Wilde About Her (Wilde Pack Series)
Page 4
“I propose a toast,” Quinn said, lifting her flute and waiting for her to do the same.
“What are we toasting?” Denim asked, as she raised her glass.
“To a summer of catching up and being naughty,” she pledged in her always chirpy voice.
“Naughty?” Denim laughed as she clicked the glass gently against hers.
Quinn wagged her eyebrows suggestively. “Hell yeah. I need a partner in crime. Now that I’m twenty-one, I want this to be my wildest summer ever.”
Wild and Justice just didn’t sound right together, but Denim was starting to think that maybe she had a lot to learn.
“Speaking of wild… over there is some serious eye candy.”
Denim followed the direction of Quinn’s eyes across the lawn and her insides did a slow sensuous dance. There were not one, but three, yummy blonde men stepping out of a sleek, gray Range Rover.
“Damn, Quinn. They are gorgeous.”
“Yep, they are and the one on the end thinks he’s God’s gift to women,” Quinn added, with a rude snort.
Denim looked at the tallest who had spiked ash-blonde hair and pecs and arms that looked like he spent hours in the gym. If her memory served her right, he was Jax’s older brother, Chayton. The trio stopped to talk to Payton, and the host was giggling and batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. Who could blame her? All three were handsome with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a firm jaw. Quinn was staring, lips parted, eyes narrow with disgust.
“Is there something you need to tell me?” Denim asked softly.
“Other than Chayton’s an asshole? No, of course not.”
She didn’t miss the bitterness in Quinn’s voice that was far from a whisper.
Denim made a mental note to press for answers later. Jax and his younger brother, whose name she couldn’t remember, were walking toward them with confidence and swagger. Her eyes locked with the golden boy from the diner and she let out her breath slowly.
Jax was tall, muscled and so freaking hot. Beams of light illuminated his golden eyes as his intense gaze ripped through her. Denim’s body began to sizzle as she admired a beauty that was pure masculine, from his full lips to the five o’clock shadow across his chiseled jaws. As he drew closer, his eyes darkened and a warm smile moved languidly across his mouth. She licked her lips.
“Hello Quinn,” Jax said stepping in front of Denim, and his voice caused her stomach to tingle.
“What’s going on Quinn?” his brother greeted in a playfully falsetto, then he tried to reach out and caress her cheek. She quickly ducked.
“Quit playing, Aidan!” Quinn scolded and couldn’t resist a laugh. She then turned to his brother. “Hey Jax,” she said with a wide smirk. “You remember Denim, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.” Those golden eyes of his turned and focused on her and Denim’s breasts ached. And she couldn’t look away. She was mesmerized by lust so intense that with each passing second it started to escalate. Denim tried to give a warm smile, hoping to disguise the impact his gaze had on her. “But I don’t think she remembers who I am,” he said, teasing.
Her pulse hammered at her throat. Jax looked incredible with a broad chest and flat abs beneath a red button-down shirt. Levi’s jeans emphasized his athletic thighs and slender waist. Black riding boots were on his feet. Wow! He was definitely eye-candy.
Jax looked like the kinda boy Mother had warned her about. Reckless. Dangerous. Denim was certain she would have taken one look at him and frowned with disapproval. Diamond earrings in both earlobes, tattoos on each forearm and then there was the long blonde hair brushing his shoulders. As far as Denim was concerned, the combination was sexy as hell.
“Hey Jax.” She could barely get his name out. “I’ll admit, I didn’t recognize you the other day at the diner.”
“Neither did I. Not at first. But, now I definitely remember,” he whispered.
She made the mistake of meeting his golden gaze again. Big mistake! It was intense. Dangerous. Hungry. Delicious.
“Welcome back.” Denim saw the tip of his tongue swipe across his bottom lip.
Oh, the places she would like to feel his tongue. The gesture caused her nipples to tingle and the area between her thighs to throb.
“Where did Chayton go?” Quinn asked, breaking the intensity, and Denim blinked, realizing she’d been gawking at him. Startled, Denim jerked back as if she’d been caught with her hand in Jax’s pants.
Aidan’s eyes traveled over near the gazebo. “Chayton’s somewhere over there. He’s good friends with the lead singer.”
“I have a bone to pick with him. I’ll be back.” Quinn left with determined strides.
Denim gave them a sidelong glance. “Something going on between them I need to know about?”
Jax laughed and his gaze lifted. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
Denim joined in on the laughter and noticed she was sticking out her chest, making sure Jax noticed she had developed boobs over the years.
Aidan stepped forward, hand extended. “I’m Aidan. I’m not sure if you remember me. I was the little kid who was putting toads down the girls’ shirts.”
Laughing, Denim shook his hand and looked up into his amazing eyes. They were golden as well, but not quite as intense as Jax. Nevertheless he was definitely cute. “Yes, I remember,” she replied, with an exaggerated eye roll. “Like your brother here, you made my summers hell.”
Aidan flashed a crooked smile. “Maybe my brother can find a way to make it up to you this summer.” There was something in his suggestive tone that made Denim’s eyes snap over to Jax, who was still staring at her, hard and intense.
