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Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance

Page 48

by S. Cook

  His strong, firm and towering frame made me feel treasured. It seemed strange to think that way about a near stranger, but it was just that vibe I had around Brian. That first moment we’d met something had flashed between us that had never seemed to fade.

  I vowed to never stop fighting that bewildering feeling but for once, right now, I basked in the titillation of him. The way his heat and scent teased my senses and made my belly churn with sensual excitement.

  I’d never really known true passion. I was no blushing virgin but there was nothing about my sexual life to get excited over. It had always been merely satisfactory at best even with Theo.


  How could I be engaged to marry him if another man, a near stranger could swell a stream of desire within my core? I’d heard of the most sensible women falling prey to their basest desires when tempted beyond endurance. Brian could prove enough temptation if I was foolish enough to fall.

  Could I really afford to be that stupid?

  “It almost doesn’t even feel like we’re dancing anymore,” Brian said in my ear, his deep voice teasing the tiny hairs there.

  Sure enough I realized we weren’t actually moving to the music. It felt embarrassing yet thrilling at the same time just to stay there, locked in that moment with him and blocking out the world.

  “And that’s okay,” Brian went on, his voice barely above a whisper against my lobe. “Because I’d gladly stand here all night so long as you stayed in my arms.”

  I chose to laugh his husky, sexy words away. “Not sure how good that would be for my fragile limbs, Brian.”

  He let out a low, deep groan as he tugged me harder against him. “Just the way you say my name drives me crazy,” he confessed, burying his face in the hollow of my neck and drawing in a long, appreciative breath. “Even the delicious way you something out of a moonlit, rain-swept garden. You’ve been pretty bad for my sleep ever since I met you, Lydia.”

  “I could recommend a few remedies to cure your case of insomnia if that’s what you need,” I said with a hitch in my tone despite the way I clung to humor.

  “I need you, Lydia.”

  I felt my nipples harden beneath my dress from the harsh craving in his voice and the way his hands skimmed dangerously higher to rest beneath the swell of my tingling breasts.

  Against my will, I shivered at his touch, my eyes closing for a moment as I succumbed to the feeling of being desired by a man I wanted just as much. When I opened my eyes I was looking up straight into his tortured face, before his next words chilled me spine.

  “But you belong to someone else. Someone I doubt is truly even worthy of you.”

  Smarting, my hands flattened against his chest to strain away from him as I glared into his eyes. “You know this much after what, a week of meeting me? I guess you think a man like you would be far more deserving.”

  “I’d work damned hard to be,” Brian said, blue eyes blazing darkly. “I’d do what I have to do to be the man of your dreams.”

  I laughed. “I’ve heard some come-on lines in the past but this takes the cake. I mean this is sweet of you, Brian but I happen to believe in the real world and not in fantasy. And dream guys are for fairytales. I’m no Snow White and I certainly don’t need you to play Knight in shining armor. Though I’ll almost can get a girl confused.”

  My smile was impish as I tapped a reprimanding finger on his jaw.

  “Don’t think I’m playing,” Brian said thickly, catching my wrist and pressing his lips to the errant finger.

  His words sobered me up as I sighed, tugging my hand from his sensual touch.

  “I can’t let myself take you seriously, Brian. I hardly even know you. I don’t understand why things seem so...different with you. But it’s not something I’m at liberty to explore. I’m getting married to someone else.”

  “Are you sure that’s the only reason?” he asked, his voice turning cool as his hands abruptly fell from my body. “Or is it something to do with the fact that I’m just a hotel employee and not a billionaire mogul.”

  The music stopped and the dim lights brightened. I stared at him with a bruised, angry look.

  “You know what, forget it,” I said, spinning round and stalking back to the waiting table.

  I should have guessed. People always choose to believe the worst: that I was a beautiful young woman playing the rich man’s bimbo.

  They saw Theo throwing his money around and because I was with him and wore designer clothes, shoes and jewelry, they simply assumed I was all about that life.

