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Asylum (Pride and Joy Book 2)

Page 30

by Robert Winter

  “No more,” Hernán said in a voice that sounded drugged. “You. I need you.” He reached to pull Colin down, cradling him. Colin raised Hernán’s legs to rest over his shoulders, and the head of his dick brushed against Hernán’s asshole.

  They kissed again as Colin slowly penetrated him. Hernán’s body yielded while Colin sank in millimeter by millimeter. He sucked in a shuddering breath as Hernán engulfed his cock, drawing him down a tight, caressing, warm tunnel.

  Colin was thunderstruck by sensation. He was bare inside his lover. The enormous, monumental fact of Hernán sharing himself so completely made him want to cry his joy aloud.

  “Aah,” Hernán hissed slightly as Colin slid deeper. He pulled back just enough to meet Colin’s eyes, lips slightly parted.

  “There we are,” Colin said on a sigh as his pubic bone met Hernán’s ass. “I’m all the way inside you.”

  Hernán nodded and his eyes shimmered. “Inside me,” he echoed. “Inside…here.” He freed an arm to tap on his chest, above his heart. Colin grasped that hand and kissed his fingertips. He pressed further inside, and then withdrew slightly. As he sank in again, he said, “I love you so much, Hernán.” His own eyes began to burn. Hernán blurred before him. “Does it feel good?”

  Hernán nodded. He tried to speak but seemed unable. Colin thrust again, picking up the speed, lengthening his strokes. Hernán tried again and rasped, “It feels better than good. Amazing. I love you.”

  The passion and lust between them built as Colin repositioned their bodies. Dropping Hernán’s legs to hold in his crooked elbows, he raised himself to fuck at a new angle. He could tell he was hitting Hernán’s prostate with the head of his cock from the glazed look in Hernán’s eye and the huffs he made at each thrust.

  Colin freed one hand to wrap around Hernán’s wet and slippery cock, glazed with the precome that Colin’s fuck forced out of it. Shifting again, he plunged deeply inside, holding there as Hernán squeezed the walls of his rectum around Colin’s dick.

  “Almost there,” Colin choked out as he began to piston in and out of Hernán, faster and faster.

  Hernán gripped Colin’s biceps. “Come inside me,” he gritted out. “Pure sweet come. I need it.” He all but screamed then, as his own cock started to pulse between their bodies. Hot cream flooded their bellies, trapped between them by Colin’s grinding hips.

  The wonderful smell of Hernán’s seed, the slick warmth between them, and the tight sheath pulsing around his spike of a cock sent Colin soaring over the cliff too. He poured himself into Hernán, gasping and cursing as what felt like a year’s worth of come emptied his balls.

  Pleasure kept Colin’s cock hard and twitching when he collapsed. He claimed Hernán’s mouth again as he fell forward with a cry, sweeping his tongue over Hernán’s lips and stroking the roof of his mouth.

  Hernán tightened his grip around Colin’s back and rolled his hips up even more, as if to keep Colin inside. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and Colin raised his head, full of concern. Hernán began to tremble beneath him.

  “¿Mi ángel?” Colin asked softly. He tried to pull out but Hernán clutched him more tightly. He clenched his ass again and again, milking Colin’s buried cock. Suddenly Hernán burst into tears.

  “Oh no. Oh Hernán, I’m sorry. What did I do?” Colin begged.

  Hernán shook his head back and forth desperately. “Nothing wrong,” he choked out. “It feels so good. Colin, I love you.”

  Colin had no idea what to do except let Hernán cling to him. He kissed at the tears leaking from tightly closed eyelids, and nuzzled Hernán’s ear. Despite Hernán’s best efforts, his spent cock slipped out of Hernán’s ass. He rearranged their bodies so they lay pressed together.

  Hernán sobbed into his shoulder while Colin stroked his hair. “I’m sorry for crying,” he gasped. “Nothing is wrong, I swear. Just…overwhelmed.”

  “Me too, Nán. I didn’t know it could be like that.”

  Hernán nodded his buried head. The sobs quieted and stopped, and he gradually relaxed and softened in Colin’s embrace.

