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Territory - Prequel

Page 17

by Susan A Bliler

  Cindy slapped a hand to her forehead, “Are you a fucking idiot?”

  Dell stopped pacing to growl at her.

  “I’m humiliated for her and I wasn’t even there! Jesus Dell, do you have any idea how shitty that sounds?” She dropped her voice in a mimicking baritone, “Yeah, baby thanks for the sex, it was great.”

  “I know,” Dell rumbled, “but I couldn’t tell her the truth.”

  Cindy’s brows shot up, “Well, you’re going to have to tell her now!”

  He began pacing again and frowned at the door, “Where in the hell is Mama?”

  “We can’t wait,” Cindy eyed the hallway. “You can’t leave her in there thinking the worst.”

  “I’m not telling her without Mama.”

  “Well we can do some damage control while we wait.”

  Dell nodded reluctantly and followed his sister down the hall to his office.


  Inside the office, Chloe sat in one of the leather back chairs and wrapped her arms around her waist. She wished the earth would open up and swallow her. I’m so fucking stupid! Tears flooded her eyes and she knew if she held onto them that they’d breach when Dell confronted her and she didn’t want to cry in front of him, so alone in his office she wept quietly as she rocked back and forth. She’d betrayed her family and her own sense of honor by practically begging him to fuck her. Now, he was insulted by the tryst, and that was more shaming to her than if he’d have simply left her naked in the woods.

  She drew in a deep breath trying to control her emotions, even as another pang of humiliation squeezed her belly. She sat straight and dropped a hand to her flat abdomen and rubbed, hoping to alleviate some of the tension that had bundled there on the ride over.

  She stood and walked to the window watching as a car pulled up and Cindy bounded out, all smiles. She watched Dell’s sister race toward the back door and let her head fall forward to rest on the cool glass. Well, if he’s going to treat me like some common diseased whore who is undeserving of his mighty semen, I’m certainly not going to give him the pleasure of seeing how much it hurts.

  Sawing in a breath of steely resolve she pushed off the window and straightened her clothes before smoothing a hand over her hair. She’d had it pulled back in a tight ponytail but somewhere between fucking Dell in the middle of the forest and being thrown over his shoulder, she’d lost the hair tie and her hair now tumbled loosely around her shoulders.

  She straightened her shoulders and wiped at her cheeks when she heard the door click open. She watched as Cindy poked her head in searching the room until her eyes locked on Chloe.

  “Hey Chlo,” she stepped into the room and when Dell entered on her heels, Chloe steeled herself, pulling on a mask of cool reserve.

  “Cindy, nice to see you again. Would you mind giving me a ride home?”

  Cindy actually winced and shook her head, “Sorry, we gotta talk first.”

  “That’s right,” Chloe lifted her chin, “the great and powerful Blackbird clan. Do as they say or don’t do at all right?” She didn’t blink when Cindy’s expression darkened.

  “Watch it Chloe.”

  “You watch it!” Chloe’s brows drew together, “You’ve been nothing but a bitch to me since the first time we met.” Her eyes shifted to pin Dell with an angry gaze, “You must be soooo delighted that he thinks I’m nothing but a common street whore.”

  “Chloe stop!” Dell bit out angrily.

  Cindy shook her head, her expression softening, “He doesn’t think that.”

  “Sure he does,” Chloe crossed to sit on the edge of his desk crossing her arms over her chest, “did he tell you how appalled he was at having unprotected sex with me? Like I’m some filthy…” She turned her head feeling her cheeks flame in indignation before she looked back and saw that Cindy was not startled by the revelation. Her eyes shot to Dell as understanding dawned, “So he did tell you.” She jumped up from the desk, “Nice!” She turned her back on the duo and clamped a hand to her cramping belly.

  “It’s not like that Chloe,” Cindy spoke softly. “He told me it was the most incredible night of his life, but he’s not concerned with what you could have given him or any child he could have given you, he’s worried about something else.”

  With her back still turned she heard Dell growl quietly, “Don’t.”

  Cindy continued anyway. “He’s a shifter Chloe. The Alpha.”

