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The Devastatingly Beautiful Series

Page 9

by M Dauphin

  “What I don’t understand,” I ask, “Is why your father thought this needed to happen now, when there are men out there for our blood?”

  “He almost lost my mother over something that happened before they were married. Something that he should have told her, but chose not to. He may be a ruthless, take no prisoners type of man, but he’s a softie when it comes to love.”



  “Molly… just... Listen. It may seem soon to some, but I can’t go another day without telling you. I love you, Molly Ward. I knew it the first time I met you in the park, when I made a jackass out of myself. You’re the first girl that’s ever been real with me. The first girl who sees me for me, and not as a giant bank account. I love you, Molly. I see a future with you. I want a future with you. When you were taken… well there was a time I thought I’d never see you again and all I could think about was that I never told you how I felt. I don’t want any more time to go by with you wondering how I feel. This is real, Molly. I love you.”

  With tears welling up in my eyes, I smile back at him.

  “I love you too, Tatum. I’m not just saying it because of the medicine, or the situation. I’m not saying it just to be saying it back. I love you. I want our happily ever after.” The tears start to fall and he holds me there on the couch.

  I don’t know how much time passes before I hear his father walk into the room.

  “Well, glad that’s out of the way. Now, let’s get down to business.”



  It feels good getting that off of my chest. I haven’t said his name out loud in a year and telling Molly took a weight off my shoulders. It’s like she and I are one now. A team. Stronger together. My dad has been talking for about an hour now about Brian and his establishment. Apparently Brian’s gang has ties that reach as far south as Texas. None intertwine with my father’s business, but he knows enough people that owe him favors it wasn’t hard for him to find out more information.

  After Brian’s funeral, he took on a new name and new identity as Matt Diego. The men in his control have all been led to believe that this Matt character is one of Brian’s long lost cousins. Only a few know his real secret, and they aren’t talking. The money was supposed to be in a bank account off shores, but when he contacted the bank, there was no money in the account. Furious, Matt set off to find it. Now believing that his wife at the time knew about it, he is stalking her until he finds the money.

  The good thing about my father is that he can get more than the story. He is a real people person when he turns on the charm.

  “Your parents, Molly, do you know how they are doing lately?”

  “No, I haven’t spoken to them in… a very long time. They didn’t ever approve of me being with Brian. I saw them in the hospital, but haven’t spoken to them since I left town.”

  “I think maybe you should. Reach out to them. That’s all I can say for now.”

  Molly then shares her parts of the story from the capture. It helps tie things together as to how Brian has as much power, but it still doesn’t answer the question as to where the money went and why he thinks Molly has anything to do with it. After we exchange our own opinions, my father leaves to get some rest. He will check in with the team in the morning and get the ball rolling on ending this.

  Molly looks weaker as time goes by. Her bandages from the doctor are turning red in spots and she looks like she is in pain, though I know she would never complain.

  “You need rest, Mol. Take some of those meds and lay down. I’ll be right here.”

  “I can’t, Tatum. Every time I close my eyes lately, I get some type of flashback. Something that I don’t feel like reliving. I can’t do it,” she whispers. She is so strong on the outside, but she is hurting every day from what happened to her. In her eyes, her body failed her, just as my anger failed me in regards to my child’s life. We both know our feelings are unfounded, and reality tells us that we are not the reason we lost those precious moments, but it still runs through your head daily. The what-ifs will eat her alive, especially now that Brian is back in the picture.

  “I’ll lie with you. How does that sound?” I ask, hoping that will be good enough to get her to rest.

  She nods her head and I help her to the bedroom. Leaving all clothes on, we lay together in bed. Sleeping with women used to not include sleeping at all. If the women I had in my bed fell asleep, I would wake them to leave. It just didn’t happen. Laying here with Molly, I’m overcome with a sense of peace and fullness that I have never experienced before. She makes me feel like I am worth something.


  Apparently I was more tired than I thought. I used to be able to stay up all night, but now that I’ve found so much comfort in Molly, I fell asleep before her breathing evened out. Next thing I know, my phone is screaming at me some god-awful noise.

  “What,” I snap into what I thought was my phone

  “That’s the alarm clock, Tatum. Your phone is on the dresser,” Molly says, half asleep and half trying not to laugh at me.

  “Har, har.” I get up and answer

  “Tatum. You know the routine. This ends tonight,” my father’s voice booms, then cuts off. He is so cryptic sometimes. All I know is that something is happening tonight, something big.

  “Who was it?” She asks, slowly trying to sit up in bed.

  “My father. He is ending this tonight. I don’t know his plan, or what is going to happen, but I do know this: you will be staying here.”

  “Over my dead body! You can’t keep me here while you all go out into the eye of the storm! You and me together. Remember?”

  This is going to be harder than I thought. Keeping Molly here will be tricky and I may just have to play dirty, but there is no way that I’m letting him get to her again. There is also no way Molly is going to see the type of work that I am used to doing. They say love conquers all, but I’m not sure even she would stay after knowing just what type of business I’m wrapped into.

