Page 7
She let go of the cross and slumped into his arms, totally spent. He held her without so much as a heavy breath. “Oh my god,” she repeated, not feeling very imaginative with her words. She could barely speak intelligibly at all. A contented purr seemed more appropriate. She tried, and it came out more like a moan, but hopefully her satisfaction was clear enough.
He sat down with her, cradling her in his arms. “Easy, darlin’.”
She didn’t want to open her eyes. If she kept them closed, maybe the moment would go on forever. She could stay in his arms and never leave, never have to worry about making ends meet or dodging her crazy ex.
Chapter Six
“Zoe, if you get this, I’d love to get together this evening. Give me a call.” Nick pressed the off button on the phone and sighed. He’d left three messages, which was probably bordering on stalking. That was the last thing Zoe needed. He wanted to swing by her hotel after work and talk to her in person, but that was right out. Zoe needed to know she could be with a man safely without him getting obsessed.
The only problem was that obsessed was precisely how he felt. He’d had a hard time keeping his mind on work all day. He missed the old days, when he’d get out and kick the ball with the lads more often, although training camps were closed for January anyway. It was too bloody hot. Now his company ran three camps around Melbourne and one each in Sydney and Perth, and someone had to mind the business side of things full-time. He could hire people for all sorts of things, but there wasn’t any sense in hiring someone to be in charge unless he wanted to retire. He liked being his own boss too much. Still, with some office help, he could at least get out one or two days a week for some hands-on training, and away from the world of figures and paychecks.
Nothing, however, would get his mind away from Zoe. He missed her innocent, vulnerable smile that belied the fact that she was no novice. In some things, she was probably more experienced than he was. She’d gone deep into the world of submission, and he’d played around the edges, never letting things get too intense with any one woman. He never found the right woman. And now that he had, he was going to lose her, and there wasn’t a bloody thing he could do about it.
He missed her body too. He wasn’t used to getting hard-ons in the middle of the day, and it had happened three times already. Maybe I’m mistaking that for some deeper attraction. I’m in lust, not love, surely. I’ve only known her for a few days. There was another factor at play, he knew, one he was a sucker for—Zoe seemed to need protecting, and he wanted to be the man to provide that. In the end though, Zoe was going to need to protect herself, emotionally and physically. Once she was in Texas, he couldn’t do anything, except maybe provide someone to talk to over email.
Hell, if she’s not going to return my phone calls while she’s here, she sure isn’t going to be emailing me back and forth. But she’s probably out of the hotel, sightseeing and the like. Maybe once she gets back, she’ll call.
She didn’t though. Reluctantly he went home rather than to her hotel, after telling his onsite managers that he might be taking tomorrow off. Maybe it wouldn’t amount to anything, but it was Zoe’s last day, and January was the time the business needed him least anyway. If it was possible to see her, he wanted to be able to.
He thought Zoe had enough courage to do more than ignore him. If she didn’t want to see him, she’d give him a call. And he knew she’d had a good time Sunday night. After they played, they cuddled in the corner for a long time, and then ended up talking. They talked about basketball and lake fishing, their favorite fantasy novels and the differences between Australian and American plumbing, and time passed very quickly. It seemed that they could talk about anything and have a good time. Was he imagining all that?
He shook his head. It was too late tonight. But he’d be at her hotel early in the morning. If she told him to go away, fine. But something had gone wrong. Maybe she didn’t check her messages. He set his alarm and groaned at the time. Who the hell set an alarm for seven on a day off? I must be crazy. Or in love. The two were probably pretty much the same.
She didn’t come out until nine twenty. He was waiting for her, leaning against the hotel building. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, which was about right for the weather. She wasn’t worrying about her scars, apparently. Good on her. Her legs were damn sexy. “Morning,” he said.
“Mor— Nick!” Her eyes lit up. She ran forward and flung herself at him. He barely got his arms open in time to catch her. He held her tightly, enjoying the way her breasts squished against him. The offer he intended to make, to get lost if he wasn’t wanted, was forgotten. That way she’d looked at him said it all. He ran his hand through her silken hair and breathed in her scent. She smelled of vanilla and lilacs.
“I lost your card. I looked everywhere.”
“Did you happen to check your messages at the hotel?”
She blinked. “Um, no. I had messages?”
“I should have come by last night and taken you to dinner.”
“You should have,” she agreed. “I almost didn’t leave the room, because I wanted to be around in case you showed up, but I’ll only get out here once probably and it’d be a shame to waste it.”
“Where’d you go?”
“I went to Ballarat again.”
“To Sovereign Hill?” he guessed. The recreation of an 1850s mining settlement was a big tourist attraction.
“In the morning. In the afternoon I hiked along the Eureka Trail.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Odd choice for an American.” Especially if she’d gone more than once.
“My great-times-three grandfather was there at the stockade—well, he was sort of there, apparently he skipped out for some drinking before the soldiers came.”
He grinned. “So you’re practically an honorary Australian. Did you have fun?”
“It would have been a lot more fun if you’d been along. But yes, it was fun. And interesting.”
“And the plan for today?”
