Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare

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Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare Page 6

by Mechele Armstrong

  “You should go. It’s your turn.” She withdrew her finger and put it up to her mouth again. She boldly scraped her tongue across it, wetting it. Afterward, she slipped her hand back under her bra and teased her other nipple. She found herself having to shift around in her seat. This wasn’t just turning him on, it was affecting her too.

  He didn’t tear his gaze away from her hand as she continued massaging her breast. “I know what you’re up to.” His voice was calm and decisive.

  “Oh?” She batted her lashes at him. “Whatever could I be up to?” Another trip back up and she wet her finger again.

  “You’re deliberately distracting me.” He didn’t look at his hand, only concentrated on her, giving credence to that statement.

  “Oh yeah.” She agreed with his analysis. Why deny what she was doing when it had no bearing on anything else?

  He chuckled. “Clever girl.”

  “Always.” Not always, especially where he was concerned. Tonight had been more like how they were in the beginning. As opposed to the way they’d been lately. She swallowed. It was nice.

  “But not clever enough.” He laid out his hand with a flourish of the cards. “Royal flush.”

  “What?” She looked at her meager hand. He hadn’t even taken cards. What was up with that?

  “You’re not going to distract me from what I want, Ally. Ever.” He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table.

  “And what do you want?” She tossed her hand down with the cards she’d started out with. Why bother drawing? She had nothing to even start that hand going.

  “You. Naked. Me. Naked.”

  Her blood pooled in the place that tingled whenever he was around. She’d always railed about men being controlled by their penises. Where Tucker was concerned, she seemed to be controlled by her vagina. What was the term for it some women used? Oh right, pussy. Or cunt. She wasn’t a big fan of either. She’d taken a class where the instructor had used the latter and said it was liberating. Ally hadn’t found it that way. Probably just her. She tingled again in her nether regions at the look in Tucker’s eyes. She huffed at him. “Well, to do that I’d have to win a game.”

  He shot her that lopsided grin that always seemed to melt away any of her anger directed at him. Once he’d dyed all her bras and panties orange because he’d put his baseball jersey in with them. That expression had lessened her irritation. “Getting testy are we?”

  Maybe a little. She clamped her mouth shut. Now what to take off? She could go the safe way with the pants. But if she took her bra off, she’d probably be able to distract him so much, she’d win. Or maybe she was winning even now? That was a toss-up. She paused a minute, trying to decide what to take off.

  “You stalling?” He leaned back, his gaze searching her as though appraising her. For what she wasn’t sure. “Or are you done?”

  She reached around herself and pulled on the hooks to her bra. “Neither.” She shifted her weight, and the bra fell off in her hands.

  His entire face changed. He looked as if he was seeing something wonderful. He had a look on his face most people got when they saw a wonder of the world. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  She almost couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t get out air. Tucker had never told her that. Never. Not in all the years she’d known him had he ever commented on her looks. “I am?”

  “Yeah.” He sounded as though it was a simple thing, but it wasn’t. He blew out another breath. “Lovely. I’ve never seen anything like you.” His voice grew even deeper before he reached up and pulled his shirt off.

  She blinked. “I’m the one who lost.” She got lost in looking at the muscles as they moved in his chest. Got distracted by his flexing pecs. “You didn’t have to take anything off at all.”

  He stood up and loosened the snap to his pants. “Oh I think you won after all. I’m done with playing. I want you.” He peeled off his pants and underwear in one swoop, kicking off his shoes at the same time, leaving him naked for her gaze to feast on. It may not have been the first time she’d seen him naked, but it hit her just as it had that first time and every time since.

  Her mouth dried, all her liquid pooling down between her thighs. She clenched them tightly together.

  His thick cock stuck out from his body, and he had a raging erection. It shone in the low light of the room as though he might be damp already. It looked angry, all red and heavy. She could make it happy and sad at the same time. She could make him crazy. She did it all the time.

  But you can’t make him commit to you, can you?

  She banished the evil thoughts. Light and happy. There’d be time for more of her depression tomorrow.

  He could fill her like no one else. He made her yearn for him. Often and desperately. That was enough for tonight and would have to be for the rest of her life.

  His hungry eyes settled on her. “Finish stripping for me.” His voice sounded so haunted. So desperate. His tone made her loins quake with anticipation.

  Had she ever heard such from him? How could she refuse? She stood up right beside her chair and loosened the button on her pants. She wiggled her hips and shifted out of those and her underwear at the same time. She kicked them from her feet and stood in front of him, naked. Or maybe it was nekkid because she was definitely up to something. Hadn’t been the greatest striptease, but it was the first one she’d ever done for anyone.

  He closed his eyes a moment as though gathering himself. He didn’t seem to notice that she’d never done it before. “Yes, you’re lovely. And I can keep telling you that for the rest of the evening. But I’d prefer to do other things.” He opened his eyes and moved to a chair. He sat and spread his legs and arms wide open. “Have your wicked way with me.”

