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Claiming His Baby

Page 20

by Nikki Chase

  “Aren’t you afraid of him?” Elena asks.

  I chuckle. Evidently, we’re moving in the right direction.

  “What do you think?” I ask her back. I want her to think she came up with her conclusions herself.

  She observes me with her green eyes. “You wouldn’t have coaxed me to break the rules if you were.”

  “It wouldn’t have been that easy to coax you into it if you didn’t want it that badly.”

  Elena smiles. “I guess you’re right. It did feel good to do whatever I wanted for once, even if it went against what my dad would’ve wanted for me.”

  I level my gaze at her. “It can feel even better.”

  “How?” she asks, curiosity and excitement practically dripping from that one word.

  “If you could move freely without being watched . . . If you could do anything you want, knowing word won’t get back to your dad about anything that happened . . . wouldn’t that feel better?”

  Elena glances behind her again before she whispers, “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not? Do they follow you everywhere? To every board meeting and every bathroom trip?” I gesture at the two men sitting in the booth behind her.

  Elena shakes her head, making her ponytail swing from side to side.

  I can’t help but imagine her silky hair wrapped around my fist as I pound her from behind, again and again, making her scream and pull on her restraints.

  Fuck. Focus, man, I tell myself.

  I ignore the tightening sensation in my pants. “There’s your answer.”

  “But . . . You mean . . . I should . . .” Elena looks over her shoulder and in a barely audible whisper, asks, “You want me to just sneak away when they’re not looking?”

  “Hey, you’re the one who said it,” I say.

  A small smile plays on Elena’s lips as she considers the idea. She pouts a little, shooting me a flirty look as she asks, “But where would I go?”

  Ah, the question I’ve been waiting for.

  “Anywhere. We can go anywhere in the city. Or, hell, even outside the city if you can steal enough time. Worst case scenario, we can hang at my place,” I say matter-of-factly as if it’s not part of an elaborate plan to exact revenge on her dad but just a casual invitation to be naughty and play hooky together.

  “Anywhere?” Elena asks, her eyes positively twinkling with exhilaration. She’s not trying to hide her attraction to me at all—probably because she thinks I want her for the same reasons she wants me.

  Don’t get me wrong; Elena is a beautiful girl. Just the right amount of curves on that body. Pretty face. My cock is definitely interested in her.

  But my plan comes first. It doesn’t matter how good she looks when she’s the daughter of an enemy. An enemy who has damaged and ruined my whole family forever.

  Attraction is great. But it’s not important—not when there’s an opportunity to destroy Enzo Guerriero the same way he has destroyed me.

  “Yeah. Anywhere,” I say.

  Girls like Elena—they pretend they can, but they can’t resist a bad boy. This is a truth I’ve known since I scored my first pussy. Women still throw themselves at me all the time because I give them the freedom to be as bad as they want as well.

  “I’m usually home when I’m not working,” I tell her.

  That’s not completely true, especially now that I’ve got a couple of side businesses to run. But for Elena? I’ll stay home and wait however long it takes.

  Lucky girl—it’s not something I’d do for most girls . . . although something tells me she won’t feel so fortunate once she realizes what I want to do with her.

  “What if you’re not home?” she asks.

  I grab the phone Elena has placed on the table. She jumps like she’s about to snatch it back, but then she changes her mind and just watches as I enter my number.

  Sliding the phone back across the table, I tell her, “Call me when you manage to ditch your dad’s men. I’ll show you what you’ve been missing out on.”

  Having successfully delivered my pitch, I lean back in my chair and act like I don’t care what she does next.

  After all, I already know she’s coming—in more ways than one.


  “Thank you.” I get off Damon’s bike and hand the helmet back to him.

  My legs are shaking. I can’t tell if it’s because I just had the bike engine vibrate between them for the past half an hour or because Damon’s making me nervous. Probably a little bit of both.

  A cocky smile spreads across Damon’s gorgeous face. He looks like he knows exactly what’s swirling in my mind right now.

  He takes the helmet. “See you soon, princess.”

  That doesn’t sound like a question. Doesn’t sound like an invitation either.

  More like a statement of fact. Or even . . . a command.

  The thought sends a thrill down my spine.

  When—I mean, if. If I go to Damon’s place . . . will he issue any more commands? What kind of commands will they be?

  I’m dying of curiosity already.

  “I haven’t said I’m going,” I say, giving Damon what I hope is the cool, collected smile of someone who isn’t affected by his arrogant, bad-boy charm.

  “I know,” he says. “But we both know you are.”

  Damn it. He thinks he’s got me all figured out.

  I open my mouth to protest.

  But before I get to say anything, Damon puts his hand on my waist and yanks me close. As my hips press against his thigh, I can feel the bike engine idling through the vibrations. I swallow the words I wanted to say.

  Damon smirks as he stares sharply into my eyes. He makes me feel naked—not just because he’s stripping me bare with his eyes, but also because he seems to be reading my thoughts.

  He leans closer . . . and I let my eyelids flutter shut.

  His kiss starts out as gentle as the first drop of rain. I didn’t expect that. I thought Damon would be the kind of guy who would just take what he wants and be rough about it.

