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With This ring

Page 20

by Le Carre, Georgia

  “Creative,” he said, his gaze on my hat.

  I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. “Are you going to let me in?”

  He stepped aside and I walked into the gorgeously decorated apartment. “How much do I have to tip you?”

  I turned back around to face him and summoned up the boldness to say exactly what I wanted to. My gaze lowered to and settled on the bulge in his pants. I could see that he was already excited and growing.

  “About nine inches.” I pretended to shake my head as if to clear it. “I mean, nine dollars.”

  He smiled. A dark and sexy smile.

  I felt my throat tighten at his amusement. Fuck… but he was beautiful, in a dangerous way that made me begin to drip with arousal.

  He came forward and took the box from me, found it a bit light, and shook it. “You ate all the pizza before you got here?”

  “My coworkers did. Did you want some?”

  “I could eat a pizza.”

  “Well, uh … I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ll bring you some next time.”

  He threw the box aside and placed his hands on my hat. I shut my eyes as I suddenly felt too heated, and remained still as he pulled it off my head and flung it behind him. I felt him lightly brush his fingers down my hair to arrange it, and then tuck some flyaway strands behind my ear. I had held it all together and secured it to the nape of my neck so that the helmet could sit properly on my head. I shifted uncomfortably at the strong throb of the bud between my legs.

  “You look beautiful,” he whispered.

  With my gaze on the floor I began to shrug off my jacket. He took it from me and draped it across the couch. The huge ceiling to floor windows with their breathtaking view of the city's skyline in the middle of the night was impressive.

  “Beautiful,” I said.

  “I’m actually hungry,” he said, holding the door to his refrigerator open. “Do you want something to eat?”

  “Uh …”

  “Maxim, uh, we both know why I'm here, so I say we just… uh get to it. I have to go home and be up early to go to the office.” Establishing control and power right from the get go. I was doing great.

  “Well I'm starving,” he said. “I’ll get to you soon.”

  Ouch. I chose not to feel sore about his response, but I did deserve it. Choosing not to care, I went over and sat in front of the counter. I watched as he brought out a plastic bowl of salad and dug a fork into it.

  It was quite strange seeing him in this way, so homey and almost human when the rest of the world was used to seeing him more as a walking weapon.

  “Do you always eat this late?” I asked.

  “I got carried away and forgot to eat. Sure you don’t want some?”

  I shook my head and he took his seat opposite me and continued to eat quietly. He ate the way he did everything else. Carefully, purposefully. I couldn’t stop looking at the way he chewed.

  We remained that way with him intently watching me as he ate. I was sure that this was some kind of tactic to keep me drooling over him. I was unable to wait for the moment where he would most probably lay me flat across the counter and fuck the living daylights out of me. I wanted that. I craved that. And I couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Why are you staring at me?” I asked.

  “It’s strange,” he said. “You being here.”

  “That’s putting it lightly,” I responded. “And you. You seem so human.”

  He snickered in response. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. You’re quite perceived as …” I didn’t know what words to use that wouldn’t show any affection or awe whatsoever. “I guess you’re aloof, and it commands a sort of reverence. Not many people come off that way.”

  “It doesn’t seem like I ever commanded any measure of respect from you though.”

  “I’ve always hated you,” I said. “I still do.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “Well there’s a part of you I just recently discovered that I can tolerate. Why deprive myself?”

  He laughed.

  My stomach did several flips of excitement. I wanted his mouth on me… his tongue inside of me. And I really, really couldn’t wait any longer.

  Chapter Sixty-Six


  I summoned up my courage and pulled my shirt over my head. My breasts beautifully displayed in my favorite lace bra, so when his hand froze in mid-air with his fork on the way to his mouth, I couldn’t help my smile.

  I went further. I reached behind me and unhooked my bra and the perky mounds spilled out. I pulled the material away and placed it on top of my shirt on the counter.

  He wasn’t smiling anymore, his gaze hot and intense, zeroed in on me like a hawk on its prey.

  I rose to my feet. I headed over to the refrigerator and pulled it open to retrieve a bottle of water. I couldn’t face him fully. I wasn’t that confident, but he was quite close to me and I was well aware of his gaze charring the skin off my back.

  I took my time drinking the water. Until I heard the stool scrape against the tiled floor as he got off his chair. I waited, my breath bated, as I put the cap back on the bottle. “You have quite a lot of fruit,” I said. “Did you shop for these yourself?”

  I felt him behind me, and my skin began to overheat, despite the cool air coming from the open refrigerator in front of me.

  His hands slid around my waist, and the bottle fell from my hands.

  I couldn’t breathe. He leaned forward, his warm breath against my neck. I leaned into his body, the hardness of his cock pressed solidly against my ass. His hands moved, splayed out against my stomach, and then they went to the button of my jeans. He made short work of unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans. He must have a lot of practice. The thought jarred and annoyed me.

  His hand moved, slipping down my panties to grab my mound. All the blood left my brain. I moaned aloud as I writhed, breathless with anticipation of all that was coming.