  “Molly, listen, whatever is happening tonight, you can’t be there. I won’t have a straight mind knowing you are in harm’s way.” She doesn’t know how much I actually do for my father. I’m not ashamed of it… it only happens when there are no other options, but having her there will not go over good with everyone else. “Promise me, Molly. I would hate to tie you to this bed until I get back.”

  She’s glaring at me now and if eyes could send daggers through the room I would have at least three in me by now.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Don’t tempt me. Promise me you will stay here.”

  After a moment of a stare down between two unbelievably stubborn people, she gives in. “Fine. You win this time, Mr. Savage. And only because I’m battered and highly medicated right now.”

  “Don’t remind me. I may have to tear a few extra limbs off these men tonight as payback.”

  She laughs and rolls over. I know she is tired and the medicine she is on is keeping her in bed a little longer than usual. It’s okay, though. This gives me time to go downstairs and make a few phone calls, hoping to get to the bottom of what is happening tonight.


  When I wake up, the room is still dark, but from the light rays that come through the cracks in the curtains I think it is at least well into the morning. Forcing myself to get out of bed without any assistance is harder than I thought it would be, but I finally make it. The house is so quiet. It’s the middle of the day, shouldn’t someone be here?

  Walking down the hall, I hear the TV downstairs, but no voices. Heading down to the kitchen, I glance at the clock. 4:00!? What the hell. I slept the whole day away. I still need to talk to Tatum about what is going down tonight, and soon. I can’t stand the thought of him going at this alone when it is my problem to begin with.

  Waltzing into the living room after making myself a cup of coffee, the TV is on but there is no sign of Tatum anywhere. Just a note left on the coffee tab
le. I fear the worst; I always do, but I can’t let it rule me. The note that was left to me years before went unopened and sits somewhere at my parents’ house. There is no way I’m going to open it after what has just happened to me. This time, though, I open this note and read it.


  Please forgive me. I knew you wouldn’t have it if I left while you were awake, so I left while you slept soundly in bed. I know you will be upset with me but this is something that I have to do alone. We are a team, but tonight you need to stay home and away from what is happening. I have men outside the house in case anyone comes near. Your ex-husband is a very dangerous man and can’t be trusted. Please listen to me when I ask you to stay here.

  I will do what needs to be done and be home as soon as I can. I can’t wait to be with you again.



  What the fuck!? He thinks he can just leave and take care of my problem without me there? Well think again, pretty boy. I’m just as much a part of this as he is!

  Heading towards the door, I unlock it and step out onto the front porch. Immediately I’m greeted by two wonderfully huge men.

  “Ms. Ward, we are instructed to keep you safe tonight. You leaving the house is not approved.”

  “I don’t know who you are, sir, but I need to leave. You can follow me if you wish.” Hoping he will fall in line, I move towards the stairs. Before I get there, he steps in front of me.

  “Sorry, ma’am. I meant you will not be leaving this house tonight. Period.” He grins and motions for me to walk back inside.

  Dammit. I stalk back in the door and slam it behind me. Well then I guess this is where I’ll stay. I decide to take Mr. Savage’s advice and call my mom.



  The time is finally here and I’m more than ready. It’s been too long since I’ve helped my father on a case, and as much as I thought I didn’t like it, I’m getting that awesome rush of excitement like I used to. Like I’m full of energy, bursting at the seams, though this time it’s more than ever before because I have something to look forward to. Knowing she’s safe in her house and not leaving, knowing that when this fucktard is finished with we will never have to deal with this shit again. Never have I been this pumped to beat the shit out of someone.

  “Let’s do this boys,” I say to my men. There are 5 of them on my team, all knowing exactly what to do when they find him. They have only one rule: I want him alive. The men head out and I sit and wait. This was always the worst part. Waiting. Me and quiet don’t mix and tonight is no different. In order to keep myself calm, I try to think about Molly, but once I start thinking about her soft curves, her unruly hair that is treacherous and beautiful at the same time, I have to stop. If I don’t chill this I’m going to be sporting more than I bargained for when my men arrive. My thoughts drift in and out for what seems like hours, but when I look at the clock two hours has already passed. What he fuck is taking them so long? Just as the thought occurs, I hear the garage door open and I stand to meet the man who has caused the woman I love so much torture.

  What I don’t expect, though, is my lead man, Neil, gagged bleeding, stumbling through the door, eyes wide with fear.

  What the FUCK? I know trouble when I see it and right now they are setting a trap to get me. If I run to him, they will shoot him and surround me. I can take out a few of those bastards by myself, but something tells me that there are more than I can handle tonight. I whisper my apologies to Neil and run. The second time in a goddamned month that I have run, but this time I run for my life. This time I run for the life of the woman I love. Molly is in danger, I know it. I have to get to her.

