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Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance

Page 55

by S. Cook

  My father hadn’t given me many details, except that the client’s firm was a highly sought after portfolio. I had been assigned to discuss further terms regarding my father’s investment company handling their affairs.

  I put my father’s behavior to him being pleased we were getting such a huge account. This investment company had always been his pride and joy and when I thought of how close he’d been to losing it all, I couldn’t really hate him for what I was being made to go through with my impending marriage to Theo.

  I shuddered thinking it was just mere days now to the wedding. I had insisted I’d keep my job until then, but I knew this was probably the last time I’d have any interaction with my father’s company. Theo would see to it that I was kept home as his personal plaything.

  I’d never forget that phone call I’d made to my father when I’d been in that hotel suite with Theo and how my father’s confirmation of Theo’s words had shattered my world.

  “Is it true, Dad? What Theo said?” I’d asked after recounting what Theo had told me.

  “Yes, my dear. It’s all true – about the money I lost, everything,” he’d said in the most defeated tone I’d ever heard him use. “Theo was able to get me out of that fix and I hold myself to blame. I trusted the wrong people and made some wrong decisions. Now I’m indebted to Theo to amounts that I can’t ever hope to pay. Not unless I wish to declare bankruptcy or give up every single asset – which would mean condemning my whole family to poverty. I can’t let that happen, Lydia. That’s why I believed you and Theo...” He’d paused, and I thought I heard his voice choke slightly.

  I hadn’t known what to say, or what words to comfort my father for his obvious distress and guilt. So I simply whispered, “Dad, I have to go.”

  And that was when I’d faced the smug Theo, my shoulders slumping in defeat right before he’d told me in no uncertain terms that I was nothing more than his property, bought and paid for.

  I shuddered thinking what a lifetime with such a man could be. He’d make me aware of his power over me with every breath I took. No fate could be worse than that but there was too much at stake for me to try to fight the inevitable.

  “Lydia, are you okay?”

  I blinked and looked up at my father whose face was filled with concern.

  “Yes, Dad. Sorry, I was far away,” I said and began to gather up my files I’d need for the lunch meeting.

  My father’s hand on my arm made me pause to look up at him questioningly.

  “No, I’m sorry,” he told me simply. His eyes when they sought mine looked earnest. “Before you leave, I need to ask your forgiveness. What I expected you to face with marriage to Theo, is something no father should expect his daughter to go through. I’m sorry for putting you in that position and I hope one day, you’ll hate me a little less for all you’ve suffered.”

  I felt touched, my heart filling to capacity. “I could never hate you, Dad,” I said, while feeling confused at my father’s turn of phrase. What did he mean, about what he expected me to go through? Why was he talking in past tense?

  “Dad, is there something you aren’t telling me?”

  He merely smiled, his lined, good looking face creasing further in that charming smile I was used to seeing. “Nothing that should worry you. I shouldn’t keep you; the car that’s being sent to pick you up for the meeting will be here any minute. And whatever happens, Lydia know that never again will you be left without a choice.”

  I looked perplexedly at my father, but this wasn’t the time to insist on a better explanation. I shook my head in a slightly pensive mood as I left the office.


  I was impressed by the sleek black limo that picked me up for the business meeting. I slid in with a smile of thanks to the chauffeur who held open the door for me. Just as it was closed after me I became conscious that I was not alone. I turned in my seat and almost jumped who I saw there, his small smile unfathomable on that devastatingly handsome face.

  “Brian,” I choked.

  “Lydia,” he said with far more calm than I was feeling. “It’s certainly good to see you again.”

  “Wish I could say the same,” I snapped. The limo began to move and I panicked. “What is the meaning of this? I’m supposed to me on my way to meet with a client and instead I find you here.”

  “I’d have thought it was pretty obvious. I’m the new client,” he said drily.

  “Is this your idea of a sick joke?” I breathed. “Why do you insist on tormenting me?”

  “That is not my intention,” Brian said, blue eyes solemn. “This was the only way I could get you to talk to me.”

  I snorted. “I can’t imagine what on earth we have to talk about.”

  I looked through the tinted windows as we headed downtown. My panic grew and I felt like yelling to be let out of the car, but instead I rounded on him again while forcing myself to sound level-headed.

  “Look, I don’t know how you pulled this off.”

  “I had no choice but to take drastic measures,” he explained. “In a few days’ time you’re set to marry someone else and well, I couldn’t let that happen.”

  I gasped. “Who put you up to this? Brandi?”

  Brian didn’t answer directly, but said, “It’s unfortunate that I have to resort to a bit of kidnapping to get you to listen, but if that’s what it’ll take, then...,” He shrugged. “I just need a few minutes of your time, Lydia. And after that you’ll be free to go.”

  I could only stare speechlessly at him for a moment. How had he convinced my father to go along with this ploy? No wonder my father had been acting so strangely. “You know what?” I said bitterly, “I’m actually anxious to know what you have to say that’s so important. Where are you taking me?”

  “We’re almost there,” he said enigmatically.