“I think I was just going to wander the streets aimlessly.” Zoe giggled. “I thought about going back to the Royal Gardens, but with as little time as I have here it would be a shame to go to the same place twice, and yet I really had no better ideas. The Gaol? State Library? The Immigration Museum? I think what I really want to do is get more of a feel for the city.”
Nick smiled. Dare I hope? “Thinking of coming back someday?”
Zoe’s face clouded over and he immediately wished he hadn’t asked. “It’s pretty expensive. I don’t think I can do that.”
“Yeah, I guess it is, isn’t it?” Nick tried to make his voice sound as light as possible. “No worries. I’ll be glad to wander the streets with you. The Golden Mile, which takes you past a lot of the historic things and within a block or so of the Gaol, isn’t that far away from here. Shall we wander that way to start?”
She brightened up quickly. “Sounds lovely!”
Zoe felt as if she’d walked ten miles. But a lovely dinner at a Chinese restaurant, which Nick had insisted making his treat, had rejuvenated her by the time they got back to her hotel. She wondered if Nick had seen the way she shivered when they showed off the manacles at the old Gaol.
When he leaned over to kiss her, she turned her head to dodge and hide an impish grin. She couldn’t stand for the surprised and disappointed expression to stay on his face long, however. She had no intention of refusing him this last night. “Why don’t you come up and stay with me overnight instead of going home?” Zoe asked. “That way you don’t have to kiss me good night.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” He touched her cheek and turned her to face him. “But I want my kiss anyway.” He kissed her deeply, hungrily, and she responded by pressing against him and mixing her tongue with his.
They walked upstairs hand in hand. The man at the lobby desk gave them a leer, which she didn’t think was very professional, but she ignored it. Nothing that happened here would affect her back home, so let him think
what he pleased. He was probably spot-on, anyway.
She opened the door and preceded him inside. Despite all the reasons she gave herself—she was a modern woman, she was on vacation, she trusted Nick—she still had butterflies in her stomach.
“You’re sure you’re okay with this, Zoe?”
Does my nervousness show that much? Zoe set her purse down before turning to answer him.
“I’m sure I want to. Please. I think it’s a step I need to take.”
He smiled and clasped her hand in his. The gesture felt so normal, as if he was her boyfriend rather than someone she was hanging out with and sleeping with while she was on vacation. He’d given her a lot of strength over the last few days. No, that wasn’t right. He’d helped her uncover the strength she already had. Strength enough to go back to Texas and deal with all the shit waiting for her there, to face down Stu and stop running from him. It was something she needed to do or she’d always be running.
She didn’t know how to make the next move, but that didn’t matter. She should have known he’d take charge. He led her back into the adjoining area where the bed was and then turned to face her. She nibbled on her lip. He lifted her T-shirt, and she pointed her hands at the ceiling to help him get it off. He’d seen her body. That nervousness should have been gone but it wasn’t entirely. She wasn’t going to let it hold her back.
She reached forward and unbuttoned the top button on his shirt, and worked her way down. He stopped to let her and cupped her through her satin bra. Her breasts tingled at his touch, their peaks hardening into sensitive nubs. He noticed, of course, and brushed his palms against the points they made in the fabric. It felt so good she slowed down her unbuttoning, wanting to enjoy his touch longer. But each button revealed another ripple of muscle. Pecs that looked as if they’d been carved from granite. Six-pack abs.
At last, though, she reached the last button. It wasn’t fair to him to delay. Hadn’t the times in the club been all about her sensations? Any pleasure he had gotten was mental, not physical. It was his turn to enjoy some touching. She didn’t want to be a greedy girl. Yet as she continued on from his shirt to undo the button on his jeans she realized she was greedy. She wanted his cock, and she wanted it now.
He let her get the button, but stilled her hand with a firm grip when she got to the zipper. She looked up at him wonderingly, afraid she’d done something wrong.
“I appreciate the sentiment, darlin’, but I want you naked first.” He sat down on the bed, kicked off his shoes and laced his hands behind his head. “We’ve got all night. Take your clothes off nice and slow, and let me watch.”
His gaze swept her body, and it felt to her as if it was hot enough to burn her skin. She reached behind her to obey, and then got an idea. If he wanted his own private striptease, a striptease he would get. She wished she had something to play music other than her MP3 player, which didn’t have speakers, but she’d do her best in silence. She didn’t have any illusions she’d be graceful, but she had a feeling that Nick would appreciate the intent.
She swayed her hips to an imaginary beat, then leaned over toward him so low that she almost spilled out of her bra. So far she almost fell over too, and had to touch the bed for a second to steady herself. Nope, not graceful. She straightened, put her hands behind her on the clasp of her bra, and spun around slowly so she was facing away. She wiggled her ass at him and unfastened the bra, catching it with her other arm to stop it from falling away completely.
She resumed the turn until she was facing him again, her arm still holding the fabric to her breasts as she slipped the strap off the other. She switched arms so she could get the other strap, leaned over not quite as far, and then turned again before letting the bra fall to the floor at last.
She looked over her shoulder. “Slow enough for you?”