  His fingers slipped between the slickness of my folds, teasing and stroking my swollen clit, and my feet nearly left the ground.

  “Maxim,” I gasped, my eyes clenched shut at the shock of arousal that flashed through me like a bolt of lightning.

  I held onto his hand as he slipped a finger into me, and then another. Then he slammed my body against his. His left hand curved around my body to hold me in place while the other took me to places that I couldn’t believe I had waited so long to explore.

  His fingers fucked me, his thumb joining in the dance as he worked my swollen sensitive bud in rapid torturous circles.

  I saw my hand reach out to hold onto the fridge and it never did quite make it. It froze in mid-air and clenched at the agonizing pleasure that was coursing through me.

  “Maxim,” I breathed as he nibbled on my ear, but then suddenly, he stopped and pulled out and I almost cried.

  “What the—”

  He lifted me off the ground, and threw me over his shoulder.

  “Maxim,” I squealed and in no time he had me on the counter.

  “I want you to be mine, Freya. I want you to be my woman.” He wrapped his hands around me and held me tight. “God, I’ve missed this,” he whispered.

  I threw my hands around his neck. He nibbled my neck and my jawline, then moved to my nipples. One after the other, he sucked feverishly and ran his teeth over my pebble-hard nipples. I closed my eyes as jolts of pleasure shot through me. I caressed his shoulders loving the masculine hardness under his shirt.

  Then, he knelt between my splayed legs and caressed my inner thighs. He bent his head and kissed my thighs going higher and higher. My pussy was hot with arousal. I screamed when his tongue connected with my clit.


  The pressure of his tongue on my clit eased. His licks became feathery light movements that barely scratched the itch. I pushed my pussy into his face. He moved back and continued with the light licks. I was goin
g crazy with frustration.

  “Maxim, please,” I begged my body aching for release.

  “What do you want?” he said.

  “I want you to eat my pussy,” I said between clenched teeth.

  “Like this?” Another feathery lick.

  “No, like you can’t get enough,” I said, almost shouting.

  A finger circled my clit, and I made jerky humping movements. I needed some friction desperately. “What do I get in return?”

  “What do you want?” I groaned.

  “I want you to stay the night,” Maxim said.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll stay. Now give me satisfaction.”

  “With pleasure,” he said and proceeded to eat my pussy with great fervor, as if he had been starving for years.

  I was still calling his name when my body exploded with an orgasm. He continued licking my pussy, long after the vibrations had ended.

  “I want your cock now,” I gasped.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he said.

  I watched him drop the pajama bottoms. He was magnificent to look at, with his muscular chest and ripped abdomen. I stared at his huge cock. I still couldn’t believe how damn big it was.

  My pussy tingled at the thought of his cock filling me.

  “You want this, my little stubborn minx?” Maxim asked, his hand stroking his rock-hard cock. In that moment he was like a beautiful Roman centurion standing proudly while holding his spear, only in this case, it was his impressive cock.

  “Yes, please,” I said, my mouth watering. Maxim had made me shameless in my need for him.

  “I’m going to make you scream,” he promised.

  He pushed my legs up to my chest. I looked down and I could see how completely exposed I was. My pussy wet and glistening.

  “Fuck,” Maxim growled and in the next second, his cock was poised above the entrance to my pussy.

  He dragged the smooth tip of his cock up and down the dripping slit of my pussy. I cried out when the thick head slowly pushed in. I could feel juices gush out of my pussy. I thought I was going to die from pleasure.

  “You like that, baby?” he growled.

  “Yes, yes, it feels so good. I want all of you inside me,” I gasped.

  “Balls deep?”

  “Balls deep,” I muttered.

  And he slammed into me, so brutally, my ass slid on the counter.

  “Again,” I groaned.

  “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk.” Gripping my ass tightly he began to pound me relentlessly, like a madman.

  He went so deep it felt as if his cock was in my belly and I knew I couldn’t last much longer.

  “Oh God. Oh God,” I shouted as my pussy began to clench. I screamed his name as the orgasm rolled into my pussy, then spread to the rest of my body.

  Maxim pumped harder and faster until hot seed shot into my pussy. With us both spent, he stroked my back softly. “That was hot. You’re hot, Freya Federov.”

  Chapter Sixty-Seven


  I had the sensation I was drifting on a soft cloud. But I wasn’t on a cloud. I was in… Maxim’s bed.

  Memories of the previous night rushed back to me. Maxim completely possessing me on the counter, then carrying my limp body over to the shower. In there, he fucked me once, my palms pressed against the cool tiles, hot water rushing down my body. Then while cleaning me between my legs, he got aroused all over again, and proceeded to pump into me all over again. In the end I was so exhausted he had to carry me to his humongous bed.

  There I had fallen into blissful sleep in his arms after he ate me out.

  I carefully turned my head to see that the other pillow was empty. Instantly I sat up, holding the sheets around my naked body. From the open door I could see the sun had long risen.

  It made me feel strangely sad he hadn’t stayed around, but I told myself not to be so pathetic and clingy. This was clearly just a sexual thing. I should get out of bed and find out where the hell my clothes had ended up.

