Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare

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Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare Page 7

by Mechele Armstrong

  She moved forward, straddling his lap.

  He let out a hoarse groan. He removed his hands from the back of his chair but seemed to remember and put them where they had been.

  She slid onto him and slowly lowered her body. She moved her hands down to help guide him into her depths.

  Her pussy.

  Funny how she’d never used those words, but they seemed appropriate now that she was in control.

  She lowered more, and his tip went in just a tad.

  He hissed, and so did she.

  A new angle. Usually he was on top or behind. This being on top of him was a whole new ball of sensations.

  Maybe for him too.

  She didn’t let herself go farther down but held herself there, with only his tip slightly inside her.

  After a few seconds, she lowered a centimeter. She clenched her muscles around him before she pulled away, going up. After that, she brought herself down again, letting him in but only as much as he had been before. Another centimeter. Another pull up before coming back down.

  After the third time of that, he said, “You’re killing me here.” He sounded strangled.

  “Am I?” She tried to keep her voice innocent, but it was too husky for that. She was having trouble keeping herself on this slow mission. A surprise.


  But he didn’t move his hands or try and interfere with her in any way. He let her do what she wanted.


  It was a fun day.

  When she finally had him seated, penetrating her, she paused. She let him rest there. She could feel him surrounded by her. Her muscles twitched all around him. He was contained in her. Coated in her.

  She lifted her head.

  “Goddamn you.” He sounded even more winded than before. “Move.”

  She began to move up and down. Slow at first. And each time she hitched up, she clenched those muscles around him, tightened as much as she could.

  The first time, he let out a guttural cry of surprise. The second time, he seemed to break out in an earthquake of shaking. The third time, he rolled his head back.

  He went even deeper than before as she experimented with angles and with depth.

  The compression around him continued by her most intimate muscles.

  He broke out into a sweat as his body straightened into a line, and he called her name among other things as he came. Hard. She’d never heard him reach quite that pitch before. Nor did he usually say the things that came sliding from his mouth.

  He was panting when he looked up at her. “You’re amazing.”

  She shrugged, every muscle and nerve in her being contorting. Shifting away from him, she gently tugged off the condom. She went into the kitchen and threw it away before washing her hands.

  Sauntering back into the dining room, she said, “I…” But she couldn’t stop looking at him, and her mind wouldn’t form any words because of the sight of him.

  Still sitting in the same chair, he looked relaxed and sated. He looked beautiful.

  For this moment, he was hers.

  Trying to control his breathing, he blew out air. “So am I released from letting you be in control?”

  She blinked at him at him in surprise. “Well, we’re done, so yeah.” After all he’d come in spades. It would be a while before he could do that again.

  He grinned so hugely that it covered his entire face. It was that grin that made her happy whenever she saw it. He rose from the chair in a fluid motion and came to her side where she stood by the dining room table.

  She eyed him. He seemed pleased with himself and up to something at the same time. “What are you up to?” She echoed her thought. Surely he couldn’t be thinking what she thought he was?

  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. “You never came.” She barely had a moment to register that before he lifted her to the table. “We need to rectify that.”

  Oh my.

  TUCKER LOOKED AT Ally as she got comfortable on the table or as comfortable as she could get. She looked like a banquet worth consuming. One that he couldn’t wait to feast upon. What she’d done for him had been glorious. He’d come so hard his head was still ringing. He intended to return the favor. He’d never let her fail to climax when they’d been together, even if it meant putting off his pleasure. This time, he’d let her have her way, so he’d already orgasmed. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have to.

  God, he loved the taste of her. The feel of her under his tongue. The way she wiggled and thrust into him. The rough sound of her groans as he worked. He loved to play and delve and find all her little crevices. She was the only thing he ever craved. The best thing he ever craved.

  “You don’t have to do this, you know.” A small voice. An unsure tone. She swallowed so hard he heard it. “I’m fine.”

  No, she wasn’t. This had been about her, and he needed to show her that. “I know. I want to.” She had taken contentment from the act of making love to him and giving him pleasure. That much he knew because he understood how much she liked being in charge.

  But it wasn’t the same, and she hadn’t taken her ultimate pleasure from the act. Something he intended to give her now.

  “I’m just saying…” She trailed off, probably because he was giving her a stern look. His chatty Ally could be stopped by just a look. Who knew? Or maybe it was because she was protesting too much and wanted this. He’d settle on the latter as her reasoning.

  “I let you be in control. Now it’s my turn. You may not be tied up, but you are tied by my words. Your hands are bound.” He placed them together. “Don’t move them. And don’t argue with me.”

  She nodded before biting her lip. Her body relaxed and settled down from the tense state she had been in.

  She would comply with his wishes because that was his Ally. His.

  How long had he thought of her that way? He wasn’t sure. Only knew that it seemed more correct than anything else he’d ever fashioned about her in his mind. Devyn had been right. He needed to let her know how he felt. And what better way than this?