  Concentrating on the pain in her abdomen, she nearly missed the words. Her head slowly lifted and she stared at the window as they registered. She spun slowly her eyes huge. Oh God, how could I have forgotten? “What does that mean?”

  Cindy looked down and Chloe’s eyes found Dell, her voice rising, “Dell! What does that mean?”

  He opened his mouth but nothing came out as he shook his head. A pained expression on his features. “You asked me once if shifters could create other shifters. I told you it was forbidden in most cases. A mate claiming is the lone exception.”

  Chloe fought to keep upright as the knots in her belly tightened. The room was suddenly too hot. “Stop fucking around and tell me what’s happening.”

  “When a male shifter claims his mate, she…changes.”

  “Changes?” She looked to Cindy, but the other woman kept her eyes down.

  “My seed begins the process.”

  “You’re what? Your seed?” Chloe’s frown faltered as realization dawned. “Your semen?” Her voice rose as her body began to tremble. “What process Dell?” There was genuine fear in her tone, “Is something going to happen to me?” One hand flattened protectively over her belly.

  Dell stepped closer and pulled her small hand into his, “It’s already begun Chloe. You’re changing.”

  There was a slight tremble in her tone, “Changing how?”

  Dell pulled her closer, looping an arm around her waist and dipping his head until his forehead rested on hers. “You’re becoming one of us. A shifter.”

  At first she didn’t move as she absorbed the words, then she jerked her hand free and shoved at his chest. “No!” The word escaped her on a shriek of disbelief.

  Dell broke his hold and stepped back, allowing her some space.

  Chloe was near hysterical, “How do you stop it? Can you stop it?”

  He shook his head.

  Tears flooded her eyes and she didn’t even bother attempting to restrain them, “Did you know?” Her voice was a whisper, “Did you know this would happen to me?”

  “Chloe please.”

  “DID YOU KNOW?” She screamed.

  He kept his eyes focused on her. “Yes.”

  “Oh God!” Chloe turned her back to him, one hand still clamped at her belly while the other covered her mouth as a sob broke loose. She tried to take a step but her knees gave out and before she hit the floor Dell was there. He had her by the arms and eased her to the floor, kneeling beside her as she curled her legs under her to sit on them. One small hand snaked out and clutched at his shirt, “You didn’t even ask me.” Sobs wracked her slight frame as she lifted hurt eyes to his, “Dell, you didn’t even. You just…”

  Wrapping her in his arms he kissed the top of her head and held her tightly, “I know baby, I’m sorry. I should have told you. I should have asked.”

  She simply cried against his chest for long moments, letting the weight of the situation settle onto her. “Will it hurt?”

  Dell rubbed her back, “I’m not sure. It hasn’t been done within our pack during my lifetime.”

  She bent her head to her hands and her body wracked with her sobs.

  “It’s not that bad,” Dell continued to rub her back soothingly. “You’ll be impervious to illness, the aging rate will slow. You’ll be faster and stronger than you ever could have imagined. Your senses will heighten. You’ll be better than you were.”

n she looked up at him, an angry sneer twisted her features. “Better?” She pulled free and got to her feet as she scowled at him accusatorily, “BETTER?” She turned and stalked to the window. “You did this to me so I’d be better? Be,” she spun to scowl at him, “more suitable for you?”

  “It’s not like that Chloe.” Dell took a step toward her, but Cindy’s hand on his arm prevented him from going to her.

  “Has it ever occurred to you,” Chloe’s head dipped low, “that you might not be good enough for me?”

  Dell turned and walked to the door. “You’re angry. You need time. When Mama gets here, ” he didn’t get to finish.

  “I don’t need time!” The words were hurled at him in rage. “I could wait a thousand years and still know that you’re not half the fucking man I need.”

  “Chloe, don’t!” His words were a warning.

  “Don’t what? Tell the truth? If I’d have known that I’d be changed against my will, I’d have let Hayden do the fucking job!” When Dell’s expression darkened, she knew she’d gone too far, but she didn’t care. He had taken her life without asking her, and she had nothing left to fight with.

