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Their Strict Daddies

Page 8

by Shelly Douglas

  “Aww, that’s sweet,” Becca gushed.

  “Here’s your drink, John,” Chrissy offered, strolling through the open glass door.

  His large, intense almond-shaped blue eyes didn’t leave hers as he graciously accepted the margarita. “Here’s to my new neighbors,” he toasted. The girls all touched glasses and smiled.

  “Where’s the rest of your crew? I had hoped at some point to talk with Max about his books.”

  Becca waved her hand back and forth. “They all went to the driving range after breakfast and were going to stop on their way home to pick up some lunch for us. You’ll excuse the early cocktail hour, but they haven’t been leaving us alone very often, so we’re grabbing the opportunity to bond together…”

  “Hey, if you want to talk with a couple of authors, Lizzy and Becca are collaborating with Max on a new book. Although it might not be of particular interest if you’re only into mysteries,” Chrissy interjected.

  “Oh, I don’t know, I read all kind of genres. What is it that you write?”

  “We pen erotic romance novels,” Becca beamed with pride. “Although, the one we’re working on with Max certainly has an element of suspense.”

  “Well, I admit being partial to a mystery, but the combination of the two sounds intriguing. What in particular is driving the twist in your most recent plot?”

  “To be honest, we’ve had some unusual occurrences around here…” Lizzy cut her sentence short after watching Becca tip her head in warning.

  “Well, I wish the three of you luck,” John said, taking a sip of his drink.

  Chrissy drained the last drop in her glass. “I think we need another pitcher of these.” Trying to stand, she swayed a bit before heading off to the kitchen.

  “We could also use some tunes. I think there’s a built-in system around here…” Becca walked over to study a panel on the wall and with the flip of a switch, music enveloped the entire pool area. “This place is so cool,” Becca sang, dancing her way back over to her chaise.

  “John, do you have specific plans for the rest of your stay?” Lizzy inquired as Chrissy returned with a full carafe.

  “Not particularly… I play golf a few times a week and spend my evenings enjoying the fine restaurants in the area. Hopefully, a couple of my friends may be coming down next week, so I won’t be alone the whole time.”

  “That’s sounds like a great vacation,” Max responded from the doorway. Startled, the girls turned to find Max, Josh, and Peter standing together. “I see we missed out on the festivities,” he continued, glaring at the margarita glasses on the table. “Chrissy, can I see you for a moment?”

  “Lizzy?” Peter curled a finger, gesturing her to come into the house.

  “We’d never leave you out, Becca,” Josh added with a wink.

  “John, will you excuse us, please?” Max yelled over. “Maybe we’ll find another time to get together,” he hollered along with a rousing wave of the hand.

  “I hope no one’s in trouble,” John said in a hushed voice to Chrissy.

  “Don’t you worry, we had a blast!” she answered before carefully getting up from her lounge chair.

  Josh, Peter, and Max waited as the three girls slinked past them into the house. “Please sit down, ladies,” Max requested in a calm tone. Chrissy, Becca, and Lizzy all huddled together on the couch.

  “What were you girls thinking?” Peter demanded, tapping a foot.

  They all glanced at each other in hopes that someone would jump in as their spokesperson. But no one uttered a word.

  “Didn’t we specifically say not to associate with John?” Josh pointed out, crossing his arms.

  “To be accurate, you said not to approach him alone, and we were actually together. Besides, John was a perfect gentleman,” Chrissy said slowly, obviously trying not to stumble on her words. “Am I right, girls?” Becca and Lizzy bobbed their heads in agreement.

  “You’re all missing the point,” Peter reprimanded. “We trusted your judgement—and here you are partying with the one person we were all concerned about.”

  “John Peterman is a sweet, harmless man. If you had bothered to get to know him, you might have found that out.” Lizzy swayed a bit as she stood in defiance.

  “You evaluated his character over a couple of margaritas?” Max asked in disbelief.

  All three girls shrugged.

