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Randall & Hudson: A M/m Humiliation Play Romance (Beautiful Shame Book 2)

Page 14

by M. A. Innes

  He shook his head and his arms came down to wrap around me. “I need you. I’m ready. No one has don’t think I’m wrong or...” The words tumbled out, getting jumbled in his emotions, but I knew what he was trying to say.

  “You are perfect just the way you are.” I kissed his forehead. “You’re sweet and smart and naughty.” I kissed his nose, which made him smile. “Perfect for me. I wouldn’t have you any other way, my dirty angel.”

  “Make love to me.” Simple words but full of meaning.

  The lube and condom took only seconds. All my thoughts of making love to him slowly and tenderly flew out the window as he clung to me and writhed, thrusting his hips up as I stretched out over him. “Please, I need you, Hudson.”

  The plug and the teasing had him stretched, so I lined my cock up with his needy hole and slid in slowly. He gasped out, and his body bowed off the bed as I slowly entered him. When my dick caressed over his prostate, he gasped again, and his legs tightened against my sides like he was trying to pull me close and keep me from leaving. But I wasn’t going anywhere.

  When I was fully seated, I stilled and let him adjust to the feeling. He was more than ready, and I wasn’t seeing pain on his face. My wicked angel might have technically been a virgin, but he’d played with his ass enough to know how to relax.

  His eyes opened and looked at me in an unfocused haze. I wasn’t sure if he was actually seeing me, or if he was lost in his own mind. “Hudson.” His hips gave a tentative movement, and he cried out. “Please. You have to move. Before I say something stupid.”

  God, he was so fuckin’ cute.

  I flexed my hips and slowly pulled out a few inches and then slid deep inside him again. Thinking was hard, but that befuddled desire on his face made me kiss him tenderly. “What do you want to say?”

  Randall shook his head, frustration growing in his voice. “Please. You’re...Hudson.”

  Another quick thrust had him moaning, but then I stopped again. I was driving him crazy, but I wanted to know every little thing going through his head. “Tell me what’s trying to get out. What do you think is stupid, Angel?”

  He blushed, but when I pulled out and nailed his prostate, filling him up again, suddenly it wasn’t that important. Telling me just to make me continue fucking him would work and I would get to know what was on my sweet boy’s mind. “Tell me.”

  His fingers were digging into my arms, and I knew I’d have bruises later, but he was shaking so badly he didn’t even seem to notice. “You’re inside me! And huge! And I sound like a moron, but there...there’s so many...please!”

  Too much teasing and I was going to fry his brain before he told me everything. Slowly working my hips in tight circles, I tried to keep him on edge but not enough to make him lose his train of thought again. “Tell me, Angel.”

  Those big, wide eyes blinked up at me in confusion and desire. “I matter, right? I know this is a stupid time to ask, and you’re inside me, and everything seems so...but...this is serious for you? And I’m ridiculous and clingy and—”

  I took his mouth in a hot, demanding kiss and fucked him sharply, chasing the breath from his body. When I pulled back, he was wearing that same lost expression but a little more worried than before. “Angel, I’ve never been more serious about anyone. I know the physical side of this is new to you, but everything else is new for me. The insane need to make you mine and keep you close. The way I want to wrap myself around you and never let you go. And I love the way you need me and come to me. I don’t want you to change anything. You’re my perfect dirty angel.”

  “You’re just...Hudson...” Randall reached up and cupped my face, emotions swirling in his eyes, and pulled me down for another kiss.

  I started moving again, wanting to chase the worries and hesitation from his eyes. Everything was too soon and too fast, but I didn’t want to slow down. I was racing for more right there beside him. It only took a handful of thrusts before he was gasping out and writhing below me on the bed.

  Every thought was gone, and he was just radiating overwhelming need. He was so beautiful I wanted to keep him like that forever, with desire pouring from him. But my boy had been hard and desperate for too long. The orgasm he’d had at the bar hadn’t been enough. It had just been the tip of the iceberg.

