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Breaking in the New Guy

Page 9

by JC Holly

  “Sixty-forty for me,” Mark added. “Sixty percent good, forty percent freaked out. Still, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

  All three agreed to that.

  A little after twelve, Luke picked up a familiar scent on the air, and turned to the door just as Brandon stepped into the garage. He was wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. A pair of sunglasses were perched on top of his head.

  Luke greeted him with a hug. “I take it the rain has stopped, then.”

  In actual fact he knew full well that it had, since he’d smelled the change, but acting as a regular guy was a habit, learned from years of hiding in plain sight. Brandon squeezed him back, and after the previous night Luke was glad of the affection. Strangely it didn’t feel rushed, either, regardless of how recently they’d first met.

  “Yeah, the sun’s out again,” Brandon said. “Not too warm, but I don’t mind the cold.”

  “I’ll warm you up later,” Luke murmured.

  The boys in the garage would definitely have heard that, but they managed to keep straight faces when Luke introduced them.

  “Guys, this is Brandon. Brandon, this is Carl and Mark. Two of my three favorite employees.”

  Both smiled and shook Brandon’s hand, and the four made small talk about business and cars for a while before Luke announced that they should head out. Much to his surprise, neither Mark nor Carl made any lascivious comments and instead simply wished them a good afternoon.

  As they stepped out into the afternoon sun, Brandon gestured up the road and said that he’d left his car in the supermarket parking lot. Luke nodded and they headed that way, taking their time and enjoying the fresh post-rain air.

  “So,” Brandon said once they were out of earshot of the garage. “You told Mark and Carl all about our depraved acts?”

  Luke laughed. “No, I keep that stuff to myself, as much as it pains Delilah.”

  Brandon rolled his eyes. “Dee is incessant! I swear she gets all her sex vicariously.”

  “Nah, I think she’s just a huge pervert.” Luke squeezed Brandon’s ass. “She’s got a birthday coming up. Maybe we should film something for her.”

  “I think her head would explode.”

  “Almost worth it, then.”

  Brandon grinned. “I’ve never been much of an exhibitionist, though.”

  “Funny, I seem to remember you enjoying our time in the fields.”

  “You’ve got me there. Excluding the last part, anyway.”

  They walked on in comfortable silence until they reached the car, and then Brandon drove them back to his house. As he unlocked the door, Luke headed to the back of the car and grabbed the shopping bags from the trunk.

  “You didn’t need to do that,” Brandon said as he held the door open.

  “I wanted to.” Luke squeezed past him in the doorway, pausing to kiss the man’s neck. “Kitchen table?”

  “Sure, but we should probably put the shopping away first.”

  Luke growled softly, making Brandon laugh.

  “I love it when you do that.”

  Luke waggled his eyebrows. “Around you it seems to happen a lot.”

  “What can I say?” Brandon closed the door. “I’m just that sexy.”

  “You’ll hear no complaints from me.”

  Once the groceries were put away, Brandon ushered Luke into a seat by the kitchen table, then started throwing things together in a bowl.

  “Chicken salad sound good?”

  “Sure.” Luke turned his seat so he could watch the man work. “You cook much?”

  “Not really. I can follow most recipes without burning the house to the ground, but when it’s just me and the cat I’d rather throw something in the microwave. You?”

  “I spent a few years working in a restaurant, way back when. I’m no expert chef, but I’ve got a few dishes I’m good at.”

  “Good to hear.” Brandon glanced back and winked. “Maybe you can cook for me tonight.”

  “Maybe I can.”

  During lunch they discussed a few topics, but Brandon didn’t once bring up Johnny. Luke was glad of it, too. Any mention of the man would likely bring about even more stress over the inevitable conversation that was headed their way.

  Once they’d eaten, they headed into the lounge to relax on the sofa for a while. Brandon found an old action movie that they both agreed was a classic, so they settled in for an hour to watch the end of it, Luke with his arm over Brandon’s shoulders as the man leaned into him. It felt very comfortable to Luke, and very right.


