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Territory - Prequel

Page 8

by Susan A Bliler

  Mama ignored her and frowned up at Dell, “What’s wrong?” she demanded.

  “We need to talk.” Dell took her bag and ushered her inside.

  Mama led the way heading straight for the office, not even bothering to remove her coat. Inside she turned and eyed Dell anxiously, “Well?”

  Dell approached and grabbed her coat, helping her ease her arms from the sleeves before he folded it over the back of a chair and extended his arm indicating that she should sit. He knew she’d refuse if he didn’t start talking. “What do you know of the Lott family?”

  “I know much,” she pursed her lips frowning up at Dell as she took a seat, “be more specific.”

  Once Mama sat Dell crossed to lean on the edge of his desk, crossing his thick arms across his chest. “Are they medicine people?”

  Mama frowned, “No.”

  “Do they have ties to medicine people?”

  Cindy, who’d been standing silently by the door interrupted, “Dell we shouldn’t bother Mama with this now, she’s exhausted.” Cindy smiled tensely at her mother, “Don’t you want to take a nap?”

  Mama frowned at Cindy, knowing she was trying to be a distraction. “Son, what’s going on?”

  Dell sighed and dropped his arms, turning to frown out the window. “I think Chloe Lott has been using medicine on me.”

  Mama’s eyes widened and she slowly stood pointing a finger at Cindy.

  “Mama!” Cindy hissed, “It’ll only end badly. Think of Mace.”

  “It’s not your place to decide young lady!” Mama shook her finger at Cindy and turned then grabbing her son’s hand. “Dell, Chloe isn’t using magic on you son. She’s done nothing wrong.”

  Dell could sense his mother’s fear that he’d harm Chloe for what she’d done to him. “I don’t want to hurt her.” Dell’s tone was accusatory.

  Mama grinned, “Of course you don’t, nor could you. It’d be impossible for you to harm your most valued gift.”

  His brows knitted, “Valued gift? What in the hell are you talking about?”

  “Don’t!” Cindy tried to intervene but only succeeded in earning herself disapproving frowns from both Mama and Dell.

  When she looked back to Dell, Mama’s eyes lit with a fire as her lips spread in wide smile, “Son, she’s your mate.”

  Taking a step back, he visibly paled. “What? You’re wrong.”

  “I’m not wrong. If you stop and listen for a moment, you’ll feel her.” Mama lifted a fragile knuckle to rap it on Dell’s solid chest just above his heart. “Right there. Still yourself son.” Mama leaned closer and closed her eyes with a smile. “Listen. Do you feel her?”

  Dell didn’t still. He stepped away from his mother’s touch. “It’s medicine. She’s fooling you.”

  Mama’s eyes flew open and her cheeks flamed with indignation, “If anyone’s the fool here it’s you.” Then she jabbed a finger in Cindy’s direction. “Her too. She’s been lying to you to protect you.”

  Dell turned a scowl on his sister. “It’s forbidden. A pack member cannot intentionally deceive their Alpha.”

  In response Cindy dipped her head. “I would gladly take the punishment for such offense if it kept you from harm.”

  “You admit it?” Dell challenged.

  Her words were strong with conviction, “I deceived my Alpha to protect my brother.” She held his gaze and jutted her chin defiantly, “I’d do it again.”

  Dell stood frowning at her, unsure how to react. He could punish her.

  “Son, what matters here is what is happening to you. For you. You’ve been gifted with your mate. You need to claim her.”

  “Claim her? I can’t claim her.” He turned and stomped to the window leaning heavily on the sill. “She hates us. All of us, most especially me!”

  “She’ll forgive you…”

  “No! She won’t.” He stood and shoved an angry hand into his hair. “We’re not discussing this. She is not my mate and there will be no claiming.”

  Mama tensed. “Your wolf has decided. It cannot be undone. It is impossible.”

  “Nothing is impossible!” Dell growled furiously turning to scowl at Mama. “I am the Alpha and I’ll decide my own fate. I am finished discussing this, it’s not to be addressed again.”