  When his pleas turned to whimpers and he was getting lost in the pleasure, I knew it was time. I didn’t want him to sink into subspace, but as he moved, I could see how close he was. Reaching between us, I gave him shallow circles as I released the cock ring.

  One thrust was all it took.

  I wrapped my fingers around him in a tight, almost punishing grip that sent my little pain slut flying and pegged his prostate in one hard thrust. He screamed out his pleasure, and the desire echoed around the room, loud enough I knew my neighbors heard.

  As his body clenched and shook with the force of his orgasm, I finally started chasing mine. A handful of thrusts was all it took, and I was right there with him, flying into the pleasure with him in my arms.

  When all that was left was the aftershocks of his desire, and he was looking at me with an almost angelic peace on his face, I curled around him and gave him another innocent kiss. “I’ve never been more serious, Angel.”

  I was rapidly falling in love with my sweet boy, and I couldn’t think of any reason to fight it.

  Chapter 14


  There was no way I was going to get any studying done. I’d been staring at the same page for almost ten minutes. Part of the problem was that I was starting to care less and less about what I was supposed to be learning. The other piece was that it had been almost three days since I’d seen Hudson, and I was horny.

  And a little lonely. But horny sounded better, less needy.

  Maybe if the previous weekend hadn’t been so incredible, time wouldn’t have dragged on so badly. I’d crashed hard after we’d made love the first time. I remembered being curled up in his arms and the feel of his body sliding out of mine, then nothing until the next morning.

  There hadn’t been time to relax and take it slow because we’d both had places to be, but he’d made me come twice before I’d left his house, once in the shower, wow, and then over the kitchen table. I was never going to be able to look at eggs the same way again.

  Before I’d left, he’d made it very clear he’d wanted me back at his house after my classes were over. The rough, demanding look on his face when he’d pinned me to the door and given me the clear orders had my cock stirring even as I remembered it.

  The rest of the weekend had been a blur of sex and cuddling together. By Sunday morning, we’d actually gotten out of bed and functioned like a regular couple. I’d tried making breakfast while he’d played games on his phone, pretending to be reading the paper, but that hadn’t gone as planned, so we’d headed out to a diner down the street.

  By lunch, I’d had to leave because we’d both received calls and texts demanding our presence at different family gatherings, but even my parents hadn’t been able to ruin the perfection of that weekend. They’d certainly tried, though.

  I’d had to listen to my mother go on and on about the doctor said this and the doctor said that. The guy was either a saint or a serial killer because to her, he was damned near perfect. He sounded so boring I wasn’t sure I’d be able to even talk to him at the party, much less try to make a “good impression.” It didn’t matter that I’d told her repeatedly that I wasn’t interested, and that I didn’t want to date him. I was evidently just supposed to catch the doctor’s eye since I “wasn’t getting any younger.”

  Sometimes I wasn’t sure they knew I was a guy. Or what century this was.

  “I’m pretty sure no one even says that to women these days, much less a guy.”



  I’d been getting too distracted studying in my room, so I’d gone out to the living room for a change of scenery. I’d been alone when I’d sat down bu
t hadn’t realized one of my suitemates had wandered in.

  “Sorry, talking to myself.”

  Landon was a little older and had gone back to school to get his MBA. His family ran in the same circles mine did, so I’d done my best to stay under his radar. When we’d first moved into the same suite he’d tried to invite me out for coffee a couple of times, but the idea of how badly it could go once he figured out I was weird had kept me far away from him.

  It was amazing how easy it was to avoid someone when you were scared that they would find out your dirty secret.

  “That’s okay, man. You seem...stressed. Everything okay?” He was a nice guy. He actually seemed concerned and had one of those personalities that radiated confidence and strength without being obnoxious. He probably would have actually listened to all the crazy going through my head, but I knew better than that.