  Luke looked at Brandon to find him looking at him. “Hm?”

  “You were smiling,” Brandon said.

  “Just in a good mood.”

  “Well, it looks good on you.”

  Luke squeezed the man closer. “Know what else looks good on me?”


  “You.” He brushed a thumb over the man’s cheek. “On my cock.”

  Brandon grinned and began to unfasten Luke’s pants.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Brandon had been waiting for Luke to say something for almost the entire length of the movie. He slowly unfastened the man’s belt, then unbuttoned his fly and pulled the pants as low as they would go, before turning his attention to Luke’s boxers. He ran a hand over the swelling member beneath them, then flashed a look at the man.

  “As hot as the night in the club was,” Brandon said. “It’s all the more fun when I get to see your face.”

  Luke laid his arms over the back of the sofa and let out a breath. “Agreed.”

  He was quickly hard, and Brandon almost had to fight to pull the now tight underwear down. Luke’s cock sprang out, looking even bigger since Brandon was so close to it. He ran a finger from base to tip, then slid the foreskin back.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, then leaned in and kissed the thick cockhead. “I hope you’ve got a big load in there for me.”

  “The biggest,” Luke said, his eyes already half-lidded.

  “Good…” Brandon stroked the shaft slowly. “Because I want you to blow it all over my face.”

  Luke growled in response, which made Brandon almost quiver. The man sounded so damn animalistic when he was aroused. Brandon lowered his mouth until the thick cockhead was pressing against his lips, then slowly opened his mouth and took in the first inch or so, sucking softly as he pulled back.

  Luke’s hand touched the back of his head and pushed gently, and Brandon let the man guide him, lowering once more onto his thick cock. He couldn’t take the whole length, so he used his hand on the exposed shaft, stroking in time with his mouth. With his other hand he caressed Luke’s balls, which gained him another growl in appreciation.

  As he worked, he felt his own cock hardening in his pants, and he fought the urge to stroke himself. There was time for that later. It was Luke’s time, not his.

  “You’re so big,” he said as he pulled off for a moment. “I don’t know how I managed to fit this inside my ass.”

  Luke smirked. “Well we’ll be finding out soon enough.”

  Brandon’s stomach flipped at the thought, and he dropped back onto the man’s cock, greedily sucking and licking as he built the pace. As enticing as bringing him to orgasm then and there was, he’d much rather be fucking the guy when he came. If it wasn’t for the need for a condom, he’d ride the guy bareback. There were few feelings better than having a guy blow his load deep inside his ass. There would come a time for that, and Brandon hoped it would be soon.

  As he worked Luke’s cock, he felt the man move, reaching down to his pants pocket. He straightened a moment later and Brandon heard the telltale rustle of a foil packet somewhere near his ear. In response Brandon worked a little faster to encourage Luke to switch positions. Brandon ached for his cock. He wanted to feel him deep inside him.

  It only took a few minutes before Luke was breathing heavy. “Stop.”

  As Brandon pulled away, Luke tore the foi
l condom wrapper and slid the rubber into place. With his other hand he flipped the lid on a small lube bottle. Brandon grinned and shook his head.

  “You just happened to have those things in your pocket, huh?”

  Luke shrugged, smiling. “The second I woke up this morning, I knew I was going to fuck you.”

  “Oh?” Brandon stood and dropped his pants, bending low to give Luke a good look at his ass. “And what if I’d said no?”

  “I think we both know that wasn’t going to happen.”


  Brandon pulled his shirt off as well, tossing it onto the edge of the sofa on top of his pants, then turned and backed toward Luke’s lap. He froze as a hand met the middle of his back.

  “No,” Luke said. “Turn around. I want to see your face.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Brandon turned and waited for Luke to shift into a more comfortable position, then climbed onto the sofa, his knees either side of Luke’s legs and his hands on Luke’s broad shoulders. He met Luke’s gaze then reached back with a hand and guided the man’s thick shaft into position against his asshole. Luke took a breath as contact was made, and Brandon leant down to kiss his soft lips.