  He tapped her knees before he pulled them apart, which bared her pussy for his ever-loving eyes. While she kept herself trimmed, she didn’t shave down there. Her hair was just a shade deeper than what was on her head and the curls much tighter. He inhaled her scent. Musky. He liked the smell of her. Liked it most when he was coated in it from face to cock.

  The way he’d be after this. Sort of. The condom didn’t let her coat him nearly enough. Or at all. But he had a good imagination.

  He leaned down in the space between her thighs and looked at her. Glistening. She was wet for him.

  He had a thought. “Hang on a minute.” He loped into her bedroom and came back to find she’d lifted up on an elbow.

  “What’d you get?” She looked at him with curiosity and wonder. Did her breathing increase when she saw what was in his hand? Probably.

  “Some lube. Flavored.” Usually he didn’t use lube while tasting her, but he wanted this to be special. And he wondered if he’d taste the condom he’d worn earlier. Plus, he needed the lube for other things. “Frick and Frack.”

  Her breath hitched.

  He put the vibrator dildos on the table by her. As a gag gift, a friend had given her a vibrating cock, which was Frack. She never would tell him how, but she had also ended up with a dick-shaped vibrator that also had a piece that rubbed her clit, which was Frick. He’d found them one day while looking for condoms. They didn’t often play with them. But this was a special occasion.

  Yes, he would show her everything.

  He took the apple-flavored lube and squirted some into his hand. He warmed it before he dipped his hand between her thighs. He didn’t penetrate, only pushed his palm against her, getting her coated.

  She rocked against his hand, her breath coming faster and her face flushing. Yes, she needed this.

  He rubbed his hand in a circular motion against her for a few seconds, letting her get drenche

  He removed his hand and looked down upon her again. God, she was gorgeous. He’d never seen any woman more so.

  He shifted his head down and pressed one kiss on her. No penetration either. He slipped out his tongue and licked her like an ice-cream cone.

  Best flavor ever.

  He tasted the apple, but underneath it was the woman flavor that he’d come to know.

  This time he parted her with his tongue, going inside her folds and coating her as he moved up and down. Finding her clit, he swirled his tongue around it. Again and again he swished his tongue back and forth and back and forth

  Time to leave her and find her pussy. He inserted his tongue into her and pressed down as far as he could.

  She let out a sound that was a cross between a gasp and a moan.

  Filled with even more desire from her reactions, he pressed in and out for a minute before he went back to her clit. He knew what she liked. Where she liked.

  He started off with a light lick, then made the motion harder. Faster. Until he sucked her into his mouth and repeated the action.

  She let out a noise he’d never heard before. It was a keening sound that made him arch in triumph. She rocked her hips against him, bucking, almost seeming to want to throw him off, but he never let go. Wouldn’t ever let go.

  She came.

  She gushed against his mouth.

  He rode out the storm, keeping his mouth on her the entire time no matter how hard her hips went up.

  She panted, body coated in sweat.

  This was the way his Ally should always look. Aroused. Slightly sated. But wanting more.

  He shifted his mouth away from her clit.

  She moaned. “God, Tucker.”

  “Yes, I am a god. Glad you noticed.”

  Her chuckle was wry. “Thank you.”

  “Oh I’m not done yet.”

  His words were met by a squeak. Had she forgotten about Frick and Frack? And the rest of the bottle of lube? She of little faith.

  He’d have her screaming by the time he was done.

  Her pussy didn’t need the lube, so he would start there. Not to mention that would distract her from where Frack was going.

  His Ally had a sensitive anus.

  They’d discovered that by accident and soon played both with vibrator and fingers. He didn’t use it to his advantage every time they fucked, but he knew what felt good to her. She hadn’t let him take her anally, seemed to be holding that back, and he’d never pressed her for it. After all, he was holding back on her too.

  He took Frick and turned it on.

  Just the hum made her tense.

  He’d known it would. She always did when he turned on a vibrator. Had her legs not been open they would have popped open automatically.

  He lowered the vibrator and ran it up and down her entire sex, much like he had his tongue. Parting her folds, he slipped in the buzzing dildo. He ran it up and down like he had outside.

  She lifted her body up off the table with a strangled moan. She drew her hands up into fists, leaving them right where he’d told her.

  Good girl.

  And good girls did get rewarded.

  He moved Frick to her clit and rubbed it against there for a minute. Then he slipped Frick around and delved him into her pleasure center. He looked, making sure to get the revolving piece against her lovely clit.

  “Ohhhh.” She let out a sound like a siren and thrashed on the table. It groaned under the activity.

  It had held both of them, so he didn’t think there was a danger of it breaking. Maybe he should have found a different place to play, but the height was quite right for events like this.

  More wetness coated them both as she writhed with a vibrator in her pussy and its arm against her clit.

  Time for more.

  Maybe he would see how much she could take this time? He’d never done Frick and Frack at the same time like he was about to do. Usually one went off before the other went on.

  There was a first time for everything.

  He moved her legs so that they, plus gravity and one hand, were holding Frick in place.