  The men glanced at each other briefly in silence before three individual stern but calm authoritative tones emerged.

  “Place your nose in that far right corner, Christina,” Max directed in a low voice.

  “Elizabeth Marie, stand against the wall over there,” Peter said, pointing across the room.

  “Take the corner to your left, Rebecca.” With firm conviction, Josh enunciated each word deliberately.

  * * *

  “We were going to take the three of you to play with puppies today, but it seems our plans are going to change,” Max said, jerking down Chrissy’s bathing suit bottom.

  Lizzy looked over her shoulder with teary eyes as Peter smacked her backside before tugging on the lower half of her bikini. “Please, daddy! Don’t take it down!”

  “Maybe the memory of a public spanking on your bare fanny is just what you need, Elizabeth Marie Stark. Now turn around, young lady, and behave yourself.”

  “Separate your legs, please.” Josh stretched the bottom half of Becca’s suit downward and gave her soft rump a hearty smack with the palm of his hand. “Instead of a fun outing to the pet store, it seems our naughty girls are going to have their heinies paddled.”

  “Paddled?” Becca asked, whirling her head to stare into her husband’s dark brown eyes.

  “I decided to supply the guys with their own leather-covered paddle for this trip,” Max answered as he passed out the wooden implements to the men.

  “How thoughtful of our head writer to hand out vacation favors,” she retorted as a second brisk smack was applied to the bottom of her round cheek.

  “Do you really think sarcasm is a wise choice at this moment?” Josh whispered in Becca’s ear.

  “No, daddy.”

  “Hey, aren’t we breaking a rule here?” Chrissy asked, her fingers tapping against the wall.

  Max lightly touched each supple cheek with the soft leather that covered the hard paddle. “Which one, pumpkin?”

  “I thought we weren’t supposed to turn into little girls until five o’clock, yet here we are standing with our noses against the wall and our bare bums extended as we lovingly call you daddy. If I’m not mistaken, we haven’t even had lunch yet…”

  Max inhaled a deep breath and blew it out. “Who administers the spankings when we’re home, Christina Hope?”

  “My daddy spanks me,” she answered in a small voice.

  “As I’m sure it is the same with our other two little girls, right?”

  Becca and Lizzy nodded, still facing the wall.

  “Since our young ladies all broke the rules together, I think it is fitting that they receive their punishment at the same time,” Josh said, twirling the small paddle in his hand.

  “What are you proposing?” Peter asked.

  “I think an apology after each swat would be appropriate.”

  Max nodded in agreement. “That sounds good to me.”

  Chrissy, Becca, and Lizzy agreed reluctantly.

  “Place your hands flat against the wall and push your bare backsides out where we can see them.”

  Red-faced, the girls obeyed and it wasn’t long before Max’s paddle connected sharply to the bottom of Chrissy’s cheek.

  “Ow! I’m sorry, daddy,” she whined loudly, waving her fanny back and forth.

  Another loud noise cracking against soft skin came quickly as Josh landed a firm spank across both of Becca’s round globes.

  “Aghh! I’m sorry, daddy,” she screeched, tilting her head back.

  “My little girl should know better than to pull a stunt like that,” Peter whispered into Lizzy’s ear b
efore applying two swift swats to her smooth hind end.

  “I’m so sorry, daddy,” she cried, her body jerking in reaction to the sharp pain.

  And then the room filled with a cacophony of noises as paddles touched down firmly on tender, wobbling bare behinds while apologies were shrieked to each daddy over and over again.

  * * *

  Standing with full, reddened buttocks pushed out into the room, three soundly spanked teary-eyed women sniffed and hiccupped as they patiently waited for their husbands to finish setting out lunch in the kitchen.

  “You all have permission to pull those bathing suits up over your sore backsides and join us at the kitchen table for sandwiches when you’ve calmed down,” Max said, walking into the room.

  Chrissy turned her head and arched an eyebrow at her husband. “I’d rather stand and eat at the counter, if you don’t mind.”