  “I guess I’m in charge this time,” Brandon said.

  “That a fact?” Luke placed his warm hands on Brandon’s waist. “For now, maybe.”

  Brandon grinned, then lowered himself onto Luke’s cock, pausing while he adjusted to the girth. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to Luke’s size. In fact he hoped that was the case. Nothing compared to being stretched the maximum.

  Luke’s eyes closed as Brandon finally pushed past the tip, taking him into his ass. He started with only a couple of inches, moving up and down while supported by his leg muscles. Once he felt he could take more he did, sliding lower on Luke’s shaft before moving back up to the very tip. Slowly they began to work in synch, Luke thrusting up with his hips as Brandon came down, then pulling back as he slid back up. Brandon kept the pace steady to prolong the act, and Luke certainly didn’t seem to mind.

  “You know,” he said, between breaths. “As much fun as last time was, this is just as good.” He caught Brandon’s gaze. “I like being able to see you, too.”

  Brandon felt himself blush, which, given the situation, he found rather ridiculous. “Glad you’re having fun.”

  He leant forward to kiss Luke again, and this time Luke moved to meet him. Their lips met and Brandon parted his as Luke slid his tongue inside Brandon’s mouth. At the same time, Luke reached down and took Brandon’s cock in his hand and began to stroke in time with their rhythm. Brandon gave a muffled gasp in surprise and felt Luke’s mouth curl up into a grin.

  They kept their steady pace for what felt like an hour, only pausing to shift position when needed. Brandon didn’t want it to stop, but it was only a matter of time until one or both of them could go no further. He rested his forehead on Luke’s shoulder as they worked and closed his eyes, picturing things other than what they were doing in the hopes of slowing down the inevitable. It worked for a while, but soon he felt the muscles in Luke’s core tightening as he fought the same impulses.

  Brandon held on as long as he could, then straightened once more and began to pick up the pace. Luke had had the same idea, and began to thrust up, fast and hard. Soon the sofa creaked from their efforts, almost inaudible over their combined gasps for air.

  “I’m coming,” Brandon said, through gritted teeth.

  Luke nodded, and judging from his corded neck muscles the man was fighting the same thing. They sped further still, and Luke worked his hand on Brandon’s cock even faster. Only seconds were left, and Brandon redoubled his efforts, slapping down on Luke’s cock as he worked to get the man to the exact same point. It worked, and just as he came, spurting cum all over Luke’s shirt, Brandon felt the man’s cock pulse deep in his ass.

  “Fuck!” Luke shouted.

  He gripped Brandon’s waist and held him in place as they writhed together, working every drop of cum from their cocks, then collapsed in a heap of heavy breathing.

  Brandon moved first, though it took a good few minutes, and pulled himself up and off Luke.

  “So much for you coming in my face,” he said with a laugh.

  Luke stuck his tongue out. “There’s always next time.”

  Brandon grinned and wiped the sweat from his eyes. “Definitely needed that.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Luke stood and stretched. “I think we could both do with a shower.”

  * * * *

  Luke was first out of the shower and sat on the edge of the tub, drying his hair and watching Brandon finish washing. There was something about seeing a man in a shower that always got him going, and it wasn’t just the nudity. Perhaps it was the way the water made Brandon’s skin shine, or that a man’s chest always looked great when the guy had his hands up to wash his hair.

  Whatever it is, I traded up, that’s for damn sure.

  Brandon caught him looking and grinned. “Round two already?”

  Luke chuckled and shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “That’s almost a relief. I don’t think I could take that much excitement so close to the last time.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you could. We’ll work you up to it, though.”

  The man raised an eyebrow. “I’m a project, am I?”

  “A very good looking one, if that makes it any better.”

  Brandon rubbed at his chin. “Yeah, that helps.”

