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The Black Madonna

Page 28

by Davis Bunn

  “Of course. Here he is.”

  Storm heard the rustling sound as the phone was settled against his ear. She felt a surge at heart level and knew the current between them was so strong it could defy even the dead air. “Hello, my darling. The pilgrimage is over. The one I did for us. I think it’s maybe the finest—”

  She stopped. Everything welled up inside her, pressing against her heart until the walls burst. She said what she had not allowed herself even to think. Until now. “I want a home with you, Raphael. I want a yard with a bougainvillea hedge and palms that rattle in the night winds. I want a porch and a swing. I want us to watch the water sparkle at sunset. I want children, Raphael. I thought I would never say those words. But I do. I want to give you your heart’s desire. I want to know the joy of loving you for years and years . . .”

  There might have been a sigh, a quiet rush of sound. Almost like she could hear a man whisper her name.

  Storm managed her farewells to Muriel, then sat cradling the phone. Raphael’s absence was an empty ache, almost large enough to swallow her whole. Even so, her words to him echoed through the empty chamber. Words Storm had always assumed would never be true, as far as she was concerned. Somehow, her present had become at least partly severed from her past, enough so that she could reach beyond her upbringing and declare herself ready to love. Before this day, this very hour, she would have called such things impossible. Storm wiped her face and wondered if this was what it was like to come face-to-face with miracles.

  Then Harry’s nurse pushed open the chapel doors. She smiled at Storm, as though finding only rightness in a woman’s tears. The nurse said, “We’re ready to begin.”


  The writing and research of The Black Madonna was a reminder about the power of history to transform lives. During the chaotic interval between the defeat of the Nazis and domination by the Soviet Union, my wife’s parents escaped from Poland. They eventually settled in America. The family members who remained in Poland were soon trapped behind the Iron Curtain. Over the years, they have shared with me their stories and their love of their homeland. They have gone out of their way to make me feel not just included but embraced. I am deeply honored to be a part of this wonderful family and continually impressed by the heritage they have helped me to understand. Special thanks to Teodozja Tarka, Olgierd Tarka, Tadeusz Kaliszczak, Jadwiga Kaliszczak, Jan and Halina Zorawski, and Teresa Aleksandrowicz.

  Debbie Bernstein is a former federal prosecutor based in Manhattan who focused on crime within the international arts and treasures markets. Today she is vice president of Sotheby’s and is responsible for their compliance divisions. Basically, Debbie’s remit is to keep the auction house both accountable and secure. It has been a privilege to learn from her.

  Senator Bill Nelson and his wife, Grace, have kindly welcomed me into their homes both in Florida and Washington, DC. Their extensive international network of contacts helped immeasurably in providing leads and interviews for this story. My wife and I value their friendship and their leadership. Thanks also to Tim Perrier, leader of Grace’s Florida team, who continues to inspire us with his passion for politics as a force for the good.

  This book involved considerable site research in England, Poland, Switzerland, the West Bank, and Italy. I am indeed grateful to all those who opened their lives and homes to me during these travels. A special thanks to Rabbi Baruch of Ashdot, Israel, whose help was instrumental in forming several scenes.

  I was first introduced to glacier hiking over a dozen years ago. I still dream about that first crossing of the ice. I am grateful to all the guides and journeyers who taught me about their world above the tree line.

  This period may go down as the toughest in Palm Beach’s history. Many fine people have been badly scarred by the Madoff scandal, and a number of charities performing vital roles have been reduced to ashes. Our thoughts and prayers go out to these people, along with my thanks for the welcome they gave us, despite their current woes.

  My heartfelt thanks goes to the superb teams at Howard Books and Touchstone, and I am proud to be affiliated with Simon & Schuster. I am especially grateful for the ongoing assistance and wisdom of my editor, Dave Lambert. Thanks also to Tom Williams for his valuable story insights.

  As with all my works, my greatest guide and truest friend has been my wife, Isabella. Her eyes have seen what my own have missed. Her ability to translate not merely the words but the sentiments behind them, as well as the history that shapes them both, has made this book possible. On the wall of our home in England hangs a framed print of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, the same one she has known since childhood. She has placed the cover design for this novel next to it, and tells me that this book has made something very special even more so.


  Award-winning novelist Davis Bunn has sold more than six million books in sixteen languages. His titles have appeared on numerous bestseller lists and have been featured by Doubleday Book Club, Literary Guild, Mystery Guild, Guideposts, and Crossings Book Club. He is known for the diversity of his writing talent, from gentle gift books to high-powered thrillers.

  Davis has received numerous accolades, including three Christy Awards for excellence in fiction. He currently serves as writer in residence at Regent’s Park College, Oxford University. Davis divides his time between England and Florida, and lectures internationally on the craft of writing.

  Visit with the author at


  1. Key scenes in The Black Madonna are set in the glamorous world of auction houses. Have you ever attended an auction of any kind? What was the atmosphere? Were you inclined to bid on any items?

  2. How are various forms of power exercised in this book? By whom and with what impact?

  3. Which character in The Black Madonna do you most identify with and why?

  4. The title of The Black Madonna refers to a sacred relic deemed to hold miraculous powers. Do you believe such supernatural qualities are possible, or merely superstitions? Have you had any personal experiences that could be considered miraculous?

  5. At a number of points in the story, Storm Syrrell has her physical limits tested; for example, when climbing a mountain over cold and rough terrain. Have you ever been in a situation that demanded great physical endurance? How were you changed by this challenge?

  6. Despite Raphael Danton’s attractiveness, Storm Syrrell initially finds him arrogant and manipulative. She later changes her mind and must look at him anew. Have you ever needed to reassess your first impression of someone? If so, why?

  7. Toward the end of the story, Agent Emma Webb deliberately disobeys the orders of her superior. Have you ever been tempted by insubordination, and if so, for what reason?

  8. Raphael Danton reacts to the tragedy of his wife’s death by seeking revenge on the African tribe that was implicated in her murder. Can you recall a situation when you were filled with the desire for revenge? Would it have been possible to respond with forgiveness?

  9. Two of the main characters in the novel—Harry Bennett and Emma Webb—clearly care for each other but are afraid to commit to a lasting relationship. What was the turning point that made the difference? Have you ever found yourself at a romantic crossroads?

  10. The Black Madonna is written in the genre of a thriller and therefore includes many episodes of danger. Have you ever found yourself confronting danger? How did it make you feel, both physically and emotionally? What was the aftermath of the incident?

  11. The Polish characters in the book demonstrate both a patriotic love of their country and a religious devotion to the Catholic church, and clearly see the two as mutually reinforcing. What is your view about the linkages between politics and religion?

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