  Josh’s lips quirked at the sassy comment, but his gaze remained steady on Becca’s beautiful, bright red fanny as he approached her. “You have no one to blame but yourselves for the color of your tushies,” he stated in a quiet voice while helping his wife to re-dress her bottom.

  Lizzy’s face glowed with embarrassment as she looked down at the floor. “Have we been forgiven?” she asked humbly.

  “Of course,” Peter answered with a quick hug before helping to pull the bikini up her legs. “You know we’re only worried about your safety.”

  Max gently took Chrissy’s hand. “Just out of curiosity, kitten, was the cocktail party at ten in the morning your idea?”

  “Nope.” Pausing, she decided that leaving information out would get her into more trouble. “But I was the one who filled John’s glass and brought out a second batch,” she admitted.

  “I think you’ll spend the rest of the day inside,” he said, kissing her palm.

  “But the weather is going to be beautiful this afternoon, and I want to work on my tan. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow…”

  “I know, sweetie.”

  Chapter Ten

  It was late afternoon the next day when she opened up one eye to squint at the sky, and the rapidly moving black clouds overhead seemed ominous. Though Chrissy hadn’t looked at the time lately, she figured her husband and friends were still busy writing in their rooms, and the clanging sounds of pots and pans coming from the kitchen window was a telltale sign that Josh and Peter were about to prepare dinner. Assuming it had to be close to five o’clock, she collected her belongings with the intent to go inside before the storm arrived when her cell phone rang its familiar chime. Sitting back down on the lounge chair to reach deep into her tote bag, she pulled it out and immediately held it close to her ear.

  “I’ve been a good girl sitting for hours all alone at this boring pool while you’re busy working on that silly book. Can we play with some toys when I come inside?”

  “Unfortunately, your talented husband is busy, but I’d be happy to play with you. By the way, I love that you chose a different bikini today. The blue flowers on the white background match your eyes perfectly…”

  “Oh, God! Oh, God!” she screamed, dropping her phone onto the lounge chair without ending the call. Quickly running to the sliding glass door, Chrissy wasn’t watching where she was going and ran straight into Max’s broad chest.

  “Jesus Christ, Chrissy, what happened? I just walked into the kitchen to see what the guys were up to when I heard your bloodcurdling scream.” Max cradled and hugged her, before stretching her out by an arm’s length to look at her face. “Are you hurt? Talk to me,” he pleaded, seeing the terror in her eyes.

  “He was watching me. He was watching me!” Chrissy screamed, burying her face back into his chest.

  “Who was watching you?” Max asked, as their friends all hurried out onto the back porch to see what happened.

  “It was him! It was him! He just called me on the phone!” she shrieked, her eyes widening with fear.

  “You’re shivering, sweetie. Let’s go inside.” Putting his hands underneath her legs, Max swept her upward in one movement and carried her into the house. “Could one of you find Chrissy’s cell phone and bring it in, please?” he yelled over his shoulder.

  * * *

  As Max lowered Chrissy to the couch, Becca brought a blanket in from her room.

  “Here, wrap this around her, the poor thing is shaking,” she said, handing him the white fuzzy material.

  Max bundled Chrissy and moved her close to his body. “You’ll be warm in a minute, sweetie,” he whispered, throwing his arms around her.

  “He had a deep, evil voice,” she recalled, her eyes brimming with tears.

  “Start from the beginning, please.”

  She inhaled a deep breath and attempted to blink back the tears. “I didn’t look to see who was calling, and started talking about being a good girl today at the pool.” She stopped to think, swallowing hard. “Max, I thought it was you and mentioned something about wanting to play with toys. He said he would be happy to play with me.”

  “Damn it.” Max’s lips straightened into a thin line as he pulled her close.

  “And then he said something about the color of my suit matching my eyes. It was as though he was watching me while we talked.” Chrissy’s voice cracked as she glanced at the stunned faces standing front of her.