  I let out an angry sigh and sat back heavily on my seat. The limo rode into one of the most up-and-coming neighborhoods in the city. My eyes widened with curiosity as an imposing-looking building that sported a striking, shimmering glass exterior came into view. I looked up at the roof and saw the name “Serene Park Hotel”.

  “It doesn’t officially open until a few more months,” Brian explained, “But already it’s been selected as one of the top places to visit in the city. It’s to be one of the four luxury hotel properties we’re adding to the Payne brand here in Seattle. More importantly though, we’re expanding our sustainability efforts to ensure the communities enjoy positive, long term change and support from our luxury brand.”

  “How noble,” I said with a slightly impatient sigh as I was let out of the limo and Brian guided me into the luxurious interior of the building. “But I still don’t know what this has to do with why I was tricked into being here.”

  “You’re right,” Brian said drily, his smile wry. “Yet there’s still something I need to show you.”

  I rolled my eyes and followed him past the ground floor security and reception. I could tell that it was all still in development, but it was clear to see that the hotel would be well equipped with its own luxury retail stores, fitness facilities, restaurants and lounges as well as other function space.

  It felt like having a hotel within a hotel and I couldn’t help but be impressed even if I didn’t care to show it. The restoration and design showed a modern style that I guessed would make a hit with potential guests whether for business or leisure.

  We went up into the elevators and my confusion grew. I didn’t know what to make of all this and Brian wasn’t forthcoming with much info. Seeing him again, being this close to him was like a drug playing havoc with my system and part of me wanted to scream.

  Why was he doing this now? None of this mattered. Things could never be the same between us and besides, there was no way out of the mess I was in.

  I took in deep breaths and forced myself to relax when the door opened onto a luxurious looking floor.

  “This way,” Brian said lightly, and opened the door to a room.
br />   I sent him a suspicious look, but he merely smiled. I walked in slowly, my breath catching in amazement with the sight that met my eyes.

  It was an exact replica of my room back on the Caribbean island, with one extra touch that led memories flashing back to twist my heart strings tighter in my chest.

  Rose petals, leading right up to the bed, soft colors of pink and white with scents of beauty filling the air. Tears pricked my eyes and my wish to run away grew stronger.

  Facing the truth at last, I realized I’d never let go of the fairy tale of falling in love so foolishly with Brian and now I’d have a lifetime to spend regretting a future without him.

  “Brian, I don’t understand why you went through all this trouble,” I choked, spinning round to face him. “But there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Shhh,” he said gently, an arm coming around my waist while his other hand lifted to close my lips softly. “I know all about Theo’s hold over you. Brandi called and told me everything. The blackmail, all that money.” His forehead rested against mine and he inhaled deeply. “You won’t be marrying him, Lydia. A few days ago I met with your father and drew up an agreement with him concerning the Payne interests here in this city. Apart from handling our considerable accounts, he’ll be an associate managing much of the Payne Holdings. To start things off on the right foot with the new partnership between my company and your father’s, I decided that the matter of the debt being owed Theo was the first thing to strike off our list.”

  My look was blank for a few moments as I tried to sink everything in. “Are you saying you managed to pay off my father’s debt?”

  “In full,” Brian said in satisfaction. “And with a fair plan mapped out which insures that over the next few years your father can see to settling the balance while working within our partnership.”

  I backed away from him slowly, my head in a whirl. “You did all that, for me? You mean I’m free?”

  “Yes, you’re free and yes, I did it all for you, Lydia. Knowing that I had the influence and means to get you out of that bastard Theo’s trap gives me greater satisfaction than you’ll ever know.”

  “So I guess power has changed hands then,” I said with a twist to my lips. “Now it’s you I’m indebted to, right? And is this how I’m meant to repay you?”

  My hands indicated the seductive setting around us; the room, the bed. Brian’s look became pained and he grabbed my shoulders gently.

  “Is that what you think? Lydia, I did this because I wanted to make you happy. And it doesn’t feel like you owe me anything because I love you and would do anything to protect the one I love. How can you imagine it’s anything but that?”

  “Are you saying if I wanted, I could walk out that door, no strings attached, no repercussions?” I asked, chin lifted proudly.

  Brian sighed.

  “I was hoping you’d stay. But I’d never force you to. You’re free to leave, of course. I don’t hold you to any obligations for what I did. Because unlike with Theo, when it comes to me you’ll always have a choice.”

  I instantly thought of my father’s words earlier and felt a prick of conscience. Theo had never let me have a choice. I’d never have been able to walk away without hurting my family.

  I could be enraged at Brian all I wanted for all I I’d suffered, but it was simply my pride fighting for dominance, I realized. Would I let that foolish emotion stand in my way of me chance of finding true happiness at last?

  I headed for the door which stood ajar and my hand fell on the lock. I thought of how we’d met and how passion, unbidden, had risen like an elemental force between us. I remembered him promising me his heart and soul and being the one to think of what was best for me even before I thought of it for myself that last night together. Brian, holding back when he could easily have taken what I had to offer so willingly.

  He had never been the enemy and would never be. I saw that now and the conclusion had me gripping the door handle tightly before pushing the door decisively closed. Once the lock clicked I turned and faced Brian, and the look on his face could have turned my knees easily to jelly.