  I never dreamed Brian would think I was that type of woman. Or someone who would care about how much a person was worth in money terms.

  Did I really seem so shallow?

  Brian followed closely behind me, but thankfully chose not to continue our conversation, simply ordering us more drinks just as Brandi finally emerged.

  “Had to tear myself from my new admirer,” Brandi said as she fell into her seat. Her full-bodied hairdo had lost much of its bounce and now hung in lustrous waves around her face that was slightly tinted with perspiration. She was obviously trying to catch her breath and thanked Brian when he handed her a glass of wine.

  “I mean imagine the hotshot thinking I’d just go home with him just because we danced and I let him buy me a few drinks. Not all girls like the fastball approach.”

  “I totally feel you on that one,” I said with a pointed look at Brian. “Some guys need to know when you just want to have fun.”

  There was no way for me to read his closed expression, but the slight ticking in his jaw told me maybe my words had hit home. I added sweetly, “Too many men think romance can be put on speed dial. A lady shouldn’t try to keep up.”

  Brandi laughed. “That’s hilarious. I’d like to meet a man who can actually keep up with me.” She saw Brian glance at his watch and she let out a groan of dismay. “Don’t tell me it’s our bedtime yet.”

  “I’m afraid so,” Brian said, a small smile directed at the pouting Brandi. “You princesses will need your rest and it’s already past one a.m.”

  He took hold of Brandi’s elbow, helping her steady on her feet which seemed to stagger a little when she stood.

  “Whoops, looks like I overdid it with the tequilas,” Brandi said sheepishly.

  “We all had a bit to drink so it’s great we have a driver available. Shall we?” he said in general, sending me a glance.

  I felt chastised that he hadn’t risen to the baiting from my debate with Brandi.

  Once we made it out of the club the SUV drove up in no time. I sat in back with the drowsy Brandi and my thoughts were confused all through the quiet drive back to the hotel. Along the roads the bright lights hadn’t dimmed and the nightlife was far from asleep yet but I now longed for my comfy looking bed in my new room.

  Once we got to the hotel Brian insisted on seeing us up to our doors. Brandi seemed dead on her feet but happy and she hugged Brian, thanking him for a great night out. We said goodnight as we too quickly embraced and Brandi disappeared into her room. Turning to the door just opposite, I started to let myself in when I heard Brian say my name from behind.

  I turned slowly to face him again, my eyes guarded.

  He let out a deep sigh before he spoke. “I made a very unfair statement back at the club,” he said quietly. “I had no right to make hasty conclusions and I’m asking you not to do the same with me. I know how it might seem: you’re engaged, we only just met and here I am trying to simply get in your pants. I’m immensely attracted to you, Lydia but I’m not simply seeking a fast thrill. What you see is what you get with me and like you, I believe in the real world – where a man makes sure he works to get what he wants. And I want you. Sleep on that.”

  Chapter 9: Lydia

  I woke up the next day with Brian’s words ringing in my head. I thought it was a little cocky of him, coming straight out and telling me he wanted me. And the way he’d sounded, it was as if he was so
sure of his chances.

  Like I had no say in the matter.

  What I want I get, he seemed to say.

  I needed to stay on my guard and this time I mean it, I thought, getting dressed into a pair of white shorts and a light peasant-type blouse. I’d felt attracted to Brian but he seemed to have a notion of entitlement where I was concerned. I wasn’t condoning that, not anymore. It was best, I decided, to simply stay out of his way.

  But my line of defense proved pointless. All through my brunch with the slightly hung-over Brandi and even later when we went swimming and then for a set of tennis on the resort grounds I caught no sight of Brian. Much later in the evening, Brandi and I met up again for dinner in the elegant dining room and still he was nowhere to be seen.

  I wondered at the pang of regret I felt. I’d been so sure he’d seek me out today. Especially after his speech about wanting me. Instead he seemed to be the one who was avoiding me. Pushing that silly idea aside I focused on my delicious meal.