  Dell stalked her, passing by Cindy who reached up and grabbed his arm. He seemed not to notice as he pulled from Cindy’s grasp forcing her nails to dig bloody gashes into his flesh. In an instant he had Chloe flattened against the wall, his body pressing into hers as he peered down at her lowered head. His hands, placed against the wall on either side of her held her caged, trapped.

  Chloe’s eyes grew wide as he dropped one hand to her throat, forcing her face up and her eyes to meet his. She stilled beneath him. Her heart thundered so loudly in her chest, she was certain he’d hear it.

  He could scent her pain, her fury, her fear. Her fear angered him. It was his job to protect her, yet here she was terrified of him. Never again, he vowed. This woman, his woman would never know fear while in his presence ever again.

  “I’m going home,” her words were spoken from between clenched teeth.

  “No!” The word was more of growl than he intended.

  Chloe lifted a hand to peel his fingers from her throat while the other shoved at his chest. “I’m not asking Dell.”

  He stepped back, allowing her to walk away from him while the wolf inside demanded he drag her to the ground and mount her, force her to submit to her Alpha.

  She stalked down the hall and when he made to follow, Cindy’s hand on his chest stopped him. “Brother let her go. She’s insulted and afraid. She needs time.”

  “I wasn’t trying to insult her,” he snapped, his eyes still locked on the empty hallway.

  Cindy’s lips cocked in a half smile, “Well for not trying, you sure did a good job.” She dropped her hand, “She needs to blow off some steam, accept what she’s learned. Let her. She’ll be back.”

  Dell gently pushed his sister’s hand away. “I can’t. She’s mine now. I’ll not leave her again. Besides,” his features darkened in sadness and fear, “the change is already happening. She won’t suffer it alone.”

  Nodding, Cindy smiled weakly, “She’ll come ‘round. We women are a stubborn lot. We want to be the ones making all the decisions. Have faith in her.”

  “I do.”

  Chapter 24

  Chloe jerked open the back door with intentions of walking home when Mama’s smile met her.

  “Good,” Mama entered and snagged Chloe’s hand in hers, “I’m glad you’re still here.”

  “Mrs. Blackbird,” Chloe cleared her throat, swiping the back of one hand over her cheeks in an attempt to hide her tears, “I have to go.”

  “Not yet,” Mama tugged on her hand and led her back to the table. “Sit.”

  Chloe did as she was ordered and watched as the elderly woman shuffled to the cabinet and pulled out two mugs and a tin of some unknown substance. Mama flipped a knob on the stove that ignited a burner under the kettle that was already resting on the stovetop. She waited for Mama to speak, but the old woman continued to mill about the kitchen setting out small saucers and placing a tea bag in one empty mug while she dolloped the unknown substance into the other. She lifted the mug over her head and Chloe watched as she closed her eyes and mouthed some unheard words.

  When the tea kettle whistled, Mama added hot water to the two mugs and returned to the table carrying a tea tray that housed the two mugs, and two saucers with scones.

  “Here we go.” Mama set the tray down and placed a mug and a plate of scones in front of Chloe.

  “Thank you but I’m not hungry. I have to get home.”

  Mama clucked her tongue, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are hungry, and you are hurting.” Mama eyed her knowingly, “and I’m not just talking about the pain in your heart.” She pointed at the mug. “Drink the tea, it’ll help.”

  Chloe eyed the mug of dark liquid and noticed that Mama had given her the strange concoction and kept the regular tea for herself. Leaning forward she sniffed at it, “What is it?”

  “It’ll help ease the pain,” Mama lifted her mug and sipped at her tea. “Son.”

  Looking up, Chloe was startled to see Dell slowly enter the room. He stood by the door until Mama motioned for him to take a seat next to Chloe.

  “Mrs. Blackbird, I can’t stay.” She made to rise but Mama’s next words stopped her.

  “The pain in your stomach will only grow worse.” Mama nudged the tea closer to Chloe, “Drink. It’s the only thing that’ll help.”