  “Just school and parents...” I shrugged, trying to play it off. “Typical stuff.”

  “Yeah, I get ya.” He didn’t seem to buy it for even a minute, so I started gathering up my stuff, doing my best to look casual.

  No, I’m not running because you’re getting nosy. Honest. Nothing to see here. Go back to making lunch and looking sexy.

  Who looked hot in baggy sweats and an old T-shirt, anyway?


  Short dark hair and sculpted features made him look classically handsome, as my mother would say, but his body looked like something I’d seen in porn. The expensive, dirty kind. I didn’t even feel bad for noticing. Hudson would have just laughed at me and teased me, and it wasn’t like I was planning on hitting on the guy. He was probably straight anyway. I hadn’t talked to him enough to know, though. It was just usually a safe bet.

  “I’ll try to study later. I’ve got a few errands to run, anyway.” And I’d neatly backed myself into a corner. Great. Where could I go? Library? Bookstore? Coffee! “See ya later.”

  I headed back into my room to drop off my books before he could ask me anything else and was out the door in seconds. Calling out a quick goodbye, I headed down the stairs. The elevator would have made more sense, but I had too much energy to wait, and I wanted to get some distance between me and the guy who could accidentally rat me out to my parents. Paranoid, maybe, but I also could be right.

  My nerves probably didn’t need coffee, but I had a couple of hours before my first class and it was going to be a long night, so caffeine was probably a good idea, anyway. The shop was at the other end of the campus, so I didn’t go over much, but since I wasn’t getting anything else done, there was no reason not to enjoy myself.

  The walk across the campus helped me relax, but it gave me too much time to think.

  First of all, I had to figure out what to do about my mother. Her insistence on introducing me to the doctor guy was going to be embarrassing for all of us once he realized I was taken. Very taken. Hudson wasn’t going to share like that, not that I wanted him to. Being watched and teased was very different than dating some boring guy to please my mother.

  Was Hudson ready for the chaos that would erupt once my parents knew? Hell, was I ready? I was still getting a degree I didn’t really want, just so I didn’t have to argue with them and pick something else. She was going to lose her marbles when she realized she wasn’t getting her doctor or perfect pedigree to match me up with. Like I was some kind of overbred poodle.

  Hudson was incredible, but he wasn’t going to be steamrolled by her and he wasn’t the type to tell her how perfect she was. He was too straightforward for that. He was successful, and I had no idea how much apartments ran or how much real estate cost, but I thought his apartment had been nice. The fact that he thought I was wonderful should have made her happy, but that wasn’t anywhere on her checklist.

  If I told her, she was going to demand to meet him. Was he even interested in doing something like that? Meeting families was supposed to be stressful when everyone involved was normal. My mother did not do anything “normal.” Hudson was going to hate her.

  From what he’d said about his family, they were nothing like mine. He’d talked about how loving his parents’ relationship was and had all kinds of funny stories about them. All I’d been able to say was that mine worked hard and were too controlling.

  Yup, he was going to hate her.

  Weaving my way through the masses of students, I tried to turn my thoughts to something else, but it just wouldn’t work. Hudson had said he was serious, but was that meet-the-parents kind of serious, or just the regular kind like he didn’t want to date other people?

  I probably should have asked.

  I wasn’t keeping him hidden and wasn’t embarrassed by him, but I just wasn’t sure he realized the can of worms I’d open if I said we were serious about one another. Dinner parties and expectations, nosy questions and judgments were enough to chase anyone off, and when you added my parents into the mix, it got even worse.

  And how would I explain where we’d met?

  Worms everywhere.

  By the time I’d made it to the coffee shop, I hadn’t figured anything out and had more questions than answers. Hudson must have been psychic, because by the time I’d finished ordering and was waiting for my drink, my phone was buzzing.


  “Hello, Angel. Studying going well?”

  I sighed, and he laughed. “No. I’m grabbing coffee and then I’m going to try again.”