“I’m sure he can,” she cooed, looking at one and then the other.
Aidan tilted his head and sniffed. “Bro, you were right. Fucking amazing.”
Did he just smell me?
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Jax managed between gritted teeth.
“Oh yeah, right. I’m going to let the two of you catch up while I go check out the other beautiful ladies.” With that, Aidan gave a salute and shuffled his feet over to a group sitting around a picnic table.
Jax shook his head. “You’ll have to excuse my brother.”
Denim smiled. “No problem.”
“C’mon. I’m thirsty.”
“Sure, I would love something cold.” Hopefully to cool my body. The sun was beginning to set, and yet the humidity was still thick in the air. But the heat she was feeling had little to do with the weather.
He placed a hand at the small of her back, then gestured toward the tent. Denim fell into step beside him being careful not to accidentally brush against him, afraid she might combust and burst into flames or something. Jax was tall, inches above her five-seven height, with a medium build and a confident posture.
“So you’re working at the diner all summer?” he asked.
Glancing briefly in his direction, she nodded. “Pappy needs the help.” She was proud at how well she managed to keep her voice calm and relaxed.
“Summers are always busy in Justice. The rubber plant usually hires an additional three hundred employees for their peak period.”
“You work there?” Denim asked curiously.
“I did once, while I was attending community college. But now, I strictly breed horses at the ranch.”
Something finally clicked. Denim stopped abruptly and turned to him. “Horses? Do you know who owns the property on the other side of Pappy?”
“We do. My father purchased the land a few years back. Why’d you ask?” She caught his eyes and a sizzle surged through her.
Denim stared at him, her thoughts scattered. “Because I was up in the treehouse and thought I heard horses.”
Jax stilled and his smile slipped as though someone had flipped a switch. “You still have that treehouse?”
Denim swallowed. “Yes. It’s still standing.” She wanted to tell him about the supersized wolves, but wasn’t sure
how he would react. Hell, she still had a hard time believing they were real. “A few nights ago, I climbed inside the house for kicks.”
“Is the telescope still working?” Jax asked and Denim noticed the way his eyes were studying her.
It took everything she had not to blink. “No. The lens is now like those crazy mirrors in a fun house. Everything looks big and distorted.” God, I’m good.
He laughed and seemed to relax a bit. “I’d love to see that. Those used to be the good times.”
She nodded and they started walking again. “Yes it was.” Actually, as they laughed, she remembered that summers in Justice had been a whole lot of fun. In fact, every year, she couldn’t wait for school to let out just so Daddy would drive her down. How could she have forgotten that?
They went into the tent and each got hotdogs and a cup of beer, then strolled around talking and laughing about old times. Guests called out to Jax and it was easy to see just how popular he was. He would nod his head and keep right on walking and talking to her. Damn, she loved a man with swag.
“What have you been doing with yourself?” he asked.
“School mostly.”
A wicked smile curved his mouth. “Yeah? Where at?”
“Oklahoma University, studying business. I just graduated.”
“Good for you.” Jax nodded and looked impressed. “So what’s next for you?”
“I’m still trying to figure that part out.”
While he told her about life at the ranch, Denim stared at him, watching with fascination, as Jax moved with such confidence. She had an urge to touch his bicep to see if it was as hard as it looked.
The band was warming up and the singer’s high-pitched song caused a thrill to race up her spine. While she finished her beer, they moved and stood together under a nearby tree and rocked to the music. Jax’s hip brushed against hers. She couldn’t move. His nearness excited her. Denim was trying to look at everything but him when Jax leaned in close to her hair and breathed.
Her jaw dropped as her head whipped around. “Did you just smell me?” First Aidan, now him. What was up with their family?
Jax gazed at her with this saucy grin. “Yes, and you have no idea how wonderful you smell.” Male interest sparked to life as he held her gaze, and she noticed his eyes drift like a caress to her mouth. Heat came to life at her belly and quickly rose to her throat.
“Thanks, it’s just lavender and sandalwood,” Denim stuttered.
He smiled into her eyes, tenderly brushing damp tendrils of hair off her face. “It’s your natural scent I’m talking about.”
The band began another number and Denim stepped away from his touch, heart banging hard beneath her breasts. Was he flirting with me? She wondered as they stood there listening to one song after another. The whole time Denim was aware of Jax standing beside her, his hip brushing against hers and his nose only inches away from her hair. By the end of the first set, Jax took Denim’s hand and led her to the rear of the house. Once there, he swung around and his attention came back to her face. “I need to get back to the ranch, but I wanted a moment alone with you.”
She was certain nervousness was written all over her face. “Why’s that?”
“To tell you I’m glad you’re back,” he said, with a growl.
“Really, why?” Denim asked staring up into those enticing eyes of his.
“Because we have some unfinished business.”
Her heart lurched. Unfinished? “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jax moved in close, until she felt his warm sweet breath feathering her nose. “Yes you do. Remember the time I kissed you?”
Denim gave a nervous laugh. “Kiss? Jax … we … we were thirteen!” She pushed against him playfully, desperate for a little distance, but Jax grabbed onto her wrist, then somehow her breasts were pressed up against a solid chest.