  Anger flared to life high on Cindy’s cheeks and she moved to stand behind Mama, placing a hand reassuringly on her mother’s shoulder.

  Mama spoke calmly, “Mace was supposed to live a long and full life. We all thought this. You refused to learn our stories, learn our rituals because you assumed you didn’t need to. Like the rest of us you assumed he’d always be there. Now, you need to know. Once a mate has been chosen, your wolf will not deny her. It will become more and more painful for you the longer you keep from her. Until then it’ll be just as physically painful for you to touch her. You will not be allowed to have her until you’re prepared to accept her as your mate. We are designed this way so you can’t try to get her out of your system. She’ll not leave your thoughts son, you can’t out run her.”

  “Enough!” Dell commanded angrily.

  “Whoa, what’s going on?” Briggs stopped with the door to the office half opened as he eyed first Dell then his mother and sister.

  “Nothing!” Dell snapped.

  Briggs stepped back to allow his brother to stomp past.

  Briggs turned to his mother. “What did I miss?”


  Having quickly been apprised of the situation, Briggs raced out of the house to catch up with Dell. As he typically did when he was stressed, Dell had stomped off into the forest.

  When Briggs finally caught up to him he said nothing, but simply kept pace at his brother’s side.

  “I think your mother’s senile!”

  Briggs smiled. He knew Dell would talk if he was just given time. “My mother?” he scoffed. “How come every time she says or does something you don’t agree with she becomes my mother?”

  Dell snorted, a light smile lifting a corner of his mouth. “Because I find it hard to believe that any relation of mine would believe something so idiotic.”

  Briggs tried to hide his smile. “You know she’s been around long enough to know what she’s talking about here right?”

  Dell growled, “It can’t work!”

  “How do you know?”

  “How do I know?” Dell spun on his brother in incredulity grabbing both of his arms roughly, “We killed her brother and she fucking hates me! That’s how I know!”

  “First of all, we didn’t kill her brother. Second, give her some credit. She might not hold a grudge.”

  Dell rolled his eyes and shoved Briggs back. “Clearly, you haven’t met her.”

  Briggs shrugged, “I could seek her out.”

  Dell stopped. The flash of jealousy that shot through him felt like a punch to the gut. “Don’t!” he growled the warning.

  “I’ll just have a talk with her,” Briggs feet halted when Dell pulled to a standstill, “if she’s not agreeable to a meeting with you, I’ll just throw her in the trunk and haul her ass up here.”

  Dell knew Briggs was baiting him, trying to draw him into a physical confrontation. The three brothers had done it for each other often over the years. When one was stressed or under great pressure the other two volunteered as punching bags. Now though was the first time Mace wouldn’t be present, and his absence hurt. Compounding matters was the fact that Dell didn’t want to just hurt Briggs for threatening Chloe; he wanted to literally rip him apart. The swell of violence was startling and Dell couldn’t help but wonder if there was something to the mating thing between him and Chloe after all.

  “Don’t talk about her Briggs. It angers me.”

  “Good,” Briggs punched Dell in the bicep, “that’s what I was trying for. You need to get out some stress.” Briggs reach
ed up and pushed Dell hard in the chest, “Let’s go.”

  Dell dipped his head and growled menacingly, “Don’t.”

  “Aw, what’s wrong?” Briggs quickly pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside before kicking off his shoes, “You don’t want this big bad wolf hunting your little red riding hood?”

  Dell didn’t move, but his hands balled into tight fists as he continued to growl. He was trying to restrain himself, as he often had, but something about the way Briggs was referencing Chloe had his blood boiling.

  “You just don’t want me around her because you don’t want her to think I’m the better specimen.” Briggs rolled his shoulders and grinned at his brother, “I am viable you know, maybe I’ll just go over and sniff around. If I like what I scent, I’ll take a little taste. Let you know if she’s worth the hassle.”

  That was all it took. Dell launched himself at Briggs, hitting his brother solidly in the chest. The two rolled and Briggs didn’t get the chance to recover before a large fist connected with his jaw. His head snapped to the side and he was surprised at the power behind it. He threw his own punch that Dell swiftly ducked.