  Halfway through the main course my cellphone rang and I recognized Theo’s number. “Sorry Brandi I need to take this,” I said apologetically to my friend who waved her hand encouragingly.

  Quickly, I answered the phone with warmth in my voice. “Hello, Theo. I’ve been expecting your call.”

  “I’m sorry. I had no time to myself in the past forty-eight hours,” Theo said.

  To me, Theo’s deep, gravelly voice sounded so reassuring and helped ground me back to earth almost instantly considering my confused state over Brian.

  “So how are you? I hope you aren’t having too dull a time without me,” Theo teased.

  “Oh, I’m getting by,” I said with humor as I sent a grin Brandi’s way. “And I happened to run into an old school friend yesterday. In fact I’m having dinner with her right now. Her name’s Brandi Niles.”

  “That’s great,” Theo said quickly, already sounding distracted. “I really only have time for a brief call. I also spoke to your father this morning. I needed help with a certain investment portfolio we’re partnering on.”

  “I hope things work out well with that,” I said.

  “I’m sure it will. Your dad is tops in the field and he’s got my back at all times. Couldn’t do this without him. Well, I’ll let you enjoy your dinner. Take care, alright? I miss you.”

  “Miss you too,” I replied guiltily, ending the call and looking up to meet Brandi’s inquisitive grin.

  “And who was that?”

  “My fiancé. I guess I forgot to mention I’m engaged to Theo Clayton.”

  I couldn’t help my mischievous smile as I shrugged and returned to my meal.

  “We arrived together but he had to leave unexpectedly yesterday or you’d have met him.”

  I grinned at Brandi’s incredulous expression.

  “You’re engaged? And you didn’t tell me! Jesus, girl. You don’t just leave out stuff like that. We should be celebrating! My best friend is getting married. Damn,” Brandi said gleefully, finally taking note of the dazzling ring on my finger as I extended my hand to give her a look. “Congratulations, it looks gorgeous. And there I was thinking you and Brian...”

  Brandi broke off and sat back with a thoughtful smile. “So you two are really just friends. Am I glad to hear that! He’s beyond gorgeous and I’ll be on that in a heartbeat,” Brandi declared, with a dramatic roll of her head for emphasis. “It doesn’t even matter to me that he’s not rolling in dough. I’ve got more than enough for both of us. Plus, it would only be a vacation fling, nothing more.” Brandi’s eyes closed dreamily. “I’m supposed to be back in London in a week. I wonder if I can convince him to come with me.”

  I had been sipping on my wine and almost choked at Brandi’s mischievous words. I placed the glass down slowly before turning to her with a disapproving look on my face.

  “I don’t think Brian’s cuts it as a gigolo. I can’t believe you’d actually want to proposition him.”

  “Relax, girl it’s not the way it sounded. I wish to simply make him more aware of my charms. Let him know this honey is up for grabs.”

  Brandi shrugged nonchalantly. “Any smart guy would jump at the opportunity to be with me.”

  “Of course, Brandi – but I still think it’s so not worthy of you to...”

  “What do you mean?” Brandi’s face was creased in an uncharacteristic frown. “You never used to be a snob. If you think I care anything about his status.”

  I cut in, “No, you’re getting me all wrong.” I sighed impatiently, setting down my silverware. “Look, all I’m trying to say is that if he likes you, he’ll make the moves. You don’t have to throw yourself at him. It sounds so demeaning.”

  Brandi burst out laughing, her brow clearing. “Oh, is that it? Girl, I’d have thought you were more open-minded about such things. I mean in this day and age it’s not uncommon for the woman to be more assertive in matters of romance.”

  Her slightly teasing tone made me feel embarrassed.

  “But I do get where you’re coming from,” Brandi added more seriously. “And yet even you must admit that Brian is damned fine enough to have a woman rethinking her so-called principles. He’s pretty much hard to resist on any level.” She eyed me shrewdly. “Even you seem a little taken with him. Don’t lie, girl. I saw the way you two were dancing cheek to cheek last night.”