“Do you have any idea how badly I want to kiss you again?” he asked, his expression serious.
Not as badly as I want to taste you.
Shaking her head, Denim’s curls brushed her shoulders as she struggled for something to say, anything, but was suddenly mute. No matter how much she tried to deny it, she’d been waiting for this from the moment she spotted him at the diner.
“Jax …I—”
“You still like me. I can see it in your eyes.” His gaze challenged her as he led her around to the other side of the tree where no one could see them.
He was right. There was no denying what she was feeling. Heat. Desire. Longing. All rolled up in one. She stared up at him, unable to look away, and when Jax took her hand and guided it downwards across his solid abdomen until her fingers stroked denim material along his strained zipper, she froze.
“You caused that,” he said gruffly.
Her intake of breath was deep and sharp. Denim struggled to find every reason why this type of interaction was a bad idea, but the blood flowing in her veins was hot and had its own alternative response.
“Denim, we’ve already lost eight years. I don’t plan to lose another second with you.”
Was this really happening? She’d planned to spend the summer sulking over her ex-boyfriend, but for the life of her, Asher was the furthest thing from her mind.
“There’s something about you I never could forget.” He shrugged, as if confused by his own confession. “One thing for sure, I haven’t been able to get you or your amazing scent out of my head.”
Was he serious? “I-I had no idea.”
“Back then I was too immature to understand,” he explained, and a cute little half smile appeared.
Denim swallowed. “Understand what?”
“That you’ve always been my weakness,” Jax admitted, as he touched her cheek with one finger.
He wanted her and Denim knew she wanted him, knew that his touch heated her body and stole her breath away. “And now?”
Jax pulled her to him. “I’ve realized that some things are just out of our control,” he replied softly.
His lips came down over hers in a kiss, delicious and new, yet so achingly familiar, she surrendered to him without further thought. Standing on her toes, Denim parted her lips, inviting his tongue inside and was met with strokes that were both confident and skilled. Jax definitely knew what he was doing. His breath was tasty, his tongue delicious. He was kissing her at a torturing, slow pace that had her entire body agonizing for more. Never before had a man made love to her mouth. Jax took his time exploring while dancing with her tongue. She matched his strokes, savoring the flavor of his mouth, and the feel of his glorious body pressed snugly against hers. The kiss was so long and deep she suddenly became light-headed, yet when his mouth left hers, she whimpered at the desertion.
“Sorry babe, but I’ve gotta touch you.”
Denim gasped as his hand teased around the edge of her bra, and when his fingers brushed across one erect nipple, she shivered at the intense sensation. “Jax!” she whimpered. This couldn’t possibly be happening, but the friction igniting her flesh proved otherwise.
“You like that?”
Like was truly an understatement. His index finger lightly grazed the sensitive bud just enough to cause her clit to pulse. Oh my God, she moaned inward.
Jax began to massage first one and then the other nipple in slow torturing circles that sent heat tingling across her breasts.
“I asked if you like that?” he said, repeating the question.
Denim heard him the first time, but was just having a hard time focusing on anything other than what his fingers were doing. “Yes,” she said between gasps. “I like that.” Actually she was lying. She loved the way his fingers felt.
“Good,” he growled.
Her eyes fluttered, half-closed, but not before she saw his eyes darken with male desire. “You have no idea how good I can make you feel,” he whispered.
No, but she had a pretty good idea.
“You don’t believe in wasting any time, do you?” she whispered.r />
“Not when I know what I want,” he replied with confidence and then released her. Smiling, Jax brought his hand up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. “Go out to dinner with me tomorrow.”
Denim looked up, searching his eyes for sincerity. They were warm, yet intense enough to make her agree to just about anything. Ignoring her racing pulse, she replied, “Sure. I’d like that.”
Denim looked in the direction of the voice and spotted his older brother and Aidan a few yards away, waving their arms in the air. “We gotta go, now!”
Jax frowned, then returned his eyes to her.
“Everything okay?” she asked. She hated for the evening to end.
He sighed and said grimly, “Yeah, I’m afraid we’re needed back at the ranch. But I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
Denim grinned, heart pounding with anticipation of what was yet to come. And it couldn’t possibly come soon enough. “Yes, tomorrow is good for me.”
“Cool.” He smiled with satisfaction then winked and jogged over to join his brothers.
“They’re here,” Aidan said once he was close enough.
Jax nodded. “I know.”
Jax had smelled danger which is why he had ended the evening so abruptly when he would rather have stayed with Denim. Instead, alongside his brothers—packmates—his animal was ready to emerge for the hunt.
“C’mon. Let’s catch them before they arrive,” Chayton ordered. Together they moved with wide strides toward the rear of the property that backed up to the forest. As they walked, Jax kept looking over his shoulder. The last thing they wanted was to draw any attention to themselves and someone try to follow them.
They stepped into the thicket of the trees just as four figures emerged from behind a thick brush. He recognized them as members of the Chadwick pack.
Diesel Chadwick, the youngest sibling and a hothead, walked right up to them with a sly grin on his lips. The others stood close by, but not enough to undermine his authority. Diesel was an alpha’s son and it was important Weres recognized that.