  “Don’t fall behind, because Sunday you’re all mine, and I don’t want to share you with books and flashcards.”

  “Sunday?” We hadn’t really talked about plans for the weekend yet, but I was hoping I wouldn’t have to wait that long to see him.

  It was his turn to sigh. “I have a family barbecue on Saturday that I can’t miss. I don’t know how late it will run. Do you want me to call you after I’m free and see if you want to come over then? Waiting until Sunday isn’t what I really want, but I didn’t have a better plan.”

  “That’s fine. I’ve got family stuff to do too.” I felt stupid admitting how much I wanted to see him, but hiding it felt wrong. “I like the idea of staying with you on Saturday night.”

  I could hear the smile in his voice when he started talking again. “Me too. As long as you promise not to cook.”

  My face was probably blushing, but I laughed. “Your stove gets too hot. I’ve made scrambled eggs before. And bacon too. I really can cook. Besides, you were distracting me.”

  I could hear his grin in his voice. “I was reading the paper.”

  Snorting, I didn’t try to hide my disbelief. “You were playing Angry Birds.”

  “I am far too old for children’s games.” He tried to sound snotty, and for a moment he sounded like he’d fit right in with my family.

  “Then what about that candy game? I heard that song too before you muted your phone.” My serious workaholic boyfriend had an obsession with the games on his phone. I didn’t get the thrill, but I’d seen enough commercials and watched enough people play them in class to recognize the background music.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He started off teasing, but then his voice turned more serious. “I was thinking.”

  That didn’t sound very good.

  “This weekend is going to be crazy, but would you be okay with having dinner with my parents next week? Something casual? I know it’s early for that, but when she finds out I’m seeing someone, she’s going to drive me nuts until I bring you over. Patience is not her strong suit.” He was trying to keep it light, but I could hear the worry in his voice.

  “You don’t think it’s too early...I mean...I’m not saying no, but...and I don’t want to rush you...” And I was starting to sound like an idiot. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my coffee from the barista and went to find a spot in the corner before I tried again, forcing the words out in one long breath. “My family isn’t like yours and I’m going to have to tell them soon that I’m seeing you and you’re going to hate them.”

relief was clear in his voice and made some of my stress fall away. “I’m not dating them. I’m serious about you. So it doesn’t matter if they’re obnoxious. My family, on the other hand, will drive you crazy by hovering and asking too many crazy questions.”

  “But you’ll save me from having to answer them, right?” I was pretty sure that’s what a boyfriend was supposed to do. Save you from their family. I just hoped I was up to the task.

  “Absolutely. Unless it’s my mother, then we’ll both just hide. My dad is more laid-back.” I could hear papers shuffling around in the background. He’d been working too much lately, but I wasn’t going to fuss. He’d mentioned yesterday that they were starting to get some applications in to fill the other position, and I was keeping my fingers crossed they’d find someone.

  “I know how to hide very well. I’ll teach you.” I’d perfected the art of disappearing at parties years ago. Find the right corner, and talking to strangers and pretending to fit in wasn’t an issue.

  “I’ll hold you to that next time I piss her off.” I could hear the relaxed smile in his voice. “You should have seen her when I told her I wanted to put off starting college for a year to work and take a break after high school. She went bananas. It wasn’t safe to be around her for months.”

  “Did you take the year off?” I just couldn’t picture him being that laid-back about life.

  “Of course not, I’d just wanted to move out of the house and finally have some privacy. She’d been talking about me living at home the first year and getting used to college first. Hell, no, I wanted to explore all kinds of things, and living at home wasn’t the plan. After I agreed to go to school, she didn’t care where I was living as long as I went.”

  That never would have occurred to me. I was shocked. “’re devious.”

  He laughed. “And you love that about me.”

  He was right. It was also the first time he’d used that word. I tried to tease him back and not let him hear how much the word meant to me. “Of course.”


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