  Luke tossed him a towel as the man stepped out of the shower. “So, no plans tonight?”

  “Nope. Got anything in mind? Other than sex, that is.”

  Luke waggled his eyebrows. “I thought I’d cook, if you’re interested.”

  “Sure.” Brandon finished scrubbing his hair with the towel and tossed it aside. “Right, clothes are needed. Coming?”

  “Just a second, gotta pee.”

  Luke watched the man leave, then closed the door behind him and quietly locked it, then headed back to the edge of the tub and let out a long breath. He needed to tell Brandon about his true nature, and he needed to do it soon. That night, in fact, he decided.

  Despite coming prepared for sex, he hadn’t been planning anything until later that night. His original plan had been to tell Brandon everything, deal with the outcome, and then if things naturally headed toward the bedroom then great. As always, though, as soon as he’d got back to the house with Brandon, his cock had done all the critical thinking.

  He reached over to the toilet to flush it, to give him a few moments of thinking time without arousing Brandon’s suspicion, but stopped as he heard a phone ring. He sat back and tried not to listen in, but his shifter hearing had other ideas.

  It was a woman named Ellie, who was apparently Brandon’s editor. She mentioned something about him coming into the office for something important, and Brandon tried to get out of it. In the end she made it clear it was something he was doing, and he agreed and hung up with a muttered curse.

  Luke smirked at the swearing, the headed out onto the hallway. As he stepped out of the bathroom Brandon explained what had just been overheard.

  “I’ll only be an hour or so,” he said. “No idea what she wants, but Ellie only does the important stuff face to face, so it’s possible she’s going to offer me a position at the company, instead of just the freelance stuff I do now.”

  Luke patted Brandon on the shoulder. “It’s fine. If you like, I’ll stay here and get the meal ready while you’re out. Spike can keep me company.”

  “You’re awesome, you know that?” Brandon hugged him close, and Luke would have been content if he never stopped. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  Luke squeezed back just as tightly. It looked like he wouldn’t be telling Brandon everything just yet, but an hour or two wouldn’t matter.

  * * * *

  Brandon stepped out of the office building a couple of hours later with a grin plastered to his face. The meetin
g took a little longer than he’d hoped, but the result made it more than worth it. Not only had Ellie offered him a permanent position, which he had accepted, but he could still work from home most days and had gotten a substantial pay increase.

  If it wasn’t for the other people in the parking lot, he could have skipped to his car. Instead he settled for a quick walk and skipped on the inside. Things were finally looking up. Not only did he have a great new job, but he also had someone at home to celebrate with. Someone who is currently cooking for me. He chuckled to himself. He couldn’t be happier.

  As he climbed into his car, someone stepped up to his open door and rested one arm on the top.


  Brandon frowned and looked up at the slim man. “Can I help you?”

  The man smirked. “So you’re Luke’s new fuck? I can’t see the appeal.”

  Brandon’s stomach lurched. “You must be Johnny.”

  Johnny nodded once. “So, having fun with my boyfriend?”

  “He’s not your boyfriend.” Brandon tugged to close the door, but Johnny wouldn’t let him. “You cheated on him and he dumped you.”

  “It was a mistake,” the man hissed, loud enough to turn a few nearby heads. “Besides, given what I know about him, he shouldn’t be so quick to move on to someone else.”


  Brandon glanced in the rearview mirror. There was nobody behind, so he could just reverse. Johnny would have to let go, then, and he could close the door once he was moving.

  “He hasn’t told you yet, has he.”

  It wasn’t a question, but a statement. Brandon knew he should just leave, but curiosity kept him in place.

  “Told me what?” he asked.

  Johnny grinned. “Luke is a shapeshifter.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Luke tipped the bowl of chopped veggies into the frying pan and smiled in satisfaction as they sizzled in the heat. He didn’t cook enough, he decided. When he was with Johnny, they always ate out, and as nice as that was every once in a while, there was something more enjoyable about making things from scratch in a kitchen.


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