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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

Page 36

by Audrina Lane

  “Lets leave it there girls, if we practise anymore today it will only end up getting worse” Mrs Grantley said.

  “Now if you want to take a break Charlie and Mitchell are happy to show you their dance” she finished. They quickly headed out to change from their costumes to their normal dance clothes, in the hallway Mitch reached for her and pulled her close.

  “Let’s be perfect” he breathed.

  “Yes” she replied, as his lips caught hers in a perfectly wonderful kiss.

  They walked back in to find all the girls sat waiting on the chairs at the back of the room. Taking their positions the music started and once again the performance exceeding even their expectations and as they finished the hall erupted under applause from the very critical audience. Breathing heavily they collapsed on the floor together.

  “That was even better than earlier” Mrs Grantley finally said, once the applause had died down.

  “Thanks” they both breathed.

  “Gather round girls Mitchell has a proposal for you” Mrs Grantley said

  With his breathing back to normal, even though his heart was still racing Mitchell cleared his throat.

  “We thought it might be a great idea for you to join up with the guys in my group and after we have done the lift you pour in from either side of the stage just like in the film”

  “Cool” replied Julia “Count me in” she finished

  “Yes and me” chimed in Lucy and then all the rest.

  “Great that’s decided then, we’ll probably have to sneak a practice in on the Saturday at some point” Mitchell said, smiling over at Charlie.

  As the rest of the group gathered their bags and belongings together Charlie and Mitchell stood up and held each other tight.

  “This is my dream come true” Charlie whispered, as she hugged Mitch tight. “Thanks for finding me” she finished

  “I think you found me too” he finished; his eyes full of love and desire “Shall we go home now?”

  “Yes I really need a shower and a lie down in the sun in the garden” Charlie said as they headed for their leathers, pulled them on and headed for the bike.

  Chapter 47

  Driving back from Hereford I once again had the top down on my convertible and the music on loud. Today it was George Michael as I sang along to all my favourite songs and enjoyed the happiness that the sun and my secret admirer had bought to my life. I was going to fire up the Bar-B-Q when I got home, it had hardly been touched over the last few years but if today’s weather didn’t merit another evening in the garden then it was a bad job. I had bought some burgers, sausages, French bread and salad, if only I had someone special to share it with.

  Pulling into the driveway I noticed that the bike was not back yet so I headed into the house and started to open windows to let the fresh air in. Then I changed into my shorts and was about to head out into the garden when the phone rang. I answered it but after just the hint of someone breathing the line went dead. Perhaps it was just a wrong number? Or maybe my secret admirer was turning into a stalker. Instead I picked the phone up again and gave Sarah a call and asked if she wanted to come over later with Chris. She agreed and as I flitted through the kitchen I put the music on and headed out to discover what sort of mess the Bar-B-Q was in.

  Charlotte and Mitchell pulled up and parked next to the car and headed into the house.

  “Mum, Mum” Charlie shouted as they headed through the kitchen and found me scrubbing away at the grill.

  “Hi Guys, thought I would fire up the Bar-B-Q for tea. Sarah and Chris are heading over too”

  “Cool” Charlie said, as she headed for the fridge and grabbed some cold drinks for the two of them.

  “We’re just going to get changed and sunbathe in the garden after all our dancing” she said, pulling Mitch towards the hallway and stairs. I nodded and turned back to my work.

  James hung up the phone, he had really wanted to just talk to Stephanie and hear her voice again. He loved listening to her on the radio but generally she was not talking directly to him and that was what he really longed for. But when she had answered he just lost the nerve and hung up. Walking through the garden he headed down to his parents small bungalow and found them out on their patio enjoying the sunshine.

  “Hi Mum, Dad” James said, pulling up a spare deck chair and sitting down.

  “Hi Son, help yourself to a drink” his Mum motioned at the jug sat on the table.

  “What’s up?” she asked

  “House just feels empty without the boys here” James said “but I guess I’m going to have to get used to that when they eventually leave home” he sighed.

  “Any news from Stephanie” his Dad asked “She was a lovely girl” he finished.

  “Well, we’ll all see her again next weekend for this dance competition, by the way Mitchell and Charlotte have been picked to dance in the interval on Sunday before the judges announce the winners” James said, taking a sip of the cool juice.

  “That’s great news” his parents replied, they could see the sadness lurking just behind the blue of his eyes.

  His Mum reached out and grabbed his hand.

  “You have got to have faith and just tell Stephanie everything when you see her again, it might work out for the best but if not you’ll have to move on” she said.

  “You’re right Mum” James said, a smile spreading over his features as he remembered the George Michael song that his Mum has just quoted without knowing it. He stood up and turned to head back to the house.

  “Come back down for tea” his Dad said.

  “Will do Dad, see you both later” James finished, as he wound his way back through the apple trees and across the spot of his favourite Stephanie memory. His mood immediately lifted as he closed his eyes for a second and relived that feeling again.

  After showering Charlie put on her favourite bikini and shorts and waited for Mitch to get ready. She really wanted to just lie naked and wait for him on her bed but at four in the afternoon and with her Mum downstairs that was not an option.