  At that moment the bundle of nerves that had knotted themselves in her belly convulsed painfully. She tried not to wince as she raised a shaky hand and lifted the tea to her lips.

  “How much pain will she endure?” Dell asked quietly.

  “Some,” Mama looked from Dell to Chloe. “You’ll need to stay close.” Mama looked down and concentrated on folding a cloth napkin on her lap. “You’re mere touch will be soothing. More will help.”

  Chloe nearly choked on her tea, but continued to drink it as she noticed the pain receding. In between swallows, she kept the mug at her lips as she watched Mama turn angry eyes on Dell.

  “You should have told her what would happen. You should have given her time to accept it. And then you should have asked.”

  “I know.” Dell dipped his head.

  Mama turned to Chloe, “What is done cannot be undone. Whether you accept Dell now or refuse him,” Dell’s head snapped up then, “the change will still occur.”

  “Can I refuse him?” Chloe felt Dell’s eyes shift to her.

  “Yes. A claiming does not take away your free will. But you should know that now that he’s claimed and mated you, there’ll never be another in his life for as long as he lives.”

  “But Hayden,” she heard Dell growl at the mere mention of the name and she rushed on, “Hayden said he wanted to claim me, that he hoped I’d live longer than his first mate.”

  Shaking her head Mama pursed her lips, “He may have had intercourse with another woman and changed her as he intended to do to you, but neither of you were his true mate. A true mate claiming occurs only once.”

  “Once for the male?”

  “No, once for you both.” Mama inhaled slowly and smiled, “You carry his scent now. You always will. No other male, shifter or human, will be able to bear the scent. It’ll be subconscious for humans, but they’ll reject you. You belong to Dell as he belongs to you. This rare mating is the way our kind ensures our survival. We would never exist if we lived by the marital rules of your society. Our mating has to be for life.”

  Chloe rubbed her hand gingerly over her belly, noting the pain was almost gone. The information coupled with everything else was too much. She was emotionally and physically exhausted.

  “Tonight the changes will occur within you. You’ll need Dell, need his strength, his touch to ease the pain. The changes won’t be too drastic, nothing you’ll
visibly notice.” Mama turned to Dell, “Son, take her to your room. She needs to eat then rest. It’s going to be a long night for her. I’ll bring food.”

  “Am I going to turn into a…” she didn’t know how to say it.

  “No,” Mama smiled and reached out patting her hand. “Not tonight. That change will come with the next full moon. We’ll have ceremony. It’ll be beautiful.”

  Beautiful! Are you fucking kidding? “I’d like to go home.”

  Mama didn’t even look at Chloe as she stood and walked to the fridge pulling out a package of steaks. “You’ll need the pack during this time Chloe. No one but us will know how to help.” Mama turned then, “Stay at least until it’s over, then you can decide what you’ll do.”

  “Is there somewhere else,” she bristled when she felt Dell’s eyes on her, “where I can sleep?”

  Poking her head up over the fridge Mama frowned, “You have every right to be angry with him, but the tea will only help for part of the night. You’ll need your mate for the remainder.” Mama’s eyes slid to Dell, “It’s only right that he share your pain. He created it. By dawn, he’ll understand probably more fully than you the sacrifice that your making for the pack.”

  Anxiety washed over her as she eyed her empty mug. Fuck! She wished there were more tea.

  Ignoring Dell, she slowly stood debating on racing out the back door or going to Dell’s room. She was motionless for only a moment before she turned and slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor.


  In the kitchen, Dell sighed heavily dropping his head into his hands. “I’m sorry Mom. I don’t know what happened. I couldn’t control myself.” He lifted sad eyes, “It wasn’t even an option.”

  Mama pulled a sack of potatoes from the pantry and hoisted them to the countertop. She retrieved a paring knife from the drawer and began peeling potatoes. “You’ll need to make sure she eats all of her food. She’ll need her strength. She won’t want to eat,” she lifted her eyes to his, “but persuade her.”

  “Did you hear what I said?” His tone was harsh, “I’m telling you that I’m out of control and you’re talking about food.”


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