“Perfect, darlin’. I could watch you all night… Or at least for a while. Eventually I need to bury my cock where it’s wanted to go ever since I met you.”
“And where would that be?” She cupped her breasts with her hands and slowly turned to face him.
“In your pussy. I want to feel you coming around me.”
I’ve had all the orgasms in the relationship, and he’s still thinking how my pleasure will feel. Maybe it was a line, but she didn’t think so. And she knew from the way his pants tented at times that he’d been plenty turned-on, so it wasn’t as if he didn’t have wants. Needs.
She was going to be the one satisfying those needs. She felt her pussy moisten at the thought. His eyes widened as she slowly removed her hands, almost as if he’d never seen breasts before. But there was no shortage of bare skin at Indigo, and he’d seen her naked before as well. Nonetheless, his gaze devoured her hungrily.
She slid one hand down her stomach toward the snap on her shorts. He made her feel as if her body was unblemished, perfect. As if she was some kind of fashion model. It didn’t matter if the snap barely held, and five pounds ago had been coming undone every time she bent wrong. Lots of guys might say the right thing, but his eyes couldn’t lie. And they said, very clearly, that he thought she was sexy.
She unsnapped the shorts. Normally she felt a sense of relief at the sudden release of pressure, but it didn’t matter this time. She’d let him cinch a rope around her waist if he wanted to. But the idea that he was one step closer to being inside her made her clit tingle. Without a plan, she slid her hand down, outside the shorts, and rubbed herself. She was embarrassed for a moment at what she’d done, and then she saw his grin. He clearly didn’t mind. She stroked between her legs for a few more seconds, careful not to focus on her clit lest she overload herself. God it felt good right now. But he’d feel even better.
The fact that he enjoyed the show spurred her on. She unzipped the shorts and rubbed some more, first between her panties and her shorts, and then slipping her hand between her underwear and her mound, dipping to touch the wetness in her pussy. I’ll be a puddle if I keep this up, but it’s obviously turning him on.
He locked gazes with her and spread his own legs, his hand rubbing the bulge in the front of his jeans. She stared. She’d never had a man she was with do that so she could watch before. At the club in Texas, sometimes there were guys who jerked themselves off to other people’s scenes, but that had been a turn-off, not a turn-on. She tried to ignore them without being noticed ignoring them, because the more they annoyed her the more Stu seemed to want to attract their attention to her.
It was sexier watching a male sub do it on command for his mistress, but she wasn’t a Domme and she never felt she was intended to watch, although clearly they chose a public place for a reason. But this was different. This was someone she cared about. Nick clearly intended her to watch. Maybe he felt as vulnerable as she did, although it was hard to imagine Nick being vulnerable about anything. Still, it was beautiful. If she let her fingers stroke her clit while watching that, she’d come standing up. She took her hand out of her pants and slid it down her thighs instead.
He stroked his hand up and down the ridge, not unlike the way she had stroked her whole hand along her pussy. He didn’t squeeze or grab. Maybe he thought he would have trouble containing himself too. If so, sex was going to be short but explosive. Long could be good, but she was feeling impatient.
She grabbed the top of her shorts and had to resist seizing the panties as well, and pulling them all down as fast as she could. She thought of turning her back to him, but only for an instant. She wanted to see what he was doing too badly for that. She tugged the shorts down over her hips, then shimmied them down the rest of her legs.
“You’re so sexy,” Nick told her.
“You’re not bad yourself.” Zoe was surprised at the huskiness of her voice. She sounded almost like a man when her voice dropped that low, but thankfully not quite.
“Come closer.”
She took a step forward. One more step and she’d be in his lap. She didn’t mind that idea at all but she wanted to get her panties off first.
“You like to watch me, don’t you, Zoe?”
“Yes.” So he’d noticed her staring.
“I don’t dare press any harder. You’ve got me so turned-on, I might come from any more touching.”
“That would be fun to see.” She grinned at him.
“If we had but world enough, and time.”
She smiled. Somehow the words of the poem seemed strange in an Australian accent, although it was probably closer to Marvell’s than her Texan. “‘This coyness, lady, were no crime’? I believe you asked for slow.”
“I believe I did. But slow is over. Get your knickers off.”
She giggled. Knickers. “Yes Sir.” She pulled them down.
He pulled a condom out of his pocket.
“You come prepared,” she observed.
“I had hopes.” He unzipped himself and pulled his pants down. His cock was magnificent. Long and thick. Why had she waited? The drop of precum glistening at the tip made her salivate, but the urgency with which he tore the foil wrapper and unrolled the condom over his cock was hot too. He wanted her, clearly.
“Come sit on my lap, darlin’.”
She was tempted to sit sidesaddle, to tease, but she wanted to feel his cock inside her too much to let her mischievous side have control. She straddled him and her hand joined his to help guide his cock to her eager pussy.
He arched up and pulled her to him at the same time, entering her. Her pussy stretched to accommodate his girth, and kept stretching as he thrust farther inside her. She pushed, wanting to have all of him, loving the way his cock rubbed against her inner walls. Time slowed down, and it seemed to take an age before he was all the way in and her pubic bone pushed against his. He grunted his satisfaction.