  We both moved quickly and in moments were clasped together, meeting halfway in the middle of the room.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth about who I was. It wasn’t about me trying to play some game,” he said, gripping my shoulders and staring into my face. “For those few days, I relished the thought of being wanted, desired simply for the man I was and not what my name and family money represented.”

  “I understand that now,” I whispered, nodding. “And I hope you’ll forgive me for not being open about why I couldn’t leave Theo for you just as we agreed. If I’d told you all about it, maybe things would’ve been different.”

  “It’s okay,” Brian whispered, lips clinging to mine. “In my jealous rage I never gave you the chance to really explain why you felt it was impossible to leave him. I was a fool to doubt what my heart had told me all along; that you’re my soul mate and nothing would make you turn your back on me unless it was beyond your control.”

  I nodded, but couldn’t stop the tears that spilled from my closed lashes. I couldn’t believe it was truly over. Couldn’t believe how long I’d gone without Brian’s arms around me, his lips on mine.

  “Thank you,” I breathed, turning my cheek into his hand and kissing his palm as he cupped my face. “Thank you for caring enough to come after me even when it seemed like all was lost.”

  “I never believed that,” Brian said fervently, crushing me hard against him and making me aware of every solid outline of his lean, whipcord frame. “Even when I walked away from you that day, I couldn’t let myself think it was over. That’s why I carried out the hotel expansion to this city, hoping to see you again. When Brandi called and filled me in on all you’ve been through, I felt like such a jerk. Promise me you’ve truly forgiven me?”

  My soft smile grew sultry.

  “Maybe I truly will. But there’s one more thing you have to do for me.”

  “Anything,” he growled, even as he let me back him up until we were standing by the edge of the bed.

  Biting on my lip sensuously, I planted my hands on his chest and then shoved him down on the bed. Before he could sit up I scrambled on top of him, straddling his hips and leaning forward to hover my lips over his.

  The blazing heat in his blue eyes spurred me further and I linked my fingers through his, pushing his arms up on either side of his head.


  I couldn’t tell if it was a warning in his tone or a prompting to keep going. He stared deep into my face and I felt all hot inside and outside.

  “I could drown in the beauty of your eyes,” he said, voice thick with emotion and a raspy desire.

  “And you intoxicate me,” I told him, gripping tighter on his fingers and moving my hips sensually over his. His sharply indrawn breath had me licking on my lips in anticipation.

  “I’ve been wondering what it would feel like if you ever let yourself go. I mean really let go,” I mused, feeling him swell and throb beneath his pants as I ground my lace-covered sex over his burgeoning hardness.

  My lips lowered to his neck and I nuzzled my face there, opening my mouth on his flesh and sucking, nibbling. Brian groaned loudly, fingers flexing within mine.

  “Keep doing that and you’ll find out. I’ve wanted this so long, Lydia. You’ll make me crazy,” he said hoarsely.

  “Mmmmm,” I purred, licking contentedly on his neck before lifting my head to gaze down into his eyes. “I’m already crazy, about you. I can’t believe this isn’t a dream. Please take me, Brian. I need you so much.”

  With a growl, Brian moved swiftly and soon had me flipped on my back. Now I was pinned down partly by his weight and my chest was heaving with excitement.

  “I want to be buried so deep inside you we’ll be welded as one,” Brian promised, making my deepest core turn to cream at the velvety rasp of his deep voice.

; The heat in my belly pooled into fiery liquid and streamed from my needy sex, soaking my panties. A helpless moan escaped me.

  “We need to get naked,” Brian said factually, and my throat bubbled with laughter, which died off as Brian systematically stripped me out of my clothes, then his in less than fifteen seconds.

  His unclad body touched mine, strong and defined with muscle. His head seemed to magnetize me to him and I looked up into his eyes to find their blue depths mesmerizingly filled with arousal. His intensely handsome features seemed etched with an unbearable, fierce need that I knew matched my own.

  How did we come to feel this way? It hadn’t happened like the conventional romance. One moment I was thinking we could never be together; I belonged to someone else and Brian was almost a stranger. But out of nowhere, our spark grew into an abiding flame. And now, ferocious and irrevocable, it was about to become uncaged, engulfing us both.

  Swept away by his enthralling gaze, I almost didn’t want to close my eyes as his head lowered to mold his lips to mine. He devoured me with his kiss and my body was caught up in a liquefying desire. It coursed through my system like a life force and I had to cling to his rippling arms and shoulders, my body arching and opening instinctively to welcome him.

  Pleasure was his tongue raking into my mouth, eating into me like no one had ever done. He seized command of my lips and consumed my ecstatic moans. It felt like he never wanted to stop kissing me and I felt the same, like nothing else existed but our mouths merged together as he intended for our bodies to be soon.

  My hands frantically slid down his incredibly toned abs and with delicious entitlement, I reached for his raging hardness. We groaned in harmony and his lips tore from mine, both of us gasping for air. The rigid, silken feel of him filling my palm gave me the most pleasurable rush.

  I heard his deep, growling sounds of approval as I stroked him from base to tip, and I grew wetter by the moment knowing I drove him crazy.


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