  I lean in until I find his firm lips. I’ve been checking out these lips for years, glancing sideways as we sat on the couch watching something on TV with my brother. And now . . . Now, I’m kissing those very lips.

  Damon teases my lips and traces them with his tongue before pulling away again.

  Every time I inch closer, Damon kisses me a little harder, with a little more pressure, before he stops, leaving me wanting more.

  He swipes his tongue between my lips. He nibbles on my bottom lip. Then, finally, when I open for him, he sweeps inside and takes me fully. He traps my face in his hands and claims my mouth, our tongues twisting together as a bright flame burns hot in my center.

  When he pulls back, my hands are gripping his arms, and I’m panting for breath.

  I want more . . . God, I need more.

  Damon glances down at my lips and smiles as he traces them with his finger. Every cell in my body is pulsating, yearning for him. Before I know what I’m doing, I kiss his finger.

  Damon’s smile grows wider. When he pulls me closer, I instinctively part my lips, hoping he’ll kiss me again.

  Instead, he presses his forehead against mine and whispers, “See you soon, princess. I can’t wait to pick up where we left off.”

  I stand there, staring at him dumbly for a couple of seconds before I collect myself enough to say, “Uh . . . Yeah. Good night.”

  “Good night, princess.” Damon puts on his helmet and turns to me as he revs the bike engine.

  I can only see his dark eyes behind the visor as I give him a small wave with my hand. I watch Damon’s back grow smaller and smaller as he takes off into the dark night.

  I’ve known Damon practically my whole life. We grew up together, side by side, although in parallel worlds.

  But I feel like I don’t know him. Like this whole time, I’ve only seen a sliver of his face through the visor in his helmet.

  Who is Damon?

Close as he was with my brother, I don’t think he ever revealed too much to him either. He’s always seemed mysterious, which only makes me want to know everything there is to know about him.

  And now, he’s inviting me into his world.

  I turn to walk up the marble stairs leading to the main entrance of my parents’ mansion and realize my chauffeur and my bodyguard are standing just a few feet away from me.

  They’re smoking and chatting by the car, seemingly absorbed in their own little conversation, but I can’t help wondering if they were staring at me and Damon making out.

  Did they see my cheeks flushing, my breath catching, my eyes begging for more? I was too drunk on Damon to pay attention to my surroundings.

  I quicken my pace and get inside, away from their prying eyes.

  Damon’s right. I hate to admit it, but I need to get away. I’m always being watched.

  It’s not normal. My whole life’s not normal.

  I live with my parents in a big mansion. There are more bedrooms here than a small hotel.

  Every room is tastefully decorated, with the designer coming back every few years to update the interiors. Currently, my parents are into chunky wood, glass panels, reflective surfaces, and dark, metal hardware.

  The house looks pretty different from the way it did a few years ago before I left home for college. The white marble is a classic feature that has always been there for as long as I can remember, though.

  My parents employ dozens of employees, both to take care of my dad’s business and to handle housekeeping for my mom.

  Most girls my age are living on their own, partying with their friends and sleeping around with guys.

  It’s not that I want to sleep around. Guys have tried to get me into their beds before, but I’ve never wanted them. Guys my own age seem so dumb and immature, unlike Damon.

  Damon’s a man. A dark, dangerous, unpredictable, mysterious man who makes my heart race.

  “Where have you been?” Dad asks when I walk across the living room on my way to the stairs.

  He’s sitting on the couch where I waited for Damon earlier today, his hands holding a newspaper while a pair of reading glasses perches on my nose. Rosa is curled up beside him, probably persuading him to give her something. He looks like a normal dad when he’s like this.

  “Out,” I say, not stopping and not willing to share details of my incredible afternoon with Damon. I want to keep some things about my life to myself.

  “Ask her where,” Rosa whispers.

  She’s so skinny these days her face is mostly taken up by her eyes and teeth when she grins like this. Her dark hair has lost its luster too. I know it’s not just because of heartbreak over the guy she went crazy for; it’s probably due to all the drugs her bodyguard tells me she’s been using.

  “Out where?” Dad asks, peering at me over his glasses. It’s almost dinner time, and he works from home, but he’s still wearing his suit.

  “Just . . . to a diner. Got some coffee.” I maintain my pace as I reach the bottom of the stairs and start climbing. Maybe I can do this. Maybe I can stall him.

  “There’s plenty of coffee in the kitchen. Your sister bought that expensive coffeemaker and nobody’s ever used it,” he says.

  “I told you, I’m still trying to find the right coffee beans,” Rosa pouts. “It’s hard to find organic, locally-sourced coffee beans.”

  “It’s different, Dad.” I put one foot in front of the other and continue to climb the stairs. I’m almost halfway to the second floor.

  “Elena. Stop right there,” Dad says in that voice he uses when he means business.

  Rosa giggles.

  I sigh and turn around. I’ll bet my peers don’t get interrogated when they come home from a quick coffee date.

  “Where did you go?” My dad’s hair has turned gray and lines have etched themselves into his skin, but he still treats me the same way he did when he was a much younger man.

  “A diner downtown. It’s called The Eatery, if you must know.” I paste on a smile on my face.