  When he opened his eyes finally, Colin kissed the tears from his eyelashes. “¿Angelito?” he asked again, tentatively.

  Hernán quivered. “I’m fine. Promise.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “It was just so good. Everything we’ve done together is wonderful, but this was so… I don’t even know. More.”

  Colin nodded. “For me too.” He hesitated, but he needed to know. “What you said, about pure sweet come.” Hernán tried to bury his head again but Colin stopped him with a finger on his chin. “Please. Tell me.”

  A long moment stretched before Hernán murmured his answer. “I’ve felt so dirty ever since I got the diagnosis. This black thing is growing inside me. And I’ve been worried I’m not giving enough back to you. Pleasure, I mean.”


  He put a finger to Colin’s lips to cut him off. “When you didn’t even hesitate about entering me, it was like this switch went off. You want me, even with this in my blood. Not just a pretty boy. Not a body. Me.”

  “I do,” Colin said earnestly. “Just you. Always you.”

  Hernán nodded. “While you were inside me, I felt so right. What you give me isn’t money or shelter or medicine or a job. You give me you. All that stuff just comes along with it. When I got that…” He hid again. “It’s going to sound so childish.”

  “I need to hear it. Please, Hernán.”

  “Everything you do is love. You light up my body when you touch me. It’s as if you’re erasing the bad things that happened to me. No, not erasing, Replacing. I wanted your come, Colin. I wanted your essence to drown out the poison Lonnie left behind. I could see it when you came—this light pouring into me.”

  “That doesn’t sound childish. That’s beautiful.” He kissed Hernán’s lips. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “I think you are too. My Colin.”

  Colin nodded because his throat was tight. “Yours,” he got out.

  Chapter 27

  Friday morning Colin stretched in bed. He’d woken briefly when Hernán rose to run with Brandon and David. The spot next to him was still empty when he stirred again, but the shower was on. Minutes later, Hernán came into the bedroom, drying himself vigorously.

  Colin held out his arms. “Come back to me.”

  Hernán laughed as he ran the towel over his legs. The vision of his tight body, gleaming from the shower and backlit by the bathroom lights, went straight to Colin’s dick. He threw off the covers to expose himself and to get Hernán interested.

  “Stop that,” Hernán laughed. “You may have the day off but I have an ESL class scheduled for ten.”

  “That isn’t for…,” Colin glanced at the bedside clock. “Another two hours.”

  Hernán sat on the edge of the bed, leaned down and kissed Colin soundly. He twined his fingers through Colin’s hair and pressed their foreheads together. “I’m a little sore from your ‘inauguration’ last night,” he murmured with a smile.

  “So good,” Colin said with a shiver. “But even with that off the menu, you’ve taught me a lot of other wicked things. Like when you pushed Bluebeard inside me in the morning while you—”

  “Stop!” Hernán demanded with a wink. “Your wiles won’t work on me today, villain. I have students to teach. I didn’t get to finish preparing my lesson yesterday.” He stroked Colin’s hard cock twice with a twisting motion that elicited a gasp. “Save this for me. Are we still going to New Jersey?”

  “Absolutely,” Colin said. “Well, let me check the weather to make sure it’s good for flying. But unless a storm has popped up, we’ll head out as soon as you wrap things today.”

  Hernán gnawed on his lip. “Do you think your parents will like me?”

  “I think they’re going to love you. We’ll have a great time, I promise. Remind me when your last class ends?”

  “I should finish by two.�

  “Perfect. I’ll pick you up at the center and we’ll head right to the airport. Just throw together a few clothes for the weekend before you go.”

  Hernán leaned in for another kiss, his naked skin gliding over Colin’s bare chest. “Will I be sleeping in your room or in a guest room?”

  “Oh, in my old room with me,” Colin assured him. “My parents have known I’m gay forever. It isn’t a big deal for them.”

  “That must be amazing,” Hernán said, his face softening. “Other than Rudy, nobody in my family would accept it. Our family always knew about Rudy, of course, and made life hard for him. His father, my uncle Elías, didn’t like it but at least he got Rudy out of San Marcos. I don’t think even my uncle Juan would accept it about me, and he’s the one I’m closest to except my sister.”