  Tucker tended to take charge in the bedroom. He took over if she let him. Rarely did he let her be in complete control of any acts in the bed. Well, except that time with the handcuffs. That had been quite a night. Her body tingled just thinking about it. Not that it ever wasn’t great. But that evening had been different than any other.

  This could be quite a night. It would be set apart from all others because he was giving her control.

  She walked over to him, closing the short distance between them in seconds. “So you won’t interfere? You’ll let me do what I want? When I want?”

  “My hand to God to promise.” He nodded, backing up that statement. “I won’t do anything. You can drive the whole thing. If you want to.” He winked at her. He didn’t look contrite or as if he’d turned over the reins to her. He was the same confident Tucker.

  “You won’t do anything to go against me? You promise?” She looked down into his boyish face. The cock sticking up from his lap was such a turn on. She imagined impaling herself on it. How full he would make her. How she could wiggle around on him, driving him nuts to her heart’s content.

  “It’s like you don’t trust me or something.” He poked his lip out. “I’m hurt.” The grin he gave her belied the pout. “I’ve never gone against my word with you.”

  “I know you.” She was familiar with his antics. He might say he’d let her take control. But he probably wouldn’t be able to help wringing it away from her at some point. Unless she took that ability away in some manner.

  “Still hurt.” He did look like it was paining him as he lowered his hands and put them behind his back. “I promise I’ll keep these behind my back until you tell me I can move them.” His jaw set in a determined line. “I won’t do anything to take control from you. You have my word.” He eyed her with a look that spoke more than his words. He was taking this seriously, making this promise.

  She blasted him with a dubious expression. She still wasn’t sure she could trust him if she didn’t bind him in some way.

  “I promise.” He looked so sincere. So earnest with his puppy-dog look at her. “Please.”

  It was the please that got her. Tucker never said please about anything. She didn’t think she’d ever heard that word cross his lips. “
You better keep your hands to yourself.” Maybe he would be bound by his word? He had a point. He’d never told her something and not followed through. He was irresponsible about a lot, especially homework in college, but he’d never told her anything that he hadn’t done.

  He watched as she slipped the rest of way to slide her knees against his. “I will. Until you tell me otherwise.” He wiggled his fingers. “We’ll pretend I’m tied. Like that one time.”

  Some days it was like he read her mind. He seemed to know what she was thinking and echo it. She looked down at that tanned body on display in front of her. His tight calf muscles. The hair that waxed and waned at various point. The appendix scar that he’d gotten when he was twelve. His tight abs that were so fun to kiss but less fun to tickle. He had nowhere to grab—everything was too tight. And of course, her eyes settled on his cock. That thick, long part of him that bought her so much pleasure. That always seemed to want her and need her. How many times had he rubbed it against her, making her crazy with need even when they couldn’t have sex? Once at a concert where he’d brushed up against her bottom all night long, letting her feel him. They couldn’t do anything about it for hours.

  And when they did finally have sex, it had rocked. They’d practically ripped each other’s clothes off and had their wicked way with the other.

  Tucker didn’t say a word, didn’t push her, but sat there the whole time that she looked him over. Waiting just like he’d said he would. He clenched and unclenched his hands as though he wanted to move them from where they were, but couldn’t. He was bound by his word.

  She stepped back a second before moving closer to him again. She leaned over him, her boobs hanging down, perky but still swinging a little in front of her. She watched his face, his eyes moving to keep his gaze with her breasts. Surprisingly Tucker wasn’t a breast man. It was legs that got him going. But he was an opportunist, and this was the view at hand. “Spread your legs. And look into my eyes.” She wanted to see his face while she took him. What power he had given her.

  He nodded, and he did shift his gaze to her face. He spread his legs as far as he could get them. Then he sat there, motionless, waiting for her move.

  She slowly descended to her knees in between his legs. It put her mouth at just the right height for his cock. Thank God for well-proportioned chairs. She gazed upon him again for a second. He reminded her of Thor. She’d learned about him in mythology. Lots of women went after Loki, the bad boy. She never had, always liked the strong, confident good guy. At least in her reading and watching materials.

  Tucker wasn’t a good guy. But he wasn’t Loki either. He was somewhere in between. And his cock showed his passion for her with every drip of precome. She could definitely see the drop of moisture at the tip this time. See how rouged his skin was. How engorged he was with his passion.

  All this was for her.

  Her power was infinite. That she could do this to this man who didn’t want to be affected by anyone was a miracle. It made her weak at the knees. She had those thoughts whenever he was hard for her.

  She shivered with the feel of her hands on his thighs, which she couldn’t fit her hands around. He was as thick as a tree trunk. His thighs weren’t smooth like hers either, and she liked the way his body differed from hers. He had hair that was rough, not to mention the muscles that sat just beneath the skin. They bunched under her fingertips. She could feel the strength beneath her touch, just waiting to be unleashed.

  She enjoyed her mastery of the situation. And she hadn’t even reached the biggest difference between them yet.

  He frowned and seemed to sit up straighter as he wiggled a little in the seat. But he didn’t comment, and he didn’t try to get away from her or break contact. He kept his hands behind his back.

  Maybe he would let her be in control this time? That was a wonder. And an elixir all at the same time. This could be quite an experience for them. Maybe even a life changer.