  “You look fantastic” Mitch said, dropping his towel and advancing towards her. She ducked out of his way and laughed as he tried again and failed to catch her.

  “You’re going to have to try harder” she laughed, enjoying this game of cat and mouse.

  “Just you wait until later” Mitch said, as he put his shorts and t-shirt on and followed her downstairs, all the time admiring her ass and wishing it was later now.

  As I started to assemble the food the doorbell rang and I opened it to find Sarah and Chris standing there.

  “Come in” I said, opening my arms for a hug from both of them

  “Good to see you back in one piece again” I said, as I was engulfed in a tight hug from Chris

  “Yes it’s great to be back, I’m thinking it might be time to consider retiring and finding a job closer to home” he finished, glancing over at Sarah and smiling.

  “Go on through, drinks are in the fridge just help yourself as I’m about to light the Bar-B-Q” I said.

  “Perhaps I’d better help with that?” Chris offered “I firmly believe that when it comes to al fresco cooking men are better” he finished. I held up my hands.

  “Carry on, I’ll bring the food out” I said, as Sarah linked her arm through mine and we headed through to the kitchen.

  “Nice flowers” Sarah said, noticing the carnations by the door and also on the kitchen table.

  “Yes, they’re from my Mystery Man but keep it quiet I haven’t said anything to Charlie yet” I replied.

  “Oh, that’s so romantic” Sarah cooed “But how does he know where you live?”

  “Yes, that’s the only worrying bit but I’m being careful and there is no sign of anyone lurking around” I finished as we grabbed a glass of wine and headed outside.

  “Aunt Sarah” Charlie said, getting up off the blanket where she was lying next to Mitchell “Uncle Chris too” she finished, running towards them.
br />   “You’re getting too grown up” Chris said, as he hugged her and then waited for her to introduce this young man who was standing a little way back.

  “Aunt Sarah, you remember Mitchell, Uncle Chris this is Mitchell my boyfriend” Charlie said proudly. The men shook hands and Mitchell said “Hi” to both of them.

  While Chris fired up the charcoal he looked across again at the young man sitting next to Charlie, he seemed so familiar like Chris had somehow met him before. That was impossible from what Sarah had told him he lived miles away as they had met at the dance competition heats earlier in the year. Clearing his thoughts he took a gulp of the cold beer and set to work cooking a variety of burgers, sausages and steaks that Stephanie had laid out on the kitchen worktop. He looked across at Sarah and Steph chatting away at the table as they prepared the salad and rolls. Then across to Charlie and Mitchell laid out basking in the sunshine, turned towards each other and happily discussing life. It was great to be back in Ross-on-Wye with all the people he cared about most around him.

  They had a lively conversation as they all ate and drank and then as dusk fell I headed inside with Sarah and Chris as we cleared up. Mitch and Charlie helped and then disappeared to her bedroom leaving the three of us alone.

  “So what’s the plan for next weekend?” Sarah asked

  “I’ve booked us all in to the Ibis Hotel and I think we need to be heading off at around seven in the morning as the competition starts at around eleven so better to be early” I said.

  “Would you like me to drive?” Chris offered.

  “That would be brilliant thanks” I replied “I’m sure the traffic in London will scare me to death” I finished.

  “Good that’s sorted then, really looking forward to seeing Charlie dance” Sarah said.

  “Yes Charlie and Mitch are even dancing together in the interval before the results on the Sunday and I’ve seen the routine on camera and it will blow you away” I finished, proudly as I remembered watching the two of them.

  “I’m also meeting Mitch’s Dad which should be interesting” I said. I watched as a slight flicker of panic seemed to cross Sarah’s face before she smiled.

  “We’d better be off now” she said, standing up and turning towards Chris.

  Watching their car headlights leave the driveway I paused and scanned the surrounding area, but there was no sign of anyone else around as I turned and locked the door. In the car Chris looked over at Sarah who was chewing her finger nails, a sure sign that something was wrong.

  “So are you going to tell me what’s up?” Chris asked.

  “I promised Charlie I wouldn’t say anything” Sarah said “So what I say you must promise to keep to yourself” she finished and then paused for breath.

  “Did Mitchell happen to remind you of anyone?” Sarah asked

  “Well, now you mention it I did think he looked familiar like someone I should know” Chris said.

  “Mitchell is James’ son” Sarah finished.

  “What as in my ex best mate and Stephanie’s ex boyfriend?” Chris exclaimed, slowing the car down so he could glance over at his wife.

  “Yes, so you know why I’m worried about next weekend” Sarah finished.

  Silence reigned in the car as they both flew back in time to that night they never talked about.

  “Fuck” Chris finally said “Glad you told me at least we’ll be there to keep an eye on Stephanie when they finally meet, I take it she has no idea”

  “No and I’m just not sure how she’s going to react when she see’s James again after all these years”

  “Christ, I’m not sure how I’m going to feel about seeing him again either, I must just want to lay into him for the way he treated Steph”

  “We don’t want to cause a scene but I agree at least we’ll be there and ready” Sarah finished, placing her hand onto Chris’ knee.