  Behind me, I hear Neil start screaming, then silence. I know they killed him, and the minute I get my hands on them, they won’t have any limbs left to fight back when I skin their faces. Dammit, Neil had just gotten married. He’s been with my father for ten years and he and his wife were going to start a family. Denise was so nice and now she will never truly know how her husband died. It might be for the best, though. Those types of things never leave you. They will tell her it was a car accident or a drive by shooting. The spouses are rarely told the truth about their loved one’s deaths.

  At my pace I should be to Molly in less than ten minutes. I could make it faster, but I’m trying to stay hidden in case anyone saw me leave. Come on, Molly, don’t pull anything stupid.

  “I’m coming, Babe,” I say into the night, praying to a God I wasn’t sure existed that she would be there when I got back to her.


  I called my parents, but naturally they didn’t answer. It’s been so long since I talked to them I’m not even really sure if this is their number anymore. It’s sad to think about so I try not to most times, but the hint from Tatum’s dad makes me think he knows more than he’s letting on.

  Strangely, I haven’t heard any noise from outside in a while either. For the first part of the night I could hear talking and see shadows of the men outside, but now they must be sleeping and taking turns keeping watch on me because I can’t even tell they are there. I get why Tatum did what he did. It doesn’t make me any less angry that he can so easily shut me out of things this big, but I get it. He has a need to keep those close to him safe. If only all men were like that.

  I sigh and walk back to the kitchen to set my mug down. I’ve had enough caffeine to keep me up all night and I’m sure with the pain meds I’m on that wouldn’t be recommended. Well, if I’m going to be stuck here with limited mobility I may as well get some work done. I pull out my laptop and get to work editing and scheduling. E e-mailed me yesterday checking in. She loves campus and says that none of her instructors are as cool as me. She also adds in that none are as smart as me and that I should consider a career change. Ha! She asks normal things that friends do like how the boy toy is (her words, not mine) and how the business is doing. Something so innocent is exactly what I need tonight to take my mind off of everything. I email her back, telling her things with him are good, but the business has had to go on pause for personal issues. I don’t let her know that I’m back here, and may not ever tell her about this situation, but she knows that I’m safe and happy, which is all she needs to know. I’m so blessed to have someone so close to me that doesn’t look at me differently because of what occurred 5 years ago.

  As I press send, there’s knock on the door. First time all night they have even acknowledged that I’m here, but maybe they saw the light on and want some company.

  Slowly walking towards the door, taking care of my arm that has recently started throbbing, (is it time for more meds already?) I open the door to the most unwelcome of faces.

  “Molly. I see you are here alone. Perfect.” Brian grins. “Tie her up, boys.”

  I try and run, but the beating I took yesterday leaves me no match for his men. They grab me, not caring that they are pressing into my stitches, and haul me towards a dining room chair. Using hard as hell rope that cuts into my arms the tighter they tie, I’m secured onto the chair and can’t move even if I tried my hardest (which, let’s be real, at this point in the game I don’t have much of a fight left). I should be scared, but I can’t find that emotion right now. I’m more angry for the inconvenience and for how much my damn arm hurts.

  “What do you want, Brian. I told you all I know already.” I sigh and stare at him.

  “See, I know that’s not the case. You never once told me about this girl. And funny, she seems to be pretty close to you, wouldn’t you say?”

  He holds up a picture of Evie and my heart drops to the floor.

  “I don’t know who that poor girl is, but if she is in your sights then I feel bad for her.” I try and play off the fact that I know her, but Brian knows better.

  “Funny you should say that. Boys!”

  His men bring Evie, bound and gagged, into the room. She shows no sign of fear as they drag her over to another chair. She has dried blood on her forehead, bruising on her face and arms
, and her shirt if torn.

  “Explain to me how you don’t remember her. I’ll give you a guess. Her father ratted me out.”

  I gasp. That’s not possible. Evelyn was only a child at the time, or so I thought. Maybe she was older than I remember her being.

  “Evelyn?” I whisper to her. Her eyes give her away instantly. I remember playing with her, taking her shopping.

  “I’m so sorry, Molly. I couldn’t let them get away with it.”



  I’m about a mile away when my phone rings. It’s my father, naturally.

  “Don’t think for an instant I’m letting you out of this, Dad. Those men KNEW what was happening tonight and I’ll be damned if I don’t get to the bottom of it. You better pray they haven’t gotten to her yet,” I growl. I’m beyond pissed that one of my dad’s men let it leak where we were and what was happening.

  “You needn’t worry about that now, son. I’ve taken care of the problem. Things like this don’t happen more than once.”

  “What do you want, then? To tell me that?! I have to get to Molly before they do!” I’m starting to panic that I’m not going to make it.

  “Listen to me. We have had some developments. Molly’s old assistant, the one she called Evie, did you know her?”

  “No, she was gone right before I started. Photography school I think. What the fuck does this have to do with her?”

  “Everything, Nate. Just listen….”

  It’s then that my father goes on and tells me what actually has been happening the last few years. It’s then that I know this is way deeper of a problem than just some missing money. Molly is wrapped up in a very dangerous case of revenge and she doesn’t even know it.


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