  “You went there on your own?”

  Rosa shakes her head with exaggerated disapproval. “Tsk, tsk.”

  “No,” I answer simply, refusing to volunteer any information on my own.

  “Who did you go with?” Dad asks.

  “A friend.”

  “Ooh . . . It must be a guy,” Rosa says.

  “Does this friend have a name?”

  “Of course.” I know I’m being stubborn and maybe a little bit childish, but I’m getting tired of being treated like a nine-year-old.

  “What’s your friend’s name?”

  “Damon,” I say finally. I know he won’t let me leave until he gets all the answers he wants.

  Dad folds his newspaper up and puts it aside on the couch. He takes off his reading glasses and stares at me. With a frown on his face, he asks, “Damon?”

  “Yeah.” I keep my voice as relaxed as I can, ignoring the grin on Rosa’s face.

  It’s not a big deal. It was just coffee. (Well, and a kiss. But my dad doesn’t need to know about that.)

  “Damon? The guy who works for me?” Dad speaks slowly. I know from experience that Dad tends to hide his irritation underneath a calm demeanor.

  I go with it and pretend there’s nothing wrong, too. “Yeah.”

  What can I say? I learned from the best.

  “Why?” he asks.

  “After his meeting with you, we got to talking and decided we should catch up.”

  Dad lets out a deep sigh, sounding like I’ve disappointed him when I’ve only gone to get coffee with a guy—as far as he knows, anyway.

  “You should stay away from him,” he says.

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Why? Matteo and I used to hang out with him all the time.”

  “That was different.”

  “Dad. I’m twenty-three. You can’t keep telling me what to do,” I say. “This isn’t how most people my age are treated by their parents.”

  “Their parents probably don’t work with dangerous men,” Dad says, raising his voice. He takes a deep breath, and then another. “I know it’s not your fault. You didn’t ask for this life. Believe me I know. But it is what it is. You need to be more careful than most people.”

  “Okay.” I give Dad a smile.

  “Good,” he says. “Now, go get changed. It’s time for dinner.”

  “Will do.” I walk up the stairs and leave the uncomfortable conversation.

  As much as I resent the rules I have to abide, I don’t blame my dad for them. I know he didn’t choose his line of work to make life hard for us on purpose.

  Still, I yearn for freedom. I don’t want my dad’s work to dictate the kind of life I live or the people I choose to surround myself with.

  Besides, my dad was the one who brought Damon home and introduced him to me and my siblings in the first place.

  I didn’t give Damon an answer, but I’ve already made my decision.

  I’m going to sneak out to Damon’s place.

  This isn’t about my dad. This is about me wanting the freedom that most people take for granted. And . . . okay, it’s also about my fantasy of having Damon be my first.

  Just imagine . . . Days from now, my wish could come true. I could be in Damon’s arms, both of us naked while he’s on top of me, thrusting inside me . . .

  End of preview.

  Thank you for reading!

  You can instantly download His Captive from Amazon to read the rest of Elena and Damon’s story now.

  My Brother’s Best Friend


  “So you decided to give me your virginity based on some gossip?”

  “Well, no, I thought I was just going to talk to you, but then… Then it turned into something else.” I bite my bottom lip and look up at him from under my eyelashes, hoping we can end this conversation and just get back to fucking.

  I don’t need things to get any more intense emotionally. But
my body can take anything he gives me.

  A smile spreads across Gabe's cheeks. “I see. You just couldn't resist me, huh?”

  “Yeah.” I return his smile.

  Just as I’d hoped, Gabe pulls me into his arms and gives me a passionate kiss. I fight the urge to melt into his arms and give into his lips.

  Instead, I turn around to face the ocean and rub the front of Gabe’s pants with my palm. He’s already hard.

  I look back at him over my shoulder, maintaining eye contact as I slide my panties down my legs and step out of them.

  I raise my hand behind me, place it behind his neck, and pull him close. I stick my ass out until I feel his hard-on.

  As I let out a small moan, Gabe flips up the back of my skirt.

  “You're wet, angel,” he says in a hoarse voice as he runs his fingers over my pussy lips.

  “Yeah. I’m ready for you.” I grind my ass back against Gabe.

  I hear his groan and the sound of his fly being unzipped, and I know I’ve won this round.

  “Fuck me,” I whisper as he spears into me. I hold on to the rough stone of the balustrade and look out into the ocean.

  I’m glad he can't see my face right now, because a tear has just escaped my right eye. It dries quickly in the cool breeze.

  I need Gabe to fuck the pain out of my heart, until all I can feel is the pain he inflicts on my body, and the pleasure that's bound to follow.

  “Hurt me,” I whisper, and he does.

  He pinches my nipple and bites the back of my neck until I sigh and whimper.

  This hurts so good.


  “Come on in,” I hear Mom’s voice filter through my bedroom door, “it’s my son’s birthday.”

  Oh, no.

  Is Mom roping yet another innocent guy into her weird birthday bit?

  This used to be embarrassing, but now it’s just sad and exhausting.

  I’d go out and give that guy a helping hand, but I’m kind of busy right now, and I’m running late.


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