  I slashed a dismissive hand in the air.

  “Cut it out, seriously. I might like him but that’s all. He’s just someone I happened to meet. Have all the fun you want with him, okay? Just don’t drag me in the mix simply because I tried to give out friendly advice.”

  Brandi’s hand reached out quickly to cover mine, her eyes remorseful. “I was out of line, I apologize. I know you mean well. And I get it, believe me. I’ll take what you said very seriously, I promise.”

  I nodded, exhaling a deep breath of frustration I hadn’t known I was holding. I smiled to show Brandi I hadn’t taken offence and our meal went on pleasantly. We lingered over dessert and by nine pm Brandi pleaded exhaustion.

  “I got a little carried away last night and I think the after-effects still haven’t worn off,” she confessed, her smile sheepish as both of us came off the elevator.

  I escorted Brandi back to her room and stayed until Brandi had showered.

  “You were always the nicest girl in the whole school,” Brandi was saying sleepily as she crawled beneath the covers of her bed. “That’s why I couldn’t help but get closer to you. And I’m glad I did.”

  I smiled from the open doorway of the bedroom as Brandi promptly fell asleep.

  “Sleep tight,” I whispered and then withdrew with a fond shake of my head.

  Brandi had a good heart, I mused. It was just that my friend had a slightly different take on life than I did. I could only hope that Brandi knew what she was doing.

  I wish I knew myself, I thought with a deep sigh as I crossed the corridor to my room. I thought of Theo’s phone call and how everything had seemed so clear for like five minutes but now I was back to feeling the strange sensation that I was adrift emotionally and it struck me more strongly than normal.

  If I had any sense I’d leave first thing tomorrow, my inner voice told me. I should never have let Theo convince me to stay behind without him.

  A heavily enticing scent of fresh roses greeted me once I stepped into my dim room. My fingers quickly found the light switch and the next moment I was gasping in amazement.

  A trail of pink and white rose petals ran all the way up to the bed which was strewn with more rose petals. There were bouquets of roses standing in vases dotting most of the surfaces in the room. My mouth hung open for several seconds even as my eyes glowed with pleasure.

  I was hardly mindful of what I was doing as I kicked off my shoes one by one and stepped barefoot on the path of soft, delicate rose petals leading to the bed where I ran my hand over the mass of petals covering the perfectly-made sheets.

  My mind went straight to Theo and I wondered how h
e could possibly have arranged this from so far away. It was a wonderfully romantic surprise and I couldn’t help the burst of happy laughter that crossed my lips, thinking he probably wanted to make it up to me for his unplanned absence.

  But no.

  There was a plain slip of white paper resting on the pillows and I reached over the petal-drenched bed to grab it, my eyes flying over the unfamiliar yet distinctly masculine handwriting.

  I read out slowly...

  “Every Sleeping Beauty deserves a bed of roses to dream on...I can only wish I’m the lucky Prince to kiss you awake every morning, and let you know you’re a priceless treasure...never to be taken for granted. Sweet Dreams, Brian.”

  Chapter 10: Brian

  I found Lydia reading by the poolside the next morning, dressed in a simple pair of navy blue shorts and a stripped blue and white sleeveless tank that managed to make her seem like the sexiest female in the world.

  But then I only had eyes for her anyway. She didn’t notice me until I was standing right above her, my shadow momentarily blocking the sunlight over her open pages.

  “I always did have a thing for bookworms,” I said, a teasing note of humor in my voice.

  She looked up with a ready smile, promptly taking off her clear, black-rimmed glasses and looking slightly embarrassed. She did seem genuinely happy to see me and suddenly I regretted keeping away from her the day before. I’d missed her but had felt she needed some space.

  “Hello, Brian. How was your night?” she asked cordially, straightening from her lounge chair.

  “Fine, thanks.” I grinned. “And yours?”

  She closed her book and fiddled with the edges self-consciously. “You must have raided the whole resort’s gardens to accomplish that surprising feat of yours. I’m impressed.”


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