  “Come on let’s go home, its nice to have someone to share the bed with again” Sarah said softly. Chris smiled in the darkness as they headed home and to the warm arms that awaited him.

  The radio was still on so Stephanie headed back out into the garden for a final check around and then stopped in her tracks as another song that always took her back to the past started to play. She sat down as ‘Waiting for a star to fall’ filled the air. In a way she was still waiting, her life had so far been one long wait for the perfect man to come along. In her heart she knew this would never happen as it would always be James, no one would ever take his place, despite the pain and hurt he had caused. She guessed that if their paths ever crossed again she would just want to fall into his embrace all over again. They had been made for each other and he had been too blind to see it back then, when they were young.

  James walked back across the garden after tea with his parents and took a moment to breathe in the cool night air and look at the sky. Then once back in his house he turned the radio on, even though he knew it would not be Stephanie this late at night. He wondered what she was doing right now, already in bed. Out with friends? He didn’t dare to hope that she would even still spare a thought for him. He turned the radio up and listened to the words.

  “Trying to catch your heart

  Is like trying to catch a star

  But I can’t love you this much baby

  And love you from this far

  James sighed and thought of the time when this song was in the charts and it was that one perfect year of his life. With his eyes closed he pictured Stephanie and the way she used to look up into his eyes a mixture of innocence, pure love and trust that they would be together forever. The way her hand felt in his. The way her skin turned pink when she blushed. The way her lips felt when they touched his. Somehow she had known then what he hadn’t. He remembered how she had begged him to stay when he had made love to her for the final time. The sight of her scared, tear stained face as he walked out the door and out of her life. He wished now he had been brave and stood his ground and not given her up. Looking up he stared straight ahead into his favourite picture of his boys together in the garden, what would have been the right thing?

  Chapter 48

  In her bedroom Charlie put the radio on quietly and then turned to look at Mitchell.

  “So what shall we do?” she asked, as they crossed the room to meet each other.

  “I think I need to say thank you properly for this morning” Mitch said, leading her towards the bed. Turning her around he untied the string of her bikini top and it fell to the floor as his hands reached round and cupped her breasts in his hands and he felt her lean backwards towards his body. Then he let them slip to her shorts and pulled them off too. He could felt her shaking already as his hands ran back up and he turned her around.

  Their lips finally met and they walked backwards towards the edge of the bed and as they parted he gently pushed her back onto the softness of the duvet. Charlotte breathed in as he knelt down and his hands ran down to the edge of her bikini bottoms. He hesitated for a moment and looked up into her face and was about to ask permission when he saw her just smile and nod. He hooked his fingers under the fabric and slid them down her legs to the floor. Kissing his way back up he breathed in her unique musky scent and then ran his fingers over her small line of hair and gently into her wetness.

  Charlotte closed her eyes and just gave herself to the feelings of his finger and then they shot open again when she felt his hot breath and his lips and tongue there instead. She looked down at his dark hair between her thighs and then as the sensations started to bubble up and spread out through her body she just closed her eyes again and tried to stay quiet when she really wanted to just cry out his name. Mitchell had definitely found the right spot as she wriggled beneath him as the pure pleasure of his tongue flooded her body and she sighed and let it flow. Grabbing his shoulders she started to sit up as she really wanted to feel all of him inside of her but Mitch pushed her gently back.

  “I want you” she breathed

  “Not today Charlie, I see
m to remember you said you wanted your first time to be special and I have plans for that” Mitch replied, smiling down at her and seeing the satisfied look of desire on her face.

  “But I want you now” she pouted, trying to convince him to give in as her hands snaked their way over his hips to pull him closer.

  “You’ll just have to be patient” he finished, even though his breathing was rapid as he felt her hands on him. It would be so easy just to carry on but he found that he didn’t want to; he wanted it to be special between the two of them.

  Lying down next to her they continued to kiss and in between they talked about the dance competition next weekend and all the things they wanted to do whilst they were in the capital as neither of them had ever been there before. Finally they drifted off to sleep locked in each other’s embrace.

  As the rain pattered on the window pane I woke up and looked through the crack in the curtains at the grey day outside. At least I wasn’t working today so I didn’t even have to leave the house if I didn’t want too. I lay in bed a while and then decided that as I had no one to even offer to make me coffee in bed I got up and wrapped my dressing gown around me and headed downstairs. In the comfort of the kitchen I waited for the coffee machine and found myself picking up the card that was attached to the flowers. I suddenly realised that I could always try the florists on Monday morning and see if they would give me the sender’s details. But did I really want to know I was enjoying the suspense and mystery surrounding my secret admirer.

  Turning on the radio I listened to Mark on his Sunday brunch session and wondered whether my secret admirer would send me a song today? Perhaps I should go first for a change and send one for him if he was listening. Pouring the coffee I cradled my mug and reached for my mobile phone and gave the studio a call


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