  Only it was all about sex.

  She shifted her hands up, going to reward him for doing what he said he would. She owed him that much. Needed to pay her debt to him and give him pleasure. That would make her enjoyment. But it wasn’t complete, was it?

  His breath hitched as he seemed to sense the change in the direction of her touch. He seemed to know where she might be going with this. And liked it.

  Just what she enjoyed. So she banished any other thoughts than bringing him delight. That would be her focus.

  She found her target and gently swirled around his tip with one pointer finger, playing in the moisture contained there. She teased the one-eyed monster and gave just fragments of a stroke before pulling away.

  His thighs quivered. But he never moved his hands, nor did he move his body save for one spasm that he probably couldn’t control. His eyes were filled with longing as they begged her to take her touch back to him.

  So she did.

  Slowly, she cupped her hands over him, giving him the full touch of all digits going around him. Up and down she moved her hands, tightening them as they went until she was tugging on his member. It was not hard enough to hurt but was enough to let him know she was there.

  At his penis.

  His cock.

  So many terms for this pleasure maker. She’d never thought about his member and what to call it. She’d read enough romance novels and slang to know she could pick any one she wanted. Tucker probably didn’t care.

  Unless he called it Little Tucker. But she didn’t think he did.

  His cock.

  It was the thing she yearned for some nights in the dark when she couldn’t sleep, and he was snoring away. It was the piece of him that was always going to get a rise out of her libido, no matter how much she steeled herself. No matter what she thought Tucker’s feelings were for her, his cock always seemed to know that it wanted her, and sometimes she could pretend it was hers alone.

  She rotated her hands, continuing to tighten around him and cup him to the best of her ability. She varied her touch, making sure to give him everything that she knew he liked and more. She loved the silky feel of him underneath her. The hardness of him.

  Only it wasn’t enough for her.

  It surely wasn’t enough for him. She only had to look at his face to tell that.

  She needed more, and so did he. She needed to give him pleasure from deep down within her soul and body. And he’d be fine with that. He always was. Or maybe not, because he was usually in charge. But not today.

  She shifted up and leaned her head across his lap. She slowly put out her tongue only a little bit, shifting her hands away from that part of him, and she ran her tongue up along the tip of him. Just the tip of him, no farther. She circled her tongue much like she had her finger. She found the slit and wiggled her tongue as far inside it as she could get.

  He let out a strangled sigh.

  Involuntarily. Of that she was sure. He was still looking at her. But the time had come where she wasn’t going to look at him. She’d only get stolen glances to see his satisfaction.

  She moved her head up and closer to his penis. She sucked him into her mouth with one tremendous slurping sound. She couldn’t fit him entirely in her mouth. Oh heavens, no. But she took in as much as she could and sucked on him. Reminded her of a giant stick of licorice. Only much thicker. And saltier.

  He seemed to move forward, because the angle of her mouth around him changed slightly, driving him farther in.

  She released him from her mouth and leaned back. “None of that now.”

  “Sorry.” He sounded as though he’d just finished running a marathon, not that Tucker jogged or anything. “Won’t happen again.” He clenched his hands together and seemed to steel himself.

  It had been an instinctual thing for him to drive his hips forward. But she wanted this to be hers and hers alone. She glanced back at his cock. Much easier calling it that than any other name. “What do you call it?” The question burst from her before she could call it back in.

  “What?” He looked down at her with an irritated look.

  “Your penis. What do you call it?” Somehow she had to know. She needed that clarification.

  “My dick.”

  She sounded that out in her head. Nope, didn’t like that.

  He looked down at her face and amended, “My cock when I’m about to get lucky.”

  Now that worked for her, as she’d just started using it. And he was about to get lucky. “I like your cock.” She whispered the words to the tip. Wasn’t even sure if he heard except that his body twitched, and she hadn’t touched him yet. She slipped him into her mouth and sucked on him again. She rolled her tongue around his cock, taking special care to be rough with him, only not to use her teeth.

  True to his word, he didn’t try and shove forward again.

  She went down on him as far as she could, not nearly far enough, and slid back to his tip.

  In and out, she urged him from and to her warm mouth. She cajoled him. She teased him. And best of all, she tasted him.

  When she glanced up, he looked as if he might be in the greatest pain of his life. He clenched his hands so tightly the fingers were white.

  She ejected him from her mouth.

  Now he was ready.

  She pivoted to her feet and moved closer before reaching for the condom. He dried a little first, and she opened the package. Reaching over, she enjoyed one last look at him before she slid on the condom. He had been tested for diseases a while ago and had regular tests, which was why she didn’t use a dental dam. The condom was a backup birth control. Probably didn’t need it, but he never argued about wearing it.

  He surveyed her. She almost got lost in the aqua of his eyes. It was like looking into a peaceful ocean. No wonder he could calm her down when no one else could.

  Only she didn’t want him peaceful. That wasn’t what her goal had been since she’d started this.

  And she knew just how to get him where she wanted him. It would take some work and determination on her part. And she was up for the challenge.


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