  Grabbing Brigg’s extended arm, Dell fell back and trapped the arm between his legs and pulled back in what he knew had to be a painful arm-bar. It was one thing for a shifter to get his ass kicked in a fight, but to make one submit was quite an achievement. None of the three brother’s had ever submitted to each other in battle, or to anyone else for that matter. It didn’t stop them from trying.

  Briggs howled before he shifted. Dell lost his grip and also shifted as he rolled. The brothers went at each other and fur flew. Vicious snarling rent the air and twenty minutes later the two brothers lay laughing on the forest floor. Blood trickled from Briggs’ nose and Dell’s lip was cracked. Each bore bruises and scratches and when Brigg’s picked part of a dry leaf off his tongue the brothers erupted into laughter again.

  “Christ, you like to cheat in your old age!”

  “Old age?” Dell laughed, “I’m a spring chicken.”

  “Yeah,” Briggs lifted a hand to rub his sore bicep, “a chicken at least.”

  Dell sat up then hauled himself to his feet before extending a hand to help his brother up. “What’s wrong? Did this big bad wolf hurt more than just your body?”

  Briggs frowned at his brother, but accepted his hand. “I assure you my pride is intact.” He dusted leaves off himself when he stood. “Besides, I had to let you win. You’re the Alpha.”

  Dell winked at his brother then rolled his head from side to side. “I needed that.”

  Briggs slapped him on the back, “Anytime.”

  “Same time tomorrow?” Dell challenged.

  “Hell no,” Briggs rubbed his lower back gingerly. “You better call Pony he’s younger and has more to prove. I’m getting too old for this shit!”

  The brothers both laughed as they headed back toward the compound.

  Chapter 12

  Chloe had just finished showering and dressed in a pair of comfortable jeans and t-shirt. She’d spent the morning at the local rec center gymnasium. While the facility was cramped and dingy, it was suitable for her needs, plus she didn’t have to worry about any more wolf encounters.

  She was descending the stairs when the doorbell rang. She paused at the landing wondering who could be calling. When the bell sounded again, she descended the last few steps to jerk the door open. Shock froze her in place as she stared at the woman she knew to be Dell Blackbird’s mother.

  Chloe simply stood and stared slack-jawed at the elderly woman before she finally found her tongue. “Uhh, forgive me.” Chloe stood back holding the door wide, “Please come in.”

  Mama smiled but remained outside. “You know who I am?”

  Chloe nodded, “Yes.”

  “And you know my son Dell?”

  Chloe stiffened and bit out another clipped, “Yes.”

  “Good,” the older woman’s dark eyes crinkled in the corners when she smiled, “I’m too old to futz around, so I’ll just say what needs to be said.” She lifted her head and pursed her lips a moment before she began, “My people, my family, we’re descendents of wolves. Shape shifters. Some call us skin walkers. You’ve heard the rumors?”

  Chloe merely nodded.

  “We live in packs and each pack has a leader, an Alpha, and it is this Alpha’s responsibility to act in a manner that will both protect and strengthen his people.”

  “All due respect Mrs. Blackbird, but why are you telling me this?”

  Mama sobered then, seemingly drawing to her full height, slight as it was. “Because Dell is the leader to our people. My son is Alpha to our clan. They are not rumors. We are shifters,” Mama leveled her eyes on Chloe, “and you are my son’s mate.”

  Chloe’s eyes widened and she took a cautious step back, “Look, I don’t want any trouble.” Chloe peeked over the woman’s shoulder wondering if she were alone. This has to be a joke. “You should go.”

  “I’ll go, but I want you to know that his claiming is going to be stronger with you because he is the Alpha.” Mama let her eyes slide up and down Chloe’s lithe frame. “You must be very strong to have resisted to this point.” Mama began to turn then, “But it cannot last young lady. No matter how much you pray it to the contrary, your hate will give way to love.” Mama stopped to eye Chloe suspiciously, “I suspect it’s begun already.”