  “Here’s the phone, Max. She must have dropped it on the chair,” Peter offered with an outstretched hand.

  “Thanks. Let’s see who’s responsible for this insanity…” After scrolling the recent calls on her smart phone, he looked up. “There’s no number listed. It was blocked.”

  “I’m sure it’s a burner phone. You use it once and throw it away,” Josh said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  “How do you know this stuff?” Peter asked innocently.

  “I saw it on The Wire. That kind of phone is extremely popular with drug dealers.”

  “Impressive information from our primary care physician. So, how do they block the number? I mean, even disposable phones have one, right?” Becca asked with hands on her hips.

  “All they have to do is dial *67 before the ten-digit number. Then the call appears as blocked or unknown,” Max answered with confidence.

  “So you watch those kind of shows, too?” Peter asked with a crooked smile.

  “No, I research that twisted stuff for my books.”

  “What else do you remember, Chrissy?” Becca interrupted.

  “His voice was disguised… like it was computerized.”

  “They have apps for that,” Josh said, tilting his head toward Peter.

  “There are also simple toys that can be used,” Max added with a nod.

  “Are we going to do this all night? If you guys aren’t going to prepare dinner, can we at least go to Burger King? I’m hungry,” Lizzy whispered to Peter.

  “How can you think of food at a time like this?” Becca asked, rolling her eyes.

  “Bitch,” Lizzy mumbled under her breath.

  “This is not the time for that kind of nonsense,” Peter announced. “Lizzy, go to our room and wait for me.”

  “The same goes for you,” Josh scolded, applying a firm hand to Becca’s backside.

  “You’re such an ass,” Lizzy said in a hushed voice to Becca.

  “Takes one to know one,” Becca teased, satisfactorily conjuring up the immaturity of a ten-year-old girl before narrowing her eyes.

  “And I better find a bared bottom with your nose pressed against the wall when I get there,” Peter yelled down the hall before turning to Max and Chrissy. “Sorry, guys. She always has to be the center of attention.”

  Max glanced at his watch. “Well, in her defense, it is almost six o’clock.”

  * * *

  Walking into their room, Peter immediately positioned himself behind his wife and patted each bare mound. “Present this heinie to me right now. Do you need a lesson in how to stand against the wall, Elizabeth Marie?”

  Though her stare was rebellious as she turned her he
ad, Lizzy’s words were contrite. “No, daddy.”

  “I’m waiting, young lady.”

  Wearing only a bright pink T-shirt, Lizzy hollowed her back, dramatically protruding her bare ass out into the room. “This is so unfair.”

  Peter’s open hand immediately smacked each soft buttock. “I know there are times when you require more attention than the others, but your attitude toward Becca was absolutely atrocious. My little girl seems to need a good spanking every day,” he whispered in her ear.

  Again, she turned her head and glowered at him.

  He spanked her ass twice and pumped a finger into her pussy. “I know you usually like my finger in your bum, but with less lubrication today it might feel a little more like a punishment,” he said, circling her puckered flesh with the tip of his slightly moist digit.

  Her short intake of breath was heard as he pressed in quicker and deeper than usual. “What are you thinking about right now, missy?”

  “That it’s not midnight.”

  “Try again, my sassy girl,” he warned, firmly swatting her bottom.

  “That you’re in charge, daddy.”

  “Good girl. Now back into my finger and take it all the way in.”

  Wiggling her fanny, she inched backward a bit.

  “Keep going. I want my finger to travel much deeper into that naughty hole, and I want you to help.”

  She pushed back a little more, but then stopped.

  He removed his finger and squeezed her cheek before smacking it with the palm of his hand. “Maybe you’ll think about this the next time you decide to be obnoxious to the other girls.”

  “I’m sorry,” she muttered.

  “I’m sure you are. Now back into position, please.”

  Letting out a heavy sigh, Lizzy jutted out her round rump and waited for the tip of his finger to return. But instead, she jumped as the bottom of one cheek was cracked with a hard object.


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