  He thought about that. “Well, Brijith might understand. But growing up, nobody even mentioned the possibility I was gay, except for my grandmother when she got mad at me.”

  Colin’s blood boiled whenever he thought of Hernán’s grandmother but he held his tongue. Instead, he said, “Be prepared for sleeping in a room decorated in Vintage Nerd.”

  Hernán grinned down at him. “Have you ever had sex in that bed?” Colin shook his head, and Hernán whispered, “Then be sure to pack one of your friends and some condoms. From what Chris said, you’ve been on PrEP long enough now. I think I’m ready to make love to you again, if you want that.”

  Colin groaned. “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you? I’ll be sitting around all morning thinking about you inside me and I won’t get shit done.”

  “Pobrecito,” Hernán said with a small laugh. “I think you’ll make it.”

  He finished getting ready for work and Colin lay there, watching him. A peculiar, bubbly feeling tickled his chest as he tracked Hernán doing his morning routine. Watching him apply deodorant, brush his teeth, dry his hair… It was all prosaic, yet gave Colin a sense of well-being he’d never experienced in his adult life.

  Hernán retrieved clothes from the guest room but carried them back in to get dressed. “When we return from New Jersey,” Colin said, “why don’t you move your clothes in here? There’s plenty of room in the drawers and closet.”

  Hernán glanced at him shyly. “Are you sure? Then I’d like that.”

  The bubbly feeling in Colin’s chest expanded.

  He got up to make them both some breakfast, and sent Hernán off with a kiss. Since he had a few hours to kill before they departed, Colin checked the weather to make sure conditions remained favorable for flying. The reports were so good, in fact, that he decided to fly up under visual flight rules, or VFR.

  I wonder if Hernán would ever want to learn to fly, he mused. It would be wonderful to have someone share his hobby. That idea made him think of his grandfather, which brought his thoughts around to his parents.

  He called his mother, since their last talk had been a week or two earlier.

  “Colin, dear,” his mother said brightly when she answered. “How are you, darling?”

  “I’m great, Mom. We had a really good lobbying trip to Capitol Hill yesterday. Did you get my message about coming to the house for a long weekend.”

  “Yes, and I’m so excited to see you. I assume you’re flying yourself? I’ll send Watkins to pick you up if you know about when you’ll land. Your father is home this weekend and we haven’t seen you in months. Katherine is coming over this evening as well to see you, but Alhaadi took the children camping. I asked Rosie to prepare a lovely dinner for us. And you’re staying until Monday?”

  “Yes, until Monday. We’ll probably land about four o’clock.” Colin hesitated; he hadn’t told her about Hernán yet. “Um, Mom? I didn’t mention this in my message, but I won’t be alone. I’m bringing someone with me to meet you.”

  “Oh, are you seeing someone now? You’ve never brought a man home before.”

  “Yes. It, uh, he’s really special.” Colin frowned, nervous to be talking to Mom about Hernán. “To me anyway. And he likes me. I think.”

  Mom laughed softly, kindly. “Darling, don’t fret so. I can hear your mind churning through the phone.”

  Colin whooshed out a gust of air. “You’re right. I don’t know why I do that.”

  “Well, tell me about him.”

  “His name is Hernán Portillo.” Colin edited the story, mentioning only that Hernán was originally from El Salvador, they’d met in Provincetown and Hernán was doing volunteer work at the center. The rest of it—Hernán’s immigration status, the fact that he was living with Colin—could wait.

  “He sounds charming. Your father and I can’t wait to meet Hernán.”

  “I think you’ll like him. I kind of wish Katherine wasn’t coming to dinner tonight. I don’t want to freak him out, and I think meeting you will be plenty.”

  “Colin Richard Felton. Are you embarrassed by your family?”

  He squirmed. “Of course not. It’s just, the house is already a lot to take in. He comes from a poor family. He knows we have money, but I think it’s theoretical for him.”

  He could hear Mom’s smile in her voice. “I suppose your father and I should move down to one of the guest cottages. We could pass ourselves off as the caretakers. Rosie can slip dinner in through the back door.”