  But just as I started to get out of the bed I heard him approaching and instantly fluffed my hair and got back into a sophisticated, nonchalant lounging pose. Anyone would have thought I’d been staying overnight at my lovers’ homes thousands of times.

  He appeared already shaved and dressed in a navy-blue striped suit. God, he was heartbreakingly handsome. He also had my clothes in his hands. He placed them at the foot of the bed. I debated whether I should rise confidently and get dressed in front of him, but I wasn’t sure I could carry it off.

  “I’m sorry for… uh… sleeping in. I guess I was tired.”

  “That’s alright,” he said and pulled two cufflinks out of his pocket. “I have a flight in about an hour. Can I call you when I get back?”

  My heart leapt for joy. “Yeah, sure,” I responded casually. I was dying to ask when he would be returning, but that would probably look as if I was desperate to see him again, and I wasn’t desperate, was I? Well, I wasn’t the only one. I let the sheet drop to my waist, and he made a strangled sound.

  “Jesus, Freya,” he muttered.

  “What?” I asked innocently.

  “Nothing,” he said, and turning on his heel walked out of the room.

  I was grateful for the space. Being naked in the harsh light of day is harder than at 2.00am in the night. I quickly got dressed, used the bathroom, then went to the kitchen to see him sipping at a cup of coffee as he scrolled through his phone.

  The stoic look was back on his face, and his aura of the intimidating billionaire that the rest of the world knew was now fully in place. The playful, hungry, passionate Maxim of last night was gone, but it was a part that I felt privileged to have seen. This part of him however, although incredibly attractive, was very familiar.

  I didn’t know what the protocol was for these kinds of situations. Should I announce I was leaving? As it happened I didn’t need to.

  “Do you want some coffee?” he asked the moment he sensed me standing awkwardly at the threshold.

  As a sexual hook-up I had probably already overstayed my welcome, and he was just being polite and so I shook my head and refused the offer. “No thanks.”

  “Juice then, or tea?” he insisted, getting up and walking towards the refrigerator.

  Maybe it was customary to drink something before leaving. I didn’t want to seem gauche and inexperienced so I said, “I’ll have some juice, thank you.”

  He closed the refrigerator door and held up a jug. “Freshly squeezed orange juice okay for you?”

  Just by that same door the previous night, he had grabbed my breasts and licked my sex, and I had writhed against him like some animal. I couldn’t understand how we were looking at each other in the eye and behaving in such a civilized way this morning. I cleared my throat. “Yes, that would be lovely.”

  He poured the juice into a tall glass for me and put it on the counter opposite his coffee. Oh well, maybe I should sit and have my drink then. I walked over and sat on the stool. I took a sip of the cold drink.

  “Um … do you travel a lot?”

  “At least every week,” he replied. “What about you? Do you—”

  “Oh, I don't go anywhere,” I interrupted, then laughed nervously.

  He looked amused. “I was about to ask if you liked traveling.”

  “Oh,” my cheeks flushed. “No, I don't.”

  Why on earth did I say that? I loved travelling. I drained my glass then. I should be on my way before I spontaneously combusted and became a pile of ashes in his kitchen.

  “I should go,” I said, sliding off the stool.

  “Okay. Let me call you a car.”

  “No, don’t do that. It’s a fine morning and I’ll enjoy the walk to the subway.”

  He frowned. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure,” I said walking backwards, only to catch my hip painfully on the hard corner of a piece of furniture and nearly catapulting to the floor.

  He stood up in alarm. “
Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is fine,” I sang out as I quickly straightened. “Bye,” I shouted as I almost ran out of there, hiding my flaming cheeks.

  “Bye,” he said, just before I slammed his front door.

  Outside, I took deep breaths. Idiot, I scolded myself. I’d completely ruined my exit.

  Chapter Sixty-Eight


  “When will you have the funds for the tourmaline piece?” Britney asked. “My sample request has been finalized so they’re just waiting on us now. Next week?”

  “Uh,” I thought to the $750,000 still parked in my account and experienced a barrage of emotions ranging from nausea to guilt.

  “I have it already. I’ll send it to you right now. How much is it?”

  “About $950.”

  “Done,” I said a few minutes later.

  “Wow, do you earn more at this new job? I thought this expense would be a bit difficult since you’ve already covered so many expenses this month.”

  “Some nights I get lucky with tips.”

  “Nice,” she said.

  And my spirits sank even lower. I didn’t want to lie to my best friend and business partner. But ever since she left there was now a sort of unspoken strain in our relationship. Even though I understood her decision and where it came from, it had reduced my faith in her just a tiny bit. I stared down at my phone and wanted so badly to tell her the truth. I raised my head.

  “Britney, I need to tell you something.”

  “What?” she whispered immediately.

  “While you were away I slept with Maxim.”

  “What?” she screamed and covered her mouth with her palm. “Oh my God, tell me everything. Right now!”

  I laughed and just like that we were best friends again. We sat on the couch together and I told her everything. About the money too.


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