the bikes that he finished before the old shop blew to smithereens. He decided that he wanted to raffle it off to one of the customers that show up today. His thought is that a lucky winner will get a new bike and see what we can do as far as that aspect of the garage goes. He’s done all the work himself, including the amazing paint job, and is proud as fuck of his baby. I thought he’d end up keeping it for himself, but he’s really stepped up about doing more and more around the shop. Callie jumped on the opportunity to raffle off one of his babies too. She’s made fliers for the event and that bike took center stage.

  “What do you need help with baby?” I ask, pulling her back into my body.

  “Nothing. I’m going to go set up the raffle tickets for the bike and the free work on a customer’s car. They’re gonna be on the same table so that Bishop can watch over both. Bentley is setting up the kid’s games in the field and in a little while, I’ll put the balloons up. When are you guys leaving to go on the run?” she asks, melting into my body as she relaxes.

  “We’re gonna leave here around three and should be back by four or so. You good baby?” I ask, knowing that she’s been on the go since about five this morning.

  “Yeah. I’m a little tired, but I couldn’t sleep last night,” she answers, a blush creeping up her neck as I place a kiss where her neck and shoulder meet.

  “Any reason for that?” I ask, knowing exactly why she couldn’t.

  “Oh, um, not really. Maybe it was too hot in the bedroom last night,” she says as I turn her around.

  “Is that right?” I ask again, knowing that eventually she’s going to tell me what’s going on.

  “Well, I guess it could have had to do with the fact that I was turned on beyond belief and there was no relief,” Callie finally says, the blush staining her skin an even deeper shade of red than before.

  “Why didn’t you come to me?” I ask, knowing that I haven’t been pushing her to go beyond kissing and a little heavy petting now and then.

  “You’re holding back, and I don’t know how to talk to you about that,” she answers honestly, looking up at me as her eyes darken to show me that she wants me right now.

  “I’m holdin’ back because I don’t want you to feel rushed. If you want to go further, then we’ll take that next step. You let me know,” I tell her, giving her a chaste kiss before making my way out to the shop to make sure everything is in order.

  Grave and Renegade meet me in the shop as they look through the window at Callie. I knew that there had to be a window so that I could keep an eye on her while I was working. So, they put an even bigger one in than the old shop. It goes down farther so that I can see her if she’s sitting at the desk. Hell, I didn’t even have to say anything to them. I came in one day and it was just there. They also made sure that my bay is the one closest to the office while Sam, who isn’t part of the club and I don’t know if
he’s coming back to work for me, is at the opposite end of the shop.

  “She okay?” Grave asks, watching as she slumps down in her chair for a few minutes.

  “Tired. She got up way too early after not bein’ able to sleep last night. I’ll keep an eye on her,” I answer him, knowing that he’s still pushing for me to claim her without saying the words.

  “If you can’t take care of her, I will,” Grave responds, knowing just how to push my fucking buttons.

  “It’s not a fuckin’ matter of takin’ care of her. It’s about makin’ sure she’s ready for that step before I push her into it. You can stay right the fuck away from her,” I answer, not caring that he’s higher up than me in the club right now.

  “Got it, boss man,” he responds, walking away to where the sweetbutts are getting out of an SUV.

  “Why are they here?” I ask Renegade as I turn to watch Callie’s reaction. “This is basically a family day and they’re here?”

  “Just for support Bear. Told them all to be on their best behavior or they’re on probation. They know to stay away from the men that show up today and to keep clear of Callie. Can’t say that Silk and Foxy will listen to that last part though. They really are tryin’ to be her friends,” he answers, watching as the two women in question make their way to the office and hug Callie before looking around at everything.

  Off to the side I watch as Legs and Rusty stare at my girl through the open office door. I don’t like the looks that they’re giving her and nudge Renegade in the side to get him to pay attention to them. For the next few minutes we stand in the shop, out of view, and watch the two sweetbutts as they continue to stare daggers at Callie and don’t offer to help her out at all. Callie may not be my ol’ lady just yet, but she still means something to the club and ranks higher up than they ever will.


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