  He pretended to take her joke seriously. “Well, if you wear some jeans with holes and a flannel shirt, you might be able to pull that off. Does Dad have any overalls?”

  “Silly boy,” she laughed. “If this Hernán feels about you the way you obviously feel about him, he won’t get sidetracked by the house. And your father and I are perfectly capable of being charming hosts without namedropping every two minutes. I’ll ask Katherine to hold off on the third degree until at least the dessert course.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes, and Colin was glad they were making the trip. He really missed his parents, and he had an immature need for them to see the handsome man he’d won for himself.

  He checked in with Hernán by text mid-morning.

  How was your first class?

  Great. Real progress. Vonda asked me to translate for a new client between ESL classes so I won’t have time for lunch. Can you bring me something to eat?

  Will do. I’ll be downstairs at 2

  Colin got himself ready to go. He stowed Bluebeard in his bag along with some lube and several condoms. Blushing, he added the rubber bulb for his portable enema kit. If Hernán was truly ready, Colin wanted to be prepared as soon and as often as possible after they got settled at the house.

  With time left to kill, he opened a book to take his mind off his excitement, but the apartment felt empty without Hernán there as well. Even when they were in different rooms, Colin was always happily aware he wasn’t alone. He’d never realized before Hernán moved in how lonely Washington was.

  At one-thirty, he loaded his small Tumi suitcase and flight bag into the Audi, along with Hernán’s knapsack. By the time he reached the immigration center’s building, Hernán waited on the sidewalk.

  Climbing in, Hernán leaned over to kiss Colin. “Maryanne told me to let the class go a few minutes early,” he explained. “I think she’s excited about us going to see your parents and she told me she was just kidding last night about your mother.”

  They ate the sandwiches Colin had picked up at a deli as they drove to his airport. Hernán stood back to watch as Colin maneuvered his plane out, and then stowed his Audi inside his hangar before locking the sliding doors again. As he moved around the plane to get it ready to go, Hernán asked, “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

  Colin grinned. “Sure, if you’re interested. I can teach you some of the readiness checks.” He showed Hernán how he got down on hands and knees under each wing and pressed the metal spike on top of his fuel cup into the nearest of five sumps.

  “I’m checking to see if there’s any water in the tank. If so, it would sink to the bottom because water is heavier than aviation fuel.” H
e held the blue liquid collected in the cup up to the light. “And this is all fine.” After repeating the check twice more, he opened the cap on the right wing.

  Peering inside with Hernán next to him, he said, “See how the fuel level is close to the top? I have gauges in the cockpit as well but we always confirm visually that the tanks are full.” Carefully, he poured in the small amount of liquid he’d drained from the sumps, and then replaced the cap.

  Under Colin’s careful eye, Hernán did the checks on the left wing, and then walked with Colin around the plane to inspect it visibly. “We’re making sure no antenna is bent and the skin hasn’t taken damage,” he explained.

  When they’d finished all the checks, Colin finally clapped his hands together and enthused, “All good to go!”

  Hernán grinned. “I love how excited you are about flying.”

  “And I love that you’re willing to go up with me. I’ve got friends and family who won’t set foot in my plane.” That sounded like they didn’t trust him as the pilot, so Colin hastened to add, “They think it’s too small to be safe.”

  Hernán gave him a lopsided grin. “To be honest, it is a little scary but I have faith.”

  “In aerodynamics?”

  “In you,” Hernán said simply.

  Well, that shut Colin up entirely. The bubbly feeling he’d had all morning threatened to spill over. His voice sounded hoarse to him as he said, “When I have precious cargo like you, I’m extra careful.”

  He made sure Hernán was properly situated in the passenger seat before buckling himself in. After another few minutes they were airborne. Hernán’s expression was joyful, and he seemed far more relaxed than on that first flight from Provincetown.

  In between making radio calls, Colin explained various instruments and panels on his plane. Hernán asked a lot of question about the displays, obviously grasping their uses and importance.

  Cautiously, Colin took the opening. “Do you think you might enjoy flying lessons?”

  Hernán crooked his head as he thought about that. “I’m not sure. I’m kind of happy being ferried around in the sky by my boyfriend. Why? Would you like me to take lessons?”


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