  He grabbed the lube with his other hand. Doing this one-armed was going to be interesting. He managed to get the lube open and squirted some on her nether parts. Wasn’t exactly where it needed to be, but he used that hand to help it move down into the back. “Lift up a second.” She did, and he got more of the lube where it needed to be.

  He reached with his lube-covered hand and turned on Frack before picking it up. And he slowly inserted the tip of Frack into her anal opening as she lowered herself back down.

  She widened her eyes. “Tucker.”

  He pressed Frack in more. “Yes, honey?”

  “Ohhhhhhhh.” She moved her hips around a bit on the table. She still held her arms down where he’d told her.

  He pressed the vibrator in a little more. Each push in was only incrementally more, but seemed to give her what she needed.

  She rocked her hips.

  It was a slow process of pushing Frack in and keeping Frick in the place where it had been. He had to make adjustments every so often because she would rock.

  Soon Frack was completely seated in her ass.

  He’d never known you could get horny when an erection couldn’t be had. Damn, but he wanted her again. His cock wasn’t participating, but he was enjoying this more than he’d ever thought he would.

  Because of how you feel about her.

  He’d never gotten as turned on by anyone, and this was just proving to him how he did feel about her.

  You love her.

  He finally acknowledged the three little words that he’d never even let himself think before.

  You should tell her.

  Only his mind shifted away from any thoughts because she started to buck, and he had to keep the vibrators in place.

  When the most violent writhe took place, she looked to the ceiling and screamed. It was long and wailing.

  And ended with his name.

  The most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

  He moved around and pulled both Frick and Frack from her stilling body. He turned them off and put them on the table. She lay in a puddle of her making. Her breathing was erratic and fast. Covered in sweat, her flushed body looked radiant.

  And that was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  It would be the perfect time to tell her.

  Only that would ruin the mood. And he couldn’t get the words out anyway. He was taking steps.

  “Stay there, honey. I’ll be right back.” He left her and went and got a washcloth. One warm-water dousing to the scrap of material later, and he was back. He placed the cloth on her pussy, rubbing it around to get her clean, which made her moan, but she didn’t try to move much before he swabbed down her butt. He’d have to wash Frack off as well as Frick, but that would be later.

  He laid the cloth by the vibrators and picked her up in his arms.

  She batted at his shoulder. “I’m too heavy.”

  “Nonsense. I carry stuff heavier than you all the time.” He didn’t give in to her protestations, instead carrying her to her bedroom where he deposited her on the bed, and he hopped in himself. Pulling her into his arms, she cuddled into him. He lay there, listening to her drift off to sleep.


  Surely this had put to rest any doubts she had about their relationship. He still hadn’t told her how he felt, but he’d shown her. That had to be enough for now. He’d come far tonight but still hadn’t come far enough to speak to her about his feelings. He was a man of action, not speech.

  Chapter Four

  He woke to the sound of a shower. He yawned and scratched his chest hair before rolling over. One eye open, he glanced to the clock. He was running late, but he didn’t care. Not after last night. Whatever it cost him in being late to work was worth it. He let out a sigh. Maybe he should join her? No, she probably had plans of joining him in the bed before she went to wor
k. When things had been okay between them, she’d often jumped in the shower first thing, then bounced back into bed with him to warm up afterward. Sometimes it had led to both of them being late to work. It had bothered her more than him.

  He’d drifted back off to sleep when the bathroom door opened. Ally was already dressed and every hair was in place in a tight bun. He frowned. That wasn’t what he was expecting to see, especially after last night. Damn, but he should have joined her in the shower. If he’d known she had no plans of slipping into bed with him, he would have. “Ready for work?” He tried to keep the disappointment from his voice.

  “Yeah.” Her voice was clipped and quiet. It was not his Ally’s voice. It was the Ally voice from the past couple of weeks.

  This wasn’t the happy Ally he’d been expecting this morning. This wasn’t the enthusiastic reaction he’d been anticipating when she came out of the bathroom. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Again with the terse tone. She was tensed up too, as though expecting a war. That was what she’d done, wasn’t it? She’d put on her work attire for battle instead of coming to be with him.

  He might not have had many serious relationships…or any, but he knew that “fine” was a code word for “not fine.” It hadn’t worked. Shit. He’d been so sure last night would have helped. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She picked up something from her dresser and turned to face him again. “Not a thing. Please remember to lock up after you leave. And would you please make the bed this time?” The exasperation in her voice was evident. She still sounded stressed and upset.

  He left the covers lying on the bed, jumping off the mattress. “I will. Ally, what’s wrong?” He was naked, as he’d never dressed last night. He didn’t even get close to her before she backed away. Ally had actually moved away from him.

  Her face crumbled from a fabricated mask into sad Ally, who looked like she was about to cry. “It’s nothing. I have to go to work. I can’t be late.” With that, she stalked into the living room. She called, “’Bye,” from there and slammed the door on her way out.

  While it had always bothered her to be late, she’d never been a fanatic about it. Of course it was just a way not to talk to him.


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