  Chloe’s blush was telling even as she lifted her chin with more confidence than she actually felt. “Good night Mrs. Blackbird,” she offered dismissively.

  The older woman smiled, “It’s Mama.” She winked. “Least it will be. The longer he stays from you the more painful it becomes. I thought it only fair to warn you now that he won’t be able to stay away much longer.” She reached out and patted Chloe’s hand. “Prepare yourself. Prepare your heart. Your mate is coming for you.” Then she turned and left.

  Chloe waited until the old woman was out of sight before she closed the door and then fell back against it. Shifter? Mates? It was now official. The Blackbird’s were certifiably nuts!

  She lifted a hand to her lips and realized she was trembling. She’d instantly denied Mrs. Blackbird’s words, but alone now she was staggered by the implications. What if it’s true? It can’t be. Can it? Even just considering that the stories were true was terrifying, but the old woman had seemed so truthful, almost proud of the fact. Still, Chloe wouldn’t accept the woman’s claim. If she did in fact believe that the Blackbirds were shifters then she’d have to believe the rest of their mother’s statement and she had no intention of being anything with Dell Blackbird, especially his mate. She drew in a shaky breath. For some odd reason she couldn’t slow her heart as it thundered in her chest as she remembered Mrs. Blackbird’s warning. ‘His claiming is going to be stronger with you because he’s the Alpha.’ What in the hell does that mean?

  Pushing up off the door, she rested a hand on her chest hoping to calm the fluttering beat within. She felt nauseated. A game? But why would the mother get involved? Chloe sobered, because of Mace. She grew fearful then. If they’re willing to go to this extent just to mess with me, how far are they willing to go? Her eyes drifted upward toward the area of ceiling that rested just under her mother’s bed. Surely they wouldn’t… She gritted her teeth then, “No they won’t.”

  She ripped her jacket off the hook behind the door and snagged her car keys before setting off for the Blackbird compound.

  She had to stop and ask for directions several times before she found someone who knew the location of the Blackbird compound.

  As she maneuvered her car over the winding mountain road, she cursed herself for not having traded in her car for a truck last year as she’d intended. Montana girl with a car, what a joke!

  She drove for endless minutes and had opted to back out of the confrontation with Dell several times, but the roa
d was too narrow and with no opportunity to pull-off, she was forced to carry on.

  Several times, flashes of movement deep in the forest had her slamming on the brakes. Once she swore she caught the briefest glimpse of fur. Bear? No, too small. Wolf? She nearly laughed aloud even as uncertainty took hold. She remembered Mrs. Blackbird’s words. ‘They are not rumors. We are shifters.’

  As Chloe took her foot off the brake she prayed the old woman was senile before chastising herself. “See! This is exactly how they want you reacting.”

  When she finally crested a small slope she cringed as she heard the bottom of her car scrape on the earth. Her heart rate accelerated when her eyes rested on the large building that could only be the Blackbird compound.

  The two-story home was massive. The walls were made of rich thin bricks that stacked high and were topped with a slopping green metal roof. The façade was dotted with several windows. The structure was long and a row of cars sat parked facing the length of the building. It was indication that many bodies resided on the premises. Toward one end of the structure a set of stairs led up to a deck that ran the length of the building. The deck area was even with several doors that would allow occupants to apparently exit their rooms without having to go through the house. Chloe turned her head and eyed an equally impressive barn that sat just opposite the house.

  The grass was shorn in an acre size area that encompassed the house and barn but beyond that the plush forest grew wild and thick.

  With her foot on the brake, she scanned the area searching for any movement. No one’s seen me. I can still back out. “No!” She gripped the steering wheel tightly, “If you don’t confront them now, things’ll only get worse.”

  Chapter 13

  She pulled her car to a halt next to the line of trucks, jeeps, and SUV’s that lined the westerly wall of the house. When she exited the vehicle she was startled to find the woman who’d introduced herself the night of Donnie’s funeral quickly approaching her.


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